WWE SmackDown Results (09/02) - Roman Reigns Celebrates Two Years As Universal Champion, Ronda Rousey Faces Final Judgment

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE SmackDown" on September 2, 2022!

Roman Reigns is set to celebrate his two year anniversary as the Universal Champion tonight. Reigns defeated The Fiend and Braun Strowman to win the Universal Championship at Payback 2020 after turning heel two days earlier on "SmackDown". He then won the WWE Championship from Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 38 in a Winner Takes All match to become the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion. He is set to put his titles on the line tomorrow night at Clash At The Castle in Cardiff, Wales against #1 Contender, Drew McIntyre.


Ronda Rousey will face her "Final Judgment". Rousey has been on a rampage over the past few weeks after losing to Liv Morgan at Summerslam for the "SmackDown" Women's Champion. The match ended in a controversial finish after Rousey had Morgan in an arm bar. Morgan managed to turn it into a pinning predicament, but before the referee could finish the three count, Morgan tapped to the submission maneuver. The referee failed to catch it and determined that Morgan was still the title holder. Rousey was suspended after attacking the official post-match before being arrested a couple of weeks ago for trespassing and attacking other officials.

Karrion Kross will be making his in-ring debut with his manager, Scarlett, by his side. Kross returned during the August 5 edition of the show, attacking McIntyre during a confrontation with Reigns. He has been keeping his eye on the Undisputed Universal Title picture since then. Will he be able to gain some momentum by winning to become the next challenger?


The New Day will take on the Viking Raiders in a Viking Rules match. The two stables have been involved in an increasingly personal feud over the past several weeks. They have both launched surprise attacks on one another, using various weapons such as kendo sticks and shields. The Raiders then held a Viking Funeral for New Day before The New Day got their revenge last week by using a retirement ruse to lure them into an attack.

We are on the air! Viking shields, a big boat, a flag, and several other Viking weapons are laid around the ring. Michael Cole and Pat McAfee greet audiences at home before they explain that the following match has no rules and falls count anywhere. The Viking Raiders then head to the ring, followed by The New Day.

New Day vs. Viking Raiders in a Viking Rules Match

The bell rings and The New Day waste no time going after the Raiders. The deliver a double drop kick on Ivar before hitting both men with their signature stomps. The Raiders spill to the outside, and New Day go flying over the top rope. They smash Ivar's head into a shield before they set a shield up on Erik. Woods delivers a running drop kick. Kingston delivers a splash to Ivar off the barricade, then goes for a pin but Ivar kicks out.


Back from the break, Woods and the Raiders are in the crowd. Kingston delivers a crossbody off the stairs, then goes for a pin but Ivar kicks out. Ivar hits a running crossbody as Woods lays lifeless against the barricade, then goes for a pin but Woods kicks out. Kingston grabs a kendo stick, but Erik grabs it from him. Kingston delivers a kick to his midsection and takes the stick back. He fires a couple of shots before Erik hits a urinagi. He goes for a pin, but Kingston kicks out. Erik grabs the stick and hits Kingston with it. Ivar joins him in the ring and takes a shot of his own.

Kingston grabs a Unicorn Sledgehammer from under the ring, then ascends to the top and jumps off the top, hitting Erik with it over the head. He goes for a pin, but Erik kicks out. Woods and Kingston each grab a table from under the ring, but Ivar takes them out before they can set them up. The Raiders set Kingston up on the ship before Eriks bodyslams Ivar onto Kingston. Woods then delivers a DDT to Ivar. Woods delivers a super kick, but Ivar hits a Sit Down. Ivar hits a slam to Woods off the middle rope, then goes for a pin but Kingston breaks it up with a stomp.


Back from the break, Ivar stacks up the tables. Woods delivers a baseball drop kick through the middle rope, followed by a clothesline and a knee. He trips Erik, then delivers a senton. Woods grabs a chair and sets it up. Erik delivers a right hand to Woods' face. Woods and Kingston send Erik's face into the chair, destroying it in the process. Both men pin Erik, but Ivar breaks it up. Ivar delivers a spinning back kick to Kingston, then ascends to the top and goes for a moonsault. Kingston ducks it and delivers a crossbody. Woods delivers a diving elbow, then goes for a pin but Erik breaks it up.

