WWE Raw Results 6/17 - Triple Threat Money In The Bank Ladder Match Qualifiers, Carlito Vs. Dragon Lee

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE Raw" on June 17, 2024, coming to you live from the American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, Texas!

The first two entrants in the Men's and Women's Money In The Bank Ladder matches will be determined tonight, as Judgment Day's Finn Balor squares off with LWO's Rey Mysterio and Jey Uso while IYO SKY of Damage CTRL collides with Mysterio's stablemate Zelina Vega and Kiana James in a pair of Triple Threat qualifier matches. The winners of tonight's matches will go on to WWE Money In The Bank on July 6 in Toronto, Ontratio, Canada as they look to climb a ladder and secure a briefcase in their respective matches containing a contract for any championship match of the holder's choosing at any time of their choosing.


Dragon Lee came up short to Finn Balor two weeks ago on "Raw" resulting from interference on behalf of the Judgment Day member from Carlito and JD McDonagh. Following the match, a brawl ensued involving them as well as the aforementioned Rey, and Braun Strowman. This led to a Six Man Tag Team match between Dominik Mysterio, JD McDonagh and Carlito, and Lee, Rey and Strowman with the latter team ultimately coming out on top. In light of all of that, Carlito and Lee look to seek their retribution on one another as they go head-to-head in singles competition.

We are live! The show kicks off with a video recapping the events of WWE Clash At The Castle.

Michael Cole and Pat McAfee then greet audiences at home as Seth "Freakin" Rollins makes his way down to the ring.


We Hear From Seth Rollins

Fans sing Rollins' song and welcome him back before Rollins welcomes them to Monday Night Rollins and introduces himself as the host of tonight's show. He says he's going to cut to the chase, and he's back for one reason. He says he got into the wrestling business to be the best of all time, and says he can't do that without getting back the title he made: the World Heavyweight Championship. He looks up at the Men's and Women's Money In The Bank briefcases suspended above the ring, and says with July 6 right around the corner, the briefcase is the fastest way for him to get another shot at the title.


Damian Priest's music hits, and he makes his way down to the ring. He welcomes Rollins back and says he looks great and healthy. He says it's good to have him back, and says he's been wanting to talk to Rollins. He tells Rollins he wanted to cash in his Men's Money In The Bank briefcase on him to win the World Heavyweight Championship, but "Raw" is no longer Monday Night Rollins.

Rollins tells Priest that they're a lot alike, and says they both made their names in groups. He says they both won the Men's Money In The Bank briefcase and had to wait a long time to cash it in, but when they did, it led to them winning World Championships at WrestleMania. He asks Priest what kind of champion he wants to be, and asks him what he wants his legacy to be.


Priest tells Rollins that it's a fair question, and says when Rollins held the World Heavyweight Championship, he was his first challenger. He says while Rollins defeated him, he was better than him but that is no longer the case. He offers to defend the World Heavyweight Championship at Money In The Bank, and Rollins questions if this is a trap. Priest says it isn't, and Rollins accepts Priest's challenge. He warns Priest that as long as he's around, "Raw" will be Monday Night Rollins.

Alpha Academy then makes their way down to the ring. Braun Strowman follows.

Chad Gable (w/ Alpha Academy) vs. Braun Strowman

The bell rings and Gable looks to land a German suplex on Strowman. Strowman blocks it and gets Gable up on one shoulder, but Gable escapes. Strowman then levels Gable with a big boot and a strike on Gable in the corner, then whips him into the opposite corner and sits him on the top rope. Gable counters into an Arm Bar using the ropes, and Strowman sends Gable crashing out of the ring.


Back from the break, Strowman levels Gable and whips him into the corner. He dumps him across the ring and chases him around the ring, but Gable pushes Akira Tozawa in front of him. Strowman takes out Tozawa, then gets Gable back in the ring and delivers a powerslam to him for the win.

Winner: Braun Strowman

After the match, Gable demands that Tozawa, Otis, and Maxxine Dupri join him inside the ring. The three of them do so, and looks to attack Tozawa. Dupri inserts herself between the two men, and Gable grabs the crutch that she has. He dumps it out of the ring, and tells her to get to the back without it in just her walking boot. Dupri listens, and Tozawa gets in his face. Gable slaps him, and Otis slowly turns around to see Tozawa laying on the mat. He stares down Gable, then shoves him and hops out of the ring to carry Dupri and Tozawa to the back.


