WWE Raw Results 10/30 - Seth Rollins Vs. JD McDonagh, Trick Or Street Fight & More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE Raw" on October 30, 2023, coming to you live from the Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville, South Carolina!

Seth "Freakin" Rollins has found himself tangled up with Judgment Day over the past couple of weeks as he gears up for his World Heavyweight Championship defense against Drew McIntyre at WWE Crown Jewel, finding himself involved in a backstage verbal exchange with Women's World Champion Rhea Ripley during last week's edition of "Raw". In light of that, Rollins will be colliding with Judgment Day's ally JD McDonagh.


After coming up short against Piper Niven and Chelsea Green in a tag team match last week, Natalya looks to seek some retribution as she faces the latter competitor in a Trick or Street Fight. Natalya was initially joined by Nikki Cross in the bout, but the dazed Cross left Natalya alone in the ring and made her way to the back.

For the first time since coming up short against Rhea Ripley on the August 21 episode of "Raw", Candice LeRae will be making her return to action as she goes one-on-one with Xia Li. Li has been vying for a shot at the "NXT" Women's Championship over the past few weeks, blindsiding LeRae backstage as she watched Indi Hartwell face Becky Lynch for the title and delivering a message to her.


North American Champion Dominik Mysterio is set for singles action tonight as he takes on Ricochet in a non-title bout. The Judgment Day member found a new ally in Logan Paul last week after they bonded over their mutual issues with Rey Mysterio and came into contact with Ricochet's financée Samantha Irvin, which led to "The One and Only" blindsiding the two men.

Last week, Johnny Gargano picked up a victory over Imperium's Giovanni Vinci after his #DIY teammate Tommaso Ciampa neutralized Ludwig Kaiser and prevented him from interfering. Tonight, the four men will meet in the squared circle as they face each other in tag team competition.

Additionally, the aforementioned Ripley, Becky Lynch, Sami Zayn and Cody Rhodes are all advertised to be in town tonight, per WWE's event page.

We are live! Michael Cole and Wade Barrett greet audiences at home as Rhea Ripley, Dominik Mysterio, and JD McDonagh make their way down to the ring.

Sami Zayn Confronts Judgment Day and JD McDonagh

Ripley welcomes fans to "Raw", then says Judgment Day has proven every week that they run the show because they've taken care of everyone who's in their way. She promotes Dominik and McDonagh's respective matches for tonight, then say both Seth "Freakin" Rollins and Drew McIntyre have some decisions to make. She says whichever of them decides to make the right choice will determine who walks out of Crown Jewel as the winner and the loser of their World Heavyweight Championship match. She adds that her Fatal Five-Way match at the upcoming Premium Live Event is another chance for her to prove herself.


Sami Zayn's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He says he knows Ripley didn't invite him out to the ring, but he's sick of hearing them talk about their power on "Raw". He says his entire life and career has been spent fighting people that think like Judgment Day, but he's all about rebellion and resistance and will fight them all as long as there's a breath of air in his body. He says that he will fight them until there is no more of them left, and Ripley says it doesn't matter. She says they don't need the members when it comes to him, then challenges him to a match on Damian Priest's behalf. Dominik suggests they teach Zayn a lesson now, but before anything happens, Ricochet runs down to give Zayn a hand. Judgment Day backs down until McDonagh looks to blindside Ricochet. Ricochet sends him crashing over the top and Dominik looks to take advantage by attacking him, but Ricochet sees him coming and Dominik slides out of the ring. 


Ricochet vs. Dominik Mysterio (w/ Rhea Ripley and JD McDonagh)

Back from the break, the bell has rung and Ricochet delivers a dropkick. He follows it up with a few right hands to his head and charges at him, but Dominik dumps him on the apron and dropkicks him onto the floor. He sends Ricochet's face bouncing off the announce desk, then gets him back inside the ring and fires off shoulders to his midsection in the corner. He follows it up with a series of stomps and looks for a splash in the corner, but Ricochet moves out of the way and delivers an enzuigiri. He then lands a suplex and a Brainbuster before he ascends to the top rope and lands a splash. The action spills to the outside, and Ricochet lands a crossbody on Dominik through the middle rope.


Back from another break, Dominik lands a boot on Ricochet's midsection and follows it up with The Three Amigos. He launches him into the middle rope face first and dials it up for the 619, but Ricochet ducks out of the way and lands a back elbow. He executes a hurricanrana and a splahs from the top rope, then follows it up with a springboard moonsault and gets Dominik up on his shoulders. Dominik escapes and hits a swinging neckbreaker, then ascends to the top and looks to fly. Ricochet rolls out of the way and lands a superkick, then ascends to the top and looks to fly. Ripley hops up on the apron and grabs the referee's attention, allowing for McDonagh to distract Ricochet. Dominik takes advantage and rolls up Ricochet (with his feet on the ropes) for the win.


