AEW Dark: Elevation Results (01/02) - House Of Black Vs. Chaos Project & Ryan Nemeth, Athena Vs. Gypsy Mac, Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett In Action

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "AEW Dark: Elevation" on January 2, 2023, coming to you from the 1STBANK Center in Broomfield, Colorado!

Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett will be in action tonight ahead of their AEW World Tag Team Championship match against The Acclaimed this upcoming Wednesday, as they go one-on-one with Ryzin and Justin Andrews. Lethal and Jarrett have been at odds with Anthony Bowens and Max Caster for the past several weeks, and have made it clear that they will stop at nothing until they are able to call themselves titleholders.


Varsity Athletes (Tony Nese and Josh Woods) will be in tag team competition as they go head-to-head with the returning Pillars of Destiny, and Matt Hardy and Isiah Kassidy will be squaring off with Atiba and Manny Lemons. Additionally, House of Black will all be competing in the squared circle tonight as Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews, and Brody King will team up to take on Ryan Nemeth of The Wingmen and Spanish Announce Project's Luther and Serpentico while Julia Hart goes one-on-one with "The Librarian" Leva Bates.

Elsewhere in the women's division, Ring of Honor Women's World Champion Athena has been undefeated since October 5, and looks to continue her winning streak tonight as she squares off with Gypsy Mac. Former AEW Women's World Champion Hikaru Shida will also be in action when she takes on Tyra Russamee while Vicious Vixens' Marina Shafir will be facing Lilith Grimm.


We are live! Paul Wight and "Daddy Magic" Matt Menary greet audiences at home as Hikaru Shida heads to the ring, with Tyra Russamee already waiting inside.

Hikaru Shida vs. Tyra Russamee

The bell rings and Russamee delivers a stomp to Shida's foot and several right hands to her head. She hits a kick to her spine, then hits a hip attack. Shida delivers her signature 10 right hands, then hits the double knees. Russamee rolls Shida up, but Shida kicks out. She then manages to deliver a right hand and the Katana for the win.


Winner: Hikaru Shida

Varsity Athletes and "Smart" Mark Sterling head to the ring (while ragging on the crowd and Colorado), with Pillars of Destiny already waiting inside.

Varsity Athletes (w/ Mark Sterling) vs. Pillars of Destiny

Paul Titan and Nese begin the action. The bell rings and Nese flexes his muscles. The two lock up before Titan chokeslams Nese. Nese fires back with a few forearms and a knee to his midsection, then looks for an arm drag. Titan blocks it before Woods takes a cheap shot while the referee is distracted. Woods tags in and slams him to the mat, then sends him into the middle turnbuckle and tags Nese back in.


Nese delivers a series of right hands, but Titan manages to hit a back body drop and tag in Hunter Grey. He delivers a Sunset Flip, but Woods tags in and plants him. He goes for a pin, but Titan breaks things up. Woods delivers a German suplex to level him, then hits a knee on Grey. The Varsity Athletes then hit their finisher for the win.

Winners: Varsity Athletes

Matt Hardy and Isiah Kassidy head to the ring, with Atiba and Manny Lemons already waiting inside.

Matt Hardy and Isiah Kassidy vs. Atiba and Manny Lemons

Kassidy and Lemons begin the action. "Delete" chants ring through the crowd as the bell rings and the two lock up. Kassidy delivers a pair of arn drags and a neckbreaker, then tags in Hardy. Hardy delivers a few shoulders to Lemons' midsection, but Lemons manages to tag in Atiba. Atiba beats him down before Kassidy and Lemons tag back in. Kassidy delivers a crossbody off the top rope and a pair of back elbows, then delivers The Shots (right hands). Atiba tags in and delivers a few right hands, but Kassidy fires back with a big boot and a flatliner off the top. Hardy tags back in and hits The Three Faces of Deletion. He follows it up with The Side Effect, then goes for a pin. Lemons breaks the fall and Kassidy levels him. Hardy delivers Ego's Edge before Kassidy tags in and delivers the Swanton Bomb for the win.


Winners: Matt Hardy and Isiah Kassidy

Marina Shafir and Nyla Rose head to the ring, with Lilith Grimm already waiting inside.

Marina Shafir (w/ Nyla Rose) vs. Lilith Grimm

The bell rings and Shafir delivers a kick to Grimm's head. She follows it up with a kick to her spine, but Grimm plants her with a shoulder tackle. Shafir delivers a right hand to Grimm's spine, followed by a chop and a hip throw. She delivers a kick to Grimm's midsection, then follows it up with a spinebuster and locks in a full body submission for the win.


Winner: Marina Shafir

After the match, Rose and Shafir have an intense exchange of words.