We then head over to Judgment Day's lounge, where Damian Priest confronts Finn Balor about taking Liv Morgan's hotel room key card last week after she gave it to Dominik Mysterio. Balor becomes defensive, but Priest tells him not to worry. The two then look ahead to tonight as Dominik looks for his purple cow print vest.

Back at ringside, IYO SKY makes her way down to the ring. Zelina Vega and Kiana James follow.

IYO SKY vs. Zelina Vega vs. Kiana James in a Triple Threat Women's Money In The Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

The bell rings and SKY wastes no time going after Vega. Vega then connects with a knee on SKY's face, and James rolls her up. Vega kicks out and James fires off stomps on her in the corner. Vega delivers a hurricanrana to James, but SKY lands a dropkick on her and lands a jawbreaker on James using the top rope. She then delivers a springboard moonsault, but Vega levels her with a meteora off the ring apron.


Back from the break, SKY and Vega deliver a double superplex to James. The two women then begin brawling with one another before SKY delivers a strike to Vega. Vega delivers a knee to SKY's face, but SKY responds with a Butterfly Backbreaker. James fires off shoulders on SKY and Vega's midsections, then delivers a powerbomb to Vega. Vega levels SKY and rolls up James, but James avoids being pinned.

Vegan levels SKY with a kick and lands a hurricanrana on SKY, then sends James crashing into the mat face first. SKY ascends to the middle rope, but Vega dials it up for a 619 to trip her. She follows it up with a Code Red and goes for a pin, but James breaks the fall. Vega delivers a kick to James' head as Liv Morgan makes her way down to the ring in Dominik's missing patterned cow print vest. James takes advantage and sends Vega crashing to the outside with a codebreaker through the middle rope, but SKY then lands the Over The Moonsault on James for the win.


Winner: IYO SKY

We then head over to a video recapping what happened between Bron Breakker, Ricochet, and Ilja Dragunov last week.

Back at ringside, Sami Zayn makes his way down to the ring.

We Hear From Sami Zayn

Zayn says he's proud to walk into Corpus Christi, Texas still holding the Intercontinental Champion. He says Chad Gable didn't make keeping his title easy at Clash At The Castle, then reflects on everything that has happened between them. He says it's now all over because he beat him in a wrestling match, then says as far as he's concerned, he's moving on from Chad Gable. He says he'd be lying if he said it'd be easy to move on from Alpha Academy because he understands what they're going through, then says he knows people have to do things on their own time. He says both he and Jey Uso left The Bloodline when they're ready, and says when Otis, Akira Tozawa, and Maxxine Dupri are ready, they will leave Gable's side. Zayn says he needs to be ready to defend the Intercontinental Championship against anybody and anyone.


Bron Breakker's music hits, and he makes his way down to the ring. Breakker says he's left a long list of bodies since being on "Raw", and Zayn is next on the list. He vows to take Zayn's title from him.

Sheamus' music hits, and he makes his way down to the ring. He says he's been facing the Intercontinental Championship for the last five years putting banger after banger, then asks Zayn to consider giving him a title shot. He tells Zayn he respects him, and Breakker tells Sheamus no one cares. He says everyone knows what happens when you get in his way, and says Sheamus is in his way. He tells him that he'll beat him too, and Sheamus asks Breakker what he's going to do. He says Breakker is cocky and on the run of a lifetime, then says he has no skin in the game. He tells Breakker that he's the new kid. Zayn says it seems that Breakker and Sheamus need to sort this out, then tells them he's going to find "Raw" General Manager Adam Pearce to make a match between them official.


Dragon Lee, Rey Mysterio, and Joaquin Wilde then make their way down to the ring. Carlito, Dominik Mysterio, and JD McDonagh follow.

Carlito (w/ Judgment Day) vs. Dragon Lee (w/ LWO)

The bell rings and Lee wastes no time going after Carlito. He delivers a hurricanrana to him, then follows it up with a dropkick and a step-up enzuigiri. Carlito whips Lee into the barricade on the outside, then sends him crashing into it once more spine first and dumps him back into the ring. Carlito gets in Rey's face on the outside, but Lee levels him with a hurricanrana off the apron.


