AEW Dynamite Results 9/13 - Four-Way Eliminator Match, Samoa Joe Vs. Roderick Strong

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Dynamite" on September 13, 2023, coming to you live from the Heritage Bank Center in Cincinnati, Ohio!

The finals of the Grand Slam World Title Eliminator Tournament will be held tonight, as Samoa Joe collides with Roderick Strong. The reigning ROH World Television Champion defeated Jeff Hardy and Penta El Zero Miedo in the quarterfinals and semifinals while the former ROH World Champion defeated Trent Beretta and Darby Allin to become one step closer to facing MJF at Grand Slam on September 20.


Jon Moxley will be putting his International Championship on the line against Big Bill in his third defense of the title. The two men found themselves at odds this past Saturday on "AEW Collision" during a physical altercation between themselves, Ricky Starks, and Bryan Danielson as the result of an exchange of words between the latter two.

Saraya's opponent for the AEW Women's World Championship at Grand Slam will be determined tonight, as Toni Storm, Hikaru Shida, Nyla Rose, and Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. square off in a four-way eliminator match. Baker and Shida have both met Saraya in the ring on a few occasions while Rose is a former titleholder. Storm has no shortage of history with Saraya either, having a rocky relationship as of late in light of the recent tensions within The Outcasts.


Last week, "Hangman" Adam Page got into a verbal exchange with Swerve Strickland which ultimately resulted in the former being blindsided by Strickland's Mogul Embassy teammate Brian Cage. Tonight, Page and Cage will be going one-on-one as they look to settle their issues. Additionally, Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara have something on their minds to share after agreeing to face one another at Grand Slam on "AEW Rampage" last Friday. Don Callis will also be revealing who he and Konosuke Takeshita have their sights set on next.

We are live! Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone greet audiences at home as Jon Moxley makes his way down to the ring to a warm reception from his hometown crowd. Big Bill and Ricky Starks follow.

Jon Moxley (c) vs. Big Bill (w/ Ricky Starks) for the AEW International Championship

The bell rings and the two lock up. Bill delivers a right hand to Moxley's jaw, but Moxley fires back with a series of right hands. Bill returns the favor and lands a boot on Moxley's jaw, then follows it up with a pair of overhand chops and a Fallaway Slam. He then lands a splash in the corner, but Moxley manages to land a back elbow. He looks to hit a lariat, but Bill stays on his feet and sends Moxley crashing to the outside. Starks takes a cheap shot at Moxley as the referee has his back turned and Bill then fires off right hands on his head. Moxley sends him crashing into the ring steps shoulder first before Bill tosses him over a table.


Back from the break, Moxley rakes his fingernails across Bill's spine as the two teeter on the ropes. He then executes a superplex, but gets caught with a Sidewalk Slam by Bill. Bill lands a boot on his face, but Moxley quickly gets back on his feet and the pair go back and forth with forearms. Bill looks for another boot, but Moxley levels him with a clothesline and several hammer and anvil elbows. He follows it up with a running cover and looks to pin him, but Bill rolls to the outside before he can.

Moxley ascends to the top, but Starks pushes him off before he can go flying as the referee is distracted. This opens the door for Bill to get back in the ring and land a high boot. Bryan Danielson then runs down to the ring to take care of Starks, firing off right hands on him. This allows Moxley to roll up Bill, but Bill kicks out. Starks then sends Danielson crashing into the ring steps as Bill lands a chokeslam on Moxley. He goes for a pin, but Moxley kicks out and locks in a Triangle. Bill makes it up to his feet while Danielson holds off Starks, but this isn't enough as he is forced to tap out.


Winner (and still): Jon Moxley

After the match, Starks rains down right hands on Danielson on the outside as Bill does the same to Moxley in the ring. Starks joins him and uses his shoe as a weapon. Claudio Castagnoli runs down to the ring to provide Danielson and Moxley with a hand. He looks for an uppercut on Bill on the apron, but Bill stays standing and hops off after Castagnoli charges at him.

We head backstage to Renee Paquette, Roderick Strong, and The Kingdom who look to discuss Strong's upcoming match with Samoa Joe. Adam Cole walks in and suggests that Strong doesn't participate in the match because of his neck injury, but Strong brushes him off before leaving with Mike Bennett and Matt Taven.

We Hear From Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita

Tony Schiavone introduces Don Callis, and he makes his way down to the ring alongside Konosuke Takeshita as a covered painting waits inside the ring.

Callus says himself and Takeshita have been celebrating his wins over Kenny Omega at All In and All Out, then says no one is better than Takeshita. He says when you beat Omega twice in seven days, he isn't just an Ace, but an Alpha. He demands fans call Takeshita such, then says you take everything that can be taken as an Alpha and puts Omega on notice. He unveils the painting to reveal that the next target of The Don Callis family as Kota Ibushi. He says himself and Takeshita will do so much more to Ibushi than pin him as Omega watches helplessly from home. He then takes a screwdriver and jabs it through the canvas.


We then head backstage to Blackpool Combat Club, where Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli challenge Ricky Starks and Big Bill to a tag team match next week. Rey Fenix and Eddie Kingston then enter with something to say to their respective opponents, Jon Moxley and Castagnoli.

Back from the break, Toni Storm heads down to the ring. Hikaru Shida, Nyla Rose, and Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. follow. 

Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. vs. Toni Storm vs. Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose (w/ Marina Shafir) in a Four-Way Match

The bell rings and Storm hops out of the ring. Baker and Shida then work together to take down Rose, but Rose levels both of them with a double clothesline. Storm slides back in the ring and poses in front of Rose. A displeased Rose looks to attack her, but Shida and Baker send her crashing out of the ring. Storm then pushes Shida into Baker, who joins Rose on the outside. Storm is sent out of the ring, and Shida delivers a crossbody to level all three women. 


Back from the break, Storm delivers a German suplex to Baker and a Hip Attack to Rose. Shida levels her with a Brainbuster, then stares down Baker. Storm executes a chop block on Baker before she is caught with a powerbomb from Rose. Rose then levels Baker with a chokeslam and rolls up Shida. Shida reverses the fall, but Rose kicks out. Shida lands a knee and the Katana, then pins Rose. Baker breaks the fall with a thrust kick to Shida's head, then delivers a Curb Stomp. Storm rolls up Baker before she can pin Shida for the win.

Winner (and new number one contender): Toni Storm

After the match, Shida shoves Baker out of anger for costing her.

We then head backstage to Renee Paquette, Saraya, and Ruby Soho. Paquette asks Saraya about Storm's win, and Saraya says Storm lost the top spot to her before losing her mind. She says she will be walking out of Grand Slam still holding the AEW Women's World Championship.


Back from the break, Le Sex Gods make their way down to the ring.

We Hear From Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara

Jericho puts over his match with Guevara next week at Grand Slam, then reflects on their relationship over the last four years. He then throws it over to a video of some of the highlights of their friendship. Guevara jokes about not knowing the lyrics to Judas still before Jericho talks about the first time he saw Guevara on an NWA pay-per-view. He says he called Tony Khan after seeing him to get him signed, and says he's seen him grow up right in front of his eyes. He says he's proud of all Guevara has accomplished in AEW.


Guevara thanks him for his kind words. He says Jericho has inspired him since he was a kid performing Codebreakers in his mother's backyard, then says there is no AEW without him. He says he got into pro wrestling to be the man rather than Jericho's sidekick, and that will never happen as long as he's in Jericho's shadow. He says he needs to win, and Jericho says while that's true, he was brought into AEW to be a main event star. He says he gets closer to that every week, and if he wants to level up, he has to do it on his own. He tells Guevara that in order to do that, he has to beat him and be the best version of himself. He says he doesn't think Guevara is ready to do that, and Guevara says that's why he needs to beat him. He says Jericho doesn't truly respect him, and the man standing in front of him will be the one to beat him, earn his respect, shake his hand, and win a tag team championship. He offers his hand to Jericho, and Jericho takes it. However, he doesn't shake it but pulls him close to him to put him on notice. He tells Guevara he expects him to hit hard just like he will, and Guevara says he wouldn't have it any other way.


We then head backstage to MJF in the medical office last week, who is being checked on as Renee Paquette and Adam Cole stand by. The medical official tells MJF that he will be all good to go in time for Grand Slam, then sends messages to Roderick Strong and Samoa Joe.

Back at ringside, Brian Cage and Prince Nana head down. "Hangman" Adam Page follows.