Kingston dumps Erik out of the ring. The New Day go flying off the boat, then go for a double pin but both men kick out. The Raiders send Kingston head first into the boat before Woods and Erik teeter on the boat near the stacked tables. Ivar hits Woods from behind with the shield before Ivar hits Kingston with the shield face first. The Raiders then deliver the Ragnarok (a double power bomb) to Woods through the tables for the win.

Winners: Viking Raiders

After the match, The Raiders stand tall on their boat and hoist their shield in the air. We then head to the first part of a series of videos about Roman Reign's two year title reign. 


Back from the break, we head backstage to Sami Zayn and The Usos. Jimmy says that Zayn looks good in his suit. Zayn says that it's a special night and he has many plans. He says he has pictures to be set up. Jey says that this is a Bloodline Celebration and asks why he couldn't help him last week. Jimmy tells him to go easy and says he has the party on lock.

We then head to Kayla Braxton and Shayna Baszler. Baszler says she will be the "SmackDown" Women's Champion. She says she will tear Liv Morgan apart limb by limb until Morgan begs her. Morgan walks in and says she won't tap out. Morgan says shw will rip Baszler's arm out and tells Baszler to watch her.

We then head to Karrion Kross and Scarlett. Kross addresses Roman Reigns and Drew McIntyre before saying he will haunt his opponent, Drew Gulak, for the rest of his life.

Karrion Kross vs. Drew Gulak

Back from the break, we head to the second part of a series of videos about Roman Reign's two year title reign. We then head to ringside, where Karrion Kross and Scarlett head down. Drew Gulak waits in the ring.


The bell rings and Gulak hits a few forearms and chops. Kross delivers a massive boot, followed by a clothesline. He delivers a side suplex. Kross locks in the Kross Jacket for the win.

Winner: Karrion Kross

After the match, Kross and Scarlett tie Gulak up in the ropes. 

We then head to a video re-capping Ronda Rousey's actions over the last few weeks.

Back from the break, we head to the third part of a series of videos about Roman Reign's two year title reign. Back at ringside, Ronda Rousey heads to the ring.

Ronda Rousey Faces Her Final Judgment

Rousey grabs a mic and says she has an official statement from WWE headquarters regarding her suspension. She invites Adam Pearce to the ring to read it. Pearce heads to the ring and says whatever the decision is, it's not personal. Rousey says that it was his personal choice to call the cops and have her arrested. Pearce says he was just doing his job before Rousey gives him the statement. Pearce reads it and it says that Rousey's behavior is unacceptable, but her behavior has never broached the level of criminal. It says that her arrest was unwarranted and while she is still on probation, her suspension is over and she will resume in-ring competition.


Rousey mocks Pearce and he says the statement is absurd. He says it was his duty to call the police and if it were up to him, he would've fired her. Rousey asks what he thought would happen, and Pearce asks if she thinks what he does is easy. Pearce goes off on Rousey and says he never gets thanked for running two shows. He says that all he gets is grief and he's proud of the job he does. He says he's not proud of busting his ass for people like her and says he has a problem with her. Pearce calls her the single biggest b**** he ever met. Rousey stares him down and he says he takes it back.

Rousey knocks Pearce and she locks in the arm bar. Rousey looks at him as he whimpers in the corner before leaving.


We head backstage to Sami Zayn. Someone approaches him and says he has a delivery for Reigns, giving him black roses with a note that says "Tick Tock". He puts it down and smells his hands, disgusted.

Back at ringside, Hit Row heads down.

Hit Row vs. Maximum Male Models

Back from the break, Maximum Male Models head to the ring. 

Mån.sôör and Adonis begin the action. The bell rings and Adonis takes Mån.sôör down. Adonis knocks Mån.sôör to the outside before Angel and Humberto come down. B-Fab takes them out before Ma.çé tags in. He beats Adonis down and delivers a right hand to his midsection. Mån.sôör tags in and Adonis delivers a kick to his head. Top Dolla tags in and delivers a right hand to Mån.sôör's head. He delivers a running knee to his face before tagging in Adonis. The two deliver their finisher for the win.


