WWE SmackDown Results 12/1 - We Hear From Damage CTRL & Randy Orton, Waller Vs. Owens

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE SmackDown" on December 1, 2023, coming to you live from the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York!

As the fallout from WWE Survivor Series continues tonight, Damage CTRL will be addressing the WWE Universe for the first time since the Premium Live Event. Bayley, Asuka, Kairi Sane, and IYO SKY (with Dakota Kai in their corner at ringside) came up short to Shotzi, Becky Lynch, Bianca Belair, and Charlotte Flair in the Women's WarGames match after the latter three competitors caught Bayley with their finishers.


Speaking of Saturday, Randy Orton has had a busy week between leading his team to victory in the Men's WarGames match, coming face-to-face with Rhea Ripley on Monday's edition of "WWE Raw", and defeating Dominik Mysterio later that same night. His week isn't over yet though, as tonight he will be appearing on "SmackDown".

Kevin Owens will be going one-on-one with Grayson Waller. There have been no shortage of issues between the two men over the last few weeks, coming face-to-face on "The Grayson Waller Effect" last week in a verbal altercation also involving Austin Theory and LA Knight. This then led to a tag team match, which ultimately saw Owens and Knight defeat Waller and Theory.

As the issues between The Brawling Brutes and The Street Profits and Bobby Lashley continue to boil over, Lashley will be going one-on-one with Butch. Tensions have risen between Butch and his teammate Ridge Holland following a miscommunication between the two during a tag team match on November 17 while Lashley has made his frustrations with The Street Profits losing their Undisputed Tag Team Championship match to Judgment Day last week well known.


Additionally, United States Champion Logan Paul has something on his mind to share after previously dethroning Rey Mysterio at WWE Crown Jewel on November 9. The aforementioned Belair and Knight are among those advertised to be in town tonight, per WWE's event page.

We are live! Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and Kevin Patrick greet audiences at home as Bianca Belair makes her way down to the ring.

We Hear From Bianca Belair

Belair says Damage CTRL tried taking her and the rest of her WarGames team out last week, but they did what they had to do. She gives a shout out to Becky Lynch, Shotzi, and Charlotte Flair, then says her war with Damage CTRL isn't over and puts IYO SKY on notice, saying she wants the Women's Championship back


IYO SKY's music hits and she appears alongside Asuka, Kairi Sane, and Dakota Kai. Kai says it's great that Belair can get fans to cheer for her and rags on Brooklyn as she, Asuka, Sane, and SKY get inside the ring. Kai says that SKY told her that Belair is way in over her head and if she wants another title shot, she has to go through each member of Damage CTRL.

Charlotte Flair's music hits and she appears alongside Shotzi. Flair tells Damage CTRL that Belair isn't the only one coming for them and says she wants to go through all of Damage CTRL. Shotzi shares the same sentiment, and the pair slide in the ring. Everyone except Kai begins brawling with one another in the ring. Belair hits a spinebuster on SKY, then stands tall with Flair and Shotzi.


Butch then makes his way down to the ring. 

Back from the break, we head backstage and see Bayley run into the rest of Damage CTRL. Kairi Sane tells her something in Japanese, and Dakota Kai translates, explaining that Sane would appreciate Bayley's help at ringside during her match against Bianca Belair later tonight.

Back at ringside, Bobby Lashley and The Street Profits head down.

Bobby Lashley (w/ The Street Profits) vs. Butch

Before the match begins, Lashley grabs a mic and tells Butch that while he told him to make a name for himself on "The SmackDown Lowdown", he should've chosen someone else to do it against because he'll break him into pieces. Butch slaps him


The bell then rings and Butch fires off a pair of boots on Lashley in the corner. Lashley sends him crashing into the mat and delivers a splash in the corner, then sends Butch crashing into the middle turnbuckle face first and lands a series of right hands. Butch delivers a dropkick to Lashley's spine that sends him crashing out of the ring, then delivers a jumping knee off the apron and a moonsault off the middle rope.

Back from the break, Lashley sets for a delayed vertical suplex on Butch. Butch escapes, but Lashley catches him with a chokeslam and sends him crashing into the ring post on the outside. He dumps Butch back inside the ring and looks for a Spear in the corner, but Butch moves out of the way and Lashley is sent crashing into the ring post shoulder first. Butch then lands a pair of step-up enzuigiris and a series of kicks in the corner, then ascends up the ropes and delivers a double stomp. He stomps on Lashley's fingers and lands a standing Sliced Bread, then rains down Hammer and Anvil elbows.