Winner: Dominik Mysterio

After the match, Ricochet blindsides Dominik and McDonagh. He ascends to the top and looks to go flying to take out Dominik, but Ripley drags Dominik out of the way before he can.

Alpha Academy then heads down to the ring. The Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile follow. 

Alpha Academy (w/ Maxxine Dupri and Akira Tozawa) vs. The Creed Brothers (w/ Ivy Nile)

Gable and Julius begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth locking each other in submission holds before Julius gets Gable up in a vertical suplex position and tags in Brutus. Julius hands Gable over to him and Brutus plants him. Otis tags in and sends Brutus crashing into the mat, then charges at him in the corner. Brutus slips out of the way and delivers a Brutus Smash off the middle rope. Julius tags back in and Otis lands a double clothesline on both Creed Brothers. Gable follows it up with one of his own from the middle rope before he and Otis plant The Creeds with simultaneous suplexes.


Back from the break, Gable cinches in an Ankle Lock on Brutus. Brutus counters into a roll up, but Gable kicks out. Brutus then gets him up on his shoulders and plants him with a Samoan Drop, but Gable catches him with a German suplex and tags in Otis. Julius tags in and Otis flattens The Creeds with a double clothesline. He lands a bodyslam on both of them, then delivers a splash to Julius in the corner and executes The Caterpillar. He goes for a pin, but Julius kicks out and lands a jumping knee. Brutus tags in and lands a Brutus Smash off the top. Each of The Creeds land a moonsault before Brutus goes for a pin. Gable breaks the fall and clotheslines Julius out of the ring.

Brutus looks to go flying off the middle rope, but Otis plants him with a slam and goes for a pin. Julius delivers a 450 Splash off the top to break the fall, and Gable lands a moonsault on everyone. Dupri hops up on the apron, but Nile pulls her down, leaving to a verbal exchange. Tozawa inserts himself between the two women, and Nile levels him with a German suplex.


Back from the break, Julius tags in and gets Otis in an Electric Chair position as Brutus ascends to the top. Brutus lands the Brutus Ball, and Julius pins him for the win.

Winners: The Creed Brothers

After the match, The Creeds and Alpha Academy shake hands as a show of respect for one another. 

We then head backstage and see New Day knock on the dressing room door of Judgment Day as they trick-or-treat. Rhea Ripley, Dominik Mysterio, and JD McDonagh join Finn Balor and Damian Priest to strategize. Priest questions Ripley's decision to make a match for him against Sami Zayn without asking him, and Ripley says she made the match because he's the punishment of Judgment Day.

Back at ringside, The Miz heads down.

The Miz Hosts GUNTHER on Miz TV

Miz welcomes fans to "Miz TV" and introduces GUNTHER. The Intercontinental Champion's music doesn't hit nor is he anywhere to be seen. Miz introduces him again, but Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci appear instead and Kaiser say GUNTHER won't just show up because Miz says he will. Kaiser says Miz is everything wrong with the WWE Universe today and the embodiment of what Imperium despises. He calls Miz a clown, and Miz says while he's been called a lot of those things, he's never been a sidekick as he addresses Vinci. Vinci asks Miz if he was his wife's sidekick on Total Divas, and Miz corrects him by saying the show he's thinking of is Miz & Mrs. Miz questions why Vinci is talking, and Kaiser makes it clear that Vinci only does so when himself or GUNTHER tell him to.


GUNTHER's music then hits and he appears. Miz invites GUNTHER to take a seat, but GUNTHER declines to do so and says since Miz didn't receive the message he was trying to get to him, he came out to make two things clear to him. He asks why he's hosting a talk show in 2023, then says everything Miz does in his sacred ring is beneath him. He says he doesn't respect Miz, and Miz says he interviewed an invisible John Cena that was more entertaining than GUNTHER. He says he is the biggest star WWE has, and GUNTHER says that's his issue. He says it doesn't matter how entertaining Miz is because when it gets serious, all that matters is how good of a wrestler he is. He says that's the reason why Miz is a talk show host while he's the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time.


