WWE SmackDown Results (08/26) - Drew McIntyre Vs. Sami Zayn, Second Chance Fatal Four Way Match

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s official results for "SmackDown Live" on August 26, 2022, live from Detroit, Michigan!

The Scottish Warrior, Drew McIntyre, will face off against Sami Zayn. McIntyre is set to take on Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, Roman Reigns, for his titles at Clash At The Castle on September 3 at the Principality Stadium in Cardiff, Wales. Reigns and McIntyre came face-to-face last week ahead of their match before things descended between the pair. At one point, McIntyre set Reigns up for the Claymore Kick, but Zayn pushed him out of the way and absorbed the blow for him. Zayn has been trying to get into the Bloodline for the past several weeks now and has made various attempts to prove himself to the group, but has yet to be invited to officially be a member. Will Zayn be able to score the win and prove himself once more to the Head Of The Table?


A fatal four-way match to determine which of the four previously eliminated teams from the tournament for the vacant Women's Tag Team Titles will be held tonight, as Dana Brooke and Tamina, Shotzi and Xia Li, Nikki A.S.H. and Doudrop and Natalya and Sonya Deville will all face off. Toxic Attraction earned the chance to advance to the second round last week but were forced to relinquish their spot after Gigi Dolin suffered a concussion. The winner of this match will go on to face the team of Raquel Rodriguez and Aliyah in the Quarter Finals later in the show.

Ricochet is set to take on Happy Corbin in singles competition. The One and Only looks to seek revenge on Corbin after Corbin almost pinned him last week during a fatal five-way to determine the #1 contender to Gunther's Intercontinental Title at Clash At The Castle.


The New Day are also set to appear on the show as Woods makes his return to the Blue Brand. Last week, the Viking Raiders held a Viking funeral for the New Day after weeks of increasing tension between the two teams. The Raiders and New Day have both launched surprise attacks on one another over the last several weeks. What will the New Day have to say tonight?

We are live! Michael Cole and Pat McAfee welcome fans at home as Ricochet comes to the ring. Happy Corbin follows.

Ricochet vs. Happy Corbin

The bell rings and Corbin charges at Ricochet. Ricochet sends him to the outside with a hurricanrana before Corbin slides in. Ricochet delivers a drop kick, followed by a standing shooting star press. He goes for a pin, but Corbin kicks out. Ricochet delivers a shoulder to Corbin's midsection, but Corbin fires back with a right hand. Corbin delivers a chop to Ricochet, followed by several right hands. Ricochet delivers a springboard elbow, then looks for a baseball slide followed by a corkscrew.


Back from the break, Ricochet delivers a few kicks to Corbin. Corbin slides to the outside and delivers a World Strongest Slam on the Announce Table. Corbin sends Ricochet into the barricade before tossing him back in the ring. He delivers a slap, then sends Ricochet face first into the top turnbuckle. He goes for a pin, but Ricochet kicks out. Corbin delivers a knee to Ricochet, followed by a running forearm. He sends him into the ring post before Ricochet fires back with a DDT.

Ricochet delivers several kicks to Corbin, followed by an insiguri. He hits a shoulder to Corbin's midsection, followed by a hurricanrana. Corbin delivers the Deep Six, then goes for a pin but Ricochet kicks out. Ricochet looks for the 450 Splash, but Corbin counters into a big boot. He slams Ricochet into the mat, then goes for a pin but Corbin kicks out. Ricochet hits a knee, followed by a super kick. Ricochet ascends to the top and delivers a Shooting Star Press for the win.


Winner: Ricochet

We head backstage to the Street Profits. Hit Row walks in and B-Fab says she heard they want the smoke. They all say they want the money, money, money, money!

Back from the break, we head to a video of Drew McIntyre speaking to the camera about his journey from Scotland to WWE.

Back at ringside, Karrion Kross and Scarlett appear from the crowd. Kross congratulates McIntyre on his story of redemption and says it may or may not be his time. He says that at any given moment, he can put his arm through his head and make his achievements mean nothing. He tells McIntyre "tick tock".

Shotzi and Xia Li head to the ring as we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break, Sonya Deville and Natalya, Dana Brooke and Tamina, and Doudrop and Nikki A.S.H are waiting in the ring.

