AEW Rampage Results - Trios Championship Tournament Semi-Finals Match, Ricky Starks Vs. QT Marshall

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Rampage" on September 22, 2022!

On the go-home show before All Out this Sunday at the Now Arena in Hoffman Estates, Illinois, a semifinal match in the AEW World Trios Tournament will see Hangman Adam Page and The Dark Order take on Orange Cassidy and Best Friends. The winner will go on to face Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks at the upcoming pay-per-view.


Ricky Starks looks to score a win over QT Marshall in singles action ahead of his match with Powerhouse Hobbs at All Out. Hobbs betrayed Starks following his loss of the FTW Champion to Hook. Starks has been looking to seek his revenge on Hobbs, but Hobbs recruited Marshall and The Factory to do what they can to slow Starks down from getting to him. As such, Marshall has invited Starks to join his stable, but Starks declined the offer.

The recently formed mixed tag team of Ruby Soho and Ortiz will take on Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo in a rematch from last week. Soho looks to get revenge on Melo after Melo broke her hand several weeks ago. Meanwhile, Guevara and Ortiz have a storied history as one another, as both were part of the Inner Circle.


Mark Henry will sit down with TBS Champion Jade Cargill and Athena ahead of their All Out match for the title. AEW World Tag Team Champions Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland of Swerve In Our Glory will also confront their challengers, The Acclaimed before they face one another on Sunday.

AEW Trios Tournament Semi-Finals Match: Hangman Adam Page and Dark Order vs. Orange Cassidy and Best Friends

We are live! Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho and Excalibur greet audiences at home as Cassidy and Page begin the action. Danhausen curses Page before the referee ejects him from ringside. Cassidy rolls up Page, but Page kicks out. Cassidy puts his hands in his pocket. Silver and Taylor tag in. Best Friends and Cassidy look for a triple suplex off the top, but Page saves Silver and picks him up. Cassidy delivers his signature kicks and Silver protects himself. Cassidy delivers a superkick to Silver. Beretta tags in as we head to a commercial.


Back from the break, Page tosses Reynolds on to everyone outside. Page delivers a Fallaway Slam to Cassidy. Beretta and Taylor deliver a double chokeslam to Page through the timekeeper's table before Reynolds hits an elbow. He goes for a pin, but Cassidy kicks out. Silver tags in and delivers a commiguri. Cassidy hits the Beach Break, then goes for a pin but Silver kicks out. Best Friends and Cassidy hit their Pyramid finisher, then goes for a pin but Page breaks it up. Page tags in and goes for a moonsault on the outside to take Taylor out. Page hits a rolling elbow on Cassidy, then hits the Dead Eye. He goes for a pin, but Taylor breaks it up.

Reynolds tags in and hits a forearm. Silver and Taylor tag in. Taylor beats Silver down, but Silver manages to roll up Taylor for the win.


Winners: Hangman Adam Page and Dark Order

We head to a video, hyping up the match between Eddie Kingston and Tomohiro Ishii.

Back from the break, Rey Fenix heads to the ring, with Blake Christian already waiting in the ring.

Blake Christian vs. Rey Fenix

The bell rings and Fenix wastes no time. He beats Christian down and hits a kick to his midsection. Fenix delivers a vicious chop before hitting an arm drag off the ropes. Christian goes flying before Fenix hits him with some chops. Fenix delivers a piledriver for the win.


Winner: Rey Fenix

We head backstage to Hook and Lexy Nair. Angelo Parker and Matt Menard enter and Parker says that he's been asking what if. What if he exposed him for the fraud he is? Hook takes his shirt off and looks for a fight. Menard tells him there's a time and a place for that.

Back at ringside, Tay Melo and Sammy Guevara head to the ring. Ruby Soho and Ortiz follow.

Ruby Soho and Ortiz vs. Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo

Ortiz and Guevara begin the action. The bell rings and Ortiz hits a chop on Guevara. Ortiz hits several right hands on Guevara's back before raking him in the back. Soho takes Melo out on the outside.

