WWE SmackDown Results (03/03) - Cody Rhodes And Roman Reigns Come Face To Face, Sami Zayn Vs. Solo Sikoa, Rhea Ripley Vs. Liv Morgan

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "WWE SmackDown" on March 3, 2023, coming to you live from the Capital One Arena in Washington, DC!

Paul Heyman put Jimmy Uso on notice on behalf of Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Roman Reigns last week, telling him that if he didn't resolve the tensions between himself and his brother, Jey Uso, then he would intervene. After hearing the news, Rhodes declared that he would be heading over to the blue brand on this past Monday's "Raw" to meet Reigns face-to-face before they collide at "WrestleMania 39".


Following her confrontation with "SmackDown" Women's Champion Charlotte Flair, Judgment Day's Rhea Ripley will be going one-on-one with Liv Morgan. "The Eradicator" eliminated Morgan from the 2023 Women's Royal Rumble in January to secure a title match at "The Grandest Stage of Them All". Morgan looks to get some revenge on her former tag team partner tonight, and it remains to be seen if she will be able to do so tonight.

Elsewhere in the women's division, Ronda Rousey will be joining forces with Shayna Baszler to take on Natalya and Tegan Nox. Natalya suffered a loss at the hands of Baszler in single's competition last week, and was attacked after the match by her and Rousey before Nox ran down to provide a helping hand.


Sami Zayn will be going head-to-head with Solo Sikoa. Zayn has made it his mission to destroy The Bloodline after the group betrayed him at the Royal Rumble following his main-event match with Reigns. Sikoa has made his loyalties to Reigns well known, and he looks to seek retribution on Zayn.

We are live! Michael Cole and Wade Barrett greet audiences at home as Roman Reigns, Paul Heyman, Jimmy Uso, and Solo Sikoa make their way to the ring. Reigns tells Washington to acknowledge him before Cody Rhodes' music hits and he heads down.

Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes Meet Face-To-Face

Cody says contrary to what Heyman has told him, he is not here for a violent reason, but rather to talk to Reigns. He says he sees no reason for the rest of The Bloodline to be out here unless he's scared, and Reigns dismisses Heyman, Jimmy, and Sikoa. The three men leave, and Cody stands alone with Reigns in the ring. Reigns asks if that made Cody more comfortable, then drops his titles in the center of the ring. He asks Cody what he wants to talk about, and Cody says he wants to talk about him. He says Reigns has been Undisputed WWE Universal Champion for 915 days and says he has become an impossible mountain for some to climb, but that's his thing. He says he's overcome being Randy Orton's sidekick, the Stardust gimmick, and hosting a little indie show (referencing "All Out"), and he will overcome Reigns too.


Reigns asks Cody if he's ever been in the WrestleMania main-event or competed for or won either one of his titles, then says he's done them all. He says he's been groomed since he was a kid for the spotlight by his own father and Dusty Rhodes, then says Dusty was the one who first instilled confidence in him. He says Dusty used to tell him stories of main-eventing WrestleMania and being the face of the company, then says he never said anything about Cody to him. Reigns says he wishes Dusty was here and says Cody isn't the only one to miss him. He says if there was anything Dusty didn't teach Cody, then he will. Cody says Reigns didn't send Heyman to "Raw", but rather to tell him the truth. Reigns offers his hand to Cody as Cody says that must mean Heyman's comments about Reigns being the son that Dusty wanted. Cody says that means their match becomes a necessity, and the only way he can exist is by beating Reigns at WrestleMania. He tells Reigns that the better man will win, and the pair shake hands.


Back from the break, Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio head to the ring. Liv Morgan follows.

Rhea Ripley (w/ Dominik Mysterio) vs. Liv Morgan

The bell rings and Morgan wastes no time. She delivers a dropkick, then fires off several right hands and an arm drag. Ripley drops Morgan on the mat face first, then follows it up with a knee and gloats. She whips Morgan into the corner, but Morgan fires back with a step-up knee and a dropkick off the top rope. Ripley rolls to the outside and Morgan looks for a tope suicida, but Ripley catches her with a right hand.


