AEW Rampage Results 8/30 - Major Four-Way Match, Grizzled Young Veterans Face The Outrunners

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Rampage" on August 30, 2024, coming to you from the State Farm Center in Champaign, Illinois!

Konosuke Takeshita of The Don Callis Family will be colliding with Lio Rush, The Beast Mortos, and Komander in a Four-Way Match. Takeshita and Komander haven't wrestled on AEW programming since the July 13 edition of "AEW Collision" and the July 26 episode of "Rampage" respectively while Rush was on the winning team of a 16 Man Tag Team Match during the AEW All In Zero Hour Pre-Show, Mortos came up short in a Trios Match during last week's edition of "Rampage".


Grizzled Young Veterans will be competing in an AEW ring for the first time since coming up short against The Acclaimed on the April 27 episode of "Collision" as they go head-to-head with The Outrunners. Zack Gibson and James Drake called their shot with the AEW World Tag Team Championship at All In this past Sunday, confronting titleholders The Young Bucks after they had retained against The Acclaimed and FTR in a Three-Way Match.

Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal will be joining forces to take on Private Party and The Undisputed Kingdom's Matt Taven and Mike Bennett. This will be Jarrett and Lethal's first time teaming with one another since they and their ally Satnam Singh came up short against FTR and reigning AEW World Champion Bryan Danielson on the May 25 edition of "Collision".


Additionally, after she defeated Robyn Renegade last Friday, Mina Shirakawa looks to emerge victorious once again as she squares off with an opponent who has yet to be announced. Nyla Rose will also be returning to action tonight for the first time since scoring a win over Erica Leigh on the August 16 edition of "Rampage".

We are live! Excalibur, "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard, and Tony Schiavone greet audiences at home as Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, Karen Jarrett, Private Party, and The Undisputed Kingdom are all waiting inside the ring.

Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal (w/ Sonjay Dutt and Karen Jarrett) vs. Private Party vs. The Undisputed Kingdom

Kassidy and Taven begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Taven lands a dropkick on Kassidy, but Kassidy recovers and delivers a series of right hands to him. Kassidy responds with a leg lariat to Taven before Quen tags in.


Quen wears down Taven, then tags Kassidy back. Private Party delivers a double flapjack to Taven and double team on an interfering Bennett. Quen flies off the turnbuckles to level The Undisputed Kingdom on the outside with some assistance from Kassidy, then dumps Taven back in the ring. Bennett clocks Quen with a right hand, and Taven runs over Kassidy with a clothesline in the ring.

Bennett tags in and fires off a few chops on Kassidy in the corner. Lethal then tags in and delivers an arm drag to Taven. He follows it up with a missile dropkick and looks to cinch in a Figure Four Leg Lock on Taven, but Bennett helps out his tag team partner. Lethal then looks to do the same to Bennett and Private Party, but the three men avoid having the hold locked in on them.


Back from the break, Jarrett tags in and runs over Taven with a clothesline. He levels Bennett with a back elbow, then rains down right hands on Taven in the corner and delivers a back body drop to Quen. He sends Kassidy crashing into the ropes and delivers a Hip Attack to him, but Taven rolls him out. Jarrett kicks out and Lethal levels both him and Bennett.

Quen tags himself in and Kassidy launches off Quen's back to deliver Silly String to him. Quen follows it up with a 450 Splash and goes for a pin, but Bennett sends himself and Kassidy crashing into the pair to break the fall. Bennett then lands a Death Valley Driver on Quen, but Lethal lands the Lethal Injection on Kassidy. Taven takes down Lethal, but Jarrett sets up for The Stroke on him. Taven rakes Jarrett's eye to escape, but Jarrett cinches in the Figure Four Leg Lock on Taven as Lethal does the same to Bennett. Taven and Bennett tap out at the same time.

Winners: Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal

Mina Shirakawa then makes her way down to the ring. Missa Kate is already waiting inside. 

Mina Shirakawa vs. Missa Kate

The bell rings and the two lock up. Shirakawa connects with a Russian Leg Sweep on Kate, then goes for a pin but Kate kicks out. Shirakawa wears down Kate's calves with a submission hold, then looks to cinch in a Figure Four Leg Lock. Kate avoids it, but Shirakawa ascends to the top and delivers a splash. She goes for a pin, but Kate kicks out. Shirakawa pins Kate, but Kate kicks out. Shirakawa then delivers a back fist and a kick, then connects with a modified Michinoku Driver for the win.