Lashley gets Butch up on his shoulders and delivers a running powerslam, then goes for a pin but Butch kicks out. Lashley connects with a clothesline that turns Butch inside out, but Butch catches him with a kick. Lashley responds with a Spear for the win.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

We then head backstage and see Paul Heyman approach Nick Aldis in the latter's office. He asks Aldis if he invited Randy Orton to "SmackDown" tonight, and Aldis says he did. He says he intends to sign Orton to "SmackDown", and Heyman asks if Roman Reigns is aware of the situation. Aldis explains that he has a memo that all communication to Reigns must go through Heyman, and he'll offer up the entire Bloodline to sign Orton if he has to. He asks Heyman what he's going to do about it, and Heyman says he'll do anything it takes.

Back from the break, we see Butch get into a verbal exchange with Pretty Deadly. This leads to the three men brawling with one another and Pretty Deadly sending Butch crashing into a road case.

Back at ringside, Santos Escobar makes his way down. Joaquin Wilde follows. 

Santos Escobar vs. Joaquin Wilde

The bell rings and Wilde delivers a dropkick. He fires off a pair of right hands on Escobar, then delivers a crossbody to him on the outside over the top rope. He gets him back in, but Escobar rolls back out of the ring. Wilde delivers a cannonball off the top and gets him back in the ring for a second time, then ascends up the ropes. Esocbar trips him and sends him crashing into the top turnbuckle face first, then drapes him from the top rope and delivers a dropkick to his chest.


Wilde lands a knee on Escobar's head and follows it up with a DDT, then charges at him. Escobar catches him with a superkick and gets him up on his shoulders, then plants him with the Phantom Driver for the win.

Winner: Santos Escobar

After the match, Escobar fires off right hands on Wilde but Dragon Lee runs down to the ring to provide Wilde with a helping hand. Escobar tries blindsiding him from behind, but Lee levels him with a hurricanrana and a kick to him in the corner from the apron. He then connects with a dropkick and checks on Wilde.

Back from the break, we see Adam Pearce confront Nick Aldis about wanting to sign Randy Orton to "SmackDown". He informs Aldis that he had a contract of his own for Orton and will be joining him in the ring later tonight.


Back at ringside, Logan Paul heads down.

We Hear From Logan Paul

Paul asks every friend who's betrayed him and all of his haters where they are now that he's United States Champion. He says the more people hope he fails, the harder he works and the harder he works, the more he wins and gets to stand in the ring and gloat. He says a champion is as good as his challengers, and since he can't give Rey Mysterio given that he's injured, he and Nick Aldis agreed to an eight person tournament starting next week to determine his next challenger featuring Santos Escobar, Dragon Lee, Karrion Kross, Bobby Lashley, Grasyon Waller, Austin Theory, Kevin Owens, and an unknown Superstar from "WWE NXT".


Kevin Owens' music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He says Paul being in his ring is a nightmare, and recalls first seeing him ten years ago on Vine. He says it took him six seconds to figure out that Paul was unbearable, and the only junk is Prime Energy Drink. He tells Paul his days as United States Champion are numbered, and Paul says six seconds is five more than he needs to KO Owens. Owens says Paul is clever, but WWE is his world.

Grayson Waller and Austin Theory then make their way down to the ring, and Waller tells Paul he doesn't need to engage with Owens. He says Owens is a troll trying to get attention, then says himself and Theory have a lot in common with Paul. Theory says that since Owens likes punching people in the face, he's standing in the ring with a man who likes knocking people out.


Owens has heard enough and delivers a right hand to Theory that sends him crashing out of the ring. Waller checks on him, then stares down Paul.

Kevin Owens vs. Grayson Waller (w/ Austin Theory)

Logan Paul takes a seat at the commentary desk as the bell rings and Waller rolls out of the ring. Owens follows and lands a right hand, then delivers a chop and sends Waller bouncing off the announce desk face first. He gets him back inside the ring, but Waller fires off stomps on him and connects with an uppercut. Owens lands a back elbow and a senton, then charges at Waller in the corner.


