WWE NXT Results (01/24) - Women's Tag Team Championship Match, Vengeance Day Summit, Indi Hartwell Vs. Tiffany Stratton

This is Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE NXT" on January 24, 2023!

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance will be putting their "NXT" Women's Tag Team Championships on the line against Alba Fyre. After losing to Sol Ruca earlier in the night, Fyre encountered Carter and Chance backstage. The duo checked in on Fyre, seeing the aggressive change in her behavior over the past couple of weeks after being bested by Isla Dawn on multiple occasions. Fyre snapped at them, leading to the declaration of the match. Will Chance and Carter be able to retain, or will Fyre manage to single handedly capture the title?


"NXT" Women's Champion Roxanne Perez, Gigi Dolin, and Jacy Jayne will be meeting in the ring ahead of their upcoming title bout at "Vengeance Day" on February 4. Dolin and Jayne became the new number one contenders after eliminating each other during a Twenty Woman Battle Royal at "New Year's Evil" and subsequently both being declared the winners. With cracks between the Toxic Attraction teammates starting to show, what will happen when the three women come face-to-face?

Indi Hartwell kicked Tiffany Stratton out of the "NXT" women's locker room last week after making it clear that she was sick of Stratton's arrogant attitude. Tonight, the two women look to settle their difference when they collide in the ring. Stratton was sidelined with an injury during the second half of last year, but made her return two weeks ago.


Elektra Lopez looks to make a statement tonight when she squares off with Wendy Choo. Lopez has used a pair of brass knuckles over the past few weeks to aid her in picking up wins, and offered them to Valentina Feroz during her match with Thea Hail last week. Feroz refused to lose them, later stating that she didn't want to cheat to win. While Feroz would ultimately lose the match, Lopez told her to watch her match with Choo closely in an effort to prove to her that playing dirty works. Speaking of Hail, Chase U will be hosting an awards ceremony to celebrate her first win in "NXT" in the aforementioned match.

We are live! We head to a video posted to Grayson Waller's Instagram, showing outside of the Performance Center yesterday. He says he's there to surprise Bron Breakker, then walks inside. We see @NXT_Anonymous spying on Waller as he calls out Breakker. The two men end up brawling before recruits and staff separate them.

Vic Joseph and Booker T then greet audiences at home as Indi Hartwell heads to the ring. Tiffany Stratton follows.

Indi Hartwell vs. Tiffany Stratton

Hartwell attacks Stratton. She delivers a chop, then tosses her into the ring. The bell rings and Hartwell sends Stratton into the corner. She delivers a pair of snapmares and a dropkick, but Stratton manages to send her into the middle turnbuckle. She delivers a kick to Hartwell's midsection, but Hartwell tosses her to the outside. Stratton gets back inside, then sends Hartwell into the middle rope. She delivers a hip toss, then hits a handspring elbow and the double knees. Hartwell manages to deliver an arm drag and a boot, then follows it up with a pair of clotheslines and a spinebuster. She gets Stratton on the apron, then delivers a boot. She pulls her back in, then delivers another boot. Stratton grabs onto her knee, and the referee calls down a medical official. Stratton then delivers an explosive clothesline (making a miraculous recovery), then hits a moonsault for the win.


Winner: Tiffany Stratton

We head backstage to Jacy Jayne and McKenzie Mitchell. Mitchell asks Jayne about the events of last week, and Jayne says she's been carrying Gigi Dolin. She says she's the reason Toxic Attraction held on to tag team gold, then says she refuses to let Dolin hold her down anymore.

Back from the break, we head to a video of Diamond Mine training with Drew Gulak in preparation of their upcoming match with Indus Sher. Julius and Gulak grapple, and Julius gets the better of him. Gulak shoves him, then says they aren't finished with one another.

Back at ringside, Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, and Thea Hail wait in the ring.

Chase U Hosts An Awards Ceremony For Thea Hail

Chase welcomes everyone to the awards ceremony, then says they have assembled to celebrate someone who has worked extremely hard. She says she's excelled in the classroom and changed her fortunes last week, then says she looked fear into the eye. He says it is his honor to present an award for her first victory to Thea Hail. Chase gives Hail the award and the two pose for a picture.


Hail grabs the mic and thanks everyone. She tells fans she loves them, but before she can continue, JD McDonagh's music hits and he cuts her off. McDonagh asks if this is what they're doing now. He asks if the standard has slipped so much now that awards are given for just one win. He tells Hail that when you hang around with losers, every win means something. He says fans are losers just like they are. Hail charges at him, but Hudson holds her off. Chase tells McDonagh he won't let him drag the good name of Chase U through the mud before McDonagh questions Hudson's loyalty. He says Chase can't scare him off, then tells Chase to get out of his ring. He says he's dressed for a fight while Chase isn't. Chase tells him that one of the first lessons he teaches his students is to always be ready, then takes off his ceremonial attire and sends McDonagh out of the ring.