Back from the break, Lee delivers a splash to Carlito off the top rope and follows it up with a jumping knee. Carlito lands a back elbow on Lee, then gets him up on his shoulders and sends him crashing into the mat with a swinging neckbreaker. Lee then delivers a double stomp to Carlito off the top rope, but Carlito catches Lee with a back body drop and a running knee. Lee sends Carlito crashing into the mat with a sit-out powerbomb.

Liv Morgan marches down to the ring still wearing Dominik Mysterio's purple cow print vest, but Zelina VEga blindsides her. Dominik sends Wilde crashing into the ring steps, but Rey fires off right hands on him. In the midst of the chaos. McDonagh trips Lee on the middle rope, allowing Carlito to connect with a backstabber for the win.


Winner: Carlito

We then head over to a video recapping what happened in the World Heavyweight Championship match between Damian Priest, Drew McIntyre, and CM Punk at Clash At The Castle.

Back from the break, we see Chad Gable get in the rest of Alpha Academy's face about what happened earlier in the locker room. Maxxine Dupri, Otis, and Akira Tozawa grab their bags and leave Gable alone.

Back at ringside, Drew McIntyre makes his way out. 

We Hear From Drew McIntyre

An enraged McIntyre looks to talk about CM Punk, but says he can't do this anymore. He says screw WWE and quits the company, then leaves the ring and storms to the back as Adam Pearce tries talking McIntyre down.


Back from the break, Damage CTRl makes their way down to the ring. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance are already waiting inside the ring.

Damage CTRL vs. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance

The bell rings and Damage CTRL wastes no time going after Katana Chance. Chance levels Kai with a dropkick, then tags in Carter. Chance holds Kai in place off the apron as Carter delivers a splash off the apron, then gets her back inside the ring. Kai delivers a stomp to Carter, then tags in Sane. Sane ascends to the top and delivers the In-Sane Elbow to Carter. She goes for a pin, but Chance breaks up the fall.


Lyra Valkyria checks on Chance on the outside, then distracts Kai. This opens the door for Carter to land a DDT on Sane before Chance tags in. Chance and Carter then deliver The After Party for the win.

Winners: Kayden Carter and Katana Chance

Back from the break, Sami Zayn makes his way down to the ring to watch the following match. Sheamus and Bron Breakker follow.

Sheamus vs. Bron Breakker

The bell rings and the two stare one another down. They then lock up before they both go tumbling out of the ring. Breakker fires off right hands on Sheamus, but Sheamus lands an uppercut and gets Breakker back inside the ring. He gets him up on one of his shoulders, but Breakker escapes and levels Sheamus with a clothesline.


Breakker fires off a couple of shoulders on Sheamus' midsection, but Sheamus catches him with an Irish Curse Backbreaker and gets Breakker up on his shoulders. He connects with a rolling senton and locks in a variation of a crossface, but Breakker makes it up to his feet to escape and Breakker out of the ring and lands a running clothesline on him off the apron, then gets him back in the ring. Breakker then delivers a running knee that sends Sheamus crashing off the apron, then flies off the apron to send himself and Sheamus crashing over the announce desk.

Back from the break, Breakker gets Sheamus up on his shoulders and delivers a pair of double knees to his midsection. Breakker and Sheamus then exchange right hands with one another before Sheamus levels Breakker and delivers a clothesline to him in the corner. He follows it up with a spinning sidewalk slam, then gets him up on his shoulders and looks to ascend to the top. Breakker escapes and sits Sheamus on the top rope, but Sheamus fires off right hands on Breakker. Breakker joins Sheamus on the top rope and lands a hurricanrana on him.


Sheamus delivers White Noise to Breakker and goes for a pin, but Breakker kicks out. Breakker then levels Sheamus with a clothesline and looks to land a spear, but Sheamus catches Breakker with a running knee and goes for a pin. Breakker kicks out and Sheamus executes The Ten Beats Of The Bodhran on him. He sets up for the Brogue Kick, but Ludwig Kaiser appears at ringside and pulls Sheamus out of the ring, causing the disqualification.

