WWE NXT Results 11/14 - NXT Tag Team Title Match, Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifiers

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE NXT" on November 14, 2023, coming to you live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida!

For the first time since becoming the titleholders, Andre Chase and Duke Hudson will be putting the "NXT" Tag Team Championship on the line against The Family. Not only did Chase U dethrone Tony D'Angelo and Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo at Night One of "NXT" Halloween Havoc, but Chase has seemingly been harboring a secret involving the former two men, evident in Jacy Jayne's shock when she opened an envelope from them addresses to Chase last week.


The next competitors in the Men's and Women's Iron Survivor Challenges at "NXT" Deadline on December 9 will be determined tonight, as Trick Williams squares off with Joe Coffey while Meta-Four's Lash Legend goes head-to-head with Roxanne Perez. The winners will join Dijak and Tiffany Stratton in their respective matches after the former defeated Tyler Bate while the latter beat Fallon Henley last week.

Wes Lee will be competing in an "NXT" ring for the first time since making his return at "NXT" Halloween Havoc Night Two as he collides with Baron Corbin. The two men came face-to-face with one another last week during a backstage exchange with one another.

Meta-Four's Noam Dar successfully defended his "NXT" Heritage Cup last week against Akira Tozawa. Following the match, Oro Mensah didn't hold back when it came to letting Tozawa know how he felt, which led to Chad Gable, Otis, and Maxxine Dupri coming to the defense of their teammate. In light of that, Dar will be hosting Alpha Academy on "Supernova Sessions" as the two parties come face-to-face once again.


We are live! The show kicks off with a video of reporters swarming Chase U as they arrive at the Performance Center in light of the news that they are being investigated.

Vic Joseph and Booker T then greet audiences at home as The Family makes their way down to the ring. Chase U follows.

Chase U (c) vs. The Family for the NXT Tag Team Championship

Chase and Stacks begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. They take turns locking one another in submission holds before D'Angelo tags in. Chase runs the ropes and Hudson tags in, landing a big boot on D'Angelo and tagging back out to Chase. Chase and Hudson deliver a double right hand to D'Angelo's midsection, but D'Angelo sends Chase crashing into the corner spine first and tags in Stacks. Chase dumps D'Angelo out of the ring as Hudson sends an interfering Stacks into the top rope face first. D'Angelo delivers a shoulder tackle to Hudson that sends him crashing out of the ring, then dumps Chase out to join him and helps Stacks fly to take down both men.


Back from the break, Hudson sends Stacks crashing into the mat with a chokeslam. Stacks fires back with a dropkick that sends Hudson to the outside, then delivers an elbow drop off the apron and gets him back in. He goes for a pin, but Hudson kicks out. D'Angelo becomes legal and Hudson connects with a few boots to his face. Chase tags in as the students in the Chase U section of the crowd begin to clear out and suplexes a now legal Stacks onto D'Angelo, He then ascends to the top and delivers a crossbody, but Stacks lands a boot on his jaw and tags out to D'Angelo. D'Angelo and Stacks deliver a flying uppercut-German suplex combination before Stacks tags back in and looks for a knee. Chase moves out of the way and connects with an enzuigiri. D'Angelo looks to tag in, but Hudson pulls him off the apron and suplexes Stacks inside the ring.


D'Angelo tags in and Chase connects with a boot on his jaw. He follows it up with a Side Russian Leg Sweep and the Chase U stomps, but D'Angelo lands a spinebuster and tags in Stacks. The Family then delivers a double German suplex for the win.

Winners (and new): The Family

Back from the break, Meta-Four is waiting on the set of "Supernova Sessions".

Meta-Four Hosts Alpha Academy on Supernova Sessions

Noam Dar welcomes fans to "Supernova Sessions", then says tonight is a special night because the world will get to watch Lash Legend qualify for the Women's Iron Survivor Challenge. He points out his chained up "NXT" Heritage Cup and introduces Alpha Academy. Chad Gable, Otis, Akira Tozawa, and Maxxine Dupri then make their way down to the ring.


