AEW Dark Results (01/31) - Konosuke Takeshita Vs. Angelico, Fulton Vs. Zack Clayton, Skye Blue In Action

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "AEW Dark" on January 31, 2023, coming to you from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida!

Konosuke Takeshita has been one of the hottest commodities in AEW, and has garnered the attention of many over the past few weeks, including Don Callis. He doesn't seem to show signs of slowing anytime soon, and will be taking on Spanish Announce Project's Angelico tonight. Former Impact Wrestling star Fulton will be making his second appearance in an AEW ring when he goes head-to-head with "The Reality" Zack Clayton. Fulton's last appearance came on the November 8 episode of "Dark" when he, Troy Hollywood, and Ativalu suffered a loss at the hands of Dark Order.


Arn Anderson brought his son Brock Anderson and Brian Pillman Jr. on the January 3 edition of "Dark" with the goal of turning all of their fortunes around going into the new year. Tonight, the two men will compete together in their first match since when they face "Dark" and "Dark: Elevation" regulars Dean Alexander and Rosario Grillo. Top Flight and AR Fox have been allies over the past few weeks, and will be teaming up once again to face The Wingmen's Ryan Nemeth, "Pretty" Peter Avalon, and Cezar Bononi. Shane Taylor Promotions (Shane Taylor and JD Griffey) will also be in action tonight when they go head-to-head with Dante Casanova and Mr. G while The Workhorsemen will be facing Liam Gray and Adrian Alanis.


After joining forces with Yuka Sakazaki to defeat Ring of Honor Women's World Champion Athena and Diamante on last night's "Dark: Elevation", Skye Blue looks to pick up another win tonight against Renee Michelle. Speaking of Sakazaki, she will be in action as she goes one-on-one with Avery Breaux. Elsewhere, former Baddie Red Velvet will be squaring off with Sofia Castillo following her most recent win against Billie Starkz.

We are live! Taz and Excalibur greet audiences at home as The Wingmen make their way to the ring, followed by AR Fox and Top Flight.

Top Flight and AR Fox vs. The Wingmen

The bell rings and The Wingmen waste no time. They look to blindside Top Flight and Fox with an attack, but the trio send The Wingmen to the outside and go flying to take them down. Darius tosses Nemeth back in the ring, then beats him down and tags in Fox. Fox delivers a senton before Avalon tags in and fires off right hands on him. He looks to get him up, but Fox manages to counter it into a Corkscrew Brainbuster.


Nemeth tags in and plants Fox, then tags Bononi in. Bononi delivers a right hand to Fox's back, then taunts Top Flight and delivers a modified Fallaway Slam to Fox. Avalon tags in and Fox delivers a few right hands to his midsection. He plants him with a Death Valley Driver, then makes the hot tag to Dante. Nemeth tags in on the other side, and Dante delivers a back elbow. He follows it up with an enziguri and a diving crossbody off the top rope, then tags Darius in. Darius delivers a flatliner through the middle rope before Nemeth makes the blind tag to Avalon. Fox tags in and delivers a lariat. Top Flight sends Avalon flying with a rocket launch, and Fox delivers a cutter mid-air for the win.


Winners: Top Flight and AR Fox

Red Velvet heads to the ring, with Sofia Castillo already waiting inside.

Red Velvet vs. Sofia Castillo

The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth with submission holds before Castillo knocks Velvet to the mat and mocks her. Velvet catches her with a dropkick, then delivers a running kick. Castillo delivers a boot, then delivers a knee and a guillotine off the middle rope. She follows it up with a running back elbow, then delivers a series of kicks to her knee and face. Castillo delivers a leg lariat, but Velvet fires back with a lung blower and the double knees to the back of her neck. She then locks in a short arm scissor for the win.


Winner: Red Velvet

Zack Clayton heads to the ring, with Fulton already waiting inside.

Fulton vs. Zack Clayton

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submission holds before Clayton knocks him down and delivers a backbreaker. He follows it up with a vertical suplex, but Fulton catches him and plants him. He looks for a powerbomb, but Clayton escapes and delivers a variation on a hair whip. He follows it up with a Brainbuster for the win.


Winner: Zack Clayton

Arn Anderson, Brock Anderson and Brian Pillman Jr. head to the ring, with Dean Alexander and Rosario Grillo already waiting inside.

