WWE Raw Results (03/20) - We Hear From Roman Reigns, Austin Theory Vs. Montez Ford, Impaulsive TV Returns

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "WWE Raw" on March 20, 2023, coming to you live from the Enterprise Center in St. Louis, Missouri!

Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns will be making his long-awaited return to the Red Brand in light of the reunion between Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn on this past Friday's episode of "WWE SmackDown". Not only did Reigns' WrestleMania 39 opponent Cody Rhodes put Reigns and the rest of The Bloodline on notice last week, he also had a hand in helping the former "Honorary Uce" and "Prizefighter" come together.


Ahead of his United States Championship match with John Cena at the SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles, current titleholder Austin Theory will collide with Montez Ford. Theory defeated Ford's tag team partner Angelo Dawkins during last week's show after a heated exchange of words, and cinched in the STF on Dawkins following the conclusion of the match as a message to Cena before Ford provided a hand to Dawkins.

Logan Paul will be hosting a special edition of "Impaulsive TV" live for the WWE Universe. Seth "Freakin" Rollins has taken issue with Paul over the past couple of months after Paul eliminated him from the 2023 Men's Royal Rumble and later cost him the United States Championship in the Men's Elimination Chamber bout. The two came face-to-face in a heated confrontation two weeks ago, which ultimately ended with Paul levelling Rollins with a right hand.


Additionally, Rhodes, Rollins, "Raw" Women's Champion Bianca Belair, Bobby Lashley, and Damage CTRL leader Bayley are all advertised for tonight's show.

We are live! Corey Graves and Kevin Patrick greet audiences at home as Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn make their way to the ring.

We Hear From Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens

The crowd cheers for Zayn and Owens as Zayn says it feels really good for the two of them to be on the same page again. He tells Owens he approached asking him for backup as a business transaction rather than coming to him as his brother. Owens says he has always been Zayn's fan whether they were friends or enemies, and it was incredibly frustrating to see him under the control of Roman Reigns. He says Zayn was right in saying that it was time for them to take down The Bloodline together.


Zayn then says he thinks they both know what comes next as they look at the WrestleMania sign. The Usos' music hits before Jey and Jimmy appear. Jey calls Zayn a backstabber, then mocks Owens and says the two of them will backstab one another eventually. Zayn says it's funny that he's talking about backstabbing because everyone knows that Jey's biggest dream is to backstab Roman Reigns. Jimmy says Zayn was the one dreaming and staring at the WrestleMania sign, but nothing is going to happen. Owens says the two of them know what they're thinking, then challenges The Usos for their Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship at WrestleMania. Jimmy says him and Jey are the grandest tag team of them all, and they don't deserve a title shot. He brushes off their challenge, but Jey cuts him off and says this might be their one shot to put an end to the Owens and Zayn problem. He accepts their offer, and the two teams begin brawling with one another.


Jey levels Owens, then helps Jimmy beat down Zayn. Owens tosses Jey into the timekeeper's area, then gets him in the ring and delivers a superkick. Zayn sets up for a Helluva Kick, but Jimmy pulls his brother out of the ring. The Usos each grab a chair, but officials stop them from using them.

We then see Roman Reigns, Solo Sikoa, and Paul Heyman pulling up at the arena on the Titan Tron before The Usos retreat to the back.

Austin Theory heads to the ring. The Street Profits follow. 

Austin Theory vs. Montez Ford (w/ Angelo Dawkins)

The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth with submission holds before Theory delivers a shoulder tackle and fires off several boots. Ford delivers several of his own, then delivers a lariat and clotheslines him over the top and to the outside. The two then spill into the crowd.


Back from the break, Theory and Ford teeter on the middle rope. Ford knocks Theory off, then delivers a high crossbody off the top. Ford hits a pair of clotheslines and an uppercut, then follows it up with a belly-to-back suplex and a moonsault. He hits a DDT, but Theory rolls to the outside and Ford goes flying over the top. He tosses Theory back inside and ascends to the top. He looks to go flying, but Theory rolls out of the way before hitting a dropkick and A-Town Down for the win.

Winner: Austin Theory

After the match, Theory grabs a mic and says Ford didn't believe in him but he now does. He then puts John Cena on notice and says he doesn't believe in him either but he will.

