AEW Rampage Results 10/4 - Private Party & Katsuyori Shibata Vs. The Elite, Queen Aminata Vs. Harley Cameron

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Rampage" on October 4, 2024, coming to you from the Petersen Events Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania!

Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen of Private Party will be joining forces with Katsuyori Shibata for the first time ever to take on The Elite's Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson, and Jack Perry. Not only did Shibata challenge Perry to a TNT Championship match at AEW WrestleDream this past Wednesday and The Young Bucks decline a challenge from Private Party for an AEW World Tag Team Championship match, but the six men found themselves entangled in a brawl leading to interim AEW EVP Christopher Daniels making tonight's match official.


After saving Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. from a post match beatdown at the hands of Serena Deeb, Queen Aminata looks to score a win tonight when she returns to action to go head-to-head with Harley Cameron. Although this will be Aminata and Cameron's first time ever competing against one another in an AEW ring.

Elsewhere, Orange Cassidy and Kyle O'Reilly of The Conglomeration will be joining forces to take on Bryan Keith and Big Bill. The four men previously faced each other in a Six Man Tornado Tag Team Match at the "AEW Collision" Grand Slam, with Keith, Bill, and Chris Jericho emerging victorious over Cassidy, O'Reilly, and Mark Briscoe.

Additionally, Kamille will be returning to action in an AEW ring for the first time since defeating Robyn Renegade on the September 13 episode of "Rampage" as she squares off with an opponent who has yet to be officially announced.


We are live! Excalibur, "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard, and Tony Schiavone greet audiences at home as The Elite make their way out to the ring. Private Party and Katsuyori Shibata are already waiting inside. 

Private Party and Katsuyori Shibata vs. The Elite

Jack Perry and Shibata begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Nicholas Jackson tags in and fires off stomps on Shibata with Perry. Shibata rains down right hands on Perry, but Nicholas captures his attention. Perry then clocks Shibata from behind.


Marq Quen tags in and connects with a hurricanrana on Nicholas. Isiah Kassidy tags in and sends The Elite crashing out of the ring with Quen and Shibata. Private Party then flies out of the ring to level The Bucks, and Kassidy then rains down right hands on Matthew in the corner. We see Stokely Hathaway watching the action from backstage as Kassidy fires off right hands on Nicholas. Perry clocks Shibata from behind and sends him crashing onto the floor from the apron. Perry and Matthew then send Shibata crashing into the barricade before The Elite triple teams on Private Party.

Back from the break, Nicholas tags in and looks to land a double back elbow on Kassidy with Matthew. Kassidy avoids it and connects with a double arm drag on The Young Bucks, but The Bucks double team on Kassidy. Perry and The Bucks look to triple team on Kassidy, but Kassidy accidentally sends Perry crashing into a double kick from The Bucks on the apron.


Quen tags in and fires off right hands on The Bucks. He sends Nicholas crashing into the mat and connects with a powerslam on Matthew, then delivers a double hurricanrana to The Bucks and flies off the top to level them on the outside. Quen then ascends to the top, but Perry pushes him down and Nicholas connects with an avalanche Michinoku Driver.

Perry tags in and Quen levels him with a kick to his head. Perry then levels Shibata with a dropkick, but Shibata catches Perry with a jumping knee and fires off forearms on him in the corner. He pins Perry, but Perry kicks out. Shibata then lands a running knee on Perry.

Shibata lands a dropkick on Perry in the corner, and Queen delivers a hurricanrana to him off the top. Kassidy follows it up with a cutter and pins him, but The Bucks break the fall.

Winners: Private Party and Katsuyori Shibata

We then head backstage and see Kris Statlander get into a tense confrontation with Kamille backstage as she speaks with Renee Paquette.

Back from the break, Kamille and Mercedes Mone make their way down to the ring. Zoey Lynn is already waiting inside.

Kamille (w/ Mercedes Mone ) vs. Zoey Lynn

The bell rings and Kamille lands a spear on Lynn. She then sends her crashing into the mat with a rolling cutter for the win.

Winner: Kamille

Harley Cameron then makes her way out to the ring. Queen Aminata follows.


Queen Aminata vs. Harley Cameron

The bell rings and the two lock up. Aminata connects with a snapmare on Cameron and follows it up with a kick to her chest.

Back from the break, Cameron delivers a pair of running double knees to Aminata and goes for a pin. Aminata kicks out, and Cameron charges at her in the corner. Aminata dumps Cameron onto the apron, but Cameron lands a Scissor Kick on her and looks to land a running kick on Aminata off the apron. Aminata trips her, then gets back in the ring with her and sends her crashing into the mat with a double chop. She follows it up with a suplex and sends Cameron crashing into the mat with a right hand.


Aminata looks to land a running boot on Cameron in the corner, but Cameron fires off shoulders on Aminata's midsection in the corner and charges at her. Aminata moves out of the way and looks to send Cameron crashing into the mat, but Cameron escapes and rolls her up. Aminata kicks out and lands a backbreaker on Cameron, then follows it up with a forearm for the win.

Winner: Queen Aminata

After the match, Deeb surprises Aminata from behind and lands a forearm on her. She sends her knee bouncing off the ring apron, then locks in a Half Boston Crab on her using the bottom rope for extra leverage. Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. runs down to the ring with a chair in hand to provide Aminata with a hand, and Deeb slides out of the ring as Baker checks on Aminata and helps her up. 


The Conglomeration then make their way down to the ring. Bryan Keith and Big Bill follow, and Chris Jericho joins the commentary desk.

The Conglomeration vs. Bryan Keith and Big Bill

Bill and Orange Cassidy begin the action. The bell rings and Cassidy looks to roll up Bill. Bill stays standing, but Cassidy rolls out of the ring. Bill invites him back in, but Cassidy rolls under the bottom rope to get back inside the ring inside of through the middle rope Bill is holding open. Kyle O'Reilly makes the blind tag in, and rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope much like Cassidy. Cassidy and O'Reilly then tease Bill.


Keith tags in and slaps O'Reilly. O'Reilly lands a boot on Keith on the outside, but Bill looks to land a chokeslam on him. Cassidy delivers a kick to Bill's spine and flies out of the ring to take him down. Cassidy and O'Reilly then stack Keith and Bill on top of one another on the outside and fire off kicks on their chests.

Back from the break, Keith connects with a suplex on Cassidy. O'Reilly cinches in an Ankle Lock on Keith, but Keith escapes and tags in Bill. Bill connects with a spinning sidewalk slam on Cassidy, then tags Keith back in. Keith pins Cassidy, but Cassidy kicks out.

Bill charges at Cassidy in the corner, but Cassidy moves out of the way. Bill intercepts Cassidy, but O'Reilly helps Cassidy out and double teams on Bill with him. Keith runs over O'Reilly with a forearm, but Cassidy catches him with a Tornado DDT and goes for a pin. Keith kicks out and exchanges forearms with O'Reilly, but O'Reilly cinches in an Ankle Lock on him. Chris Jericho gets up from his post on the commentary desk and hops up on the apron. Keith taps out, but the referee doesn't see being distracted by Jericho.


Rocky Romero pulls Jericho off the apron and sends him crashing into the ring steps, but Bill takes him out. This opens the door for Cassidy and O'Reilly to deliver the Orange Punch-calf kick combination to Keith for the win.

Winners: The Conglomeration