Winner: Mina Shirakawa

We then head backstage to Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway, who send a message to Willow Nightingale ahead of her and Statlander's Chicago Street Fight for the CMLL World Women's Championship at AEW All Out. Statlander then takes down a crew member who appears to be a Nightingale fan.

Grizzled Young Veterans then make their way down to the ring. The Outrunners and Erica Leigh follow.

Grizzled Young Veterans vs. The Outrunners (w/ Erica Leigh)

Zack Gibson and Truth Magnum begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. James Drake tags in and sends Magnum's arm bouncing off the mat, Magnum lands a bodyslam on Drake and tags in Turbo Floyd. The Outrunners double team on Drake, but Gibson tags in and Floyd connects with a boot across his jaw. Magnum tags back in and lands a double shoulder tackle on Gibson. The Outrunners then deliver a double elbow drop to Gibson and Magnum fires off chops across his chest. Drake then tags back in and trips Magnum.


Back from the break, Drake tags in and Magnum sends him crashing into the mat. Gibson and Floyd tag in, and Floyd levels both Gibson and Drake. He connects with a bodyslam each on both men, but Drake lands a step-up enzuigiri on him. Floyd lands a flying clothesline to level Drake and Gibson, then tags in Magnum.

Magnum ascends to the top, but Drake pushes him off while the referee is distracted. Drake then tags in and Grizzled Young Veterans deliver the Doomsday Device to Magnum. They follow it up with Grit Your Teeth for the win.

Winners: Grizzled Young Veterans

Nyla Rose then makes her way down to the ring. Aminah Belmont is already waiting inside.

Nyla Rose vs. Aminah Belmont

The bell rings and Belmont looks to take down Rose. Rose stays standing and fires off right hands on Belmont, then dumps her across the ring and follows it up with a chokeslam. Rose then delivers a spinning Beast Bomb for the win.


Winner: Nyla Rose

Konosuke Takeshita and Don Callis then make their way down to the ring. Lio Rush, The Beast Mortos, Komander, and Alex Abrahantes follow.

Konosuke Takeshita (w/ Don Callis) vs. Lio Rush vs. The Beast Mortos vs. Komander (w/ Alex Abrahantes)

The bell rings and Takeshita goes after Rush as Mortos and Komander brawl with one another. Mortos and Takeshita get Komander and Rush over their heads, but Komander and Rush escape and send both men onto the apron. They then deliver dropkicks to send them both crashing onto the floor and looks to fly, but Takeshita and Mortos catch them and send them crashing into one another before staring each other down and dumping Komander and Rush back in the ring.


Takeshita and Mortos look to level one another with clotheslines, but both stay standing. Rush and Komander take advantage and fly out of the ring to level Takeshita and Mortos, then lock up with one another in the ring. Rush rolls up Komander, but Komander kicks out and rolls up Rush. Rush kicks out, then lands a kick on Komander. Takeshita and Mortos then double team on Rush, but Rush takes down Mortos with a hurricanrana. He walks into a boot from Mortos, but Komander walks the ropes and flies to level Rush and Takeshita on the outside. Mortos then takes down Komander with a Tornado through the middle rope.

Back from the break, Rush delivers a jawbreaker to Takeshita but Komander goes after Rush and sends him crashing into the mat face first. Mortos catches Komander with a variation of a gutbuster and follows it up with a Sling Blade. Takeshita and Mortos deliver a double superplex to Komander, but Rush connects with a splash on Takeshita as he looks to pin Komander.


Takeshita drags Komander up to the top rope and looks to land a Brainbuster on him, but Komander escapes and dials it up for a 619 to trip him. He then levels Mortos and pin him, but Mortos kicks out. Komander lands a Shooting Star Press off the top rope on Mortos, and Mortos then levels Rush with a spear. He connects with a spinning backbreaker and a powerbomb on Komander, but Takeshita rocks him with a jumping knee. Komander rolls up Takeshita, but Takeshita kicks out and delivers a Blue Thunder Bomb before following it up with a Michinoku Driver for the win.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita

