AEW Rampage Results (03/10) - Sammy Guevara Vs. Action Andretti, Nyla Rose Vs. Riho, Konosuke Takeshita Vs. Preston Vance And More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "AEW Rampage" on March 10, 2023, coming to you from the Golden 1 Center in Sacramento, California!

Before he teams up with fellow Jericho Appreciation Society members Chris Jericho and Daniel Garcia to take on The Elite and House of Black for the AEW World Trios Championship on next Wednesday's "Dynamite" in Winnipeg, Sammy Guevara will be going one-on-one with Action Andretti. Andretti has had several encounters with the J.A.S. over the past few months following his upset win over Jericho in December, and prevented Guevara from getting involved in Jericho's match with Ricky Starks at "AEW Revolution 2023" this past Sunday. Will Guevara be able to exact his retribution?


Following his win over Jack Cartwheel this past Tuesday on "AEW Dark", Konosuke Takeshita looks to score another victory over La Faccion Ingobernable's Preston Vance. Don Callis has had his eye on Takeshita for the past few weeks and approached him last week, offering his expertise and business card. Will Callis make an appearance during Takeshita's match tonight?

Nyla Rose will be going head-to-head with Riho. The two women have a storied history with one another, dating back to three years ago when they collided for the first time in singles action to crown the inaugural AEW Women's World Champion. While Riho may have come out on top during that bout, Rose later defeated her to become titleholder and has been accumulating wins on "Dark" and "AEW Dark: Elevation" over the past few months. Which woman will come out on top?


Additionally, The Acclaimed will be in action tonight for the first time since losing their Four-Way match for the AEW World Tag Team Championship at "Revolution". "Jungle Boy" Jack Perry also has something on his mind following his victory over Christian Cage in the first-ever Final Burial match on Sunday. What will he have to say?

We are live! Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Chris Jericho greet audiences at home as Sammy Guevara and Action Andretti wait in the ring.

Sammy Guevara vs. Action Andretti

The bell rings and Andretti sends Guevara crashing into the mat. Guevara fires off several right hands before the pair spill to the outside, and hit one another with chops. Andretti tosses Guevara back inside, but Guevara rolls back to the outside. Andretti delivers a top suicida, then follows it up with a chop and tosses Guevara into the ring steps. The pair get back inside, and Andretti delivers a dropkick and a split legged moonsault. He then hits a lariat and looks to go flying, but Guevara goes to catch him. Andretti catches him and executes a catapult, then clotheslines him to the outside and looks to go flying off the top. Guevara catches him with a kick.


Back from the break, the two men level one another with crossbodies. Guevara and Andretti go back and forth with forearms before Andretti gains the upper hands and hits a pair of forearms. He follows it up with a backbreaker and a hanging neckbreaker before Guevara rolls to the outside and Andretti hits a moonsault off the ropes. He tosses him back in the ring, then delivers a springboard 450 Splash. He looks for a Running Shooting Star Press, but Guevara gets his knees up. He manages to deliver a DDT, but Andretti rolls to the outside and gets Guevara up on the timekeeper's table. He then ascends to the top rope and delivers a diving splash, then gets him back in the ring and climbs to the top. Daniel Garcia appears out of nowhere and pushes Andretti off the top, allowing Guevara to hit the GTH for the win.


Winners: Sammy Guevara

We head to a video from "Jungle Boy" Jack Perry. He says he closed a chapter of his life following his final burial match, then says he is watching every man with a title closely and will be coming for one of them very soon. 

We then head backstage to QT Marshall and Powerhouse Hobbs. Hobbs celebrates his TNT Championship, and Marshall says next week will be the debut of QTV, where he will reveal the truth about who really broke into Wardlow's car.

Back at ringside, The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass head down. Starboy Charlie and Jack Cartwheel are already waiting inside. 

