WWE Raw Results 9/11 - We Hear From Cody Rhodes, Rhea Ripley Defends The Women's World Title

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE Raw" on September 11, 2023, coming to you live from the Norfolk Scope Arena in Norfolk, Virginia!

Rhea Ripley successfully defended her WWE Women's World Championship against Raquel Rodriguez at WWE Payback on September 2 with a little help from her fellow Judgment Day member Dominik Mysterio. Following her win over Chelsea Green on last week's edition of "Raw", Rodriguez announced that she had been granted a rematch against Ripley which will come to fruition tonight...except this time around, Dominik will be barred from ringside.


Last week, GUNTHER became the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time, beating The Honky Tonk Man's 454 day record. Tonight, his Imperium teammates Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci will be honoring this historic accomplishment with a celebration despite the recent tensions that have arisen within the group. "The Ring General" blamed Kaiser and Vinci after losing to Alpha Academy's Chad Gable via count-out on August 21.

Additionally, Cody Rhodes will be making his first post-Payback appearance tonight with something to say. World Heavyweight Champion Seth "Freakin" Rollins, Sami Zayn, and Kevin Owens are all advertised to be in town according to WWE's event page.

We are live! Michael Cole and Wade Barrett greet audiences at home as Jey Uso makes his way down to the ring.


Jey Uso, Kevin Owens, and Judgment Day Come Face-To-Face

Jey says he is now in Norfolk, then says it feels good to be out of The Bloodline and on his own on "Raw". Before he can continue, Kevin Owens' music hits and he makes his way down to the ring.

Owens says he thinks Jey meant to say that he's on "The Kevin Owens Show". He says he's been in Jey's situation and he knows what he's going through because he's done lots of bad things to good people. He says when he tried to make up for his wrongdoings, it was hard and took a while for people to trust and respect him once again. He says there are plenty of people who don't want Jey in the "Raw" locker room, but some like Cody Rhodes and Sami Zayn are willing to give him a second chance. He says as far as he's concerned, Jey has a long way to go when it comes to regaining his trust and respect.


Judgment Day's music hits, and Damian Priest, Dominik Mysterio, and Finn Balor appear. Balor tells Owens no one speaks to Jey like he just did, and questions why Jey needs to prove himself to Owens. He says that's not the case for himself and the rest of Judgment Day, and Priest echoes that sentiment. He says Owens doesn't speak for the locker room, and tells Jey that Judgment Day's door is always open for him. He cites Dominik as an example, and Dominik vouches for what Priest just said. He adds that Judgment Day has been there through his ups and downs, and Priest says the three of them came out there given that he thought they were facing Owens and Zayn. He asks Owens where Zayn is, and Owens says Zayn isn't there. He says that doesn't matter because he's here for a fight. Jey offers to be Owens' partner as a means of earning back his respect and trust, and Owens accepts his help.


Jey then superkicks Dominik, and the five men then begin brawling with one another. Owens and Jey dump Judgment Day out of the ring.

Jey Uso and Kevin Owens vs. Judgment Day (w/ Dominik Mysterio)

Jey and Priest begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Balor tags in and offers Jey his hand. Jey slaps it away and tags Owens in. Jey lands a back elbow before Owens lands a senton and fires off right hands. Balor begins targeting Owens' leg with a chop block and tags in Priest. Priest delivers a stomp to Owens' knee, then fires off kicks in the corner. Owens fires back with an enzuigiri and tags Jey back in. Jey delivers a crossbody off the top, but Priest fires back with a series of kicks. Jey then lands a right hand and a Samoan Drop. Balor and Priest are sent crashing to the outside, and Jey levels him. Dominik takes advantage and delivers a cheap shot to Owens on the apron.


Back from the break, Priest levels Owens and tags in Balor. Balor delivers a stomp to Owens' knee and follows it up with an elbow to his head. He lands a back elbow before Jey tags in and fires off right hands on him. He hits an enzuigiri and looks for a Hip Attack, but Balor evades the maneuver and delivers a stomp to his chest. Jey lands a pop-up neckbreaker and a superkick, then ascends to the top and looks for the Uso Splash. Balor gets his knees up and tags in Priest. Owens tags in and fires off right hands and stomps on Priest in the corner. He looks for a cannonball, but his knee gives out. Priest then looks for South of Heaven, but Owens slips out of his grasp and delivers a Tornado DDT. He goes for a pin, but Priest kicks out.


Owens ascends to the top, but Priest catches him with a right hand. He joins him up there, but Owens pushes him off. Balor becomes legal and looks for a superplex, but Owens counters with an avalanche Brainbuster. Jey looks to superkick Priest, but accidentally hits Owens. Priest and Jey then go tumbling to the outside before Balor lands a Coup De Grace on Owens for the win.

Winners: Judgment Day

After the match, Owens heads to the back, and Jey slowly follows behind, reflecting on what just happened.

Back from the break, we head backstage and see Jey attempting to apologize to Owens. Owens is having none of it and tells Jey off.

We then head over to a video recapping the Intercontinental Championship match between GUNTHER and Chad Gable last week.

We see Imperium pulling into the Norfolk Scope Arena before we head back to ringside, where The Miz is heading down. Akira Tozawa follows. 

The Miz vs. Akira Tozawa

The bell rings and Miz looks for a boot right out of the gate. Tozawa ducks out of the way and delivers a hurricanrana, then follows it up with a dropkick. Miz levels him and rains down right hands on his head before delivering a knee to the back of his neck and following it up with a series of kicks. Tozawa fires back with a few chops, but Miz chucks him onto the apron. Tozawa delivers an enzuigiri, but Miz fires back with a Codebreaker through the ropes and three Skull Crushing Finales for the win.


Winner: The Miz

Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci then make their way down to the ring.

Imperium Honors GUNTHER For Becoming The Longest Reigning Intercontinental Champion

Kaiser demands the gratitude of the WWE Universe and introduces GUNTHER. GUNTHER's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring.

GUNTHER says that he has rewritten history to the surprise of no one. He says he is officially the longest Intercontinental Champion of all time, then thanks all the titleholders that came before him for contributing nothing. He says he elevated the championship and it feels as though he's competing against himself.


Alpha Academy's music hits, and Chad Gable appears. He says their match last week was a main event for the ages, and he woke up earlier today still feeling the ramifications of their bout. He congratulates GUNTHER on his historic accomplishment, then says he saw the look in GUNTHER's eyes after their match. He says no one pushed him to his limit like he did and says he saw the tears in his daughter's eyes that GUNTHER caused. He says he wouldn't expect GUNTHER to know what it's like to watch your children cry in front of you, but he managed to light a fire in him and puts him on notice. He tells GUNTHER that he can beat him again when he gets another shot at GUNTHER's title and vows to take it from him so he can put a smile on his daughter's face.


GUNTHER asks Gable what he wants another opportunity for, then asks if what he wants is to have his family watch him get beat again. He says while Gable is a fantastic athlete, he is a terrible father.

Gable has heard enough and rains down right hands on him. Kaiser and Vinci join in and Imperium beats him down. Otis runs down to the ring and dumps Kaiser and Vinci out of the ring. Gable tries beating GUNTHER down, but GUNTHER levels him with a chop. Kaiser and Vinci then get back in the ring to help GUNTHER out, but Tommaso Ciampa runs down with a chair in hand to even the odds. Imperium retreats. 

We then head over to a conversation between Drew McIntyre and Xavier Woods discussing what happened between the former and Kofi Kingston last week. 

Woods then makes his way down to the ring. Drew McIntyre follows. 

Xavier Woods vs. Drew McIntyre

The bell rings and Woods lands a chop. McIntyre whips him into the corner, but Woods fires back with a dropkick and rains down right hands. He delivers a knee to his head, but McIntyre lands a headbutt and tosses Woods across the ring. Woods delivers a rolling elbow, but McIntyre flattens him and charges at him. Woods sends him crashing to the outside and delivers a kick. He looks to go flying over the top rope, but McIntyre tosses him over the announce desk.


