AEW Dark Results (02/14) - Konosuke Takeshita Vs. Bronson, Brock Anderson & Brian Pillman Jr. Vs. The Trustbusters, Diamante In Action

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "AEW Dark" on February 14, 2023, coming to you from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida!

Konosuke Takeshita has had high profile matches with AEW World Champion MJF and "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson over the last couple of weeks, and has managed to pick up wins against the likes of one-third of the reigning ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champions Brian Cage and EJ Nduka. He doesn't show any sign of slowing down anytime soon as he goes one-on-one with Iron Savages' Bronson.


Arn Anderson brought together Brian Pillman Jr. and Brock Anderson at the beginning of last month in an effort to change their fortunes going into 2023. Thus far, they have been successful in attaining their goal, and tonight, they look to continue their luck as they take on The Trustbusters' Sonny Kiss and Jeeves Kay. Speaking of The Trustbusters, another member will be in singles competition as Ari Daivari is set to go one-on-one with J. Spade. Following his quick win over Man Scout on last night's episode of "Dark: Elevation", Josh Woods looks to score another victory tonight when he joins forces with Varsity Athletes teammate Tony Nese to face Kameron Russell and Allen Russell.

After successfully putting a halt to Ricky Starks' plans to earn himself a rematch against Chris Jericho in the Garcia-Guevara Gauntlet on this past Wednesday's "Dynamite", Jericho Appreciation Society members "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard and "Cool Hand" Angelo Parker look to pick up a win over former WWE star Leon Ruffin and "Dark" regular Fuego Del Sol. While he may have suffered a loss to Rush on "Rampage" two weeks ago, Christopher Daniels looks to turn his fortunes around tonight as he goes head-to-head with Spanish Announce Project's Serpentico.


Additionally former ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champions Dalton Castle and The Boys will be in trios action against Terry Yaki, Larry Lazard, and Jay Lucas. Elsewhere, Ultra Violette will be making her AEW debut against Diamante. Mei Suruga will be going one-on-one with Hyena Hera while "The Reality" Zack Clayton will be squaring off with Dan Adams, and Kip Sabian takes on Gravity.

We are live! Taz and Excalibur greet audiences at home as Leon Ruffin and Fuego Del Sol make their way to the ring. "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard and "Cool Hand" Angelo Parker follow.

Jericho Appreciation Society vs. Leon Ruffin and Fuego Del Sol

The bell rings and Menard and Parker waste no time. Parker sends Ruffin into the ring post before he and Menard look to deliver a double DDT to Fuego. Ruffin jumps in and makes the save, then delivers a dropkick to Menard and Fuego hits Parker with one of his own. Menard and Parker take a breather, and Parker gets in the ring as Menard hops onto the apron.


Parker delivers a stomp to Ruffin, but Ruffin fires back with an arm drag. Parker hits a right hand before Fuego makes the blind tag. The pair plant Parker with a double team maneuver, but Parker fires back with a knee, then tags in Menard. Menard clotheslines Fuego to the outside, where Parker is waiting with a clothesline. He tosses him back into the ring, and Menard sends him into the turnbuckle. Parker tags in and delivers a stomp to Fuego's shoulder, then delivers a backbreaker. He fires off a few knees to Fuego's midsection, then stomps on his back. Menard tags in and delivers a stomp, then follows it up with a lateral press and a chop.

Parker tags in and delivers a forearm to Fuego's back, then shoves him into the corner. Fuego manages to deliver a series of right hands, but Parker sends him crashing into the mat. Fuego delivers a gutwrench suplex, but Parker manages to tag in Menard. Fuego makes the hot tag to Ruffin, and Ruffin delivers a clothesline to Menard.Fuego tags in as Parker tries to interfere, but Ruffin sends him to the outside. He delivers a cutter to Menard off the ropes, and Fuego follows it up with a Tornado DDT. Parker tags in, and he delivers a double DDT with Menard for the win.


Winners: Jericho Appreciation Society

Mei Suruga and Bliyan Akki head to the ring, with Hyena Hera already waiting inside.

Mei Suruga (w/ Baliyan Akki) vs. Hyena Hera

The bell rings and Suruga delivers a knee to Hera. Hera sends Duruga to the mat, then mocks Suruga's height. Suruga bites her arm in response, and Hera delivers a boot to her midsection. Suruga delivers a crossbody, then tosses her across the ring and jams her elbow into Hera's head. She fires off a series of forearms, then delivers a pair of stomps to Hera's spine. She steps on Hera's hands, then delivers a kick to her head and a boot to her midsection. Suruga slams Hera's head into the mat repeatedly, but Hera manages to deliver a pair of clotheslines and a back elbow. Suruga ascends to the top rope and delivers an arm drag, then follows it up with a dropkick and a hair whip. She then delivers the diving foot stomps off the middle rope and locks in a bridging shoulder submission for the win.


