WWE NXT Results 5/21 - Triple Threat #1 Contenders Match, Women's North American Title Qualifiers Continue

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE NXT" on May 21, 2024, coming to you from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida!

Oba Femi's next challenger for the North American Championship will be determined tonight, as Wes Lee collides with Josh Briggs and Gallus' Joe Coffey in a Triple Threat Number One Contenders match. The winner will receive their title match at "NXT" Battleground on June 9. While Ivar was originally set to compete in tonight's match after he found himself involved in a heated verbal exchange with Lee and Briggs last week, he was not medically cleared to compete. "NXT" General Manager Ava then named Joe as his replacement after he, Mark Coffey, and Wolfgang blindsided Lee, Briggs, and Ivar with an attack backstage in the closing moments of last week's edition of "NXT".


The next two entrants in the Ladder Match at Battleground to crown the first ever North American Women's Champion will be revealed tonight, as longtime rivals Jaida Parker of OTM goes one-on-one with Brinley Reece, and Fallon Henley squares off with Chase U's Thea Hail in a pair of qualifier matches. The winners will join Lash Legend and Sol Ruca, who secured their spot in the Ladder Match last week when they defeated Ivy Nile and Izzi Dame respectively.

Elsewhere in the women's division, Lola Vice will be joining forces with her ally Shayna Baszler to take on Natalya and Karmen Petrovic in tag team competition. The issues between the four women have remained no secret over the course of the past few weeks, with Vice defeating Natalya in a "NXT" Underground at Night Two of the "NXT" Spring Breakin' special before Natalya and Petrovic subsequently blindsided Vice and Baszler with a pair of attacks last week and threw out the challenge for tonight's match.


We are live! The show kicks off with a video recapping some highlights from last week's episode of "NXT".

Vic Joseph and Booker T then greet audiences at home as Chase U makes their way down to the ring. Fallon Henley follows.

Fallon Henley vs. Thea Hail (w/ Chase U) in a Women's North American Championship Ladder Match Qualifier

The bell rings and Henley shoves Hail. Hail then wears down Henley's arm with a submission hold and delivers a standing moonsault before Henley executes a Dragon Screw and a kick to her head. Henley cinches in an arm submission on Hail, but Hail escapes and delivers an arm drag. Henley ends up on the outside, and Hail levels her with a tope suicida. She fires off forearms on her, but Henley sends her crashing into the announce desk spine first.


The pair get back inside the ring, but Henley slides out on the opposite side and grabs a chair from under the ring while the referee is distracted with Hail. She looks to slide it in the ring, but Holland takes it from her. The referee (thinking he was the one who grabbed it) ejects Chase U from ringside much to the joy of Henley.

Back from the break, Henley sends Hail crashing into the mat. Hail responds with an arm drag, and the two level one another with a headbutt. Henley and Hail exchange elbow strikes with one another, but Hail levels Henley with a pair of back elbows and a kick to Henley's leg. She sends Henley crashing into the mat face first, then levels her with a slam and a springboard senton.


Henley ascends to the middle rope, but Hail meets her up there and looks to level Henley with a superplex. Henley blocks her and sends her crashing into the mat, then looks to level her with a suplex. Hail counters into a Kimura Lock, but Henley makes her way out of the ring and sends Henley crashing into the barricade. The pair get back inside the ring, and Henley delivers a Shining Wizard for the win.

Winner: Fallon Henley

After the match, Jazmyn Nyx appears out of nowhere and levels Hail with a Pele Kick as Henley smiles on from the ramp.

We then head backstage and see Nathan Frazer and Axiom get into a heated verbal exchange with The Family over the Heritage Cup earlier today. This leads to Frazer and Axiom offering Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo and Luca Crusifino a shot at the "NXT" Tag Team Championship.

Back at ringside, The Family makes their way down to the ring. Nathan Frazer and Axiom follow.

Nathan Frazer and Axiom (c) vs. The Family (w/ Tony D'Angelo and Adriana Rizzo) for the NXT Tag Team Championship

Crusifino and Axiom begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Axiom delivers a kick to Crusifino's chest before Frazer and Stacks tag in. Stacks delivers a kick to Frazer, then dumps him onto the apron. Frazer delivers a Sunset Flip to Stacks, but Stacks responds with a back elbow and cinches in a side headlock. Frazer tags in Axiom to escape the hold, then tags back in. Axiom and Frazer double team on Stacks, but Crusifino tags in and dumps Frazer onto the apron. Stacks sends him crashing into the announce desk with a big boot and delivers a clothesline off the apron to level him.


Back from the break, Stacks sends Frazer crashing into the apron shoulder first. Crusifino tags in and fires off right hands on Frazer's midsection, then locks in a shoulder submission. Frazer lands a back elbow on Crusifino, then sends him crashing into the mat.

Stacks and Axiom tag in, and Axiom fires off chops on both Stacks and Crusifino. He sends the pair crashing into the mat, then delivers a Full Nelson suplex to Stacks. Axiom fires off kicks on Stacks' chest, then tags Frazer back in. Frazer gets Stacks up and Axiom delivers a kick to his chest. Frazer then sends Stacks crashing into the mat with a Briabuster, but Crusifino hits a codebreaker and tags himself in.

Stacks tags in and Frazer sends him crashing into the middle turnbuckle. Stacks and Frazer ascend to the top, and Stacks lands a superplex on Frazer. No Quarter Catch Crew then appears at ringside and begins attacking D'Angelo, allowing Frazer to roll up Stacks for the win.


Winners (and still): Nathan Frazer and Axiom

After the match, NQCC and The Family brawl to the back with one another. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson then blindside Frazer and Axiom in the ring, landing the Magic Killer on Frazer.

Oba Femi then makes his way down to the ring.

Back from the break, we see Ridge Holland and Riley Osborne get into an argument over what happened during Thea Hail's match earlier tonight. Andre Chase tells them to settle their issues in the ring next week. 

Back at ringside, Wes Lee makes his way down. Josh Briggs and Joe Coffey follow as Femi has taken a seat at the announce desk.

Wes Lee vs. Joe Coffey (w Gallus) vs. Josh Briggs in a Triple Threat Number One Contenders Match for the North American Championship

The bell rings and Lee and Briggs waste no time going after Joe. They fire off kicks and right hands on him before Briggs levels Lee with a right hand. Briggs levels Joe and Lee with a double shoulder tackle, then delivers an arm drag to Lee that sends him crashing into Joe.


Joe delivers a boot to Briggs' midsection and ascends to the top, then sends him crashing into the mat and goes for a pin. Briggs kicks out and Lee delivers a hurricanrana to Joe that sends him crashing to the outside. He then goes flying over the top to level him. Briggs levels Joe with a boot on the outside, then runs over Lee and delivers a back body drop to Joe.

Back from the break, Briggs tries leveling Joe with a clothesline. He then manages to deliver a splash and goes for a pin, but Lee delivers a Swanton Bomb off the top rope to break the fall. Lee delivers a double stomp to Briggs' spine, then delivers a kick to Joe and levels both Briggs and Joe by flying out of the corner. He pins them both, but they both kick out.


Lee lands a tope suicida on Briggs on the outside, but Joe sends him crashing into the ring apron spine first. Briggs and Joe get back inside the ring, and Briggs levels Joe with a running boot. He ascends to the top, but Lee delivers a kick to his chest and joins him up there. Joe follows suit, but Briggs fights him off with a back elbow and levels him. Lee looks to fly off the top, but Briggs chokeslams him onto the top turnbuckle and delivers a second chokeslam to Joe. He then chokeslams Lee on top of Joe and pins them both, but Lee and Joe both kick out.

