WWE NXT Results 7/9 - We Hear From Wes Lee, Tony D'Angelo Defends Heritage Cup & More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE NXT" on July 9, 2024, coming to you live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida!

Only one title changed hands this past Sunday during "NXT" Heatwave, that being the NXT Championship when Ethan Page dethroned Trick Williams in a Fatal Four-Way Match due to a miscalculation on Williams' part. The NXT Women's Championship, NXT Tag Team Championship, and Women's North American Championship were all successfully defended, as well as the North American Championship by Oba Femi after Wes Lee was unsuccessfully able to challenge him. Following the match, Lee made his frustrations with being unable to dethrone Femi for a second time and subsequently never being able to challenge him again throughout his reign per the match's stipulation well known in a backstage video. After Lee promised to give fans an update on the next steps in his career, he will be doing so tonight.


The NXT Heritage Cup will be on the line tonight, as titleholder Tony D'Angelo defends against Lexis King. D'Angelo's last match came on the June 25 episode of "NXT" when Nathan Frazer unsuccessfully challenged the leader of The Family.

Arianna Grace and Karmen Petrovic were able to work together to defeat Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx on the Countdown To Heatwave Pre-Show, but tonight, they will be facing off against one another in the ring. Although "NXT" General Manager Ava pointed how great Grace and Petrovic worked together, the two found themselves in a verbal confrontation later on during the main show over who was the better of them was in the ring.

Over the course of the past several weeks, tensions have greatly risen between OTM and The OC, with the two stables finding themselves involved in a number of physical altercations both in the ring and behind the scenes. Tonight, Lucien Price and Bronco Nima will be taking on Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson as the four men look to settle their issues for good.


Additionally, Fallon Henley will be squaring off with Sol Ruca after the latter was unable to defeat Kelani Jordan to win the Women's North American Championship. Mark Coffey and Wolfgang of Gallus will also be going head-to-head with Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont in tag team competition. While the match was originally slated to take place on last week's edition of "NXT", Gallus blindsided Igwe and DuPont with an attack backstage prior to it.

We are live! The show kicks off with a video recapping the events of Heatwave this past Sunday.

Vic Joseph and Booker T then greet audiences at home as Ethan Page makes his way down to the ring with several security guards by his side.

We Hear From Ethan Page

Page gloats about being the new NXT Champion, and says it only took him six weeks to take over "NXT". He says that it takes several traits to be able to accomplish such, but the biggest thing is having a big ego. He says everyone likely hates him, and that includes the entire "NXT" locker room. He explains that the security he brought with him was to protect him against any member of the "NXT" roster looking to attack him.


Oro Mensah appears at ringside looking to blindside Page, but security prevents him from doing so. Page thanks Ava for banning Mensah from Heatwave and allowing him to win the NXT Championship in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He promises to keep any outsiders from coming to "NXT" to ruin what they have on the brand as the new NXT Champion, then says while the saying might go We Are "NXT", that's not true because he is "NXT".

Trick Williams' music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He admits Page dethroned him as NXT Champion fair and square, but warns him that he's coming for his rematch. He demands to have his rematch for the NXT Championship tonight, but instead of responding to the challenge, Page thanks Williams for inadvertently helping him become the new titleholder. Page then tells Williams that he's no longer the guy in "NXT" because he is, and says he's not granting him his rematch.


Shawn Spears' music hits, and he makes his way out. He tells Page that he owes him a thank you for helping him become the new titleholder, and tells Williams that he's goofy for running his mouth about him for some time. He says it must suck for Williams to have lost the NXT Championship without being pinned, then says Williams should go to the back of the line.

Je'Von Evans' music hits and he makes his way out. Evans says he was close to winning the NXT Championship, and says he's not waiting for Spears or Page to get another shot at the title. Williams and Evans then begin brawling with Page and Spears, and send the duo crashing out of the ring. They stand tall as referees make their way out to separate the four men.

Back from the break, Karmen Petrovic makes her way down to the ring. Arianna Grace is already waiting inside the ring.