Winner: Mei Suruga

Varsity Athletes and "Smart" Mark Sterling head to the ring, with Kameron Russell and Allen Russell already waiting inside.

Varsity Athletes (w/ Mark Sterling) vs. Kameron Russell and Allen Russell

Nese and Allen begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Nese flexes his biceps before the two go back and forth with submission holds. Nese delivers a pair of back elbows, then tags in Woods. Woods delivers an uppercut and a forearm, then shoves him into the corner. Kameron fires off several right hands, then delivers a dropkick. Woods fires off several right hands and a stomp, then tags Nese back in. Nese delivers a back elbow, then fires off a series of right hands to Allen's midsection. Kameron delivers a few chops, but Nese delivers a stomp. Kameron tags in and delivers a dropkick, then goes for a pin but Nese kicks out. Woods tags in and delivers a knee, then follows it up with a suplex and goes for a pin. Allen breaks things up before Woods delivers a release German suplex. Varsity Athletes then deliver 1RM for the win.


Winners: Varsity Athletes

Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford head to the ring, with Gravity already waiting inside.

Kip Sabian (w/ Penelope Ford) vs. Gravity

The bell rings and the two lock up. The two go back and forth with submission holds before Gravity delivers a drop toe hold. Sabian fires back with an enziguri, but Gravity delivers a chop. Sabian no-sells it and fires back with one of his own, then follows it up with a forearm. Gravity delivers an arm drag, then charges at Sabian. Sabian sends him to the outside, then goes flying and takes him down. He hits a dropkick, then goes for a pin but Gravity kicks out. Sabian delivers a series of stomps but Gravity delivers a boot. He sends Sabian to the outside with a forearm, then goes flying and levels Sabian. Gravity delivers a forearm to Sabian's back, then tosses him in the ring and delivers a diving splash.


The two go back and forth with forearms before Sabian gains the upper hand and delivers a headbutt. Sabian delivers a half-and-half suplex, then goes for a pin but Gravity kicks out. Gravity delivers a powerslam, then follows it up with a standing moonsault and goes for a pin. Sabian kicks out and Gravity ascends to the top rope. He looks for a diving headbutt, but Sabian delivers his knees up. He then delivers a flying knee for the win.

Winner: Kip Sabian

We head backstage to Lexy Nair, Varsity Athletes, and "Smart" Mark Sterling. Nair asks what's next for them, and Sterling puts them over. He puts the Athletes over and Nese says they have defeated everyone. Trent Beretta walks in and asks if he forgot about him. Nese tells him not to act like a tough guy and interrupt their interview before Beretta throws out the challenge for a one-on-one match next week. Nese accepts. 


Zack Clayton heads to the ring, with Dan Adams already waiting inside.

Zack Clayton vs. Dan Adams

The bell rings and the two men show off their muscles. Adams deliversa chop, but Clayton knocks him to the mat. Adams fires off several rights and lefts, but Clayton fires back with a clothesline. Clayton slaps Adams, then delivers a suplex and a knee. He delivers a series of right hands, then whips Adams into the corner and charges at him. Adams gets his boot up, then looks for a move, but Clayton hits an Exploder into the corner. He follows it up with his finisher for the win.


Winner: Zack Clayton

The Trustbusters head to the ring, followed by Brian Pillman Jr. and Brock Anderson.

Brian Pillman Jr. and Brock Anderson vs. The Trustbusters (w/ Slim J)

Pillman and Kay begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Pillman delivers a boot to Kay's face, then hits an arm drag. Kiss tags in and Pillman beats them down. Anderson tags in and sends Kiss to the mat, then delivers a boot and tags Pillman back in. Pillman knocks Kay off the rope, then tags Anderson back in. Anderson delivers an assisted bulldog, then tags in Pillman. Pillman ascends to the top rope, but Kiss sends Anderson into Pillman before tossing Anderson out of the ring. Kay dumps Pillman off the top rope, where Slim is waiting on the outside to beat him down. He tosses him back in the ring as Kay tags in. Kay delivers a senton and a running uppercut, then hits an uppercut off the middle rope. Kiss tags in and delivers a split legged leg drop, then goes for a pin. Pillman kicks out and delivers several shoulders to Pillman's midsection, then whips him into the corner and tags in Kay.


Anderson tags in and delivers a pair of back elbows. Kiss tries to interfere, but Anderson catches them with a back body drop. He shoves Kay into the corner, then hits him with a back body drop of his own. Anderson looks to tag in Pillman, but Kiss pulls him off the rope. Kay ascends to the top and delivers a Frog Splash, then goes for a pin but Anderson kicks out. Pillman makes the blind tag as Anderson delivers a spinebuster. Pillman then delivers a senton off the top rope for the win.