Back from the break, McIntyre and Woods teeter on the middle rope. McIntyre gets Woods up on his shoulders for White Noise, but Woods escapes and executes a Sunset Flip. He then ascends to the top and lands a leg drop, then goes for a pin but McIntyre kicks out. Woods tries getting McIntyre up on his shoulders, but McIntyre escapes and lands a belly-to-belly suplex. He follows it up with a neckbreaker and looks for the Claymore Kick, but Woods catches him with a thrust kick.

McIntyre delivers a chop that flattens Woods, then looks for an Alabama Slam. Woods counters into a roll up, but McIntyre kicks out. Woods then lands a senton and a sliding knee before the pair go back and forth exchanging strikes. McIntyre then manages to execute a Claymore Kick for the win.


Winner: Drew McIntyre

Back from the break, Cody Rhodes heads down to the ring.

We Hear From Cody Rhodes

Rhodes asks Norfolk what they want to talk about, then says they could talk about Jey Uso.

Dominik Mysterio's music hits and he appears alongside JD McDonagh. He says he's happy Rhodes brought Jey to "Raw" because it will be amazing once he's in Judgment Day. He says Rhodes won't be able to do anything about it.


McDonagh and Dominik then attack Rhodes, but Rhodes dumps McDonagh out of the ring and hits Dominik with a Cody Cutter and a pair of Cross Rhodes.

We then head backstage to Drew McIntyre and Jey Uso. McIntyre tells Jey he can't trust him and says Judgment Day must be looking good now. Jey challenges McIntyre to a match, and McIntyre accepts.

Chelsea Green and Piper Niven then head down to the ring. Shayna Baszler follows.

Shayna Baszler vs. Chelsea Green (w/ Piper Niven)

The bell rings and Baszler delivers a back suplex to Green. She stomps on her elbow and gets in Niven's face, then looks to lock in an Arm Bar. Niven helps Green slice out of the ring, and Baszler follows her out there. She gets in Niven's face and gets back inside the ring. Green rolls her up, but Baszler kicks out. Green looks for the Unprettier, but Green delivers The Exterminatus for the win.


Winner: Shayna Baszler

After the match, Niven and Baszler begin to brawl. Zoey Stark runs down to provide a helping hand to Baszler and the pair force Niven to roll out of the ring. 

Seth "Freakin" Rollins then heads down to the ring. 

We Hear From Seth Rollins

Rollins welcomes fans to Monday Night Rollins, then introduces himself and says that he is all of the things Shinsuke Nakamura says he is. He says he is also a father, a fighter, and the World Heavyweight Champion. He says for a long time, he didn't know who he was, then reflects on all the different people he's been in WWE. He says once he eventually figured out that fans just wanted him to be himself, and he can look in the mirror and his daughter in her eyes being at peace with his past and proud of his future.


Rollins says Virginia didn't come to see him talk and he didn't come there to do that either. He says he came to fight and despite management telling him to slow down, he wasn't built that way and says he thinks his match with Nakamura at Payback took more out of him than he's willing to admit. He then calls Nakamura out to the ring once again and offers him a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship.

Nakamura's music hits, but he doesn't appear on the ramp. He instead appears on the Titan Tron attacking Ricochet backstage and tells Rollins he has bad timing. He says he would fight, but he thought Rollins wasn't medically cleared so he decided to fight anyway. He says he will take Rollins' title, but just not tonight.


We then head backstage to Jey Uso and Finn Balor. Balor says himself and Jey are both professionals, and what happened in the ring earlier tonight stays there. He brings up Drew McIntyre and says although he is not a fan, himself and the rest of Judgment Day are fans of his. He says the door is still open for him to join Judgment Day.

Back at ringside, Alpha Academy and Tommaso Ciampa head down to the ring. Imperium follows. 