Arianna Grace vs. Karmen Petrovic

The bell rings and the two lock up. Grace lands a shoulder tackle on Petrovic, but Petrovic delivers a hair whip to her and connects with a lariat. Jacy Jayne and Kazmyn Nyx make their way out as Petrovic wears Grace down with a submission hold. Grace then wears Petrovic down with a submission of her own, but Petrovic escapes and lands a jawbreaker. She follows it up with a kick and trips Grace, then connects with a roundhouse kick on her for the win.


Winner: Karmen Petrovic

After the match, Fallon Henley blindsides Petrovic and connects with a suplex on her. She fires off right hands on her and lands a kick before raining down forearms on her.

We then head over to a video showing Brooks Jensen meeting with Ava about his recent behavior in the latter's office. Jensen apologizes for his actions, and says he's not there to make excuses. He says he wishes he could take it all back, and Ava tells him as a wrestler, he needs to be able to push through all the highs and lows. She tells Jensen that herself and Shawn Michaels were ready to release him, but says a few people vouched for him and they ultimately decided against it. Ava tells Jensen he's a WWE Superstar 24/7, and the two shake hands.


Back from the break, The Family and Lexis King are all waiting inside the ring and Eddy Thorpe is at ringside to watch the action.

Tony D'Angelo (w The Family) (c) vs. Lexis King for the NXT Heritage Cup

Round one begins, and the two lock up. D'Angelo lands a shoulder tackle on King, but King steps over D'Angelo. D'Angelo whips King into the corner and connects with a back body drop, then locks in an arm submission on him. King catches D'Angelo with a dropkick, then delivers a couple of chops on him. D'Angelo lands a chop of his own and looks to cinch in a Boston Crab, but King fights his way out of it. D'Angelo locks in the hold as the round comes to a close, but King refuses to tap out.


Round One: D'Angelo 0-0 King

Thorpe plays some music in between rounds. As round two kicks off, King becomes distracted by Thorpe. This opens the door for D'Angelo to land Fuhgeddaboudit to score a fall.

Round Two: D'Angelo 1-0 King

Back from the break, D'Angelo fires off right hands on King's midsection and delivers a suplex. King runs D'Angelo over and delivers The Coronation to him to score a fall as round three comes to a close.

Round Three: D'Angelo 1-1 King

Round four starts, and King lands a kick on D'Angelo in the corner. He fires off stomps on him, then connects with a clothesline. D'Angelo levels King, then delivers a pair of belly-to-belly suplexes to him. King rolls up D'Angelo, but D'Angelo kicks out. King lands a back elbow on D'Angelo before the two teeter on the ropes. King pushes D'Angelo off and delivers a DDT off the middle rope. He goes for a pin, but D'Angelo kicks out. D'Angelo looks to send King crashing into the mat, but King counters into a roll up. D'Angelo kicks out and delivers a spinebuster to King for the win.


Round Four: D'Angelo 2-1 King

Winner (and still): Tony D'Angelo

We then head backstage and see Brooks Jensen attacking Je'Von Evans. Josh Briggs asks Jensen what he's doing after he stuck his neck out for him, and officials check on Evans.

Back from the break, we see Ridge Holland approach Chase U looking to make it up to them for helping them cheat. He tells Thea Hail he got her a match later tonight against Izzi Dame in an effort to get one step closer to another shot at the NXT Women's Championship, and tells Duke Hudson he got him a North American Championship against Oba Femi next week.

Back at ringside, Gallus makes their way down.

Gallus (w/ Joe Coffey) vs. Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont

Igwe and DuPont blind Gallus on the ramp, and the two teams begin brawling. DuPont and Mark Coffey get inside the ring, and the bell sounds. DuPont fires off right hands on Mark and catches him with an uppercut. Igwe tags in and lands a double shoulder tackle on Mark with DuPont. Igwe runs over Mark with a boot, then connects with a dropkick on him and tags in Wolfgang. Gallus double teams on Igwe, and Wolfgang whips Igwe into the corner. Mark clotheslines him from the apron while the referee is distracted, and Wolfgang follows it up with a bodyslam.