Back from the break, Morgan delivers a backstabber, then climbs to the middle rope and delivers a hurricanrana. She follows it up with a Codebreaker, then hits a second one off the middle rope and goes for a pin. Ripley kicks out, and Morgan sets up for Oblivion, but Ripley catches her and sets her up for Riptide. Morgan escapes and delivers a running knee, then looks for another Codebreaker off the middle rope. Ripley catches her and delivers Riptide, then locks in an Inverted Cloverleaf for the win.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

Back from the break, we head backstage to The Bloodline. Roman Reigns asks Jimmy Uso if he's talked to Jey Uso, and Jimmy says he has, but he needs time. Reigns says he is running out of patience, and Jimmy says he'll let Jey know. Reigns clarifies and says he's running out of patience with Jimmy rather than Jey. Jimmy says he'll let Jey know and walks off.


We then head backstage to Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio. Santos Escobar walks in and confronts Dominik. He says Rey Mysterio should have punched him last week, but he gets why he didn't. He says he can, and he talked to Adam Pearce. He says Pearce granted the two of them a match, and he will be in the ring. Escobar tells Dominik that if he's half the man he says he is, will meet him out there alone.

Back from the break, Escobar heads to the ring with the mask Rey Mysterio gave him last week in hand. Dominik and Ripley follow.

Dominik Mysterio (w/ Rhea Ripley) vs. Santos Escobar

The bell rings and Escobar charges at Dominik. Dominik hits a dropkick, but Escobar fires back with one of his own. Dominik and Escobar teeter on the middle rope in the corner where Escobar has set up Rey's mask. He asks Mysterio if he respects his legacy while the two men stare at it, and Dominik says no. Escobar locks in a Bow and Arrow, but releases it. Dominik then sends Escobar into the bottom turnbuckle.


Back from the break, Dominik fires off right hands on Escobar in the corner. Dominik sends Escobar in the ropes and sets up for the 619, but Escobar pops up and beats down Dominik. Dominik delivers a clothesline to Escobar in the corner before Escobar delivers a pair of back elbows and a leg drop. Dominik pulls brass knuckles out of his tights, but the referee catches him. Ripley takes advantage, dragging Escobar out of the ring and delivering Riptide on the floor. She gets him back in the ring, where Dominik is waiting with a Frog Splash for the win.

Winner: Dominik Mysterio

After the match, Dominik grabs Rey's mask and rips it up. Rey heads to the ring, and Dominik taunts him. Rey asks for his mask back, and Dominik tosses it on the ground. As Rey goes to pick it up, Dominik delivers a cheap shot to him from behind.


Drew McIntyre heads down to the ring. 

We Hear From Drew McIntyre

McIntyre says there's only four weeks until WrestleMania, but he doesn't have a match yet. He says there's one person he wants to beat up more than anyone: GUNTHER. He calls the Intercontinental Champion out to the ring.


Sheamus' music hits and he heads to the ring. He asks McIntyre what he's doing, going behind his back like this. Sheamus says McIntyre knows how much the Intercontinental Championship means to him, and McIntyre tells him to calm down. Sheamus says McIntyre knew he wanted GUNTHER at WrestleMania, and McIntyre says he isn't his parent. He says he doesn't need to ask Sheamus for his permission, and Sheamus calls him a "backstabbing b******." McIntyre tells Sheamus if he wants the truth, he already lost twice to GUNTHER.

LA Knight's music hits and he heads to the ring. Knight says if you're talking about the Intercontinental title, then you are talking about him. He says you can't have a LA WrestleMania without him.


New Day's music hits, and Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods head to the ring. New Day makes fun of Knight, and says this is sad. Kingston says Knight can't even win a "SmackDown" match, let alone a WrestleMania match.

