AEW Rampage Results 2/9 - Willow Nightingale & Kris Statlander Vs. The Outcasts, Trios Match

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Rampage" on February 9, 2024, coming to you from the Footprint Center in Phoenix, Arizona!

Following her win over Queen Aminata in singles competition on last week's edition of "Rampage", Willow Nightingale looks to emerge victorious once again as she joins forces with her best friend Kris Statlander to go head-to-head with The Outcasts' Ruby Soho and Saraya. As of late, issues have arisen between the two teams, with Stokely Hathaway driving a bit of a wedge between Nightingale and Statlander as he continues to try and recruit the latter as a client while Angelo Parker has become a point of contention within The Outcasts.


Coming off his successful title defense against Komander on "AEW Collision" on January 27, International Champion Orange Cassidy will be teaming up with Best Friends' Trent Beretta and Rocky Romero to take on Roderick Strong, Matt Taven, and Mike Bennett of The Undisputed Kingdom.

Mistico will be competing in his first singles match in AEW since the October 20, 2023 episode of "Rampage" tonight as he faces Matt Sydal. The pair came face-to-face in an eight man tag team match last Friday, in which Mistico, Mascara Dorada, Volador Jr., and Hechicero defeated Sydal, Christopher Daniels, "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard, and "Cool Hand Ang" Angelo Parker.

Additionally, The Young Bucks will be making their return to in-ring action for the first time since November of last year at AEW Full Gear, during which they came up short against Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho.


We are live! Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard greet audiences at home as Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta, and Rocky Romero make their way down to the ring. The Undisputed Kingdom follows. 

Undisputed Kingdom (w/ Adam Cole and Wardlow) vs. Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta and Rocky Romero

Beretta and Romero blindside Taven and Bennett on the ramp. Strong slides in the ring, and Cassidy chucks his sunglasses at him. He looks for an Orange Punch, but Strong slides out of the ring before he can hit it. All six men then slide inside the ring and find themselves staring each other down.


Beretta and Bennett begin the action. The bell rings and the two waste no time going after one another. Beretta delivers a pair of double knees, then delivers a chop. Romero tags in and Bennett catches him with a bodyslam. Taven tags in and delivers a dropkick. Unbeknownst to him, Beretta has made the blind tag and catches him with a jumping knee alongside Romero. Beretta drapes Taven on the top rope, and Romero hits a double stomp off the top rope. Beretta then lands a sliding knee.

Strong tags in, and Beretta catches him with a pair of German suplexes. Beretta looks to fly off the middle rope, but Strong catches him with a backbreaker. Taven tags in and fires off stomps on Beretta with Strong. Bennett tags in and lands a few right hands, then tags Taven back in. Bennett delivers a Brainbuster, and Taven looks for a splash. Beretta rolls out of the way and hits a German suplex on Bennett.


Cassidy tags in and delivers a crossbow off the top. He delivers Stun Dog Millionaire to Bennett and hits an interfering Taven with a Tornado DDT. Cassidy calls out Strong and dares him to get back in the ring, but Bennett sneaks up behind him before he can, leading all six men to brawl with one another.

Back from the break, Cassidy sits Taven on the top rope and looks to land a superplex. Taven blocks it and Bennett helps Taven out. Bennett and Taven then deliver an assisted piledriver while the referee is distracted.

The legal Romero delivers clotheslines in opposite corners to Bennett and Taven. Strong catches him with a knee, then lands his signature backbreaker. Taven then pins Romero for the win.

Winners: The Undisputed Kingdom

Back from the break, The Young Bucks make their way down to the ring in the white suits worn this past Wednesday on "Dynamite". Robbie Lit and Mondo Rox are already waiting inside the ring

The Young Bucks vs. Robbie Lit and Mondo Rox

Matthew and Lit begin the action. The bell rings and Matthew gives Lit a fist bump. He then clocks him and fires off stomps on him in the corner before turning him inside out with a lariat. Nicholas tags in and delivers a neckbreaker off the top as Matthew has his knees up to land a simultaneous backbreaker. Rox and Matthew tag in, and wears down Rox, then tags back out to Nicholas. Nicholas delivers a low blow, then tags Matthew back in. The Young Bucks then deliver the EVP Trigger for the win.