Adam Page vs. Brian Cage

The bell rings and Page wastes no time. He goes right after Cage, but Cage shoves him into the corner and fires off offensive moves. He lands an elbow, but Page fires back with a pair of boots. Cage levels him with a shoulder tackle and looks to low bridge Cage out of the ring. Cage hands on, but Page sends him crashing out of the ring. Cage then looks to powerbomb him, but Page counters with a hurricanrana and a crossbody over the top. He gets him back inside the ring, but gets caught with a clothesline. Cage jams his knee into the back of Page's neck, but Page sends him crashing into the ropes and delivers a 619. Swerve Strickland's music's hits and he appears on the ramp to watch the action, allowing Cage to German suplex Page into the ring from the apron.


Back from the break, Page delivers a knee to Cage's face. Cage responds by planting him, then goes back and forth with Page landing shots. Cage lands a powerslam and looks for a moonsault, but Page rolls out of the way. The two go tumbling out of the ring before getting back inside.

Cage does some bicep curls with Page and looks to plant him, but Page counters and sends Cage crashing into the mat. He then delivers a dropkick that sends him back to the outside and an Orihara Moonsault. He gets him back in the ring and delivers a crossbody off the ropes, then sets up for the Buckshot Lariat. Cage catches him to evade the maneuver before Page delivers the Dead Eye for the win.

Winner: "Hangman" Adam Page


After the match, Page grabs a mic and addresses Swerve Strickland. He says Strickland said he wanted his spot in AEW, but he sent his pal to fight him instead of doing it himself. Strickland says Page's words sound like fighting ones, and he must be stupider than the Cincinnati education system if he truly takes him for being a coward. He then challenges him to a match at AEW WrestleDream before Cage blindsides him from behind, but The Young Bucks appear out of nowhere and land a Superkick Party on him. Prince Nana celebrates with a dance, but turns around into a Superkick Party from The Bucks.

Back from the break, Darby Allin and Nick Wayne head down to the ring. "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard, "Cool Hand Ang" Angelo Parker, Jake Hager, and Anna Jay follow.

Darby Allin and Nick Wayne vs. Daddy Magic and Cool Hand Ang (w/ Jake Hager and Anna Jay)

Wayne and Cool Hand begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Christian Cage and Luchasaurus then appear to join the commentary booth as Cool Hand beats down Wayne. Daddy Magic tags in and delivers a backbreaker to Wayne before Cool Hand tags back in and delivers a suplex. Daddy Magic tags back in and gets caught with an enzuigiri. Daddy Magic fires back with a powerbomb.


Back from the break, Wayne lands an uppercut on Cool Hand and tags in Allin. Allin delivers a Coffin Drop off the ropes to Daddy Magic and Cool Hand, then goes back and forth landing elbow strikes. He then delivers a Code Red to Cool Hand. Wayne tags back in and delivers Wayne's World out of the corner, then goes for a pin. Daddy Magic pulls him out of the ring. Allin then becomes legal, and lands a Coffin Drop for the win.

Winners: Darby Allin and Nick Wayne

After the match, Cage grabs a mic and challenges Allin and Sting to a tag team match against him and Luchasaurus.

Back from the break, Roderick Strong and The Kingdom head down to the ring. Samoa Joe follows.

Samoa Joe vs. Roderick Strong (w/ The Kingdom) in the Finals of the Grand Slam World Title Eliminator Tournament

The bell rings and the two lock up. Strong rolls to the outside, but Joe chases him back in. String fires off stomps and boots, but Joe plants him and fires off right hands. He then lands several chops.


Back from the break, Strong delivers a boot to Joe's jaw and follows it up with a dropkick off the ropes. He follows it up with a stomp to his spine and a chop, but Joe fires back with a Manhattan Drop and a senton. He then executes a powerslam, but Strong fires back with a jumping knee and a clothesline. Joe sends him crashing into the mat.

Strong charges at Joe, but Joe levels him mid-air and cinches in a Coquina Clutch. Strong taps out.

Winner (and new number one contender): Samoa Joe

After the match, Joe puts MJF on notice and says he's coming for him. He says he will beat him up and take everything he has.

Adam Cole then marches down to the ring as Strong takes off his neck brace. Strong falls over, and Cole what happened as medical personnel run down with a stretcher in hand. They put another brace on Strong and load him onto the stretcher as Cole argues with The Kingdom. Strong gets wheeled to the back, and Cole looks to follow him. The Kingdom prevents him from doing so before Joe appears out of nowhere and locks in the Coquina Clutch on Cole as he reminds him that he plans on taking everything from him.