JD McDonagh vs. Andre Chase

Back from the break, the match between McDonagh and Chase has commenced. McDonagh sends Chase crashing into the mat, but Chase fires back with a suplex. He follows it up with an inverted atomic drop and a side Russian leg sweep. He then delivers the Chase U Stomps, then plants McDonagh. McDonagh fires back with a back body drop, then follows it up with a clothesline. He delivers a headbutt, but Chase delivers a Code Red. He goes for a pin, but McDonagh gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the fall. Chase ascends to the top, but McDonagh trips him. Hudson becomes frustrated and walks away, allowing McDonagh to take advantage and deliver Devil Inside for the win.


Winner: JD McDonagh

Back from the break, Fallon Henley, Kiana James, Ivy Nile, and Tatum Paxley are waiting in the ring. Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs are on the outside. 

Fallon Henley and Kiana James vs. Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley

Nile and Henley begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submission holds before Paxley tags in and delivers a dropkick off the middle rope. James tags in and delivers a clothesline. Paxley delivers a series of back elbows and kicks, then delivers a shoulder to Paxley's midsection. Henley and Nile tag in. Nile delivers a series of kicks and a shoulder tackle, then follows it up with an arm drag and a kick. Henley looks for a bodyslam, but Nile locks in a submission. James helps Henley escape while the referee is distracted, and James helps Henley escape the hold. She hits the Shining Wizard for the win.


Winners: Fallon Henley and Kiana James

We head backstage to New Day. Edris Enofé and Malik Blade walk in and ask if they can get a "NXT" Tag Team Title match. Schism walks in and requests the same thing. New Day then announces they will be holding an invitational next week, and the winner gets to be added to the Triple Threat Championship match at "Vengeance Day".

Back from the break, we head to a video of Apollo Crews in the same barber shop Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams go to. Crews says he isn't done chasing after the "NXT" Championship. Melo and Williams walk in. Melo becomes irate and the two trade insults with one another. Crews challenges Melo to a 2 out of 3 Falls Match at "Vengeance Day" and Melo accepts.


Back at ringside, The Creed Brothers head down as Drew Gulak and Hank Walker wait inside the ring.

The Creed Brothers vs. Drew Gulak and Hank Walker

Julius and Gulak begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth with submission holds before Walker tags in and delivers an arm drag. Walker delivers a shoulder tackle, then tags Gulak back in. Gulak delivers a clothesline.


Back from the break, Gulak delivers a right hand to Brutus. He fires off a second one, but Brutus delivers a German suplex. He rains down right and left hands, but Gulak manages to hit a DDT. Walker and Julius tag in. Julius delivers a spinning heel kick and a pair of right hands, then tags in Brutus. Brutus delivers a standing moonsault before Gulak and Julius tag in. The pair exchange right hand strikes, but Gulak gains the upper hand and tags in Walker. Walker delivers a Wheelbarrow, then locks in an Arm Bar. Julius escapes and tags in Brutus. The two men level one another with clotheslines as Charlie Dempsey makes his way to ringside. Gulak asks him why he's there and begins arguing, distracting Walker and leaving him alone. This allows Julius to tag in and deliver a belly-to-belly toss. Brutus tags back in and hits the Brutus Bomb off the top for the win.


Winners: The Creed Brothers

After the match, Gulak yells at Walker for being distracted before they leave ringside. Ivy Nile joins The Creeds in the ring with a mic in hand. Julius says he knows he can be a pain, but that's how he has to be. He thanks Nile for sticking with him and his brother. Brutus thanks her for not leaving their side, then says she inspired them to be "the old Creed Brothers".

Indus Sher's music hits and the trio head to the ring. Jinder Mahal congratulates The Creeds, then says Veer Mahaan and Sanga are sick of trying to earn everyone's respect. He challenges them to a match next week and Nile accepts on behalf of The Creeds.

We head backstage to Gigi Dolin and McKenzie Mitchell. Mitchell asks Dolin for her thoughts on Jayne's comments from earlier and Dolin says she's not surprised by them. She then says Jayne is a bad person, and says she is nothing like Jayne when Mitchell challenges her. She says Jayne can say whatever she wants because she has nothing to hide. She says she will give Jayne a piece of her mind during their summit later tonight.

Back at ringside, Wendy Choo heads down, followed by Elektra Lopez.

Elektra Lopez vs. Wendy Choo

The bell rings and the two lock up. Lopez sends Choo to the mat, then follows it up with a gut wrench suplex. Choo rolls to the outside as Valentina Feroz heads down to ringside. Lopez follows Choo to the outside, then looks to throw Choo's pillow at her. Choo ducks out of the way and the pillow hits Booker T. The two women get back in the ring before Choo delivers a suplex and a kick to Lopez's face. Lopez delivers a swinging uranage, then delivers a clothesline and an elbow drop. Choo delivers a kick and fires off several right hands. She then delivers a pair of back elbows, then follows it up with a crossbody off the middle rope. Lopez slips on the brass knuckles and fires off a right hand for the win.


Winner: Elektra Lopez

Back from the break, we see Elektra Lopez and Valentina Feroz arguing about Lopez's actions.