Mark and DuPont tag in, and DuPont lands a shoulder tackle on Mark. He lands a dropkick on Wolfgang and one on Mark, then hits a Sidewalk Slam on Mark and follows it up with a splash. Igwe tags in and runs the ropes, but Joe low bridges him out of the ring. This opens the door for Gallus to land their finisher for the win.

Winners: Gallus

We then head backstage and see Trick Williams chat with Kelly Kincaid about his upcoming tag team match against Shawn Spears and Ethan Page given that Brooks Jensen attacked his tag team partner Je'Von Evans earlier tonight. Joe Hendry briefly appears on the screen behind them.

Back from the break, Wes Lee makes his way down to the ring.

Wes Lee Gets Some Encouragement From Some Old Friends

Lee says he's had a rough couple days, and says he believed he could dethrone Oba Femi as North American Champion at Heatwave. He admits that Femi was the better man, but that match wasn't the only thing he put everything into. He says that when he was recovering from his spine injury a few months back, imagining the success he would have upon his return got him through it. He says that's not how things turned out, and says he doesn't know where to go now that he can't challenge Femi for the North American Championship as long as he holds it.


Lee says he's been beaten before, but it's never been like this. He says he has to be honest with fans and himself, then says he thinks it might be time to step away.

MSK's music hits, and Zach Wentz and Trey Miguel. Lee asks Wentz and Miguel what they're doing in "NXT", and Wentz says both them and fans don't want to see Lee leave. Miguel tells Lee that he and Wentz have missed him, and Lee tells Wentz and Miguel he's proud of what they've accomplished in TNA Wrestling. Wentz and Miguel say they know, and Wentz tells Lee that he's the greatest North American Champion of all time. Miguel says MSK was the best tag team in "NXT" history before Wentz proposes a reunion of both MSK and The Rascalz to Lee. Lee accepts, then hugs Wentz and Miguel.


Chase U then makes their way down to the ring. Izzi Dame follows.

Thea Hail (w/ Chase U) vs. Izzi Dame

The bell rings and Hail lands a couple kicks on Dame's thigh. Dame knocks her over, then delivers a kick to her that sends her crashing out of the ring. Hail connects with an arm drag on Dame, but Dame sends her crashing into the corner and fires off kicks on her in the corner. She follows it up with a backbreaker on Hail and locks in a crossface on her.


Tatum Paxley appears at ringside, and Dame sends her bouncing off the ring apron face first. Dame charges at Paxley, but Paxley moves out of the way to send Dame crashing into the ring post shoulder first, and Hail surprises her with a tope suicida. She gets her back in the ring, then delivers a crossbody off the top rope. She follows it up with a variation on a splash and a swinging neckbreaker, then hits a codebreaker on her arm and cinches in the Kimura Lock on her. Dame taps out.

Winner: Thea Hail

After the match, Oba Femi appears at ringside and tells Duke Hudson he'll destroy him next week in their North American Championship match. Hudson warns Femi to not underestimate him, and says it will be his pleasure to dethrone Femi as North American Champion.


We then head backstage to The Rascalz, where Gallus confronts them. 

Back at ringside, OTM make their way down to the ring. The OC follows.

OTM (w/ Jaida Parker) vs. The OC

Luke Gallows and Bronco Nima begin the action. The bell rings and Gallows fires off strikes on Nima. He delivers a suplex to him, then charges at him. Nima moves out of the way, then connects with a delayed vertical suplex. Gallows fires off boots on Nima in the corner, then tags in Karl Anderson. Nima sends Anderson crashing into the corner, then tags in Lucien Price.


OTM delivers a double back elbow to Anderson, but Anderson fires off chops on Price's chest. Price catches Anderson with a chokeslam, then lands a clothesline on him in the corner and tags in Nima. Nima levels Anderson with a forearm, then tags in Price. Price fires off a right hand on Anderson's midsection.

Gallows tags back in and levels Price. He connects with a boot on him, then whips him into the corner and lands a splash. Gallows lands a splash on Price in the corner, and The OC lands an assisted neckbreaker on Price. Anderson pins Prinice, but Nima breaks the fall.