The Acclaimed vs. Jack Cartwheel and Starboy Charlie

Bowens and Cartwheel begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Bowens shoves Cartwheel into the corner, then hits a pair of chops. Caster tags in and hits a bodyslam before Bowens delivers Scissor Me Timbers. Charlie tags in, and Caster delivers a kick to his face. Bowens tags back in and delivers The Arrival. Caster follows it up with Mic Drop and Bowens pins Charlie for the win.


Winners: The Acclaimed

After the match, "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard and "Cool Hand" Angelo Parker head to the ring and mock The Acclaimed.

Preston Vance and Jose The Assistant head to the ring, with Konosuke Takeshita following. Don Callis joins commentary.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Preston Vance

The bell rings and the two lock up. Vance delivers a chop and mocks Takeshita, but Takeshita fires off several forearms and the Takeshita Line. He follows it up with an elbow, and Vance retreats to the outside. Takeshita goes flying over the top and levels him.


Back from the break, Takeshita hits a forearm and a German suplex. Vance hits one of his own, but Takeshita hits a knee off the middle rope, then follows it up with a Blue Thunder Bomb and a running knee. He goes for a pin, but Jose puts Vance's boot on the bottom rope to break the fall. Takeshita levels Jose, allowing Vance to hit a discus lariat and go for a pin. Takeshita kicks out, and Vance locks in a Full Nelson. Takeshita breaks free before he manages to execute a backslide pinfall for the win.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita

We head to a video of Swerve Strickland, who puts Keith Lee on notice.

Back at ringside, Mark Briscoe is waiting inside.

Mark Briscoe Makes A Huge Announcement

Mark says he is here tonight representing the best tag team of all time: Dem Boys, The Briscoes. He says it's time to move forward with the ROH World Tag Team Championship and says he was talking to Tony Khan about what's next for the titles. He says the pair came up with the idea to hold a Reach For The Sky Ladder Match to crown new tag team champions at "Supercard of Honor" on March 31. He then introduces the first entrants: Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fenix.


The brothers and Alex Abrahantes head to the ring to join Mark.

Back at ringside, Nyla Rose and Marina Shafir head to the ring. Riho follows. 

Riho vs. Nyla Rose (w/ Marina Shafir)

The bell rings and the two lock up. Rose shoves Riho into the corner, but Riho delivers a series of forearms. Rose hits a shoulder tackle and looks for a senton, but Riho rolls out of the way. Rose delivers a bodyslam and a splash, but Riho hits a pair of dropkicks that send Rose to the outside. Riho looks for a diving crossbody off the top, but Rose catches her and looks to get her up on her shoulders. Riho sends Rose crashing into the ring steps before the two women get back in the ring and Riho ascends to the top. She hits a crossbody, but Rose fires back with a delayed vertical suplex. Riho hits a Stunner off the top rope, but Shafir pulls her to the outside and delivers a hip toss.


Back from the break, Riho delivers a tijeras to Rose. Rose fires back with a shoulder tackle, then sits her on the top rope. Riho manages to push her off and hits a hurricanrana, then follows it up with a running knee before she ascends to the top and goes flying. Rose fires back with a powerslam, then slings her across the top rope and delivers a Guillotine Knee Drop and goes for a pin. Riho kicks out, and Rose looks for a senton over the top, but Riho rolls out of the way and hits a Northern Lights suplex. Rose hits a splash to Riho's back and looks for a cannonball, but Riho moves out of the way and delivers a Crucifix Bomb. She goes for a pin, but Rose kicks out. Riho sets up for a move, but Shafir trips her. Riho fights her off, allowing Rose to set up for the Beast Bomb. Riho escapes and rolls up Rose for the win.


Winner: Riho

After the match, Rose and Shafir launch an attack on Riho. Rose delivers a powerbomb before the pair look to retreat to the back. 

Toni Storm's music hits and the newly dubbed Outcasts (Storm, Saraya, and Ruby Soho) head to the ring with a can of spray paint in hand. Soho and Saraya hold Riho up as Storm sprays an L on her chest and her back. 