Joe fires off right hands on Briggs' midsection and face, then whips him into the corner and delivers a pair of running European uppercuts. He delivers a crossbody out of the corner and goes for a pin, but Lee breaks the fall at the last second. Lee lands a forearm on Joe, but Joe hits him with a kick. Lee then delivers the Kardiak Kick to Joe and flies through the middle rope to level him on the outside. On the other side of the ring, Mark Coffey and Wolfgang attack Briggs and dump him back inside the ring. Lee looks to fly off the top, but Joe levels him with a headbutt. Lee and Je then both pin Briggs, and the referee declares them both as the new Number One Contenders.


Winners (and new Number One Contenders): Wes Lee and Joe Coffey

Back from the break, we see Ava inform Oba Femi in her office that he will be defending the North American Championship against both Wes Lee and Joe Coffey at Battleground. 

Back at ringside, Brinley Reece makes her way down to the ring. Jaida Parker follows.

Jaida Parker vs. Brinley Reece in a Women's North American Championship Ladder Match Qualifier

The bell rings and Reece wastes no time. She lands an uppercut on Parker, then delivers a shoulder to her midsection in the corner. She follows it up with an arm drag, but Parker shoves Reece into the corner. Reece ascends to the middle rope and looks to fly, but Parker catches her with a kick to her midsection mid-air. She fires off shoulders on her midsection, then lands a forearm and drapes Reece across the middle turnbuckle. She lands a chop, then sends her crashing into the mat.


Reece fires off a pair of right hands on Parker's midsection, then delivers a jawbreaker. Parker then levels Reece with a double underhook suplex as we see Edris Enofe and Malik Blade watch the action from backstage whilst seemingly arguing with one another about whether or not to head out to ringside. Back in the ring, Reece rolls up Parker. Parker kicks out and sends Reece crashing into the corner. Reece levels Parker with a flying shoulder tackle, then follows it up with a bodyslam and a clothesline. Reece gets Parker up on her shoulders, but Parker escapes as Edris Enofe and Malik Blade appear on the ramp. Parker then delivers the Teardrop Hip Check to Reece for the win.

Winner: Jaida Parker


We then head backstage and see Jazmyn Nyx approach Fallon Henley to explain why she waited until after Henley's match against Hail to attack Hail.

We then head over to a video teasing the return of Wendy Choo.

Back from the break, we see Ava on a phone conversation tell someone that she talked to Adam Pearce and Nick Aldis. She says all of them have come to an agreement, and Roxanne Perez will find out her next challenger for the "NXT" Women's Championship at Battleground next week.

Back at ringside, Lexis King makes his way out. He runs his mouth about how great he is before Robert Stone makes his way down to the ring with King's mystery opponent, Dante Chen.

Dante Chen (w/ Mr. Stone) vs. Lexis King

The bell rings and the two lock up. King lands a shoulder tackle, then fires off right hands on Chen. Chen delivers a dropkick to King, then follows it up with a back body drop. He looks to land a running splash in the corner, but King catches him and sits him on the top rope. Chen looks to fly, but King intercepts him mid-air with a dropkick. He follows it up with a pair of elbow drops and an overhand chop, then lands a second chop. He then delivers a kick to Chen's midsection and sends him crashing into the top turnbuckle face first.


King jams his boot into Chen in the corner, then levels him with a clothesline and a kick to his spine. Chen levels King with a clothesline of his own and lands a forearm before the pair exchange overhand chops with one another. He then delivers a splash in the corner and hits a boot before King looks to land a kick. Chen catches it and sends King crashing into the mat, then goes for a pin. King kicks out.

King runs over Chen with a right hand, but Stone hops up on the apron. King gets in his face and Stone backs down. He then delivers a superkick to Chen and sets up for The Coronation, but Chen avoids it and rolls King up for the win.

Winner: Dante Chen

Back from the break, Trick Williams makes his way down to the ring.


We Hear From Trick Williams

Williams says he appreciates the support from the fans, but he has business to get down to. He says Noam Dar attacked him two weeks ago only to get attacked himself last week backstage. He says he did not attack Dar, and says if he were the attacker, Dar would be unconscious or not holding his leg.


