WWE NXT Results (01/17) - Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams Vs. Axiom & Apollo Crews, Tyler Bate Returns And More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "WWE NXT" on January 17, 2023!

A huge tag team match is set for tonight, as Apollo Crews will join forces with Axiom to take on Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams. Tensions between the men have been on the rise over the past few weeks after Williams assisted Hayes in picking up victories over Crews and Williams in singles competition. What will happen when the four men collide?


Gallus shocked the "NXT" Universe when they made their return from suspension last week at "New Year's Evil". Wolfgang and Mark Coffey blindsided Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen with an attack backstage in order to take their place in a Gauntlet Match to become the new number one contenders for New Day's "NXT" Tag Team Championships. Briggs and Jensen will have the opportunity to get their hands on Gallus this week when the two teams face one another in the ring. Which team will come out on top?

Alba Fyre will be going one-on-one with Sol Ruca. The pair came face-to-face backstage last week, with Fyre expressing her disappointment at the fact the pair hadn't yet been able to face one another and offering Ruca the match. Which woman will score the win?


After defeating twenty other women and becoming the new number one contenders for the "NXT" Women's Championship last week, Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne will be speaking for the first time since then tonight. Dolin and Jayne will be facing current titleholder Roxanne Perez at "Vengeance Day" on February 4. Elsewhere, the "Big Strong Boy" Tyler Bate will be making his highly anticipated return, with his last appearance on "NXT" television occurring after he was defeated by JD McDonagh on September 20.  "NXT" Champion Bron Breakker and Grayson Waller will also be addressing one another ahead of their Steel Cage match for the title at "Vengeance Day". What will they have to say?

We are live! The show begins with a video re-capping last week's "New Year's Evil" special. Vic Joseph and Booker T then greet audiences at home as Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams (who mocks Axiom by wearing a mask and posing in the same way he does). Axiom and Apollo Crews follow.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams vs. Apollo Crews and Axiom

Williams and Axiom begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Axiom delivers a dropkick, but Williams fires back with a pair of shoulder tackles and a vicious right hand. Hayes tags in and Axiom takes him down. He delivers an arm drag and a kick to his head, then tags in Crews. Crews delivers a dropkick before Hayes delivers a dropkick and plants Crews with the headscissors. He knocks him to the outside, and Williams checks on him. Crews tosses Axiom on the pair to take them both out.


Back from the break, Axiom rolls up Hayes. Hayes kicks out and levels Axiom before Crews and Axiom deliver simultaneous German suplexes to Williams and Hayes. Williams takes out Crews as Hayes beats down Axiom in the center of the ring. Williams tags in and continues to wear down Axiom, then tags Hayes back in. Axiom delivers a dropkick to knock Williams off the apron, then tags in Crews. Crews delivers a big boot and a right hand, then follows it up with a splash in the corner and an enziguri. He delivers a military press and a standing 450 Splash, then goes for a pin. Williams breaks the fall before Axiom levels him with Golden Ratio on the outside. Hayes then looks to go flying, but Crews catches him and rolls him up for the win.


Winners: Apollo Crews and Axiom

We then head to a video of Tony D'Angelo and Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo on a bridge. Stacks asks why they are there and D'Angelo says bridges can represent both the beginning and the end. He thanks Stacks for putting himself on the line for him time and time again, and Stacks says if this is the end he will still remain loyal. D'Angelo tells Stacks his days of being a soldier are over and tells him it's time for him to be "the other boss". He gives him the D'Angelo family crest.

Back from the break, we head backstage to McKenzie Mitchell and Tiffany Stratton. Mitchell throws it to a video of Stratton being unable to get into her dressing room and Indi Hartwell answers the door. Hartwell tells Stratton she doesn't deserve her own locker room, then pulls down the sign with her name off and replaces it with one for the entire women's locker room. Stratton says that Hartwell could fit her entire wardrobe in a garbage bag and she now has to show the entire women's division there is only one star in it.

Back at ringside, Toxic Attraction head down.

We Hear From Toxic Attraction

Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin tell the "NXT" Universe that they told them so after they managed to win the Twenty Woman Battle Royale last week. They put themselves over, then say while they tried to eliminate each other, they're a team at the end of the day. Dolin says there's no animosity or jealousy between them, then says the Toxic Attraction revenge tour is in full swing. Jayne then puts Roxanne Perez on notice.


Lyra Valkyira's music hits and she heads to the ring. Valkyria says she would've won last week if it wasn't for Cora Jade, then says she doesn't see a champion in either one of them. Jayne asks Valkyria where she came from and says they've been champions longer than she's been here. Dolin tells her to go to the back of the line. Valkyria says she sees two women that can't beat Perez on their own. Toxic Attraction then attacks Valkyria, but Perez runs to the ring and makes the save.

We head backstage to The Creed Brothers arguing over who gets to face Jinder Mahal next. Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley walk in and Nile chews The Creeds out. She asks what happened to them and says they're far from where they need to be.


Back at ringside, Alba Fyre heads to the ring.

