WWE NXT Results 11/7 - Heritage Cup Match, Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifiers & More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE NXT" on November 7, 2023, coming to you live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida!

Noam Dar will be putting his "NXT" Heritage Cup on the line against Alpha Academy's Akira Tozawa. Dar has held the Cup since defeating Nathan Frazer at "NXT" Heatwave back in August, and has only had one defense thus far against Butch at "NXT" No Mercy.


Newly crowned "NXT" Women's Champion Lyra Valkyria will be addressing the "NXT" Universe for the first time since becoming titleholder. Valkyria dethroned Becky Lynch during Night One of "NXT" Halloween Havoc, ending her 42 day reign in the process.

After weeks of animosity, Bron Breakker will be going one-on-one with Von Wagner as the two look to put their issues to rest once and for all. Breakker currently holds two wins over Wagner, and defeated his associate Mr. Stone in rapid fashion during Night Two of Halloween Havoc.

The first participants in the Men's and Women's Iron Survivor Challenge matches at "NXT" Deadline will be determined, as Dijak takes on Tyler Bate and Tiffany Stratton squares off with Fallon Henley. Last year's Iron Survivior Challenges were won by Grayson Waller and Roxanne Perez, both of whom recieved matches for the "NXT" Championship and "NXT" Women's Championship respectively.


We are live! The show kicks off with a video recapping some highlights from Night Two of "NXT" Halloween Havoc.

Vic Joseph and Booker T then greet audiences at home as Alpha Academy make their way down to the ring. Meta-Four follows.

Noam Dar (w/ Meta-Four) (c) vs. Akira Tozawa (w/ Alpha Academy) for the NXT Heritage Cup

The bell rings and the two lock up. The go back and forth locking one another in submission holds before Tozawa fires off right hands on Dar's midsection. Dar trips him, but Tozawa plants him with a suplex and ascends to the top. Meta-Four captures his attention on the outside, allowing Dar to gain the upperhand as the first round comes to an end.


Round One: Dar 0-0 Tozawa

Round two kicks off, and Tozawa fires off right hands on Dar's head. Dar rolls up him to gain the first fall.

Round Two: Dar 1-0 Tozawa

Back from the break, Dar fires off elbow strikes on Tozawa's head as round three comes to an end.

Round Three: Dar 1-0 Tozawa

Round four kicks off, and Dar cinches in an Ankle Lock on Tozawa. Tozawa escapes and goes flying to level Dar, then takes out Mensah with a tope suicida. Dar looks for a kick on Tozawa, but his foot collides with the ring post. The pair get back in the ring, and Tozawa cinches in an Ankle Lock. Dar taps.

Round Four: Dar 1-1 Tozawa

Round five begins, and Tozawa sends Dar crashing into the mat with a back suplex. Dar connects with a back elbow, but Tozawa fires back with a hurricanrana. He follows it up with a pair of German suplexes and a kick to his head, then drags him over to the corner and ascends to the top. Mensah tries to interfere, but the referee catches him. Tozawa goes flying with a senton, but Lash Legend pulls Dar out of the way. Dar then connects with the Nova Roller for the win.


Round Five: Dar 2-1 Tozawa

Winner (and still): Noam Dar

After the match, Mensah gets in Tozawa's face. Maxxine Dupri slaps him before Gable hits a German suplex on him and Otis lands a senton.

Back from the break, Lyra Valkyria heads down to the ring.

We Hear From Lyra Valkyria

Valkyria says she never dreamed of becoming the "NXT" Women's Champion the way she did, and those who say to never meet your heroes are wrong. She says fans made the place feel like magic when she defeated Lynch to become the new titleholder, and the two of them showed the world what a women's main event is.


Xia Li shows up in the crowd and Valkyria invites her to come inside the ring. Li asks Valkyria if she saw what she did to Becky Lynch ahead of the Number One Contenders Women's World Championship Battle Royal last night, and warns Valkyria she's coming to take her title. She lands a roundhouse kick on one of her security guards and stares down Valkyria.

Tiffany Stratton then makes her way down to the ring. 

Back from the break, we head backstage to Alpha Academy, who announce that they will be appearing on Noam Dar's talk show, "The Supernova Sessions", next week. They then run into Drew Gulak, Charlie Dempsey, Damon Kemp, and Myles Borne before a confrontation between Gulak and Otis ensues and the two agree to a singles match later tonight. 


Back at ringside, Fallon Henley heads down.