Michin makes her way down to the ring through the crowd and confronts Parker. Officials run down to keep the two women separated. This opens the door for Nima to land a kick on Anderson's spine from the apron while the referee is looking away. Nima then tags in and OTM delivers an assisted spinebuster for the win.


Winners: OTM

Sol Ruca then makes her way down to the ring. Fallon Henley follows.

Fallon Henley vs. Sol Ruca

The bell rings and the two lock up. They take turns locking in submissions on one another before Henley mocks Ruca. Ruca lands a dropkick on Henley, then follows it up with a facebuster and goes for a pin. Henley kicks out and lands a few kicks on Ruca, then sends her crashing into the top turnbuckle. She sends her crashing into the adjacent turnbuckle, but Ruca sends Henley crashing into one of the other turnbuckles.


Henley delivers a single leg dropkick to Ruca and pins her, but Ruca kicks out. Henley then locks in a shoulder submission on Ruca, but Ruca escapes by rolling Henley up. Henley kicks out, and Ruca delivers a pair of springboard crossbodies to level her. She lands a kick on her head from the apron and looks to fly, but Henley trips her and hits a Sling Blade.

Ruca connects with a dropkick on Henley, then follows it up with Sol Snatcher. She pins Henley, but Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx appear before the referee can complete the count.

Winner: Sol Ruca (via disqualification)

After the match, Nyx and Jayne continue to beat down Ruca. Nyx lands a Pele Kick on Ruca.

We then head backstage and see Brooks Jensen talking to an unseen person behind a closed door.


Back from the break, we see Ava, Stevie Turner, and Cedric Alexander emerge from Ava's office. Ava then reveals the three of them had a meeting, and Alexander is now an official member of the "NXT" roster. Mr. Stone then walks in, and tells Ava that he got them both a meeting with Ashante "Thee" Adonis, and the trio make their way into Ava's office.

Back at ringside, Shawn Spears and Ethan Page make their way down to the ring. Trick Williams and his mystery tag team partner, Joe Hendry, follow.

Trick Williams and Joe Hendry vs. Shawn Spears and Ethan Page

Williams and Page begin the action. The bell rings and Williams wastes no time. He fires off right hands on Page and drags Spears into the ring, then fires off right hands on Spears in the corner. Williams delivers a splash to Page, then tags in Hendry. Williams and Hendry deliver a double back elbow to Page before Hendry sends Spears crashing into the mat face first and delivers a delayed vertical suplex to Page. He clotheslines Page out of the ring, then tags in Williams. Williams delivers a double crossbody off the ropes to Page and Spears on the outside.


Back from the break, Hendry rocks Page with a couple uppercuts. Page lands a kick on Hendry, then delivers a DDT to him. Spears tags in and rains down right hands on Hendry, then lands a stomp on his hand and connects with a chop. Page tags back in and fires off right hands on Hendry's midsection. Hendry lands a couple chops on Page, then levels him with a vertical suplex and tags in Williams. Williams levels Page with a pair of leg lariats, then lands one on Spears. Page levels Williams with a uranage, then tags in Spears.

Page lands a shoulder tackle on Williams off the apron, then dumps him back inside the ring. Spears delivers a neckbreaker to Williams and goes for a pin, but Wililams kicks out. Page tags in and delivers a double suplex to Williams with Spears. Page then goes for a pin, but Williams kicks out. Spears becomes legal and lands a pair of chops on Williams. He gets Williams up on his shoulders, but Williams escapes and hits a neckbreaker. Page looks to drag Spears to the corner so he can tag in, but Oro Mensah blindsides him with an attack.


Page retreats through the crowd, leaving Spears alone in the ring. Williams makes the hot tag to Hendry, and Hendry lands a Fallaway Slam on Spears. He sends him crashing out of the ring, and Williams lands a jumping knee on him while Hendry distracts the referee. Hendry then delivers a delayed chokeslam to Spears for the win.

Winners: Trick Williams and Joe Hendry

After the match, Williams and Hendry stand tall and celebrate their win with the "NXT" Universe as the show goes off the air.