Miz says he was serious when he beat Randy Orton for the WWE Championship, defeated John Cena in the main event of WrestleMania, and won his second WWE Championship. He says he was serious when he made GUNTHER's title the most relevant in all of WWE and he has no problem doing it again. GUNTHER laughs at him, and says he is one of the greatest sports entertainers of all time. He orders Kaiser to grab one of the pumpkins from the "Miz TV" set with the talk show's logo on it and smash it. Kaiser does so, and GUNTHER asks what Miz is going to do about it. Kaiser dumps his chair out of the ring and Miz attacks him. He goes after Vinci and levels him before GUNTHER takes him down and tells him he isn't in his league. Miz gets back up and looks to attack GUNTHER, but Vinci and Kaiser hold him in place and GUNTHER lands a big boot across his face. Miz storms to the back as #DIY head down.

Back from the break, The Miz storms into Adam Pearce's office and asks him if he just saw what happened. He asks Pearce if he's really going to let Imperium get away and demands an Intercontinental Championship match. Pearce says he can't give him a title shot, but he can give him a Number One Contenders shot against someone else who wants a title shot: Bronson Reed. 


#DIY vs. Imperium

Gargano and Vinci begin the action. The bell rings and Gargano lands a chop on Vinci. Ciampa tags in and wears down Vinci, then tags Gargano back in. Gargano follows suit and tags Ciampa back in, and Vinci sends him crashing into the mat before he tags in Kaiser. Kaiser lands an open palm strike, but Ciampa fires back with a jawbreaker and Gargano sends Vinci crashing into a clothesline at the hands of Ciampa. The action spills to the outside, and Kaiser levels Gargano with a running uppercut. Vinci plants him on the apron.


Back from the break, Gargano looks to tag out to Ciampa but Vinci prevents him from doing so. He lands an enzuigiri and looks to do so again, but Kaiser pulls Ciampa off the apron and Vinci catches him with a backbreaker. Gargano lands a DDT and tags in Ciampa as Vinci tags out to Kaiser. Ciampa levels Kaiser and an interfering Vinci, then lands a flying clothesline on them both and fires off right hands on Kaiser. He lands a forearm strike and a reverse DDT, then goes for a pin. Kaiser kicks out and plants Ciampa with a Death Valley Driver. He follows it up with a clothesline and tags in Vinci. Imperium looks for the Imperium Bomb, but Gargano catches Kaiser with a superkick as he flies while Ciampa takes down Vinci. Vinci looks for a moonsault, but Ciampa moves out of the way and rocks him with a running knee. Gargano tags in and #DIY delivers Meeting In The Middle for the win.


Winners: #DIY

Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell then make their way down to the ring. Xia Li follows.

Candice LeRae (w/ Indi Hartwell) vs. Xia Li

The bell rings and Li looks for a boot. LeRae moves out of the way and fires off right hands in the corner, then lands a running back elbow and a step-up senton. Li delivers a chop to LeRae's chest and charges at her in the corner, but LeRae levels her with a boot and rolls her up. Li kicks out and lands a jumping knee, then follows it up with a spinning kick. The referee checks on LeRae and tells Li to back off and LeRae gets up to her feet before falling back down. The referee then calls off the match and declares Xia Li as the winner.


Winner: Xia Li

After the match, medical staff runs down and checks on LeRae

We then head backstage and see Jey Uso wish Sami Zayn luck in his upcoming match against Damian Priest. Jackie Redmond appears for a word with Jey and asks him about Judgment Day. Jey ponders himself and Cody Rhodes regaining the Undisputed Tag Team Championship from Finn Balor and Damian Priest before walking away.

Back from the break, we head over to a video of Drew McIntyre reflecting on winning the WWE Championship at WrestleMania in front of no fans and being Seth "Freakin" Rollins' last defense of the World Heavyweight Championship at Crown Jewel (given that Rollins was the first opponent he defended the WWE Championship against).


Back at ringside, Rollins heads down.

We Hear From Seth Rollins

Rollins welcomes fans to Monday Night Rollins and introduces himself, then says he's graciously agreed to beat JD McDonagh tonight as he prepares for his Crown Jewel title defense. He says everyone saw the video from Drew McIntyre, and tells him to cry him a river. He says everyone was fighting battles during the Covid-19 Pandemic and many others had it a lot worse than him. He tells McIntyre to get in line with performers such as Sami Zayn and Cody Rhodes who ask for no pity, and tells McIntyre if he can pry his title away from him, he'll be the first to shake his hand and call him champ. He says he's not the same person he was in 2020, but before he can continue, McDonagh blindsides him from behind.