Waller catches Owens with a boot and a leg lariat, then fires off strikes and hits an elbow drop off the top. He looks for a vertical suplex, but Owens blocks it and lands one of his own. He fires off a series of stomps in the corner and looks for a cannonball, but Waller rolls out of the ring. Owens follows him out there, and Waller sends him bouncing off the announce desk face first. Owens responds with a clothesline and a splash off the apron. Waller then sends him crashing into the ring post, and Theory takes a cheap shot while the referee is distracted. He tosses him back in the ring, and Waller fires off stomps on him in the corner. He then sends his arm bouncing off the ring post.

Back from the break, Waller delivers a variation of a DDT and continues wearing down Owens' arm with a submission hold. Owens fights his way out with a series of right hands to Waller's midsection, but Waller sends his injured arm bouncing off the top rope and looks for the rolling Stunner. Owens catches him with an Atomic Drop and a DDT, then connects with a head butt and a series of chops. He follows it up with a superkick and a cannonball, then ascends to the top and delivers a Swanton Bomb. He goes for a pin, but Waller kicks out.


Waller cinches in another submission on Owens' injured arm, but Owens makes it to the bottom rope to break the hold. He looks to deliver a kick to Owens' arm in the corner, but Owens moves out of the way and Waller's foot collides with the bottom rope. Owens then rolls up Waller for the win.

Winner: Kevin Owens

Bianca Belair, Charlotte Flair, and Shotzi then make their way down to the ring. Damage CTRL follows, but before they do, IYO SKY tells Bayley to stay in the back.

Bianca Belair (w/ Charlotte Flair and Shotzi) vs. Kairi Sane (w/ Damage CTRL)

The bell rings and the two lock up. Sane delivers a kick to Belair's hamstring, but Belair catches her with a pair of shoulder tackles and follows it up with a single leg dropkick. She runs the ropes, but Asuka trips her while the referee is distracted. This opens the door for Sane to fire off strikes on Belair's spine. Sane runs the ropes, but Flair trips her. The referee catches her and ejects Flair and Shotzi from ringside. Asuka slides in the ring looking to interfere, but the referee spots her and ejects Damage CTRL as well. Belair delivers a dropkick to Asuka and sends Sane crashing into the mat with a spine.


Back from the break, Sane sends Belair crashing into the ring post shoulder first. Belair responds with a Michinoku Driver and fires off right hands in the corner on Sane, then plants her with a powerbomb and a springboard moonsault. She gets Sane up on her shoulders and sets up for the KOD, but Sane escapes. Belair plants her before Sane hits a spinning back fist and ascends to the top. She lands a flying forearm and sends Belair crashing out of the ring with a hurricanrana, then looks to go flying off the apron.

Belair sends Sane crashing into the barricade face first and gets her back in the ring. She looks to follow her, but Bayley trips her on the apron while the referee is checking on Sane. Sane high fives Bayley and ascends to the top, but Belair trips her and gets her up on her shoulders. She then lands the KOD for the win.


Winner: Bianca Belair

Back from the break, Nick Aldis and Adam Pearce are waiting in the ring.

Randy Orton Chooses Which Brand He Wants To Sign With

Aldis welcomes Randy Orton to the ring. Orton's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Pearce tells Orton he belongs on "Raw" and tells him he'll receive a World Heavyweight Championship match should he sign. Aldis says he'll give Orton a chance to get his hands on The Bloodline should he choose to sign with "SmackDown".


Paul Heyman appears on the ramp and introduces himself, then says Orton is back after 18 months on the shelf thanks to The Bloodline. He says there will be no RKOs or decisions made by Orton because The Bloodline will make his choice for him.

Solo Sikoa's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring with Jimmy Uso. Jimmy and Sikoa attack Orton, but LA Knight runs down to the ring to even the odds. He dumps Sikoa out of the ring and the pair begin brawling up the ramp, leaving Jimmy in the ring with Orton. Jimmy delivers his signature DDT to Jimmy off the ropes, then hits him with an RKO.

Orton stares down Heyman on the ramp before he calls for Aldis and Pearce to give him the two contracts. He holds both of them out, then tosses the "Raw" one out of the ring and opts to sign the "SmackDown" one. He tells Heyman that he can call Roman Reigns to tell him that Daddy's back. Nick Aldis then holds his hand up in the air but Orton catches him with an RKO and stands tall, celebrating with the crowd as the show goes off the air.