Roman Reigns Has A Chat With Jey Uso

We then head backstage to The Bloodline in their dressing room. Reigns tells The Usos that it looked as if they didn't have the best start to the night and it looked as if the pair took a beating. Jimmy says that while they did, nothing can hurt him like being torn away from Jey. Jimmy says they will put an end to Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens at WrestleMania. Reigns then dismisses everyone except for Jey.


Back from the break, Reigns tells Jey that it's been a minute since he's seen or heard from him. He says he had to beg Jimmy for answers, but now he's making decisions. Reigns tells Jey he has to be part of The Bloodline to make decisions, then asks him if he's still with The Bloodline and his family. Jey says he is, and Reigns says he hopes so. He says that was all he needed to hear, then tells Jey he'll see him later. Jey gets up to leave, but Reigns stops him and tells him that he loves him before Jey leaves without saying anything. Paul Heyman walks back in and asks Reigns if he found the answers he was looking for. Reigns says he did.

We then head backstage to Byron Saxton and Adam Pearce. Saxton asks Pearce for some insight into the showcase matches at WrestleMania, but Chelsea Green interrupts. She says she can't find Carmella, but she found a new tag team partner: Piper Niven. She tells Pearce to talk to whoever is necessary to make the match official. Green then tells Pearce to make sure she is in one of the showcase matches at WrestleMana, and Pearce says he is still finalizing the teams. Green puts him on notice and tells him that she will take to social media and put him on blast.


Back from the break, we head to a video hyping up the match between Brock Lesnar and Omos at WrestleMania.

Back at ringside, Omos and MVP head down. Mustafa Ali already waits in the ring. 

Omos (w/ MVP) vs. Mustafa Ali

The bell rings and Ali gives a smile to Omos. Omos shoves him, then plants him as we see Dolph Ziggler watching on. He then hits a double chokeslam for the win.

Winner: Omos

After the match, MVP says Omos fears no man or beast, but Brock Lesnar will learn to do so at WrestleMania.


We then head backstage and see Logan Paul and his entourage exit his dressing room and head to the ring. The Miz catches up to him and says his publicist has been trying to get in touch to see if he can be his guest on "Impaulsive TV" and offers to do so, but Paul brushes him off.

Back from the break, Logan Paul heads to the ring.

Seth Rollins Crashes Impaulsive TV

Paul welcomes the WWE Universe to "Impaulsive TV", then says he doesn't need to be in WWE. He says he's in the company because he loves it, but unfortunately fans don't love him except for his father and a kid with a Drink Prime sign. He says fans will never respect him, but he doesn't care because they're refusing to see the amount of talent standing in front of them. He says there is nothing he can't do and no one on the roster he can't compete with because he is just that good. He says for that reason, he didn't invite anyone to be his guest. He rags on St. Louis, then addresses Seth "Freakin" Rollins. He says their match will be great, as Rollins is one of the top three in the business.


Paul says he was talking to his brother, who brought up a good point: Seth's are nice guys. He says he could've been friends with Rollins if he had come to him to talk, but now he wants to knock him out again. He throws it to a video of him doing so two weeks ago before his mic suddenly cuts out and he grabs a second one.

Rollins then appears on the Titan Tron and says his audio and video aren't working and he doesn't know why. He laughs, then asks how they're going to save this terrible episode of "Impaulsive TV". He then hits the play button for his music and makes his way to the ring.

Rollins wastes no time and takes down Paul. He rains down right hands as the two spill to the outside. Officials run down and pull the two men apart, but Paul breaks free and tackles Rollins over the announce desk. Rollins trips Paul on top of the desk, but officials once again separate the two men. Rollins ascends to the top and delivers a splash, leveling a few officials. Paul then clocks Rollins with a right hand and Rollins goes down.


Back from the break, Dominik Mysterio and Damian Priest head down to the ring. Johnny Gargano and Dexter Lumis follows.

Dominik Mysterio (w/ Damian Priest) vs. Johnny Gargano (w/ Dexter Lumis)

The bell rings and the two lock up. Gargano delivers a shoulder tackle, then fires off several right hands in the corner. Gargano delivers a kick to Dominik's head, then delivers a hurricanrana that sends him to the outside and hits a tope suicida. Dominik tosses him into the ring steps, then sends him crashing into the barricade and gets him up on his shoulders before planting him once again on the barricade.