We then head backstage to Lexy Nair, Isiah Kassidy, and Matt Hardy. The two men celebrate their win before Ethan Page walks in and asks what tunnel they went out to. Kassidy says they changed locker rooms and Hardy says the left tunnel. Page asks if they were authorized to make that decision, and they say no. He reprimands them about not following the hierarchy and Hardy says they won't do it again. Page says he's been trying to drill this into his head and Hardy says he wants to make their thing work. Page says he feels like a jerk and tells them they should be taking the spotlight just the two of them.

Athena heads to the ring, with Gypsy Mac already waiting inside.


Athena vs. Gypsy Mac

The bell rings and Athena delivers a kick to Mac's midsection. She follows it up with a right hand, then does a heel click to celebrate. She sends Mac's face straight into the mat, then delivers a kick to her head and follows it up with a forearm. She whips Mac into the corner, then delivers a series of boots to her face and rams her arm into the ring post. Mac delivers a series of forearms, then follows it up with a Sunset Flip. Athena fires off several forearms, then delivers a dropkick and a roundhouse kick to her head. She follows it up with a superkick and a crossface for the win.


Winner: Athena

After the match, Athena sends Mac into the ring steps, then plants her face first on top of her title.

Spanish Announce Project, Ryan Nemeth and "Pretty" Peter Avalon head to the ring, followed by Dark Order.

Dark Order vs. Chaos Project and Ryan Nemeth (w/ Angelico and Peter Avalon)

Reynolds and Nemeth begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Nemeth sends Reynolds to the mat before Reynolds fires back with a dropkick and tags in Serpentico. Serpentico clocks Uno and Silver as Luther looks for a splash. Reynolds moves out of the way and Luther winds up hitting Serpentico. Uno tags in and delivers a series of chops. Serpentico returns the favor, then delivers a kick. Nemeth tags in and delivers a running knee to Uni. Luther tags back in and delivers a suplex. Serpentico tags in and Luther bodyslams him on top of Uno. Nemeth tags in and Luther does the same to him.


Uno manages to deliver a chop, but Nemeth delivers a series of right hands and kicks. Uno delivers a cutter. Silver tags in and delivers a back body drop. He follows it up with a running uppercut and a knee to the back of his head, then delivers a German suplex. Serpentico sets up for the Airplane Spin, but Reynolds and Uno sneak up on him and reverse the move into the Pendulum Bomb for the win.

Winners: Dark Order

Leva Bates heads to the ring, followed by Julia Hart.

Julia Hart vs. Leva Bates

The bell rings and Hart stares down Bates. She trips Bates, then sends her head repeatedly into the mat and locks in Hartless for the win.

Winner: Julia Hart

Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt head to the ring, with Ryzin and Justin Andrews already waiting inside.


Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett (w/ Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh) vs. Ryzin and Justin Andrews

The bell rings and Jarrett and Lethal attack Ryzin and Andrews from behind. Jarrett delivers a clothesline to Ryzin, then tags in Lethal. Lethal delivers a Swinging Neckbreaker, then whips him into the corner and delivers a back elbow. He hits a kick and looks for a moonsault, but Lethal rolls out of the way and delivers a chop. Jarrett tags in and delivers a Side Russian Leg Sweep, then hits several stomps and tags in Lethal. He looks for the Figure Four Leg Lock, but Ryzin rolls him up. Lethal kicks out and Andrews tags in. Jarrett then Alexander in place as Lethal hits Lethal Injection for the win.


Winners: Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett.

After the match, Ryzin gets in Lethal's face, but Singh levels him.

Hagane Shinno, Dean Alexander, and Rosario Grillo head to the ring, followed by House of Black.

House of Black vs. Hagane Shinno, Dean Alexander and Rosario Grillo

King and Shinno begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. King sends Shinno to the mat, but Shinno fires back with a series of right hands and kicks. Shinno delivers a running knee, but King delivers a chop and tags in Black. Shinno delivers a dropkick, then tags in Grillo. Black delivers a knee to his head, then tags in Matthews. Matthews delivers a stomp off the top rope, then targets his arm. He delivers a knee to Matthews' midsection, then hits a jumping knee to his face. King tags in and delivers a cannonball, then goes for a pin. Grillo kicks out and sends King into the ring post shoulder first. Black and Shinno tag in. Shinno delivers a boot to Black's chest, then hits a moonsault on King. He goes flying over the top rope, then ascends to the top rope and delivers a missile dropkick. Black delivers a series of kicks and forearms, but Shinno manages to hit a roundhouse kick. Grillo tags in and ascends to the top rope. He goes flying, but King meets him with a right hand. Matthews tags in and pins him for the win.


Winners: House of Black

