AEW Rampage Results 12/8 - Blue League Continental Classic Match, International Title On The Line

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Rampage" on December 8, 2023, coming to you from the Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada!

With the AEW Continental Classic continuing to heat up, Bryan Danielson will be colliding with Daniel Garcia in a Blue League match as both men vie to earn themselves points. As of right now, Andrade El Idolo and Brody King are currently leading the Blue League with six points apiece. Danielson, Eddie Kingston, and Claudio Castagnoli hold three points each, and Garcia has yet to earn any points.


Orange Cassidy will be putting his International Championship on the line against Angelico, with the latter competitor making his return to an AEW ring for the first time since teaming with Metalik and Gravity in a losing effort to Bullet Club Gold on the October 7 edition of "AEW Collision". Since dethroning Rey Fenix as titleholder in October, Cassidy has retained his title over the likes of John Silver, the aforementioned Castagnoli, and most recently Jon Moxley at AEW Full Gear.

Following their win over Kiera Hogan on the December 2 episode of "Collision", Abandon looks to emerge victorious once again as they go one-on-one with Trish Adora. Adora last competed in an AEW ring on the June 16 episode of "Rampage", coming up short against Taya Valkyrie.


After joining forces with their Don Callis Family teammate Kyle Fletcher to defeat Kit Sackett, Renny D, and Jah-C in rapid fashion last week, Konosuke Takeshita and Powerhouse Hobbs look to pick up another win tonight as they collide with Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniels.

We are live! Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard, and Ian Riccaboni greet audiences at home as Orange Cassidy and Danhausen are already waiting in the ring. Angelico and Serpentico follow.

Orange Cassidy (w/ Danhausen) (c) vs. Angelico (w/ Serpentico) for the International Championship

The bell rings and the pair take turns locking one another in submission holds. Cassidy lands a hurricanrana, but Angelico rolls out of the ring for a breather. He slides back in and Cassidy catches him with a hurricanrana. He follows it up with a dropkick, but grabs at his knee. Angelico executes a chop block and Cassidy lands on the outside. Serpentico takes a few cheap shots, and Angelico gets him back inside the ring. He continues wearing down Cassidy's knee and locks in a knee submission hold.


Back from the break, Angelico delivers another chop block to Cassidy's injured knee. He sends his knee crashing into the top turnbuckle, then sends him crashing into the mat with a back suplex. Cassidy manages to hit Stun Dog Millionaire and Beach Break, but can't make his way over to Angelico to pin him in time. Angelico lands a boot and runs the ropes, but Danhausen trips him while he does so. Serpentico charges at him from across the ring, but Danhausen ducks out of the way and curses Angelico. This opens the door for Cassidy to roll up Angelio, but Angelico kicks out and sends Cassidy crashing into Danhausen on the apron. On the outside, Serpentico locks in a crossface on Danhausen as Angelico locks Cassidy in a Figure Four Leg Lock. Cassidy makes his way over to the bottom rope to break the hold, and Serpentico releases the crossface on Danhausen. He looks to take another cheap shot at Cassidy, but Danhausen prevents him from doing so. Inside the ring, Cassidy connects with Orange Punch for the win.


Winner (and still): Orange Cassidy

Back from the break, Abadon heads down to the ring. Trish Adora is already waiting inside.  

Abadon vs. Trish Adora

The bell rings and Adora lands a pair of forearms. She delivers a series of chops and a knee, but Abadon sits straight up. Adora lands a second knee, but Abadon lands a right hand across Adora's spine. They follow it up with a knee and several more right hands, but Adora lands a jawbreaker and a big boot. Abadon connects with a kick under Adora's jaw and a jumping knee. They then connect with their finisher for the win.


Winner: Abadon

After the match, the lights go out. When they come back on, Julia Hart is standing behind Abadon. She drops her TBS Championship in front of Abadon, and they pick it up. The lights go out again, and Hart disappears along with her title. Abandon then makes their frustrations with the title being taken from them known.

The Don Callis Family then makes their way down to the ring. Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniels follow, and Don Callis takes a seat at the commentary desk. 

The Don Callis Family (w/ Don Callis) vs. Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniels

Daniels and Hobbs begin the action. The bell rings and Daniels fires off several strikes. Hobbs runs him over and delivers a slam, then tags in Takeshita. Takeshita lands a jumping forearm and climbs up to the middle rope, then hits a senton. Daniels lands a jawbreaker and tags in Sydal. Sydal fires off kicks on Takeshita and levels him.


Back from the break, Hobbs delivers a powerslam to Sydal. Takeshita tags in and Sydal catches him with a hurricanrana and a jumping knee. Hobbs and Daniels tag in, and Hobbs delivers a spinebuster. He follows it up with a slam for the win.

Winners: The Don Callis Family

Daniel Garcia then makes his way down to the ring. Bryan Danielson follows.

Bryan Danielson vs. Daniel Garcia in a Blue League Match for the Continental Classic

The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth until Garcia unloads on Danielson. He delivers a running boot and a right hand to the side of Danielson's head, then follows it up with a dropkick. Danielson responds with a German suplex.


Back from the break, Danielson delivers the Yes Kicks to Garcia. The pair go back and forth with open palm strikes before Garcia hits a powerbomb. Danielson counters into a Triangle, then sets up for the Busaiku Knee. Garcia avoids it and reels Danielson in to roll him up. Danielson kicks out and Garcia locks in the Dragon Tamer. Danielson grabs onto Garcia's neck to escape, but Garcia manages to catch him with a Piledriver. Garcia delivers a boot to the side of Danielson's head and fires off a series of stomps and charges at him, but Danielson catches him with a Busaiku Knee. He fires off several stomps, then locks in the LeBell Lock. Garcia fades.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