Back from the break, Dominik delivers The Three Amigos. Gargano hits a suplex in the corner, then delivers a pair of back elbows and a spear. Dominik rolls up Gargano, but the referee catches him with his feet on the ropes. Gargano delivers a superkick to Dominik before the two go back and forth with right hands. Gargano delivers a clothesline, then sends Dominik crashing into the ring post shoulder first and follows it up with a superkick. Gargano sits Dominik on the top rope, but Dominik knocks Gargano off the top and delivers a Frog Splash for the win.

Winner: Dominik Mysterio

After the match, Dominik grabs a mic and says he won't stop until he gets his match with Rey Mysterio at WrestleMania. He says the entire Mysterio family will be at "SmackDown" this Friday, then says it is the same family who blocked his number and kicked them out of their group chat. He adds that he will get Rey to say yes when he meets his mother face-to-face.


We then head backstage to The Usos and Solo Sikoa. Paul Heyman walks in and asks them if they're waiting for Reigns. The trio say they are, and Heyman says the private jet is waiting for them so they can take the night off and indulge. They go to leave, but Heyman tells Sikoa that Reigns wants to speak to him.

We then head to a message from Edge. He says he is a hostile man, and says he will savor every moment of his Hell in a Cell match with Finn Balor at WrestleMania. He tells Balor to bring his demon because the devil would like to meet him. 

Back at ringside, Rhea Ripley heads down. 

We Hear From Rhea Ripley

Ripley says Charlotte Flair told her on Friday that she needed to be a star, but the one thing she doesn't agree with is living in the past. She says Flair keeps doing that by bringing up their WrestleMania match three years ago, and Ripley says she participated in that match to earn respect. Ripley says she doesn't think Flair respects her because she doesn't respect herself, then says when you hear the name "Rhea Ripley", all of your insecurities come to the surface. She tells Flair every time they've gone to war, she has gotten up and kept going. She says Flair keeps people down, but not her. Ripley tells Flair she's done and tells her without the WWE, she is nothing. She says she doesn't care about Flair's insecurities or whether she respects her because she will become the champion at WrestleMania and become the biggest WWE Superstar. She says she doesn't need Flair to respect her, but she will fear her.


Damage CTRL's music hits and the trio head to the ring. Bayley says she was waiting for her to mention her name because Damage CTRL respects her. She says anyone who puts Flair in her place has their respect, then says Ripley could've asked her for tips since she pinned Flair during her first WrestleMania. Ripley says she doesn't need their help, and Bayley says she thought she would say that. Bayley tells Ripley she has gotten too cocky, then says "Raw" is Damage CTRL's show. Ripley laughs and says while she may not be ring ready, if one of them wants to try and get her out of her ring, then they can try. Bayley offers herself up, and Adam Pearce sends a referee to the ring.

Rhea Ripley vs, Bayley

The bell rings and the two lock up. Bayley shoves Ripley before Ripley does the same. She then shoves Bayley into the corner and fires off several right hands, then whips her into the opposite corner. Bayley sends Ripley onto the apron, then sends her face bouncing off the top rope and hits a dropkick that sends her to the outside. She looks for a second kick, but Ripley catches it. Bayley then sends Ripley's face into the ring post, but Ripley tosses her onto the barricade and levels her with a senton off the apron. Ripley tosses Bayley back in the ring, then hits a snapmare and follows it up with a ripcord knee. Ripley delivers an elbow to Bayley's spine, but Bayley fires back with a series of chops. Ripley plants her face first, then delivers a pair of stomps and sets up for Riptide. IYO SKY distracts the referee while Dakota Kai saves Bayley. Bayley then rakes Ripley's eyes and rolls her up with her feet on the ropes as Kai holds them in place, but Ripley kicks out. Becky Lynch's music then hits and she heads to the ring with a bag of popcorn in hand, flanked by Lita and Trish Stratus.


Back from the break, Bayley delivers a Bayley-to-Belly. She follows it up with a second one before Ripley plants her. Bayley fires back with a running knee to Ripley's jaw, then looks for a Sunset Flip. Ripley blocks it, then knocks Bayley down with the double boots. She then locks in the Prism Lock, but Bayley grabs the bottom rope and breaks the hold. Kai and SKY pull Bayley out of the ring, but Lita and Stratus level them. Lynch then gets in Bayley's face and forces her back into the ring, allowing Ripley to deliver a headbutt and Riptide for the win.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

We then head backstage and see Chad Gable searching for Otis. He stumbles across him getting pampered and says he knows he's been busy with his modeling stuff, then says he got them into the Fatal Four-Way Tag Team Match at WrestleMania. He says he needs him at ringside when takes on Ricochet later tonight, but Maxxine Dupri walks in and says she has a stellar opportunity for him: a hand modeling gig. Otis ultimately decides to join Gable, and the pair walk away.


