WWE NXT Results 10/1 - Two Title Matches, Wes Lee Vs. Zach Wentz In A Chicago Street Fight & More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE NXT" on October 1, 2024, coming to you live from the Allstate Arena in Chicago, Illinois!

CM Punk will serve as the special guest referee in his hometown when Ethan Page puts his NXT Championship on the line for the first time since retaining it against Joe Hendry at "NXT" No Mercy on September 1 as he defends against Trick Williams. Williams has been looking to win back the NXT Championship since losing it to Page in a Fatal Four-Way Match at "NXT" Heatwave back in July.


Another title will also be on the line tonight, as Roxanne Perez defends the NXT Women's Championship against Giulia in the latter's second ever televised match on WWE programming. Perez has had no shortage of challengers for her title as of late, with Giulia making it known she was coming for it since her arrival in "NXT" a handful of weeks ago and Stephanie Vaquer warning the winner of the match of her intentions to be the next in line for a title shot.

Best friends turned bitter rivals Wes Lee and Zach Wentz look to settle their issues once and for all tonight as they go head-to-head in a Chicago Street Fight. The two came face-to-face last week when they spoke over satellite interview, which ultimately ended with Wentz finding Lee in person and blindsiding him with an attack.


Although they've had their differences with one another over the past few weeks, Jaida Parker and Lola Vice will have to put them aside tonight as they join forces to square off with Fatal Influence. Despite Vice and Parker's reluctance to team with one another, "NXT" General Manager Ava made tonight's match official last week due to the separate issues the two women have both had with Fatal Influence.

Additionally, The Miz will be hosting North American Champion Oba Femi and Tony D'Angelo of The Family on "Miz TV" a week before the former defends his title against the latter.

We are live! Vic Joseph and Booker T greet audiences at home as Shawn Michaels makes his way down to the ring.

We Hear From Shawn Michaels

Michaels welcomes fans to the CW premiere of "NXT", then says there can't be a new version of "NXT" without new NXT Championship and NXT Women's Championship belts. A voice then asks Michaels if he's ready, and reveals himself to be Triple H. He and Michaels then ask fans if they're ready before Giulia and Roxanne Perez make their way down to the ring.


Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Giulia for the NXT Women's Championship

The bell rings and the two lock up. They take turns locking each other in submissions, but Giulia sends Perez crashing into the mat and goes for a pin. Perez reverses the fall, and the two continue taking turns pinning each other. Giulia then levels Perez with a headbutt and looks to send her crashing into the mat, but Perez escapes and sets up for Pop Rox. Giulia avoids the maneuver.


Back from the break, Perez wears Giulia down with a submission hold. Giulia powers up to her feet, but Perez rocks her with a forearm and gets in her face. She shoves it, but Giulia returns the favor and fires off headbutts on Perez. Giulia connects with a forearm on Perez, then follows it up with a suplex and fires off forearms on her.

Perez flies through the ropes to level Giulia on the outside, then dumps her back in the ring. Giulia delivers a superplex to Perez and looks to lock in a submission on her, but Perez counters into a pinfall. Giulia kicks out, but Perez locks in a crossface on her. Giulia reverses into a crossface of her own, but Perez makes it to the bottom rope to break the hold.


Perez lands a shoulder on Giulia's midsection through the middle rope from the apron, but Giulia responds with a suplex. Perez delivers a kick to Giulia's midsection, then sets up for Pop Rox. Giulia avoids it once again, but Perez lands a kick on her midsection and connects with Pop Rox. Giulia rolls out of the ring to avoid being pinned.

Giulia sends Perez crashing into the floor, and the referee begins a ten count. Both women beat it, and Perez grabs the NXT Women's Championship. The referee stops her, and a hooded figure drags Giulia out of the ring as he's being distracted by Perez. They land a DDT on Giulia on the outside, and dump her back in the ring, where Perez is waiting with Pop Rox for the win.

Winner (and still): Roxanne Perez

After the match, the hooded figure takes off their hood to reveal themselves as the returning Cora Jade!

Back from the break, Wes Lee makes his way out to the ring. Zach Wentz follows.

Wes Lee vs. Zach Wentz in a Chicago Street Fight

The bell rings and Lee wastes no time going after Wentz. Wentz responds with a tope suicida, then sends Lee crashing into the cart he brought to the ring full of weapons. He then grabs the cart and uses it to sandwich Lee between it and the ring steps.


Wentz dumps Lee back in the ring, then grabs a piece of plywood board from under the ring. Lee flies out of the ring and levels Wentz using the plywood board, then dumps a bunch of chairs in the ring and grabs a kendo stick. He repeatedly cracks it across Wentz's spine, but Wentz connects with a superkick to him. Wentz grabs a chair and hits Lee with it twice across his spine, but Wentz locks in a sleeper on Lee and sends him crashing through a piece of plywood set up on four chairs.

Back from the break, Wentz connects with a Coast To Coast on Lee using a garbage can, then goes for a pin but Lee kicks out. Lee then dropkicks Wentz into a chair set up in the corner, but Wentz sends him crashing into a chair set up in the ropes face first. Wentz dumps a garbage can in the ring, then grabs a kendo stick and cracks it across Lee's spine. He places the garbage can on Lee's head and hits him with the kendo stick repeatedly, then lands a double stomp on him.


Wentz ascends to the top and flies off the top rope to squash the garbage can on Lee's head. He goes for a pin, but Lee kicks out. Wentz looks to fly off the ropes, but Lee sends him crashing on top of a table set up on the outside. Lee then sits Wentz on a chair and ascends up the ropes, then wraps a chain around his knees and connects with a meteora for the win.

Winner: Wes Lee

Back from the break, The Miz is waiting in the ring.

The Miz Hosts Oba Femi and Tony D'Angelo on Miz TV

Miz welcomes fans to "Miz TV", then introduces Oba Femi and Tony D'Angelo. Both men then make their way down to the ring.

Miz asks D'Angelo what will make his rematch against Femi for the North American Championship after admitting to being afraid to face Femi in a rematch. D'Angelo says there's a reason that Femi is the most dominant North American Champion of all time, then expresses his confidence in dethroning Femi next week. Miz asks Femi for his response to what D'Angelo just said, and Femi says D'Angelo doesn't believe a word of what he just said. He says D'Angelo has been successful in "NXT", but a man like him has a ceiling. He says D'Angelo can never be North American Champion because the title is his.


D'Angelo says he grew up on the streets of Chicago having lived 20 minutes away, then say he has family in the back and in the crowd. Femi says his family can't fight for him because it'll be just the two of them in the ring next week. He reminds D'Angelo that he beat him in their North American Championship match at "NXT" No Mercy.

Femi and D'Angelo stand up and stare each other down. Femi tells D'Angelo that he's inevitable, and Miz promotes their upcoming North American Championship match for next week one last time.

We then head backstage to Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez. Jade tells Perez that she likes the woman that she's become, and Perez responds by telling Jade that a common enemy may be just the thing they need to come together. 


Back at ringside, Jaida Parker and Lola Vice make their way out to the ring. Fatal Influence follows, and Kelani Jordan joins the announce desk.

Fatal Influence (w/ Jazmyn Nyx) vs. Jaida Parker and Lola Vice

Parker and Jacy Jayne begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Jayne and Parker slap each other, but Vice tags in and delivers a Scissor Kick to Jayne from the apron. Fallon Henley and Parker tag in, and Parker whips Henley into the corner. She lands a chop on her chest, then sends her and Jayne crashing into the mat in the corner and tags in Vice. Vice connects with a Hip Attack on both Henley and Jayne in the corner, then fires off right and left hands on Henley in the corner. Parker tags in and fires off shoulders on Henley's midsection.


Vice tags back in and fires off more right hand left hands on Henley. Parker tags back in and delivers a pair of shoulder tackles to Henley. Henley rocks her and Vice with forearms, then connects with a jawbreaker on Parker. Vice levels an interfering Jayne with a kick, but Parker gets in her face. Henley clocks Parker from behind.

Back from the break, Jayne connects with a kick on Vice's head and lands a cannonball on her in the corner. Henley tags in, but Vice lands a right hand on her. Henley returns the favor, and the two continue exchanging them.

A frustrated Parker storms to the back as Vice fires off a series of kicks on Jayne and Henley. Jayne clocks Vice with a right hand, then tags in Henley. Henley and Jayne then deliver a dropkick-running knee combination for the win.


Winners: Fatal Influence

After the match, Fatal Influence call Jordan into the ring. Jordan says she had a feeling this would happen, but she didn't come alone. Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair's music hit, and they make their way down to the ring. They level Henley and Jayne, and Jordan connects with a dropkick that sends them crashing out of the ring.

Back from the break, CM Punk makes his way down to the ring. Trick Williams and Ethan Page follow.

Ethan Page (c) vs. Trick Williams for the NXT Championship - CM Punk Is The Special Guest Referee

The bell rings and the two lock up. Williams rolls up Page, but Page kicks out. Page gets in Punk's face and tells him to count faster, then locks up with Williams again. Williams looks to land a closed fist right hand on Page, but Punk stops him. Page takes advantage and rolls up Williams, but Punk catches his feet on the ropes and stops his count. Page connects with a boot on Williams, but Williams dropkicks him out of the ring through the ropes. Page then sends Williams through the barricade near the timekeeper's area.


Back from the break, Page rains down right hands on Williams and lands a boot on the side of his jaw. He looks to land another one, but Williams catches it. Page responds with a DDT and goes for a pin, but Williams kicks out. Williams lands a boot on Page's face that sends him crashing out of the ring, but Page sends him crashing into the ring steps face first and delivers an Ego's Edge to Williams through the announce desk.

Williams and Page fire off right hands on one another, but Page rocks Williams with a pair of kicks. Williams lands a pop-up right hand on Page, then sends him crashing into the mat and follows it up with a uranage. Page lands a right hand on Williams, then sets up for Ego's Edge. Williams escapes and lands the Trick Shot on Page for the win.


Winner (and new): Trick Williams

After the match, confetti rains down from the ceiling as Williams celebrates becoming a two time NXT Champion. Punk connects with a GTS on Page, and Williams continues celebrating as the show goes off the air.