Seth Rollins vs. JD McDonagh

The bell rings and Rollins fires off right hands on McDonagh on the outside. He sends McDonagh's face bouncing off the apron before tossing him into the barricade spine first and gets him back in the ring. He then fires off more chops and follows it up with a back body drop, but McDonagh lands a corkscrew from the apron and jams his boot into his jaw in the corner. He connects with a jaw breaker, but Rollins sends him crashing out of the ring and lands a tope suicida that sends McDonagh crashing over the announce desk.


Back from the break, Rollins lands a right hand on McDonagh's head. He follows it up with a series of chops to his chest and a clothesline, then lands a superkick and two more clotheslines. He connects with a Sling Blade and a running knee, then goes for a pin but McDonagh kicks out. McDonagh executes a headbutt and ascends to the top, but Rollins moves out of the way and lands a jumping knee. McDonagh hits a standing Spanish Fly as Rollins charges at him, but Rollins responds with a Buckle Bomb and ascends to the top. Damian Priest heads down with his Money In The Bank briefcase in hand, and grabs Rollins' attention. This allows for McDonagh to get his knees up. The pair end up teetering on the top rope, and Rollins lands a back superplex. He follows it up with a Pedigree and a Curb Stomp for the win.


Winner: Seth "Freakin" Rollins

After the match, Rollins stares down Priest as Priest holds up his briefcase.

Natalya then heads down to the ring. Chelsea Green and Piper Niven follow. 

Chelsea Green (w/ Piper Niven) vs. Natalya in a Trick or Street Fight

The bell rings and Green delivers a boot to Natalya. She grabs a pumpkin pie and sends her careening into Natalya's face, then tosses a bunch of candy and a candy corn kendo stick in the ring. Natalya grabs it and hits Green with it, then sends her crashing into the timekeeper's area. Green grabs the lid of a garbage can and hits Natalya with it, then pulls a table close to the timekeeper's barricade with Niven's help and looks to land a senton off it. Natalya rolls off it and Green is sent crashing through the table.


Repent ries running up the ramp, but Natalya chases her back to ringside and sends her bobbing for apples. Niven tries to help Green, but Natalya levels her and looks to lock in a Sharpshooter. Green tries preventing her from doing so, but Natalya stacks her on top of Niven. Natalya is sent crashing into the ring post and the skeleton hanging from it, then grabs a pumpkin off the table to reveal Nikki Cross' head. This opens the door for Natalya to send Green's head bouncing off the table, but Green sends her crashing into the ring steps and gets her back inside the ring.

Green sits Natalya on the top rope and dumps out a bag of candy corn handed to her by Niven. Natalya escapes and powerbombs Green through the candy corn. Niven causes a distraction and holds Natalya in place as Green charges at her with a pumpkin pie. Natalya ducks out of the way and Niven receives a face full of pie. However, not all is lost as Green manages to take advantage and land The Unprettier for the win.


Winner: Chelsea Green

Back from the break, Damian Priest heads down to the ring. Sami Zayn follows.

Damian Priest vs. Sami Zayn

The bell rings and the two lock up. Zayn fires off strikes and an elbow drop off the middle rope, then looks to send him crashing into the barricade on the outside. Zayn lands on top of the barricade and hits a moonsault, then tosses Priest back in the ring and follows. Priest catches him with a kick and a variation of a suplex.


Back from the break, Zayn connects with a clothesline on Priest. Dominik Mysterio and Finn Balor run down to the ring, capturing Zayn's attention for a moment. Priest looks to land South of Heaven, but Zayn manages to roll him up. Priest kicks out and lands The Wrecking, then looks for Razor's Edge. Zayn escapes before Domini clocks him as Balor captures the referee's attention. Jey Uso's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring to level Dominik and Balor. He hops inside the ring and superkicks Priest, causing the disqualification.

Winner: N/A (as the result of outside interference)

After the match, Judgment Day continues beating down Zayn and goes after Jey. Cody Rhodes' music hits and he runs down to the ring to even the odds. Jey lands a superkick on Dominik in the ring and Zayn clotheslines him to the outside before him and Jey goes flying to level Dominik and Balor. Meanwhile, Rhodes clears the announce desk and looks to send Priest crashing through it, but JD McDonagh helps Priest. McDonagh gets caught with a Helluva Kick from Zayn and Rhodes asks for Zayn to hand him over to him. Zayn does so, and Rhodes delivers a pair of Cross-Rhodes to him on top of the announce desk. He then grabs a mic and says Priest tried taking him out last week with a chair but was unsuccessful. He says he's the guy who gets back up every time he's down because that's his story, then asks Priest what his is. He says Priest isn't the leader of Judgment Day because he walks behind Balor, Dominik, and Rhea Ripley. He says he's back on his path, and his path will go straight through him at Crown Jewel.

