AEW Rampage Results 10/20 - Mistico Vs. Rocky Romero, #1 Contenders Triple Threat Match

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Rampage" on October 20, 2023, coming to you from the Fort Bend Epicenter in Rosenberg, Texas!

Two reigning CMLL champions will be going head-to-head tonight, as World Historic Welterweight Champion Rocky Romero takes on World Historic Middleweight Champion Mistico in a Two Out Of Three Falls Match for Mexico's Pound-for-Pound Crown. While the two are quite familiar with one another in the squared circle, this will be their first time meeting in an AEW ring with Mistico making his debut for the company.


Ruby Soho hasn't competed in a match since coming up short to Hikaru Shida in a Number One Contenders match for the AEW Women's World Championship on the September 29 episode of "Rampage". Tonight, she will be making her return to the ring as she goes one-on-one with Skye Blue. Blue has been showcasing a darker side to her personality since having black mist sprayed on her face by Julia Hart.

Speaking of Number One Contenders matches, Orange Cassidy's next challenger for the AEW International Championship will be determined as Dark Order's John Silver, Brother Zay, and Kip Sabian collide in a Triple Threat match. Cassidy began his second reign as titleholder after defeating Rey Fenix on the October 10 episode of "AEW Dynamite".


Additionally, Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta of Blackpool Combat Club are set for a match as they look to pick up another win. The pair are currently on a two match winning streak, having previously defeated Gates of Agony, and Levi Shapiro and Wise Guy Ruiz.

We are live! Excalibur and Tony Schiavone greet audiences at home as Rocky Romero and Mistico make their way down to the ring.

Mistico vs. Rocky Romero in a Two Out Of Three Falls Match

The bell rings and the two lock up. Romero lands a shoulder tackle before the two go back and forth. Romero ends up on the outside, and Mistico goes flying over the top rope to level him. Mistico then locks in a submission, and Romero taps.


Winner of Fall One: Mistico

Romero sends Mistico crashing into the ring steps on the outside, then dumps him back in the ring and tears Mistico's mask.

Back from the break, Romero lands a chop and a clothesline. Mistico fires back with a tijeras and an arm drag before the pair exchange strikes on the apron. Romero then plants Mistico with a suplex and goes flying with a tope suicida to level him. He tosses him back inside the ring and sits him on the top turnbuckle, then executes a superplex and goes for a pin. Mistico kicks out and delivers a boot to his midsection, then locks in a Camel Clutch. Mistico escapes and Romero plants him with Sliced Bread. He pins him to earn the second fall.

Winner of Fall Two: Rocky Romero


Back from another break, Mistico delivers an enzuigiri to Romero's spine. He ascends to the top and delivers a crossbody to Romero on the outside, then gets him back inside the ring and delivers a springboard crossbody. He looks for a moonsault off the top, but Romero gets his knees up. Mistico then lands a bodyslam and the pair find themselves on the top rope. Romero lands an Avalanche Sliced Bread and goes for a pin, but Mistico kicks out.

The pair find themselves back on the top rope, and Mistico delivers a Spanish Fly. He goes for a pin, but Romero kicks out. Mistico then delivers a Canadian Destroyer and a modified tijeras before locking in a Fujiwara Arm Bar. Romero taps.

Winner of Fall Three (and the match): Mistico

We then head backstage and see Jay Lethal demand a match with Eddie Kingston for the Ring of Honor World Championship as Stokely Hathaway "mediates" the situation. Hathaway suggests that Kingston face Jeff Jarrett tomorrow night on "AEW Collision" in a Memphis Street Fight, and if Jarrett wins, then Lethal gets his match before making it official himself.

Back at ringside, Dark Order heads down. Kip Sabian, Penelope Ford, The Butcher, The Blade, and Brother Zay follow.


John Silver (w/ Dark Order) vs. Brother Zay vs. Kip Sabian (w/ Penelope Ford, The Butcher and The Blade) in a Triple Threat #1 Contenders Match for the International Championship

The bell rings and Silver rolls out of the ring. Sabian then delivers a right hand to Brother Zay and follows it up with a shoulder tackle. Brother Zay delivers an arm drag to Sabian and a dropkick to Silver before Sabian connects with an enzuigiri on him as he looks to go flying out of the ring.


Back from the break, Brother Zay delivers an enzuigiri to Sabian in the ring and an Asai Moonsault to Silver on the outside. He hits a modified rolling Stunner on Sabian as he gets back inside the ring. Silver tosses Sabian into Brother Zay in the corner, then delivers a German suplex to him and goes flying on the outside to level him. Dark Order gets in his face, but Butcher and Blade get in their faces. Brother Zay levels everyone on the outside, then gets Sabian back inside the ring and delivers a Swanton Bomb. He goes for a pin, but Silver breaks the fall and pins Brother Zay for the win.

Winner: John Silver

We then head to a videos from Ortiz and Mike Santana, who have pointed messages for each other before challenging one another to a match on "Rampage" next week.


Back at ringside, Blackpool Combat Club heads down. Exodus Prime and Bryan Keith are already waiting inside the ring.

Blackpool Combat Club vs. Exodus Prime and Bryan Keith

Keith and Yuta begin the action. The bell rings and Keith fires off several chops on Yuta. Yuta responds with a German suplex and tags in Castagnoli. Prime tags in and Yuta launches him into Castagnoli. Castagnoli executes a Gorilla Press and The Swing-dropkick combination with Yuta. Yuta (now legal) climbs onto Castagnoli's shoulders and lands a splash on Prime for the win.


Winners: Blackpool Combat Club

Back from the break, we head to a video from The Elite who announce an open challenge for their ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship this coming Wednesday on "Dynamite".

Back at ringside, Skye Blue heads down. Ruby Soho and Saraya follow.

Ruby Soho (w/ Saraya) vs. Skye Blue

The bell rings and the two lock up. Soho delivers an overhand chop, and Blue calls for her to deliver another one. Soho does so before Blue fires off several chops of her own. Soho sends her crashing into the mat and delivers a short arm lariat, but Blue fires back with a tijeras and a thrust kick. Blue charges at her in the corner, but Soho connects with a back elbow. Blue delivers a roundhouse kick to her head, and plants her face first on the ring apron. She delivers a knee to Saraya, opening the door for Soho to deliver a kick off the apron.


Back from the break, Blue delivers a pair of clotheslines and a step-up knee. She connects with a kick to Soho's head and goes for a pin, but Soho kicks out. Blue sets up for Skye Fall, but Soho escapes. She then connects with a DDT and looks to run the ropes, but Saraya grabs her ankle. This opens the door for Soho to deliver a Saito suplex and sit Blue on the top rope, but Blue escapes and delivers a powerbomb. Soho responds with No Future and goes for a pin, but Blue kicks out. Soho then looks for Destination Unknown, but Blue counters into a back slide. Soho kicks out and looks for No Future again, but Blue escapes and sets up for Skye Fall. Soho sends her into the ropes, and Saraya hits her with the can of spray paint. Soho then rolls her up for the win.


Winner: Ruby Soho

After the match, The Outcasts continue beating down Blue, but Kris Statlander runs down to the ring to provide Blue with a helping hand. Statlander looks to help up Blue, but Blue rolls out of the ring before she can and heads to the back as the show goes off the air.