Meta-Four's music hits, and the group (minus Noam Dar) make their way down to the ring. Jakara Jackson says that Williams needs to stop playing, but they need to stop tricking them. He says it was either Williams alone or with Je'Von Evans, and Oro Mensah reiterates Jackson's point. He tells Williams to admit he was the attacker and says he shouldn't be "NXT" Champion. Lash Legend insists that Williams was not Dar's attacker, and both Jackson and Mensah demand to know how she knows. Mensah questions who side Legend is on.

Gallus' music hits, and Joe Coffey makes his way down to the ring. Joe says everyone must be wondering why he's out at ringside after securing his spot in the North American Champions Triple Threat match at Battleground.


Mark Coffey and Wolfgang attack Williams from behind, and Joe joins them. Je'Von Evans' music hits and he runs down to the ring. Gallus overpowers him, but Williams goes after the trio. The numbers game gets the better of Williams, and the trio leave him laid out in the center of the ring.

Back from the break, Lola Vice and Shayna Baszler make their way down to the ring. Natalya and Karmen Petrovic follow.

Natalya and Karmen Petrovic vs. Lola Vice and Shayna Baszler

Natalya and Baszler begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Vice delivers a kick to Natalya's spine while the referee is looking away, and Baszler follows it up with a kick of her own. Vice tags in and wears down Natalya in the corner, then tags in Baszler. Baslzer follows suit, then tags in Vice. Vice fires off a few strikes on Natalya, then tags Baszler back in.


Petrovic tags in and delivers a kick to Baszler's head. She follows it up with a Blockbuster before Natalya and Vice get inside the ring. Baszler and Vice whip Natalya and Petrovic into the ropes, but Natalya and Petrovic rebound on the other side of the ring and deliver a double discus lariat to level Baszler and Vice.

Back from the break, Baszler whips Petrovic into the corner. Petrovic catches Baszler with a kick, but Baszler lands a kick of her own on Petrovic's leg. Vice tags in and delivers a kick to Petrovic's midsection. Vice whips Petrovic into the corner, then delivers a kick to her midsection. Baszler tags in and delivers a suplex to Petrovic. She goes for a pin, but Petrovic kicks out. Baszler delivers a right hand to Petrovic's spine before Vice tags back in. Petrovic levels both Vice and Baszler, then tags in Natalya.


Natalya fires off right hands on Vice, then delivers a suplex to her and levels an interfering Baszler with a German suplex. Vice levels Natalya with an arm drag, but Natalya levels her with a discus lariat and goes for a pin. Vice kicks out, and Petrovic tags in. Petrovic ascends to the top and delivers a crossbody to Vice, then goes for a pin. Vice kicks out and Natalya tags back in.

Natalya looks to lock in the Sharpshooter on Vice, but Baszler prevents her from doing so. Vice takes advantage and lands a spinning back fist, then goes for a pin. Petrovic breaks the fall, but Baszler dumps her out of the ring. Baszler then tags in, and Vice delivers a kick to her head. She takes a dance break, then looks to lock in a Sharpshooter of her own.

Natalya reverses into a Sharpshooter of her own, but Baszler breaks the submission with a right hand to Natalya. Petrovic looks to level Baszler with a crossbody off the top, but Baszler catches her and looks to lock in the Kirifuda Clutch. Petrovic escapes and sends Baszler crashing to the outside. She then tags in and delivers Hart Attack with Natalya. Petrovic then pins Vice for the win.

Winners: Natalya and Karmen Petrovic

After the match, Baszler helps Vice up. Vice then surprises her with a roundhouse kick and does a celebratory dance, then looks to make her way to the back. She dances on the apron, but unbeknownst to her. Baszler has made it back up to her feet. She drags Vice back into the ring and locks in the Kirifuda Clutch. Officials run down to the ring to separate the two women, but they continue brawling on the outside. Ava then marches down to the ring and says since Vice and Baszler are looking for a fight, they can have one at Battleground. Baszler grabs the mic out of Ava's hand and says she wants to fight Vice in a "NXT" Underground match. The pair continue brawling as the show ges off the air.