Alpha Academy and Tommaso Ciampa (w/ Maxxine Dupri) vs. Imperium

Ciampa and Vinci begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth with submission holds before Ciampa rains down right hands and lands a chop. Gable and Kaiser tag in, and Kaiser wears Gable down with a series of holds. Gable executes a drop toe hold and wears Kaiser down with a series of submissions of his own, then tags Vinci back in. Gable goes tumbling out of the ring, where GUNTHER takes a cheap shot. Gable gets back in the ring, and Vinci lands an uppercut. Kaiser tags in and continues to wear down Gable.


Back from the break, GUNTHER is wearing down Gable. Ciampa and Vinci tag in, and Ciampa fires off right hands. He delivers a clothesline in the corner and plants Vinci. Kaiser tags in and keeps Ciampa from making the tag. Ciampa fights him off and tags in Otis, who delivers a spinning back elbow and a bodyslam. He delivers The Caterpillar and gets Kaiser up on his shoulders, but Kaiser slips out and sends Otis crashing into the ring post shoulder first. GUNTHER and Gable tag in, and Gable wastes no time firing off right hands. He looks for a German suplex, but can't get GUNTHER up and over. GUNTHER delivers one of his own to Gable, but Gable manages to cinch in an Ankle Lock. Vinci tags in and delivers a crossbody off the top rope. He gets caught in an Ankle Lock, but escapes. Gable then delivers a rolling German suplex and goes for a pin, but GUNTHER breaks the fall. Gable then manages to cinch in the Ankle Lock once more on Vinci after chaos ensues on the outside. GUNTHER looks to break the hold, but Ciampa catches him in a Sicillian Stretch. Vinci taps out.


Winners: Alpha Academy and Tommaso Ciampa

Back from the break, we head backstage to Adam Pearce's office, where he looks to get Becky Lynch and Tiffany Stratton to sign a contract for their "NXT" Women's Championship tomorrow night, but not before they get into a heated exchange of words with one another.

Back at ringside, Raquel Rodriguez heads down. Rhea Ripley follows.

Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Raquel Rodriguez for the Women's World Championship - Dominik Mysterio Is Barred From Ringside

The bell rings and Rodriguez lands a clothesline. She looks for a powerbomb, but Ripley escapes. Rodriguez hits a second clothesline and sends Ripley crashing into the corner spine first, then chucks her across the ring and locks in a Bear Hug. Ripley breaks free with a series of headbutts and ascends to the top before delivering a dropkick. The action spills to the outside, and Ripley delivers a cannonball off the ring steps. She gets Rodriguez back inside the ring and delivers a sliding knee to her face, then fires off right hands on her head and follows it up with another dropkick. Rodriguez dumps Ripley out of the ring and delivers a big boot to her face.


Back from the break, Ripley cinches in a Figure Four Leg Lock on Rodriguez. Rodriguez escapes and Ripley sends her crashing into the top turnbuckle face first. She fires off forearms before the two level one another with big boots. They then go back and forth exchanging right hands, but Ripley eventually gains the upper hand with a boot to Rodriguez's midsection and a suplex. She sets up for Riptide, but Rodriguez fights her way out and sends Ripley into the top turnbuckle face first. She follows it up with a back body drop and a big boot, then looks for a corkscrew elbow. Ripley puts a stop to her momentum and ascends to the top. She lands a splash and goes for a pin, but Rodriguez kicks out.


Ripley delivers a baseball dropkick under the bottom rope and looks for a cannonball off the apron. Rodriguez catches her and sends her crashing into the announce desk shoulder first. She powerbombs her onto the apron and gets her back inside the ring. Out of nowhere, Nia Jax appears and delivers a Samoan Drop to Rodriguez on the outside. Ripley catches Rodriguez with a knee as she gets back inside the ring and follows it up with Riptide for the win.

Winner (and still): Rhea Ripley

After the match, Jax headbutts Ripley in the center of the ring and delivers a leg drop to her neck. She then delivers a sit out and slaps Ripley.