Brock Anderson and Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Dean Alexander and Rosario Grillo

Pillman and Grillo begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submission holds before Anderson tags in and delivers a right hand to Grillo's midsection. He hits a sidewalk slam, then tags Pillman back in. Pillman delivers a kick across his spine, but Grillo fires back with a boot to his midsection and tags in Alexander. Pillman delivers a series of chops, then tags Anderson back in. Anderson plants Alexander with the Gore Buster for the win.


Winners: Brock Anderson and Brian Pillman Jr.

Skye Blue head to the ring, with Renee Michelle already waiting inside.

Skye Blue vs. Renee Michelle

The bell rings and the two lock up. Michelle whips Blue to the mat, then delivers a pair of boots to Blue's face. Blue rolls Michelle up, but Michelle kicks out. Blue then delivers a boot to Michelle's midsection before Michelle delivers a series of forearms and a moonsault. Blue delivers some forearms of her own, then follows it up with a snapmare and an enziguri. Michelle delivers a German suplex, then goes for a pin but Blue kicks out. Blue delivers a superkick, then hits Skye Fall for the win.


Winner: Skye Blue

Shane Taylor Promotions heads to the ring, with Dante Casanova and Mr. G already waiting inside.

Shane Taylor Promotions vs. Dante Casanova and Mr. G

Griffey and Mr. G begin the action. The bell rings and Griffey delivers a boot to Mr. G's midsection. Griffey fires off a series of right and left hands before Casanova and Taylor tag in. Taylor delivers a headbutt, then delivers a chokeslam and a splash. He goes for a pin, but pulls Casanova up and continues beating him down. Casanova delivers a spinebuster, but Taylor fires back with an elbow and tags in Griffey. Taylor and Griffey then deliver a jumping knee-Package Pilediver combination for the win.


Winners: Shane Taylor Promotions

Yuka Sakazaki heads to the ring, with Avery Breaux already waiting inside.

Yuka Sakazaki vs. Avery Breaux

The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth with submission holds before Sakazaki rolls up Breaux. Breaux kicks out and rolls to the outside for a breather. Sakazaki follows her out there, and Breaux sends her head bouncing off the ring apron. Sakazaki delivers a kick to Breaux's face, then delivers a boot to her head and gets her back in the ring. Breaux delivers a suplex, then follows it up with a cannonball and goes for a pin. Sakazaki kicks out at two and a half, then delivers a discus lariat to Breaux, followed by the Merry-Go-Round and the Magical Girl Splash for the win.


Winner: Yuka Sakazaki

The Workhorsemen head to the ring, with Liam Gray and Adrian Alanis already waiting inside.

The Workhorsemen vs. Liam Gray and Adrian Alanis

Drake and Gray begin the action. The bell rings and Gray rolls up Drake. Drake kicks out, and delivers a back elbow. Alanis tags in and delivers a dropkick, then beats down Drake and tags Gray back in. Drake delivers a chop and a back body drop, then delivers a lariat-DDT combination. Henry tags in and delivers a big boot before delivering the Cross Legged Brainbuster for the win.


Winners: The Workhorsemen

Spanish Announce Project head to the ring, followed by Konosuke Takeshita.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Angelico (w/ Serpentico and Luther)

The bell rings and Angelico taunts Takeshita. Takeshita delivers a forearm, then sends Takeshita to the outside, where Serpentico and Luther are waiting for him. They beat him down while the referee is distracted, then toss him back in the ring. Angelico locks in an arm and shoulder submission, but Takeshita gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the hold.


Takeshita tosses Angelico onto the apron, but Takeshita turns him inside out as he gets back in the ring. Angelico delivers a right hand before Takeshita delivers a chop and a DDT. Angelico delivers a headlock takedown before Takeshita fires back with a Blue Thunderbomb. He goes for a pin, but Angelico kicks out. Takeshita ascends to the top rope, but Angelico meets him there. He delivers an enziguri and a bulldog off the middle rope. Takeshita fires back with a jumping knee and a German suplex, then goes for a pin. Serpentico breaks the fall, and Luther attacks Takeshita from behind while the referee is distracted. Luther and Serpentico try distracting the referee and Takeshita, but are unsuccessful in their attempts. This allows Takeshita to deliver a Brainbuster and a running kene for the win.


Winner: Konosuke Takeshita