Dana Brooke and Tamina vs. Shotzi and Xia Li vs. Nikki A.S.H. and Doudrop vs. Natalya and Sonya Deville in a Second Chance Fatal Four Way To Advance To The Semi-Finals Of The Women's Tag Team Tournament

Deville and Tamina begin the action. The bell rings and Tamina superkicks Natalya. She delivers a Samoan Drop to Deville, then goes for a pin but Doudrop breaks it up. Nikki and Li tag in and Nikki fires off some right hands to Li. Li sends Nikki off the top rope before Shotzi tags in. Shotzi launches off Li to deliver a kick. She goes for a pin, but Tamina breaks it up. Brooke tags in and Nikki delivers a neck breaker, then goes for a pin but Deville breaks it up. Brooke and Nikki ascend to the top before Deville tags in. Brooke delivers a superplex to all the women on the outside before Deville tosses Nikki in the ring and pins her for the win.


Winners: Natalya and Sonya Deville

We then head to a video of the Fatal Five-Way #1 Contenders Match for the Intercontinental Title last week. The Brawling Brutes then head to the ring.

Back from the break, we head to a video of the events leading to the title match between Shayna Baszler and Liv Morgan at Clash At The Castle.

The Brawling Brutes face off with Gunther and Ludwig Kaiser

We then head to the ring, where Sheamus says the Brawling Brutes will be drinking pints after he wins the Intercontinental Title and becomes the first Ultimate Grand Slam Champion. He says Gunther won't know what hit him.


Gunther's music hits and he heads to the ring with Ludwig Kaiser. Kaiser speaks before Sheamus says that no one knows what he's saying. Sheamus says his beef is with Gunther and says the truth of the matter is that he's the real ring general. He says he's faced the best of the best. He says no one in this ring has had banger after banger like him and he sees a lot of himself in Gunther. He says that Gunther loves to go to war just like him and he has something that he wants: the Intercontinental Title. He promises that he will drag the title off Gunther's lifeless body and into the belly of the red dragon.

Gunther says that Sheamus is a man to be respected, but he is nothing like him. He says that to protect his title, he will teach Sheamus what violence really means. He says that he will chop his chest, break his body and break his spirit. He says that he will break him.


Butch lunges at Kaiser and the two men begin brawling. Meanwhile, Gunther and Sheamus stand in the center of the ring and stare one another down. Kaiser and Butch fire down right hands one one antoher before Sheamus and Gunther break them up, all the while still staring one another down. Gunther and Kaiser leave ringside as the two men jus keep looking at one another.

We head backstage to Sonya Deville and Natalya. Nikki A.S.H. and Doudrop fight in the background as Natalya calls Deville one of the hardest hitting women in the division. She says they are finding their groove and Raquel Rodriguez and Aliyah should be concerned later tonight. .

Back at ringside, Bayley, Dakota Kai and IYO Sky head to the ring.

Back from the break, we head to a video of the events between Roman Reigns and Drew McIntyre last week. Sami Zayn then approaches Reigns' locker room and the Usos answer. Jey asks why he's here and Zayn says he thought Reigns would want to see him after saving him last week. Reigns asks who's there and Zayn says it's him. He tells him to come in and sit down. Zayn asks how everything's going and he says his jaw is sore from last week. Reigns says he still lost, but bad things happen so one can redeem themselves. Reigns says he appreciates what Zayn did for him last week and says it's something family does. Zayn says Reigns can count on him for anything before Reigns asks him for a favor: to keep Drew McIntyre occupied. Zayn says that he gets in people's heads and he'll break him in half. He says that this is something they can do as a unit, but Reigns says no. Reigns says he has the chance to be the main event before Jimmy Uso wishes him good luck.


Back at ringside, Bayley has joined commentary. Raquel Rodriguez and Aliyah head to the ring, followed by Natalya and Sonya Deville.

Raquel Rodriguez and Aliyah vs. Sonya Deville and Natalya in a Semi-Finals match for the Women's Tag Team Championship Tournament

Aliyah and Natalya begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Aliyah rolls up Natalya. Natalya kicks out and Rodriguez tags in.

Back from the break, Natalya tags in and Rodrigues knocks her down. Deville tags back in and Rodriguez delivers a Fallaway Slam. Deville chokes Rodriguez on the middle rope before delivering a kick. She goes for a pin, but Rodriguez kicks out. Deville locks in a chinlock, but Rodriguez escapes. She looks to tag in Aliyah, but Aliyah is nowhere to be found after being taken out. Rodriguez delivers a right hand before hitting a splash in the corner. She hits a Corkscrew Drop Elbow, then goes for a pin but Deville kicks out. Deville hits a running knee, then goes for a pin but Rodriguez kicks out. Rodriguez hits the Texana Bomb for the win.