Back from the break, we head to a live stream from Stevie Turner. She reacts to last week's Twenty Woman Battle Royal.

Back at ringside, Sol Ruca heads down.

Alba Fyre vs. Sol Ruca

The bell rings and the two lock up. Ruca trips Fyre, then plants her with a facebuster. She goes for a pin, but Fyre kicks out. Fyre delivers a pair of kicks to her chest, then delivers a chop and a superkick. Isla Dawn then appears to watch on. Distracting Fyre and allowing Ruca to deliver Sol-Snatcher for the win.


Winner: Sol Ruca

Grayson Waller Sits Down With Vic Joseph

Back from the break, we head to a video from Dijak. He says he came back to "NXT" to collect punitive damages and Wes Lee will fill his bag by giving him championship gold. He tells him that high damage awaits.


We then head to a video of Vic Joseph and Grayson Waller. Waller says "New Year's Evil" was supposed to be the night he saved "NXT" and he had him beat. He says he knew exactly what Bron Breakker was going to do, but the reason he's not sitting here as champion was something that was out of his control: the middle rope snapping. Joseph says he thought Waller would be crowned as "NXT" Champion after delivering a vicious knee, and Waller agrees. He says he ascended to the middle to finish him off, but next thing he knew, the referee was counting to ten and he lost. He then pulls out a replica of the "NXT" Championship and says at "Vengeance Day", he will pin Breakker no matter what happens.

Back from the break, we head backstage and see Alba Fyre with a bat to the throat of the referee of her match earlier tonight. Katana Chance and Kayden Carter walk in and ask her what's going on. Fyre says she can't win title matches and expresses her frustrations. Carter and Chance tell her to relax, and Fyre snaps at them. She says "NXT" Women's Tag Team Champion Alba Fyre sounds good to her. Carter and Chance say they'll take on anyone at any time, but she doesn't have a partner. Fyre says she doesn't need one and storms off.


Back at ringside, Brooks Jensen, Josh Briggs and Fallon Henley head down, followed by Gallus.

Gallus vs. Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen (w/ Fallon Henley)

Jensen and Briggs waste no time. The bell rings and they go straight after Gallus. Mark Coffey takes out Briggs on the outside as Wolfgang beats down Jensen. Coffey tags in and beats down Jensen. Wolfgang tags back in and shoves Jensen into the corner. Wolfgang becomes legal once again and delivers a series of right hands. Wolfgang and Briggs tag in. Wolfgang sends Briggs to the outside, where Coffey is waiting. He takes some cheap shots at Briggs and looks for a suplex, but Briggs reverses the momentum and delivers one of his own.


Back from the break, Briggs delivers a back body drop to Coffey and tags in Jensen. Jensen delivers a spinning heel kick, then looks for a suplex, but Coffey blocks it. Wolfgang tags in and delivers an elbow drop off the middle rope. He sends Jensen shoulder first into the ring post, then tags in Coffey. Coffey delivers a right hand to Jensen's back, then goes for a pin. Jensen kicks out and Coffey delivers a stomp. He delivers another right hand to Jensen's spine.

Briggs tags in and knocks Coffey to the mat. He sends him onto the apron, then drops him to the floor with a right hand and delivers a shoulder tackle off the apron. Coffey drops Jensen on the exposed concrete before Briggs levels him. He gets him back in the ring, then delivers a side slam and a splash. Henley checks on Jensen and calls for medical as Coffey and Briggs level one another. Kiana James runs down to ringside to check on Jensen while medical officials help him up. Briggs and Coffey exchange forearms in the center of the ring, but Coffey gains the upper hand and delivers a back elbow. Wolfgang tags in and Gallus delivers their finisher for the win.


Winners: Gallus

We head backstage to Chase U. Thea Hail is preparing for her match later as Duke Hudson hypes her up. An angered Andre Chase walks in and plays a video of Hudson talking to another Chase U student. Hudson says Hail needs to win, as recent losses Chase U have suffered are reflecting badly on them. Chase says if Hudson has something to say to him, then he should do so to his face. Hudson says the conversation was taken out of context and deflects the focus onto Hail's match.

Back from the break, we see Jensen getting checked on by a medical official. Henley storms in and asks why James was at ringside. Henley tells Jensen that James is using her, but Jensen says that's not the case. Henley tells him that when she breaks his heart, she won't be there to pick up the pieces.

Back at ringside, Valentina Feroz heads down as Thea Hail, Andre Chase and Duke Hudson already wait inside.

Thea Hail (w/ Andre Chase and Duke Hudson) vs. Valentina Feroz

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Hail delivers an arm drag. Feroz returns the favor, then delivers a drop kick. Elektra Lopez makes her way down to the ring to watch on as Hail looks to roll up Feroz. Feroz sits into the pin, but Hail kicks out and delivers a moonsault. As Hudson and Chase argue on the outside and the referee is distracted, Lopez slides a pair of brass knuckles to Feroz. Feroz decides against using them, allowing Hail to plant her with the Sports Machine for the win.