Back at ringside, Ricochet and Braun Strowman head down. Chad Gable and Otis follow. 

Ricochet (w/ Braun Strowman) vs. Chad Gable (w/ Otis)

The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth with submission holds before Ricochet delivers a kick to his face. The two men then end up on the top rope before Gable pushes Ricochet off and hits a flying clothesline.


Back from the break, Gable looks for a moonsault off the top, but Ricochet ducks it and hits a dropkick. He follows it up with a lariat in the corner, then hits an uppercut and sends Gable into the top turnbuckle face first. He follows it up with a Running Shooting Star Press and goes for a pin, but Gable kicks out. Gable hits a Cliffhanger DDT, but Gable cinches in a in Ankle Lock. Ricochet escapes and hits a superkick, then follows it up with a running knee. Gable delivers a Northern Lights suplex before Maxxine Dupri storms down to the ring and drags Otis backstage as Gable watches on. This allows Ricochet to deliver a standing sliced bread. He then climbs to the top and delivers a Shooting Star Press for the win.


Winner: Ricochet

Back at ringside, Bianca Belair heads down. Asuka, Carmella, and Piper Niven follow.

Bianca Belair and Asuka vs. Carmella and Piper Niven

Green and Belair begin the action. The bell rings and Green tries sending Belair into the mat. Belair moves out of the way and hits a moonsault off the ropes, but in the process, Asuka tags herself in. Green and Niven try taking advantage by attacking the pair as they argue with one another, but Belair and Asuka send them crashing to the outside and stare down one another.


Back from the break, Green has Asuka in a chinlock. Green then whips her into the corner, but Asuka hits a Codebreaker. Niven tags in and sets up for a bodyslam, but Niven delivers a back elbow. Belair tags in and delivers a dropkick before Green tries interfering. Belair levels her with a vertical suplex, then rains down right hands on Niven in the corner. She ascends to the middle rope and delivers a crossbody, then goes for a pin but Green breaks the fall. Asuka tosses her out of the ring before Belair gets Niven up on her shoulders and delivers the KOD for the win.

Winners: Bianca Belair and Asuka

After the match, Asuka clocks Belair from behind and levels her with a spinning heel kick. She follows it up with a sliding knee.


Back from the break, Roman Reigns, Solo Sikoa, and Paul Heyman heads to the ring.

Cody Rhodes Confronts Roman Reigns

Reigns tells St. Louis to acknowledge him, but before he can continue, Cody Rhodes' music hits and he heads to the ring.

Rhodes says normally would ask fans what they want to talk about, but this time he already knows: "the Cody Rhodes problem". He asks them to define for him what that means, and Heyman goes to respond. Rhodes stops him and clarifies that he's talking to Reigns. Reigns says Rhodes isn't the problem, but what he represents is. He says Rhodes is what they used to be and is a professional wrestler. He says Rhodes didn't want to be Stardust, so he ran away. He says he started a promotion he couldn't get over in and ran away, then says he got over when he came back to WWE, but his body gave out. Reigns says Rhodes won't finish the story on April 2, then says his real moment will come on April 3 when he looks in the mirror and has to confront the adversity again. He says he wants him to look in the mirror to be something Dusty Rhodes can be proud of rather than running away.


Rhodes says what Reigns says is true, but says what he did was to ensure every locker room could make 100% money. He says he tried to be a Superstar and always wanted to be one, but no one needs to bring up his father one more time. He says he will vomit, and the only thing Reigns will see at WrestleMania is him. Rhodes says his mother would tell him to knock Reigns out, and says Reigns needs to remember what it's like to lose. He says when he does lose the titles, The Usos and Solo Sikoa will leave him. He says Paul Heyman will then become an advocate, and Reigns will become a man without a family and a chief without a tribe.

An angered Reigns leaves the ring along with Heyman, leaving Sikoa alone in the ring with Rhodes. Sikoa stares him down before Reigns calls him to join them. Sikoa is about to do so, but Rhodes tells Sikoa he knew he wasn't ready. Sikoa sets up for the Samoan Spike, but Rhodes catches him with a boot. Sikoa looks to attack Rhodes, but Reigns talks him out of it.