Winners: Raquel Rodriguez and Aliyah

After the match, Kai and Sky stare down Rodriguez and Aliyah.

We head backstage to Maximum Male Models in the middle of a photoshoot. Max Dupri says his models are killing it before we hear music coming from Hit Row's truck. Maxxine Dupri says she has an idea and walks off.

Back from the break, we head back to Maximum Male Models. Angel and Humberto walk in with paint primer.

We hear from the New Day

Back at ringside, The New Day are in the ring. Xavier Woods is in a wheelchair as Kofi Kingston stands next to him. Woods says that they're normally happy and they made fun of the Viking Raiders, but they underestimated them. Kingston says they have gotten their asses kicked by them. Woods says they must face a harsh reality after the Viking funeral last week.


Kingston begins to speak, but the Viking Raiders' music hits and they head to the ring. Erik says this is pathetic and they gave them a proper send-off. Ivar says that they're snibbling. Woods asks them to give them a few minutes, but Erik says that a Viking despises weakness. He says it makes him sick to see them grovelling before Ivar says that sometimes the best thing to do to a wounded animal is to put them down.

The Raiders enter the ring as Kingston pushes Woods out of harm's way. He distracts them as Woods stands up out of the wheelchair with a kendo stick and beats the Raiders down with them. The Raiders retreat as Woods throws his wheelchair at them. The New Day stands tall as The Raiders are furious at the trap that was set.


Back from the break, we see Maximum Male Models, Angel and Humberto vandalize Hit Row's bus. Hit Row walks in and challenges them to a match next week. They say that the bus isn't even theirs as the Street Profits walk out.

We head to Sami Zayn and The Usos. Jimmy says Reigns doesn't talk to just anyone like that while Jey tells him not to screw up again. Zayn asks why he's being negative before Jey gets angry about Zayn's remarks last week. He tells him to never talk about him behind his back to his family again before Jimmy drags him away.

We head to a video of the second half of Drew McIntyre's journey from Scotland to WWE.

Drew McIntyre then heads to the ring, followed by Sami Zayn.

Drew McIntyre vs. Sami Zayn

The bell rings and Zayn rolls out of the ring. McIntyre goes after him, but Zayn rolls back in the ring. Zayn delivers several knees to McIntyre before McIntyre fires back with a right hand. McIntyre bounces Zayn's head off the top turnbuckle before delivering a massive chop. Zayn rolls out of the ring again before McIntyre follows him. McIntyre sends Zayn's head bouncing off the Announcers Desk before sending him head first into the apron. McIntyre tosses Zayn back in the ring before Zayn fires off right hands. McIntyre whips Zayn into the corner before delivering a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. McIntyre delivers another vicious chop before the two ascend to the top. Zayn pulls out a Sunset Powerbomb as we head to a commercial.


Back from the break, Zayn delivers a Tornado DDT to McIntyre. He goes for a pin, but McIntyre kicks out. McIntyre delivers a Glasgow Kiss to Zayn, followed by a couple of clotheslines. He throws Zayn to the mat, followed by a Belly-to-Belly suplex. He delivers a neck breaker, then sets up for the Claymore Kick. The Usos run to the ring and cause a distraction. Zayn uses it to his advantage and delivers a Blue Thunder Bomb. He goes for a pin, but McIntyre kicks out. Zayn hits some right hands on McIntyre before McIntyre fires back with a chop. Zayn rolls up McIntyre, but McIntyre kicks out. McIntyre hits the Claymore Kick for the win.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

The Bloodline Lays Out Drew McIntyre

After the match, Roman Reigns runs down and beats down McIntyre. McIntyre sends Reigns into the ring post shoulder first before The Usos attack McIntyre. McIntyre tosses Jimmy out of the ring, allowing Reigns to hit a Spear. The Usos grab a couple of chairs and beat McIntyre down with them. They throw him out of the ring and send him over the Announcer's Desk. They send him into the barricade before Zayn hits a Helluva Kick. The Usos hit McIntyre with the steel steps three times and lay McIntyre out. Reigns calls for them to drag McIntyre back into the ring as Reigns tells him the top of the mountain is his and McIntyre will never have it. Reigns locks in a Guillotine before choking him out. Reigns sets up a chair over him and sits on it as The Usos and Zayn flank him.