Winners: The Young Bucks

After the match, Nicholas grabs a mic and says he's tired of the disrespect from the fans. He calls out a fan for calling them by the wrong names, then demands they show more respect to their EVPs. Matthew grabs the mic and apologizes for Nicholas being a hot head. He says him and Nicholas are out in the ring in the first place to congratulate Darby Allin and Sting for becoming the new AEW World Tag Team Champions. He says they put their blood, sweat, and tears on the line, but announces that both Allin and String are a little banged up as per a report he received from the doctor. He says him and Nicholas' objective is to get their World Tag Team title back, and says they'll play by the rolls to climb the ranks and become the new Number One Contenders for the title before announcing him and Nicholas will be in action on Wednesday's edition of "Dynamite".


Mistico, Star Jr., and Esfinge then make their way down to the ring. Matt Sydal follows. 

Mistico (w/ Star Jr. and Esfinge) vs. Matt Sydal

The bell rings and Mistico shakes hands with Sydal. The two then lock up, and Sydal delivers a hurricanrana to Mistico. Mistico responds with one of his own and lands a tope suicida on the outside. He slides back inside the ring and looks to fly back out, but Sydal catches him with a leg lariat and lands a senton. He follows it up with a modified standing moonsault.


Back from the break, Mistico delivers a springboard crossbody to Sydal. Sydal responds with a jumping knee and an Air Raid Crash, then exchanges strikes with Mistico. Mistico then lands a bodyslam and ascends to the top. He looks to land a moonsault, but Sydal gets his boots up. Sydal then charges at Mistico, but Mistico counters into a scoop powerslam. Sydal ascends to the top, and Mistico joins him up there. He executes a Spanish Fly for the win.

Winner: Mistico

After the match, Star Jr. gets in Daddy Magic's face at the announce desk.

We then head over backstage to Renee Paquette, Prince Nana, and Brian Cage. Cage challenges any two competitors in the locker room to face him at the same time on tomorrow night's edition of "Collision". 


Back from the break, Willow Nightingale, Kris Statlander, and Stokely Hathaway make their way down to the ring. The Outcasts follow, but on her way down to the ring, Soho finds a note in the pocket of her leather jacket. 

Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander (w/ Stokely Hathaway) vs. The Outcasts (w/ Harley Cameron)

Saraya and Statlander begin the action as Hathaway joins the commentary desk. The bell rings and the two lock up. Statlander delivers a dropkick to Saraya, then follows it up with an arm drag. Nightingale and Soho tag in, and Nightingale sets up for a backbreaker. Soho delivers several knees to Nightingale's head to fight her way out, but Nightingale catches her with a Side Russian Leg Sweep. She follows it up with a Northern Lights suplex.


Statlander tags in and executes a shoulder block, then tags Nightingale back in. She lands a bodyslam and an elbow drop to Soho before Nightingale delivers a low crossbody. Nightingale whips Soho into the corner and delivers a Hip Attack, then ascends to the middle rope. Cameron grabs her leg while the referee is distracted by Soho, and Saraya trips her off the top.

Back from the break, Nightingale delivers a boot to Saraya. Soho and Statlander tag in, and Statlander delivers a pair of clotheslines to Soho. She whips her into the corner, then delivers an uppercut and knocks Saraya off the apron. She then lands a running knee on Soho and a powerslam, then sets up for a vertical suplex. Soho escapes, then tags in Saraya. Soho and Saraya both catch Statlander with forearms, and Saraya delivers a running knee to her. She goes for a pin, but Nightingale breaks the fall.


Soho goes after Nightingale, but Nightingale levels her with a double chop. Statlander takes down Saraya with a clothesline, Soho lands No Future on her. Saraya looks to land a forearm on Nightingale, but accidentally hits Soho. They both then turn around into a double clothesline from Nightingale, and Statlander pins Saraya.

Saraya kicks out and exchanges forearms with Statlander. Statlander delivers a roundhouse kick to Saraya's head, then follows it up with a Blue Thunder Bomb and whips her into the corner. She lands a running uppercut, but Saraya responds with a jawbreaker. Nightingale tags in, and Saraya looks to do the same to Soho. Soho hops off the apron before she can, and Cameron gets in her face. She asks her what she's doing, and Soho clocks her with a forearm. Soho then heads up the ramp, opening the door for Nightingale to land the Doctor Bomb for the win.

Winner: Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander

After the match, Statlander shakes Hathaway's hand. Nightingale offers her hand to him, and he shakes it. She then hugs him. Skye Blue then appears on the ramp, and Julia Hart appears next to her after the lights go out. Hart holds up her TBS Championship, and the lights go back out again. When they come back up, Hart and Blue are gone, leaving Nightingale and Statlander in the ring alone standing tall as the show goes off the air. 