We then head backstage to McKenzie Mitchell. Stevie Turner joins Mitchell over a live stream, then starts answering questions. A fan asks Turner when fans can expect to see her in the ring and she announces that she will be making her debut next week.

Back at ringside, Grayson Waller heads to the ring.

Grayson Waller Calls Out Bron Breakker

Waller asks Breakker where he is. He says he embarrassed Breakker at the Performance Center, then takes off his jacket to reveal his own version of the "NXT" Championship. We see Breakker watching on from backstage before he walks off and heads to the ring (followed by a bunch of other Superstars). Waller keeps running his mouth and says he will be the new titleholder after "Vengeance Day", then says he can smell Breakker coming.


Breakker's music hits and he angrily heads to the ring as the male locker room follows him in an effort to stop him. Waller and Breakker begin brawling, but the locker room pulls them apart and separates them. Breakker manages to break free, but Waller sends him crashing through the bottom part of the barricade.

Back from the break, we head to a video of Gallus shooting some pool talking about their "Vengeance Day" match. Wolfgang tells Mark Coffey to keep his eyes on the prize and says they will show the world what they already know on February 4: Gallus is on the top.

Back at ringside, Alba Fyre heads to the ring, followed by Kayden Carter and Katana Chance.

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance (c) vs. Alba Fyre and Sol Ruca for the NXT Women's Tag Team Championship

Carter and Fyre begin the action. The bell rings just as Sol Ruca's music hits. She tells Fyre she has her back while Fyre delivers a clothesline. Carter delivers a kick, then tags in Chance. Chance delivers a cannonball into the ring, then tags Carter back in. Fyre rains down right hands before Ruca tags herself in. Ruca delivers a shoulder tackle, then follows it up with a split-legged Stunner that sends Chance to the outside. Fyre then sends Chance into the ring steps.


Back from the break, Chance delivers an enziguri to Ruca. Fyre and Carter tag in. Carter delivers a hip attack and a splash, then hits a hip attack. Chance tags in and goes flying. Carter tags back in and delivers a kick. Fyre sends Carter to the mat face first, then tags in Ruca. Ruca delivers a splash off the top, but Carter fires back with a thrust kick and a superkick. Chance tags in and Chance delivers a 450 Splash while Carter delivers a neckbreaker for the win.

Winners (and still): Kayden Carter and Katana Chance

After the match, Fyre brushes past Ruca. Isla Dawn heads to the ring and walks to the back with Fyre.

Fallon Henley and Kiana James then appear and say that they will see Chance and Carter at "Vengeance Day".


We head to a video of Dijak and Wes Lee meeting up on Dijak's turf. Dijak asks Lee if he's sure that he still wants to face him at "Vengeance Day". Lee says it may be a stupid decision to put his North American Championship on the line against Dijak, but he's made a lot of stupid choices. He says those decisions have made him who he is, then says he feels like he can overcome anyone. He tells Dijak he will see him in Charlotte. Dijak tells Lee that he doesn't see sob stories, but he does see justice.

We then head to Cora Jade and McKenzie Mitchell. Mitchell asks Jade about her growing issues with Lyra Valkyria, but the two get off when Vic Joseph tells Mitchell something is going on in the parking lot. We head outside to the parking lot, where Nikkita Lyons is grabbing her knee as a car drives away. Indi Hartwell and Lyra Valkyria rush over to check on her and call for medical.

Back from the break, we head backstage to Chase U. Andre Chase yells at Duke Hudson where he went when he left ringside earlier tonight, and Hudson says he went to Shawn Michaels to be put in New Day's Invitational next week. Michaels told him to talk to New Day, so Hudson says he did so and they invited them to participate in the match.


Commentary announces that Nikkita Lyons has been taken to a local medical facility following the parking lot attack.

Back at ringside, Booker T introduces Roxanne Perez as Toxic Attraction is already in the ring.

Roxanne Perez, Gigi Dolin, and Jacy Jayne Come Face To Face Ahead Of Their NXT Women's Championship Match At Vengeance Day

Booker T tells Dolin to kick things off, and Dolin says she's sure Jayne would love to kick things off. Jayne says she's been carrying Dolin and while the kick last week was an accident, she wishes it wasn't. She says she would still be struggling on the independent scene if it wasn't for her. Dolin tells Jayne that behind the curtains, she is the most insecure person and vomits before every match. Jayne calls Dolin a pathological liar. Booker T then addresses Perez. She says she's enjoying herself and says the two of them have made every woman in the locker room, including her, feel bad about themselves. She says "karma is a toxic b****", then says she thought it was going to be a handicap match at "Vengeance Day", but it doesn't look that way anymore. Dolin cuts her off and says she will make history by being the shortest reigning "NXT" Women's Champion of all time. Toxic Attraction begins to argue with one another again and the two women get in one another's faces. They then start to beat down Perez together, showing that this was all part of their plan. They deliver a double chokeslam to Perez through the table, then hold up the "NXT" Women's Championship.