Karrion Kross' music hits, and he and Scarlett head to the ring. Knight takes advantage and attacks New Day. Sheamus turns around after watching this go on, and McIntyre looks like he's setting up for Claymore Kick. He moves out of the way, and McIntyre goes flying to level Knight and New Day. Kross then attacks Sheamus from behind.

Back from the break, we head to a video of Shayna Baszler and Tegan Nox brawling backstage earlier today as Ronda Rousey clutches her arm.

Back at ringside, Baszler and Rousey head down. Nox and Natalya follow.

Shayna Baszler (w/ Ronda Rousey) vs. Tegan Nox (w/ Natalya)

The bell rings and Nox delivers a dropkick. She follows it up with a senton, then fires off right hands. Baszler sends Nox crashing into the mat, then begins targeting her arm. Nox fires off right hands, but Baszler sends Nox's arm into the mat. Nox rolls up Baszler, but Baszler kicks out and delivers a knee. She locks in an Arm Bar for the win.


Winner: Shayna Baszler

We head backstage to Kayla Braxton and Imperium. GUNTHER says Adam Pearce has done a terrible job as a WWE official because he has not given him an opponent for WrestleMania yet.

Bobby Lashley's music hits and he heads to the ring.

We Hear From Bobby Lashley

Lashley says Bray Wyatt has been telling him to run, but he doesn't do that. He says Wyatt has started playing kid games with him in response, as he is too much of a coward to face him. Lashley then calls Wyatt to the ring.


A video begins playing on the Titan Tron of Uncle Howdy. Out of nowhere, Howdy attacks Lashley from behind and rains down right hands. He runs the ropes, but Lashley plants him and sets up for a Spear. The lights go out, and when they come back on, Howdy has disappeared from the ring.

We then head backstage to The Bloodline. Reigns asks Jimmy if he talked to Jey, and he says he has. Reigns asks him what he said, and Jey says he needed more time. Reigns repeats what he said, and Jimmy said he actually told him to "leave him the hell alone." Reigns says he's not understanding Jey's behavior, and none of this started until Sami Zayn came around. He tells Jimmy to accompany Solo Sikoa to the ring to get rid of him, and if he does, Jey will come back home. Jimmy walks off, and Reigns then tells Heyman that Jey has one week to return, or else he will blame Jimmy rather than Zayn. 


Back at ringside, Sikoa and Jimmy head down. Zayn follows. We see Reigns and Heyman watching on from backstage. 

Sami Zayn vs. Solo Sikoa (w/ Jimmy Uso)

Zayn wastes no time. He rains down right hands, and Jimmy charges at him, but Zayn sends him to the outside. Sikoa joins his brother, and Zayn goes flying, leveling them both. Sikoa gets back in the ring, and the bell sounds. Sikoa delivers a back elbow and a headbutt, but Zayn clotheslines Sikoa to the outside and Zayn follows him out there. Sikoa sends Zayn colliding with the ringpost, then tosses him into the timekeeper's area.


Back from the break, Zayn delivers a clothesline to Sikoa. Sikoa fires back with a Samoan Drop, then follows it up with a hip attack. Zayn delivers a Tornado DDT, but Sikoa delivers a series of elbows. He charges at Zayn, but Zayn sends Sikoa into the top turnbuckle before hitting a Blue Thunder Bomb and setting up for a Helluva Kick. Jimmy pulls Sikoa out of the way, giving Sikoa the opportunity to deliver a Samoan Spike for the win.

Winner: Solo Sikoa

After the match, Jimmy and Sikoa beat down Zayn. Sikoa grabs a chair, and Jimmy sets Zayn's head up in it. Sikoa looks to charge at him, but Jimmy tells Sikoa he wants to attack him. Sikoa agrees, but Zayn pops up and hits Sikoa with the chair. He then delivers a Helluva Kick to Jimmy and looks to hit him with a chair, but Sikoa gets up and looks to attack him. Zayn manages to escape and retreats through the crowd. We see Reigns seething backstage by what has happened.

