AEW Dark Results (03/14) - Riho Vs. Diamante, Action Andretti Vs. Lee Johnson, Dark Order Vs. The Outrunners And More

This is Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Dark" on March 14, 2023, coming to you from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida!

Coming off his loss to Sammy Guevara on this past Friday's edition of "AEW Rampage", Action Andretti looks to redeem himself as he takes on The Factory's Lee Johnson. Andretti has been involved in a bitter feud with the Jericho Appreciation Society over the past few months, with the group seeking retribution on him ever since Andretti defeated Chris Jericho at "Winter is Coming" in December.


Dark Order's Alex Reynolds and John Silver are set for action tonight against The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum). Reynolds and Silver most recently lost to Blackpool Combat Club's Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli on this past Wednesday's "AEW Dynamite".

Before her House of Black teammates Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews put their AEW World Trios Championship on the line against the Jericho Appreciation Society and The Elite tomorrow night, Julia Hart looks to bring home a win for her stable as she goes one-on-one with Zoey Lynn. Hart last appeared on the February 21 edition of "Dark", during which she defeated Devlyn Macabre in singles competition.

Elsewhere in the women's division, Riho is set to square off with Diamante. Both competitors have picked up recent victories, with Riho beating former AEW Women's World Champion Nyla Rose this past Friday on "Rampage" and Diamante teaming up with Rose and Marina Shafir to pick up a win over Miss May, Mazzerati, and Brittnie Brooks on "Dark: Elevation" two weeks ago.


Additionally, Sonny Kiss of The Trustbusters will be going head-to-head with Terry Kid.

We are live! Taz and Excalibur greet audiences at home as The Outrunners head to the ring. Dark Order follows.

Dark Order vs. The Outrunners

Magnum and Silver begin the action. The bell rings and the two men take turns flexing their biceps. Silver then delivers a shoulder tackle before Floyd tags in and delivers a kick to Silver's midsection. Silver fires back with another shoulder tackle, but Magnum tags back in. The Outrunners look to double team on Silver, but Silver catches them with a double shoulder tackle. The Outrunners roll to the outside to regroup, but get back in the ring where Floyd tags in. While the referee is distracted, Magnum pulls Silver out of the ring as Floyd pretends Reynolds hit him. Magnum tags back in and tosses Silver in the ring, then beats him down and tags in Floyd.


Silver makes the hot tag to Reynolds, who delivers a back elbow and a pop-up knee strike to Floyd. He delivers a Tiger Driver and locks in a modified crossface, but Magnum saves his partner and breaks up the hold. Reynolds hits a boot and tags Silver back in before Dark Order hits a double stomp-DDT combination for the win.

Winners: Dark Order

Diamante heads to the ring, followed by Riho.

Riho vs. Diamante

The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth with submission holds before Riho hits a dropkick and a running knee. She follows it up with a snap suplex, but Diamante fires back with a right hand and a dropkick that sends Riho to the outside. She tosses Riho back inside, then fires off several stomps and a back elbow. She hits a snapmare, but Riho delivers a series of forearms. Diamante delivers a knee to Riho's midsection, but Riho hits a hurricanrana and a drop toe hold that sends Diamante into the ropes. She hits a kick,then ascends to the top and delivers a diving crossbody. Diamante gains the upper hand and beats down Riho, then tosses her across the ring and delivers an uppercut.


Riho locks in a Full Nelson, but Diamante breaks free and delivers a German suplex. She looks for a second one, but Riho rolls through and delivers a double stomp. She follows it up with a Northern Lights suplex and climbs back up to the top, then hits a diving double stomp. She goes for a pin, but Diamante kicks out. Diamante looks for some offense, but Riho manages to hit a snap suplex and a running knee for the win.

Winner: Riho

The Trustbusters head to the ring, with Terry Kid already waiting inside.

Sonny Kiss (w/ Slim J and Jeeves Kay) vs. Terry Kid

The bell rings and the two lock up. Kiss shoves Kid into the corner, then delivers a clothesline and a split-legged leg drop. They go for a pin, but Kid kicks out. Kiss sends Kid into the top turnbuckle face first, then hits a back elbow and distracts the referee so Slim and Kay can take some cheap shots at Kid from the outside. Kiss then hits a vicious forearm, but Kid manages to deliver a kick to their face and a few right hands. He hits a suplex, but Kiss rakes his eyes while the referee is distracted before hitting a corkscrew kick for the win.


Winner: Sonny Kiss

Julia Hart heads to the ring, with Zoey Lynn already waiting inside.

Julia Hart vs. Zoey Lynn

The bell rings and Hart stares down Lynn. She then delivers a kick to her midsection and a right hand to her head, then delivers a stomp and rakes her eyes across the top rope. She delivers a clothesline, but Lynn manages to hit a drop toe hold. Hart whips Lynn into the corner, then delivers a thrust kick and a standing moonsault. She goes for a pin, but pulls Lynn off the mat and begins toying with her. She delivers a clothesline to Lynn's back, then locks in Hartless for the win.


Winner: Julia Hart

Lee Johnson and Cole Karter head to the ring, followed by Action Andretti.

Action Andretti vs. Lee Johnson (w/ Cole Karter)

The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth with submission holds before Andretti delivers an arm drag and a dropkick. Johnson fires back with a chop, then whips Andretti into the corner. Andretti fires back with a hurricanrana and clotheslines Johnson to the outside, but Johnson gets back in the ring. Andretti runs the ropes, but Karter looks to trip him as Johnson distracts the referee. Andretti rolls outside and chases Karter around the ring, then gets back inside where Johnson is waiting with a back elbow. He fires off a few kicks, then whips Andretti in the corner and shows off with a few push-ups. He then delivers a suplex, but Andretti fires back with a dropkick and a series of right hands. He follows it up with a backbreaker and a neckbreaker, then gets Johnson up on his shoulders. Johnson escapes, and Andretti hits a Tornado DDT. He gets Johnson back up on his shoulders, but Johnson once again escapes and hits a neckbreaker of his own.


The pair exchange right hands with one another before Johnson gains the upper hand and hits a pair of superkicks. Andretti hits a series of offensive moves and looks for a springboard moonsault, but Johnson catches him with a kick and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb. The two men then end up on the top rope before Andretti delivers a superplex. Johnson rolls to the outside, and Andretti hits him with a tope suicida. Karter tries attacking him, but Andretti levels him with a kick. He then delivers a springboard moonsault to Johnson and tosses him inside the ring. He ascends to the top and looks for a split-legged moonsault but Johnson rolls out of the way. Johnson looks to go flying himself, but Andretti catches him and gets him on his shoulders before executing a neckbreaker for the win.


Winner: Action Andretti