Dar says Alpha Academy has already achieved lots together, but being so close to the Heritage Cup is perhaps the most amazing thing they've been able to do so far. Gable thanks Dar for inviting Alpha Academy onto "Supernova Sessions", then says that he's lucky to still have his Heritage Cup after successfully defending it against Tozawa last week. Jakara Jackson says luck has nothing to do with it because Dar is simply the greatest Heritage Cup Champion there is, and Dar says that while Tozawa came close to winning, this is his game. Tozawa says that the Heritage Cup would be his if Meta-Four hadn't been present at ringside, and Legend says her and her teammates did nothing wrong. Otis says whatever Legend says is good in his book, and Legend calls for security.


Dar tries to get things back on track by suggesting that they stick to the topic of his Heritage Cup, and Tozawa says that the cup isn't his. Oro Mensah tells Tozawa to stick to TikTok dances, and Dupri tells Mensah not to speak to him that way. Jackson says Mensah can do whatever he wants. Gable interjects and says Dar's name has become synonymous with the Heritage Cup. Dar says that no one can beat him, and "NXT" had to do a Global Tournament to find him an opponent. Gable says that sounds tough, and says he'll make his life a little easier because he thinks he's found his next challenger as Otis steps up. Dar says he sees what's happening, and says if he understands if his challenger wants to fight him for the Heritage Cup next week instead of tonight. He accepts the challenge, and asks for more information about said challenger. Alpha Academy hypes him up as they continue to imply that the challenger is Otis, but they mention that he's an Olympian and a former "NXT", "Raw", and "SmackDown" Tag Team Champion. 

As it becomes clearer that the group is no longer referring to Otis, Dar starts to freak out and looks for a way to get out of the match. Gable clarifies that he's the next challenger for the cup, and Dar looks to take a shot at him. Gable sees him coming and executes a headbutt on him.


Roxanne Perez then makes her way down to the ring for her upcoming match with Legend.

Roxanne Perez vs. Lash Legend (w/ Meta-Four) in a Qualifier Match for the Women's Iron Survivor Challenge

The bell rings and the two lock up. Legend sends Perez crashing into the mat and looks for a boot, but Perez avoids it and rolls her up. Legend kicks out and whips her into the corner, but Perez connects with a kick and looks to roll her up, but Legend blocks her. Perez then dropkicks her out of the ring and looks to go flying, but Jakara Jackson trips her. The referee catches her and ejects Meta-Four from ringside. Perez looks to take advantage and roll her up, but Legend kicks out and hits a pair of bodyslams. She follows it up with an elbow drop to her spine, but Perez connects with a dropkick to her knee.


The action spills to the outside, and Perez goes flying through the middle rope with a tope suicida. She gets Legend back in the ring and plants her face first before Jackson slides back inside the ring to distract the referee. Kiana James appears at ringside and holds Perez in place, allowing Legend to connect with a boot and a powerbomb for the win.

Winner: Lash Legend

We then head backstage and see The Family get into a verbal exchange with Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo.

Back from the break, we see Xia Li host Lyra Valkyria at a warrior tea ceremony as the former looks to challenge the latter for her "NXT" Women's Championship next Tuesday. Valkyria accepts.

We head backstage to McKenzie Mitchell catching up with Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams. Williams iterates that kicking Hayes last week was an accident, and Hayes reiterates that he was not his attacker. He tells Williams he'll be at ringside to support him during his Men's Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifier match.


Back at ringside, Gallus heads down. Williams and Hayes follow. 

Trick Williams (w/ Carmelo Hayes) vs. Joe Coffey (w/ Gallus) in a Qualifier Match for the Men's Iron Survivor Challenge

The bell rings and the two lock up. Joe delivers a bodyslam and wears Williams' down with submission holds, but Williams escapes and lands a pair of bodyslams of his own. He follows it up with a dropkick, but Joe responds with a back elbow and a shoulder tackle. The action spills out of the ring, and Joe connects with a kick to Williams' spine. He dumps him back in the ring and follows him in there before the two take turns landing elbow strikes on one another. Joe then clotheslines Williams out of the ring.


Back from the break, Joe delivers a backbreaker to Williams but Williams catches him with a back body drop. Joe sends him bouncing off the top rope, but Williams connects with a jumping neckbreaker. The two then go back and forth with forearms before Joe bodyslams Williams. Williams lands a flying shoulder tackle and a series of strikes. He connects with a flying clothesline and a flapjack, then follows it up with a chokeslam. Mark Coffey hops up on the apron, but Williams levels him. Wolfgang follows suit, but Hayes is there to counter him. He sends WIlliams tumbling out of the ring in the process, and Joe lands a tope suicida. He gets him back in the ring and delivers a shoulder tackle, then follows it up with a German suplex. Williams responds with a jumping knee for the win.