Back from the break, Guevara hits Ortiz with an insiguri. Ortiz hits a powerslam and tags in Soho. Melo gets in the ring and Soho hits Melo with a back heel trip before hitting several head butts. Guevara and Ortiz tag in and Ortiz hits a Manhattan Drop, followed by a lariat. He goes for a pin, but Guevara kicks out. Soho tags in and hits Guevara with a headbutt. Melo hits an assisted DDT, then goes for a pin but Ortiz makes the save. Ortiz delivers a German Suplex to Guevara as Soho manages to roll up Melo for the win.


Winners: Ruby Soho and Ortiz

After the match, Ruby Soho and Ortiz pick up the AAA Mixed Tag Team Titles.

We head backstage to Lexy Nair, Hangman Page and Dark Order. Don Callis walks in and congratulates them. Callis says he likes where his head is after he turned his back on the Bucks and brushed them off.

Commentary then run down the card for All Out.

We head backstage to Mark Henry, Athena, Jade Cargill and The Baddies.

Cargill says that their issues have been drawn out. Athena says that this has gone on for so long because of her attitude. She says that Cargill deserves to have someone get in her face. Athena says she will beat her for every woman that's had to deal with that b****.

We hear from Swerve In Our Glory, The Acclaimed, FTR and Wardlow

Back from the break, we head backstage to Swerve In Our Glory and the Acclaimed. Max Caster says that they are the best homegrown tag team and the number one shirt seller. Lee said that he told them to stop joking around with their raps and Swerve reiterates that. He tells Caster to stop messing around before telling Bowens he keeps letting Caster down with all of his injuries.


Back at ringside, FTR and Wardlow head to the ring. Dax Harwood says that they've tried to be tough guys on screen, but there was a time that he felt worthless. He felt that outside his circle, no one really loved him. He says then 2022 happened and the fans happened. He says that FTR's momentum turned around and addresses why they are facing Jay Lethal and The Motor City Machine Guns. He says the match means a lot to him and goes to the legacy of his career.

Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt head to the ring. Sabin introduces themselves and says they defined this generation of tag team wrestling from the greatest city in the world: Detroit. The crowd voices their dislike for the Machine Guns as Shelley says that FTR are objectively the best tag team out there. He says that the Machine Guns have the influence and respect of the locker room unlike them. He says that they've seen everything the industry has to offer and says they're a family. Dutt asks Harwood "if they're going to fight like [his] eight year old brat" as Harwood charges at him. Wardlow and Cash Wheeler prevent him from doing so.


QT Marshall vs. Ricky Starks

We head backstage and see Ricky Starks has locked the Factory in a room. Marshall looks to free them, but Starks attacks him and the two men spill into the crowd.

Starks fires down right hands on Marshall before the two exchange forearms. Marshall sends Starks into the barricade, but Starks hits a back body drop on the mat. The men get in the ring as the bell rings. Starks fires down some right hands.


Back from the break, Starks delivers a superplex to Marshall. Marshall hits a commiguri before Starks hits a belly-to-belly suplex. Starks delivers a Tornado DDT, then goes for a pin, but Marshall kicks out. The Factory comes running down and Nick Comoroto hands Marshall a watch. Starks ducks out of the way and Spears Cole Karter. Marshall rolls him up, but the referee catches Marshall with his feet on the ropes. Marshall hits the Diamond Cutter, then goes for a pin but Starks kicks out. Starks and Marshall go running off the ropes and Starks hits the Spear. He follows it up with the Roshambo for the win.

Winner: Ricky Starks

After the match, Powerhouse Hobbs marches to the ring and the two men begin brawling and reigning down right hands on one another. Referees try to break up the pair as Bryan Danielson heads to the ring. He stares down Chris Jericho at the commentary desk as the show goes off the air.