Winner: Thea Hail

We head outside the arena to Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams. Crews brags about his win and teases Hayes, then tells him that he needs a fresh cut.

Vic Joseph and Booker T then acknowledge the passing of Jay Briscoe and give their condolences to his loved ones.

Back from the break, we head backstage to Elektra Lopez and Valentina Feroz. Lopez asks Feroz why she didn't accept her help and Feroz says she didn't want to cheat. Lopez says that it doesn't matter if you play by the rules, you play to win and earn respect. She tells her to watch her match with Wendy Choo next week.

Back at ringside, New Day heads to the ring.

We Hear From New Day

Xavier Woods says him and Kingston look good. Kingston says they dressed to impress because they are done with Pretty Deadly. He says they will be facing Gallus at "Vengeance Day" after they become number one contenders last week.


Pretty Deadly's music hits and they head to the ring. Elton Prince says they look ridiculous and Kit Wilson asks if they think that mocking them is funny. Kingston says it is and laughs at them for failing to become number one contenders. Wilson says they've jumped through hoops for another title shot.

Gallus' music hits and Mark Coffey and Wolfgang head to the ring. Wolfgang tells Pretty Deadly they don't deserve a shot at the titles. Wilson says they weren't even supposed to be in the match last week, but Coffey says everyone else's chances of becoming "NXT" Tag Team Champions are finished now that they're back. He puts New Day on notice and says their reign is over. Coffey says Gallus is all about turning up and ruining the fun. Woods says New Day is ready to fight whenever they are.


Pretty Deadly blindsides New Day and Gallus with an attack, but New Day and Gallus get the better of them and toss them out of the ring. New Day and Gallus then begin to brawl in the ring as officials run down to separate them.

Bron Breakker Sits Down With Vic Joseph

Back from the break, we head to a video of Vic Joseph sitting down with Bron Breakker. Breakker says no one wanted to see the title match at "New Year's Evil" last week. He says he was blindsided and rocked by the knee he delivered before the middle rope broke for a second time and says all questions will be answered at "Vengeance's Day". Joseph addresses the upcoming Steel Cage Match and Breakker says he can't think of a better scenario because there is nowhere for Waller to run or hide. He says he won't be climbing over the cage to win, but will pin or submit him in the center of the ring. He says Waller would be a terrible person to lead "NXT" due to his selfish attitude, and says he will give everyone a definitive winner on February 4.


Back at ringside, Javier Bernal is holding a guitar and has a mic set up in the center of the ring. He says in honor of his album hitting the top 40, he wants to play the "NXT" Universe a song off it. Tyler Bate's music cuts him off and the "Big, Strong Boy" heads to the ring.

Tyler Bate vs. Javier Bernal

The bell rings and Bate offers his hand to Bernal. Bernal goes to shake it, but Bate moves it away before he can do so. The pair then lock up before Bate delivers a dropkick and an arm drag. Bernal delivers a thumb to Bate's eye, then follows it up with a clothesline. He delivers a series of right hands, but Bate fires back with one of his own. He plants Bernal, then delivers a boot to his midsection and an uppercut. Bate delivers a suplex and a standing shooting star press. He follows it up with a couple of right hands and the Tyler Driver for the win.


Winner: Tyler Bate

Back from the break, Fallon Henley approaches Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs. Henley apologizes for her earlier comments about Kiana James, then says to make it up to him, she requested a tag team match with James.

Back at ringside, Toxic Attraction heads down, followed by Lyra Valkyria and Roxanne Perez.

Toxic Attraction vs. Roxanne Perez and Lyra Valkyria

Jayne and Perez begin the action. The bell rings and Perez fires off several forearms. She sends Jayne to the outside, then delivers a tope suicida. She tosses her back in the ring, then tags in Valkyria. Valkyria delivers a series of kicks, then tags Perez back in. Perez delivers a dropkick, then tags Valkyria in. Dolin tags in and Valkyria delivers an arm drag. Perez tags in and sends Dolin crashing to the mat.


Jayne makes the blind tag and rains down right hands. She whips her into the corner, then delivers a hip attack and tags in Dolin. Dolin delivers a series of kicks to her head, then tags Jayne back in. Jayne delivers a senton, then delivers a right hand to Perez's spine. Dolin tags in and beats down Perez. Jayne tags back in and knocks Valkyria off the apron, then looks for a suplex. Perez escapes and delivers a slingblade.

Dolin and Valkyria tag in. Valkyria delivers a pair of clotheslines, followed by a series of kicks. She delivers a suplex, then ascends to the top rope. Cora Jade runs down out of nowhere and pushes her off. Jayne and Perez tag in. Perez rains down right hands as Valkyria takes down Jade and brawls with her to the back. While the referee is distracted, Dolin delivers a superkick. Jayne sets up for a kick of her own, but Perez ducks out of the way and Jayne ends up hitting Dolin. Perez takes Jayne down with a Side Russian Leg Sweep, then delivers Pop Rox for the win.


Winners: Roxanne Perez and Lyra Valkyria