Winners: Hit Row

After the match, the two groups begin to brawl with one another. Angel and Humberto beat Adonis down before The Street Profits head to the ring and make the save.

We head backstage to Happy Corbin and Kayla Braxton. He says that he won't let his loss hold him back before saying he's issuing an open challenge.

Happy Corbin vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Back from the break, we head to the fourth part of a series of videos about Roman Reign's two year title reign. We head to Happy Corbin in the ring as Shinsuke Nakamura answers the open challenge. 

The bell rings and the two lock up. Corbin beats down Nakamura before Nakamura fires back with a knee and several kicks. Corbin hits the Deep Six, then goes for a pin, but Nakamura kicks out. Corbin looks for the End Of Days, but Nakamura counters with the Kinshasa for the win.


Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura

We then head to a video of the Women's Tag Team Tournament Finals on Monday.

Butch then comes to the ring, along with Ridge Holland and Sheamus.

Butch vs. Ludwig Kaiser

Back from the break, we see Corbin sulking backstage. A limo pulls up to him and the passenger asks what happened to him before telling him to get in. He obliges.

Back at ringside, Ludwig Kaiser and Gunther come to the ring. 


The bell rings and Butch fires off right hands on Kaiser. Kaiser sends Butch to the mat before stomping on Butch's hair. Butch delivers a vicious clothesline before delivering his signature finger breaks. Butch hits a stomp on Kaiser's head before Kaiser hits a stomp and a suplex. He goes flying off the middle rope, but Butch catches him with a right hand. The two men spill to the outside. Butch looks for a crossbody off the apron, but Kaiser catches him with an uppercut.

Back from the break, Kaiser hits a forearm on Butch. Butch hits the double knees on the back of Kaiser's neck before hitting a German suplex. He goes for a pin, but Kaiser kicks out. Kaiser hits a kick on Butch's face, followed by a bridging leg hook belly to back suplex. He goes for a pin, but Butch kicks out. Kaiser hits a missile drop kick, but Butch fires back with an insiguri and a kick to his face. Kaiser hits another bridging leg hook belly to back suplex, then goes for a pin but Butch kicks out. Butch hits the Bitter End for the win.


Winner: Butch

After the match, Gunther and Sheamus face off with one another, looking for a fight. Kaiser stops Gunther from attacking him so that he can save his energy and Gunther listens to his advice.

We head to the fifth part of a series of videos about Roman Reign's two year title reign.

We head backstage to the Usos and Sami Zayn. He goes through his checklist before Zayn asks if they should wait for Reigns so the four of them can head to the ring together. Jey asks what he means by the four of us. Jimmy calms tensions down before he says they should just celebrate Reigns.

Roman Reigns' Celebrates Two Years As Champion

Back from the break, The Usos and Sami Zayn head to the ring. Pictures are set up on easels as Zayn welcomes fans to the celebrations. Zayn asks if it's okay if he hosts and Jimmy gives his blessing. Zayn goes to speak, but Jey interrupts and says that everyone who's stepped up over the last two years has been sat back down, whether it's with the Superman Punch, the Spear or the Guillotine. Jey asks everyone to stand up and put their 1's to the sky. The Usos introduce Reigns.


We see a black SUV pull up and Reigns gets out of it. Out of nowhere, Drew McIntyre hits him from behind with a Claymore Kick and heads to the ring. Zayn charges at him, but McIntyre hits him with a Glasgow Kiss. He beats The Usos down and knocks them out of the ring. He destroys the photos on the easel before he goes flying over the top. McIntyre tosses chairs in the ring. Zayn grabs one and hits McIntyre with it. McIntyre hits him with the Claymore Kick before sending Jimmy through the announce desk. He spears Jey Uso through the barricade and grabs a mic. He tells Reigns he will never stop, then says that he tore apart the Bloodline. He says that he will kick his head off his body in Cardiff and he will look at him as he holds up the titles.