Winner: N/A (double disqualification due to outside interference)

Sheamus and Kaiser continue brawling, but Breakker lands a spear on Sheamus. Officials escort Breakker to the back, leaving Sheamus alone at ringside. Kaiser continues beating down Sheamus and looks to continue beating him down. Breakker intercepts Kaiser with a spear.

We then head backstage and see Liv Morgan call Dominik Msyterio over to him. Dominik tells her that he wants his purple cow print vest back, and Morgan tells him that he can have it back if he takes it off her himself. Dominik slowly does so, but Damian Priest catches him. Dominik then takes it off Morgan quickly and Priest tells Morgan to leave Dominik alone.

Back from the break, Jey Uso makes his way down to the ring through the crowd. Rey Mysterio and Finn Balor follow.


Finn Balor vs. Jey Uso vs. Rey Mysterio in a Triple Threat Men's Money In The Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

The bell rings and Balor rolls out of the ring. Jey and Rey lock up, and Jey levels Rey with a shoulder tackle. Rey connects witha hurricanrana to Jey and an arm drag to Balor, then levels Balor on the outside with a dropkick through the ropes. Balor sends Jey's face repeatedly off the apron, but Rey flies over the top rope to level him.


Back from the break, Balor delivers a stomp to Jey and delivers a basement dropkick to Rey. He lands a series of stomps on Rey, then delivers a knee and an elbow to Jey. Jey lands a superkick on Balor's midsection, then gets him up on his shoulders. Rey levels Balor with a senton off the top rope, then connects with a springboard crossbody to him. He delivers a Crucifix Bomb to Jey and low bridges him out of the ring, but Balor rolls him up.

Rey kicks out and ascends up the ropes, but Balor gets Rey up in an Eletric Chair position. Rey escapes and sends Balor crashing into the ropes and dials it up for a 619, but Balor catches him with a clothesline. Jey catches Balor with an enzuigiri, but Balor lands a Pele Kick on him.


Back from another break, Rey trips balor on the top rope and delivers an enzuigiri to Jey from the apron. He then delivers a hurricanrana to Balor, but Jey catches Rey with a spear and goes for a pin. Rey kicks out and Jey ascends to the top. Balor trips Jey and Rey dials it up for a 619 on him, then lands a baseball slide through the middle rope and sends Balor crashing into the ropes. He dials it up for a second 619, then dials it up for another on Jey. Rey then ascends to thet op and delivers a double hurricanrana to Jey and Balor that sends them both crashing into the ropes. He diesel it up for a double 619 on them both.

Rey ascends to the top, but Dominik grabs his ankle. Rey levels him, but JD McDonagh and Carlito send Rey crashing into the ring steps. Barun Strowman's music hits, and he runs down to the ring to chase McDonagh and Carlito away from ringside. Back in the ring, Balor rolls up Jey but Jey avoids being pinned. He lands a superkick on him, then sets up for a spear. Balor avoids it and lands a spear, but Rey lands a shoulder on his midsection. Balor sends Rey crashing into the top turnbuckle, then ascends to the top and delivers a Coup De Grace for him. He goes for a pin, but Jey lands an Uso Splash on him. He then pins Balor for the win.


Winner: Jey Uso

Uncle Howdy Returns (And He Didn't Come Alone)

As Jey celebrates his win with the WWE Universe, the lights go out section by section. Bray Wyatt's music begins playing as the door he walked through appears on the ramp. When it opens, a light shines through it but it quickly turns off. A masked woman (Nikki CrosS) then slowly crawls through it and stares at a lantern on the entrance ramp. She points towards the door, where the camera person mocces to see several people laid out. A man in a rabbit mask holding a mallet with "help" written on it (Erick Rowan) stands by them as the camera pans to find the gorilla position completely destroyed. Another masked man sits on road cases (likely Dexter Lumis), and another masked man stands near by (likely Joe Gacy). The camera pans to see several Superstars laid out as well, and we see Uncle Howdy. The three masked men join the masked woman on the ramp, and Uncle Howdy holds up the lantern. He tells fans that they're here, and blows out the lantern as the show goes off the air.