Winner: Trick Williams

The Brawling Brutes then make their way down to the ring. OTM follows. 

The Brawling Brutes vs. OTM (w/ SCRYPTS)

Butch and Price begin the action. The bell rings and Butch wastes no time firing off strikes. Price responds with a back elbow, but Butch stomps on his tricep. Nima checks on him as Butch calls Holland in the ring to join him, and the two deliver The Ten Beats of the Bodhran. OTM manages to escape, and Nima chokeslams Holland onto the apron as Price levels Butch. He fires off right hands on him and sends him crashing into the middle turnbuckle face first, then tags in Nima. Nima connects with a stomp and SCRYPTS takes a cheap shot at him while the referee is distracted. Price tags back in and delivers a clothesline to Butch in the corner as Nima holds him in place. Nima tags back in and Butch plants him with a DDT.


Holland and Price tag in, and Holland levels Price with a pair of clotheslines. He follows it up with a pair of splashes in the corner and a running crossbody, then executes a Sidewalk Slam. Butch tags in and delivers an enzuigiri, but Price sends him crashing on top of Holland and tags Nima back in. Butch gets Nima on the ropes and tags in Holland, who pulls him off and delivers a bodyslam. Butch then becomes legal again, and Holland helps him in delivering an assisted DDT for the win.

Winners: The Brawling Brutes

Back at ringside, Gigi Dolin heads down. Arianna Grace follows. 

Gigi Dolin vs. Arianna Grace

The bell rings and the two lock up. Dolin lands a shoulder tackle and an arm drag, then follows it up with a crossbody. Grace responds with a running back elbow in the corner, then looks for an elbow drop. Dolin moves out of the way and sends her crashing into the mat with a pair of forearm strikes and charges at her, but Grace sends her crashing into the top turnbuckle face first and looks to roll her up with her feet on the ropes. The referee catches her, opening the door for Dolin to deliver The Gigi Driver for the win.


Winner: Gigi Dolin

We then head over backstage and see Von Wagner and Mr. Stone watch a video highlighting their relationship over the years, as well as addressing Wagner's recent issues with Bron Breakker. Stone then invites Wagner over for dinner with his family, and Wagner accepts his invitation on the condition that his wife make pasta with sausage.

Back from the break, we see reporters swarm Andre Chase outside the Performance Center. He gives them no further comment before Jacy Jayne pulls up in a car to pick him up.

Back from the break, Wes Lee makes his way down to the ring. Baron Corbin follows.

Wes Lee vs. Baron Corbin

The bell rings and Lee fires off right hands on Corbin. Corbin delivers a right hand of his own to Lee, but Lee fires back with a chop and a hurricanrana. He follows it up with an enzuigiri, but Corbin catches him with a Brainbuster and looks for a running senton. Lee rolls out of the way and delivers a kick to his head, then hits a second enzuigiri. The action then spills out of the ring, and Corbin plants Lee.


Back from the break, Lee fires off right hands on Corbin's midsection. Corbin levels him with a clothesline and connects with several elbow strikes, then delivers a forearm and charges at him. Lee sends him colliding with the ring post shoulder first and fires off a series of right hands. Lee hits a dropkick and delivers a tope suicida through the middle rope, then sends his head bouncing off the announce desk and lands a kick on his jaw. He gets him back in the ring and ascends to the top, then delivers a dropkick.

Corbin looks for End of Days, but Lee escapes. Corbin connects with a backbreaker, but Lee lands a kick on him. Corbin drags him into the corner and ascends to the top, but Lee sends him out of the ring with an ezuigiri and looks to go flying over the top rope. Dominik Mysterio appears out of nowhere and pushes Corbin out of the way, absorbing the maneuver for him. Lee fires off right hands on him, then slides back in the ring where Corbin is waiting with an End of Days for the win.


Winner: Baron Corbin

After the match, Corbin continues beating down Lee but Ilja Dragunov's music hits and he runs down to the ring to take down Corbin. He sets up for the Torpedo Moskau, but Corbin counters into an End of Days and stands tall as the show goes off the air.