Tiffany Stratton vs. Fallon Henley in a Qualifier Match for the Women's Iron Survivor Challenge

The bell rings and the two lock up. Henley lands a chop and a hair whip, then locks in a Single Leg Boston Crab. Stratton makes her way over to the bottom rope to break the hold and slides out of the ring for a breather. Henley follows her and looks to go flying off the apron, but Stratton catches her with a forearm and gets her back in. The two women then teeter on the top rope before Henley executes a superplex and locks in a second Single Leg Boston Crab. Stratton once again makes her way over to the bottom rope to break the hold.


Back from the break, Henley and Stratton are exchanging forearms with one another. Henley connects with a kick on Stratton's head, and looks for a crossbody, but Stratton catches her and dumps her out of the ring through the middle rope. She gets her back inside and sends her leg bouncing off the ring post. Henley rolls up Stratton, but Stratton kicks out and sends her crashing into the mat. She locks in a submission on Henley's injured leg, but Henley escapes using her other leg and lands a back elbow before connecting with a kick to her face and a second one to her midsection. She follows it up with a clothesline and a back elbow in the corner, then lands a bulldog. Stratton gets her up on her shoulders and rolls through, then looks for the Prettiest Moonsault Ever. Henley moves out of the way and rolls her up, but Stratton kicks out and sends her crashing into the middle turnbuckle face first. She then executes a chop block and the Prettiest Moonsault Ever for the win.


Winner: Tiffany Stratton

We then head backstage and see Wes Lee get into a verbal exchange with Baron Corbin.

Back at ringside, Bron Breakker heads down. Von Wagner and Mr. Stone follow.

Bron Breakker vs. Von Wagner (w/ Mr. Stone)

The bell rings and Breakker goes straight after Wagner. Wagner fires back with a right hand before the action spills out of the ring and Wagner catches Breakker with a big boot as he looks to go flying off the ring steps. He gets him back in the ring, then delivers a clothesline off the middle rope, but Breakker fires off right hands on him in the corner. He fires off several more in the middle of the ring, then delivers a German suplex and locks in the Steiner Recliner. Wagner escapes and fires off right hands, then delivers a pair of clotheslines and a double underhook suplex. He delivers a splash in the corner and a big boot, then gets Breakker up on his shoulders.


Breakker escapes and Wagner lands a running knee before dumping him out of the ring and clearing the announce desk. He looks to powerbomb him through it, but Breakker escapes and sends Wagner crashing into the ring steps. Stone looks to get involved, but the referee prevents him from doing so. Breakker takes advantage and delivers a low blow to Wagner and gets Stone up above his head. Stone escapes and Wagner checks on him, but Breakker intercepts him with a Spear and tosses him back in the ring. He delivers a second one for the win.

Winner: Bron Breakker

After the match, Stone cracks a chair across Breakker's spine. Breakker quickly recovers and stares Stone down. Stone slides out of the ring and Breakker follows him, looking to send him crashing through the announce desk. Wagner sneaks up behind him and powerbombs him through the desk.


Lola Vice and Elektra Lopez then make their way down to the ring. Roxanne Perez and Kelani Jordan follow, as does Arianna Grace to watch the action. 

Lola Vice and Elektra Lopez vs. Roxanne Perez and Kelani Jordan

The bell rings and Lopez goes straight after Perez with an elbow strike. She executes a hair whip, but Perez connects with several elbows of her own. Lopez lands a Fallaway Slam and tags Vice in. Vice delivers a kick to her spine, but Perez responds with a pair of chops and an arm drag. Jordan becomes legal and delivers an arm drag of her own, then connects with a dropkick. Lopez tags in and delivers an elbow drop, then tags Vice back in. Vice delivers a Hip Attack and a crossbody, then tags Perez back in. Perez fires off right hands on Vice, then clocks Lopez on the apron. Vice connects wtih a kick to her midsection, then tags Lopez back in. Lopez and Vice double team on Perez before Vice tags back in and Perez catches her with a Side Russian Leg Sweep.


Jordan tags back in and delivers a handspring back elbow, then follows it up with a kick to Vice's midsection. Perez becomes legal again and Vice delivers a kick to her midsection. Lopez tags in and Perez sends her crashing into Vice, then executes Pop Rox. Jordan tags in as Perez levels Vice on the outside with a tope suicida. Jordan then delivers a moonsault out of the corner and pins Lopez for the win.