Winners: Brock Anderson and Brian Pillman Jr.

Spanish Announce Project heads to the ring, followed by Christopher Daniels.

Christopher Daniels vs. Serpentico (w/ Luther and Angelico)

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submission holds with one another before Serpentico gains the upper hand and delivers a kick. He follows it up with a shoulder tackle, but Daniels delivers a suplex. Luther tries to interfere, allowing Serpentico to deliver a flatliner. Serpentico delivers a German suplex and a headbutt, then knocks Daniels to the outside.


Luther and Angelico beat down Daniels while Serpentico distracts the referee, then tosses him back in the ring where Serpentico is waiting with a DDT. Daniels fires back with a series of right hands and a back body drop, then delivers an enziguri and a back heel trip. The pair then level one another with clotheslines before Daniels delivers a Death Valley Driver. He sets up for Angel's Wings, but Serpentico counters with a back body drop. He follows it up with a drop toe hold into the middle turnbuckle. Angelico distracts the referee while Luther holds Daniels in place for Serpentico to deliver a kick. Daniels moves out of the way, and Serpentico hits Luther. Daniels then delivers a chokeslam and Best Moonsault Ever for the win.


Winner: Christopher Daniels

The Trustbusters head to the ring, with J. Spade already waiting inside. Daivari has a mic in hand, then tells Spade that if he wins, then he will give him and everyone in the audience $1,000.

Ari Daivari (w/ The Trustbusters) vs. J. Spade

The bell rings and the two lock up. Daivari delivers a shoulder tackle and an elbow drop, then sends Spade into the corner and delivers a chop. Spade delivers a dropkick and goes for a pin, but Daivari kicks out at two. Daivari delivers a reverse DDT, then dumps him to the outside. He follows him out there and gets him back in the ring, but Spade manages to deliver an uppercut and a leg lariat. Daivari fires back with a superkick and the Pepsi Twist for the win.


Winner: Ari Daivari

Diamante heads to the ring, with Ultra Violette already waiting inside.

Diamante vs. Ultra Violette

The bell rings and the two lock up. Diamante delivers a dropkick, then whips Violette into the corner and delivers a series of stomps. She delivers a chop and rains down right hands, then delivers a splash in the corner. She follows it up with a dropkick, then goes for a pin but Violette kicks out. Violette delivers a series of forearms and a pair of lariats, then delivers a backhand and a missile dropkick off the middle rope. Diamante delivers a lariat and a trio of German suplexes for the win.


Winner: Diamante

Dalton Castle and The Boys head to the ring, with Terry Yaki, Larry Lazard, and Jay Lucas already waiting inside.

Dalton Castle and The Boys vs. Terry Yaki, Larry Lazard, and Jay Lucas

Castle and Yaki begin the action. The bell rings and Castle shoves Yaki into the corner. He sends Yaki crashing into the mat, then tags in Brent. The Boys deliver a double hip toss, but Yaki fires back with a dropkick to Brent and tags in Lucas. Lucas delivers a rising knee strike, but Brent delivers a step-up enziguri and tags in Brandon. Lazard tags in and delivers a standing shooting star press, then goes for a pin but Brandon kicks out. Castle tags in and delivers a clothesline to Lazard, then tosses him out of the ring. Yaki and Lucas try to interfere, but Castle hits them with a gutwrench suplex and sends them to the outside. He calls for The Boys and sends them crashing onto the three men, then delivers the Bang-A-Rang to Lazard for the win.


Winners: Dalton Castle and The Boys

Bronson heads to the ring, followed by Konosuke Takeshita.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Bronson

The bell rings and Bronson offers his hand to Takeshita. Takeshita takes it and shakes his hand before Bronson tries to get the jump on Takeshita. Takeshita delivers a vicious chop, but Bronson fires back with one of his own. The two go back and forth with chops before Bronson delivers a boot to Takeshita's midsection. Takeshita delivers a leg lariat, then rains down right hands. Bronson fires off a series of forearms, but Bronson delivers a back elbow. Takeshita delivers a hurricanrana that sends Bronson to the outside, then delivers a tope suicida over the top rope and tosses him back in the ring. Bronson plants Takeshita, then rains down right hands.


Takeshita hits the Takeshita Line, then follows it up with a pair of right hands and a Blue Thunderbomb. He goes for a pin, but Bronson kicks out. Takeshita looks for a jumping knee, but Bronson catches it. The pair hit one another with lariats before Bronson gets the upper hand and delivers a vicious lariat. He hits a Pump Handle Slam, then goes for a pin but Takeshita kicks out. Takeshita delivers a German suplex and a running boot, then delivers a powerbomb and a jumping knee for the win.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita

