AEW Dark Results (01/17) - Blackpool Combat Club Vs. The Butcher And The Blade, Action Andretti Vs. Ari Daivari, Kiera Hogan In Action

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "AEW Dark" on January 17, 2023, coming to you from the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Portland, Oregon!

After facing one another in a Triple Threat match on Monday's "Dark: Elevation", Blackpool Combat Club's Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta will be taking on The Butcher and The Blade in a re-match. Elsewhere, Action Andretti will be returning to in-ring competition tonight, as he is set to go one-on-one with The Trustbusters' Ari Daivari. Andretti last appeared on the December 20 episode of "Dark" (during which he defeated Invictus Khash) and infamously beat Chris Jericho in a shocking upset at "Winter Is Coming".


Speaking of Jericho, his fellow Jericho Appreciation Society constituents Sammy Guevara and Daniel Garcia will be joining forces to take on Brian Cook and Deimos. Two other members of the group will also be in action, as "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard and "Cool Hand" Angelo Parker will be squaring off with Eddie Pearl and Ricky Gibson.

Brian Cage defeated former Impact Wrestling star Willie Mack last night, and looks to pick up another win tonight against Carl Randers. Cage currently holds the Ring of Honor World Six-Man Tag Team Championship with fellow Embassy members Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona. Additionally, Powerhouse Hobbs will write the next chapter in the Book of Hobbs as he goes one-on-one with Jaiden. Former member of The Baddies Kiera Hogan will also be in action when she faces Danika Della Rouge.


We are live! Taz and Excalibur greet audiences at home as Kiera Hogan makes her way to the ring. Danika Della Rouge waits inside.

Kiera Hogan vs. Danika Della Rouge

The bell rings and the two lock up. Hogan delivers a back elbow and a big boot, then follows it up with a diving hurricanrana. Rouge fires back with a flapjack and several right hands, but Hogan hits a drop toe hold and a hip attack. She delivers a pair of back elbows and a splash in the corner, then follows it up with a sliding single foot drop kick and a leg drop. She hits a roundhouse kick and a back suplex for the win.


Winner: Kiera Hogan

Brian Cage and Prince Nana head to the ring, with Carl Randers already waiting inside.

Brian Cage (w/ Prince Nana) vs. Carl Randers

The bell rings and Cage sends Randers straight to the mat. He follows it up with a thrust kick, then performs some bicep curls with him in hand. Randers delivers a pair of dropkicks then looks for a springboard, but Cage catches him and gets him up on his shoulders. Randers looks for a hurricanrana, but Cage catches him and delivers a powerbomb. He follows it up with a second one into the turnbuckle and a lariat for the win.


Winner: Brian Cage

Sammy Guevara and Daniel Garcia head to the ring, with Brian Cook and Deimos already waiting inside.

Jericho Appreciation Society vs. Brian Cook and Deimos

Garcia and Deimos begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Garcia delivers a dropkick before Cook and Guevara tag in. Guevara offers his hand to Cook, but when Cook goes to shake it, he pulls it away and shoves him into the corner. Guevara delivers a snap suplex, then gloats and delivers a corkscrew dropkick that sends him to the outside. Guevara tags in Garcia, then runs the ropes and slides to the outside before delivering a chop to Cook. He then holds him in place for Garcia, and Garcia does the same thing. Garcia gets him back in the ring and delivers a suplex. Guevara tags in and delivers the GTH for the win.


Winners: Jericho Appreciation Society

Action Andretti heads to the ring, followed by Ari Daivari.  

Action Andretti vs. Ari Daivari

As Daivari heads to the ring, he makes a proposal to Andretti: lay down in the center of the ring for him and in return, he will give him money and protection from the Jericho Appreciation Society. Andretti seemingly accepts the offer and the bell rings. He goes to lay down, but when Daivari goes to pin him, he rolls him up. Daivari kicks out and Andretti delivers a tijeras. He follows it up with a Tornado and a pair of chops.


The two men teeter on the top rope before Andretti pushes Daivari off. Daivari begins arguing with the referee, allowing Andretti to roll him up. Daivari kicks out and Andretti delivers a roundhouse kick. Daivari fires back with a clothesline, then delivers a kick to his midsection and a chop. Andretti delivers a springboard back elbow, then follows it up with a lariat and a neckbreaker. He ascends to the top and delivers a split-legged moonsault, then goes for a pin but Daivari kicks out. Daivari delivers a series of chops, but Andretti fires back with a commiguri and a Torpedo. He follows it up with a standing shooting star press for the win.

Winner: Action Andretti

Powerhouse Hobbs heads to the ring, with Jaiden already waiting inside.


Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Jaiden

The bell rings and Hobbs tosses Jaiden across the ring. Jaiden delivers a series of kicks, but Hobbs no-sells them and delivers a kick of his own. He follows it up with a delayed vertical suplex, then delivers a spinebuster and gets him up on his shoulders. He sends him crashing into the mat for the win.


Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs

Matt Menard and Angelo Parker head to the ring, with Eddie Pearl and Ricky Gibson already waiting inside.

Matt Menard and Angelo Parker vs. Eddie Pearl and Ricky Gibson

Menard and Parker waste no time and attack Pearl and Gibson as soon as the bell rings. Parker sends Gibson to the outside, then rains down right hands on Pearl in the corner. Menard tags in and does the same, then tags Parker back in. The pair drop Pearl into the top turnbuckle before Gibson tags in and Menard trips him. Parker tags in and the pair deliver a double DDT to Gibson for the win.


Winners: "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard and "Cool Hand" Angelo Parker

The Butcher, The Blade, and The Bunny head to the ring, followed by Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta.

Blackpool Combat Club vs. The Butcher and The Blade (w/ The Bunny)

The four men begin to brawl on the ramp. Castagnoli and Blade exchange forearms as Butcher chokes Yuta on the barricade. Butcher then joins Blade in beating down Castagnoli, and sends his head crashing into a chair. Butcher tosses Yuta into Blade's knee, then delivers a lariat.


Butcher tosses Castagnoli into the ring and the bell rings. Butcher executes a gut wrench, then tags in Blade. Blade chokes Castagnoli on the middle rope, then delivers a right hand and tags in Butcher. Butcher delivers a pair of chops, then follows it up with several right hands to his midsection. Blade tags in and Castagnoli plants him with a vertical suplex. Butcher tags in and hits a side suplex, then delivers a kick to his chest. He sends him into the top turnbuckle face first, then whips him into the corner.

Blade tags in and Castgnoli delivers a series of right hands and uppercuts. Blade responds with a chop, then locks in a Sleeper. Castagnoli escapes and Butcher tags in. Butcher rains down left and right hands, but Castagnoli manages to deliver an enziguri. Castagnoli delivers a crossbody, then whips Butcher into the corner.


Castagnoli makes the hot tag to Yuta as Butcher tags in Blade. Yuta delivers a series of forearms and chops, then ascends to the top and delivers an elbow. He delivers a German suplex, then gets a little help from Castagnoli to deliver an assisted DDT. The pair then deliver a Rocket Launcher Jones for the win.

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club