Winners: Roxanne Perez and Kelani Jordan

After the match, Arianna Grace begins running her mouth, but Karmen Petrovic clocks her from behind.

We then head over to a cryptic message from Joe Gacy.

Back at ringside, Alpha Academy heads down. Drew Gulak, Charlie Dempsey, Damon Kemp and Myles Borne follow. 


Otis (w/ Alpha Academy) vs. Drew Gulak (w/ Charlie Dempsey, Damon Kemp and Myles Borne)

The bell rings and the two lock up. Otis lands a shoulder tackle and a clothesline, then delivers a shoulder to his midsection. Gulak sends him colliding with the ring post shoulder first, and Alpha Academy checks on him before he gets back inside the ring. Gulak delivers a clothesline off the top rope and locks in a submission hold. Otis counters into a powerbomb and a back suplex, then delivers a modified shoulder pounce and a back elbow in the corner. He follows it up with a clothesline and The Caterpillar, then lands a powerbomb for the win.


Winner: Otis

After the match, Alpha Academy has a dance party in the ring.

Back from the break, we head over to Chase University. Representatives of The Family hand over an envelope to Jacy Jayne, and she opens it up to catch a glimpse of what it says. Andre Chase catches her and snatches the envelope from her hand before Duke Hudson and Thea Hail walk in and asks what's going on. Jayne changes the subject quickly and informs Hudson that he and Chase will be defending the "NXT" Tag Team Championship against The Family next week. Chase dismisses the rest of the class, and Hudson leaves with Hail. Jayne follows them, leaving Chase to deeply contemplate something.

Back at ringside, Dijak heads down. Tyler Bate follows.


Dijak vs. Tyler Bate in a Qualifier Match for the Men's Iron Survivor Challenge

The bell rings and the two waste no time. Bate delivers an uppercut off the middle rope before Dijak gets him up on his shoulders. Bate escapes and connects with an enzuigiri that sends Dijak crashing out of the ring. He then goes flying to level him and charges at him, but Dijak catches him and tosses him over the barricade.


Back from the break, Bate delivers a suplerplex to Dijak. The two men then exchange strikes until Dijak manages to deliver a sit-out chokeslam. Bate responds with an Airplane Spin, but Dijak lands a kick under his jaw. Dijak tosses Bate across the ring with a suplex and ascends to the top, but Bate pulls him down with a suplex. Dijak lands on his feet and delivers a boot, but Bate connects with a knee and looks to go flying off the middle rope. Dijak catches him up on his shoulders and delivers Feast Your Eyes for the win.

Winner: Dijak

Back from the break, Carmelo Hayes is waiting in the ring.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams Come Face-To-Face

Hayes wastes no time and calls Trick Williams out to the ring. Williams' music hits and he makes his way down to the ring.

Hayes tells Williams he understands why he's upset, but says roadblocks are part of the journey. He says he called Williams to share the glory of his title reigns, and Williams says he's having a hard time figuring things out after doing nothing but putting Hayes first for the past two years. He says every time Hayes won a title, it felt like he did too. Hayes says when he won, Williams did too and Williams says it was easy for Hayes when he had the ball to take all the shots. He questions why Hayes can't support him in the same way now that he has the ball, then looks to ask him if he attacked him.


Hayes cuts him off and asks him if he believed in him. He says he's always been there for Williams and he's always known he was destined for greatness. He says he's been telling him such for months, and says he knew he had the potential to be a once in a lifetime performer. He asks Williams if that answered his question, and Williams says he wants to have his moments. He says he was always there when Hayes was there, and questions where he's been. He says Hayes hasn't been there when he was attacked, and Hayes looks to confirm that Williams never saw who attacked him. Williams confirms such, and Hayes asks the same question again. Williams says yes once again, then asks Hayes if he was the one who attacked him.


Before Hayes can answer, he is cut off by Lexis King's music. King gives his own version of what's happening, and both Hayes and Williams tell him that this doesn't involve him. King says he's trying to help the two of them get to the bottom of things and accuses Hayes of being the attacker. He says it could've also been someone new to "NXT" with a dark mind and asks Williams if he's sure Hayes was his attacker. Williams looks to clock him, but accidentally ends up hitting Hayes. He immediately apologizes, and looks to help Hayes up. Hayes slaps his hand away the first time, but takes it the second time. The two men hug as the show goes off the air, but Hayes appears to be visibly angered by what just happened as they do so.

