WWE Raw Results (12/05) - Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles Match, United States Title Match, Number One Contender Triple Threat Matches

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "WWE Raw" on December 5, 2022, coming to you live from the Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C.!

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos will be putting their titles on the line against the recently formed team of Matt Riddle and Elias. The Usos and the rest of The Bloodline have been dominating WWE over the past few months, and are seemingly stronger than ever now that Sami Zayn has proved his allegiance to them after turning his back on longtime friend Kevin Owens in the Men's WarGames match a couple of weeks ago. On the other side of things, Riddle initially approached Elias after asking him to join his band, and after a few weeks of convincing, Elias agreed to do so and the two became fast friends. Will The Usos be able to hold on to their titles, or will new champions be crowned tonight?


The next person in line for the "Raw" Women's Championship will be one step closer to being determined tonight, as two triple threat matches will be held, with the winners of both matches competing in singles competition next week to choose the new number one contender for Bianca Belair. The first match will see Judgment Day's Rhea Ripley take on "The Role Model" Bayley and "The Empress" Asuka while the second one will see "The Man" Becky Lynch square off with Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross. Who will come out on top?

WWE legend JBL has been holding amateur poker games over the past several weeks with his client "The Modern Day Wrestling God" Baron Corbin, but he looks to raise the stakes tonight when he holds an invitational poker tournament. While it is not presently known who will be involved, JBL has warned partakers via his Twitter to "bring plenty of money" while he in turn will provide them with "the cards and the Ugandan Prime Reserve Grade A Whiskey."


In addition, Belair, Owens, former United States Champion Seth "Freakin" Rollins, and Judgment Day are all set to appear on tonight's show, as per WWE's event page.

We are live! Corey Graves and Kevin Patrick greet audiences at home as The Usos, Sami Zayn and Solo Sikoa head to the ring. We then head to a video of The Bloodline attacking Elias after pulling up to the arena earlier.

Jimmy announces that the original Undisputed Tag Team Championship match has been cancelled after Elias was not medically cleared after their attack. He says The Usos can now concentrate on defending their titles to any team who wants a shot because everyone else are the twos while they're the ones.

Matt Riddle's music hits and he heads to the ring. He says their attack on Elias wasn't very cool or ucey. Zayn interrupts him and tells him he can't decide what's ucey because he's not a "certified uceologist" like himself. Zayn calls both Sikoa's attack and The Usos championship reign ucey, but Riddle cutting them off in the middle of their promo isn't. He tells Riddle to go home since he has no partner, but Riddle says he found himself a partner.

Kevin Owens' music hits and he heads to the ring. 

The Usos (c) vs. Matt Riddle and Kevin Owens for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships

Jey and Owens begin the action. The bell rings and Owens rains down right hands. He knocks him to the mat, then delivers a senton. He whips Jey into the corner, then charges at him but Zayn pulls him out of the ring. Owens goes after him and sends him into the barricade.


Back from the break, Owens delivers a cannonball and a moonsault to Jimmy. Riddle tags in and delivers a right hand and a kick. Jey kicks Riddle from the apron while the referee is distracted, then tags in and delivers a stomp. Jimmy tags in and ascends to the top. He delivers a crossbody, then tags Jey back in. The pair plant Riddle with a modified spinebuster before Jey delivers a spinning neckbreaker. He goes for a pin, but Riddle kicks out.

Back from another break, Owens ascends to the top rope and delivers a Swanton Bomb to Jimmy. He goes for a pin, but Jimmy kicks out. Owens looks for a Stunner, but Jimmy blocks it and delivers a superkick. Jey and Riddle tag in. Riddle delivers an enziguri, then sends Jey to the outside. He follows him out there and delivers a knee before tossing him back in the ring. Jimmy makes the blind tag, and The Usos deliver 1-D for the win.


Winners (and still): The Usos

After the match, The Bloodline beats down Riddle, but Owens gets in the ring with a chair and chases Zayn and The Usos to the back, leaving Sikoa and Zayn alone in the ring. Sikoa rains down right hands on Riddle and hits a Samoan Spike. He follows it up with a Hip Attack and grabs a chair from ringside. He places Riddle's head through it, then delivers another Hip Attack. Officials check on Riddle and stretcher him out of the arena as Sikoa calmly makes his way up the ramp to the back.

Back from the break, we head backstage to Judgment Day. Ripley says that while Bayley and Asuka may be "incredible", they aren't her. She says when she's done with them tonight and eventually beats Bianca Belair, the women's locker room will be calling her Mami.

We then head to JBL's invitational poker game and see various WWE superstars at the poker tables, including The O.C., Tamina and Akira Tozawa. JBL welcomes everyone to the invitational, and says poker is both a gentleman's and gentlewoman's game. Dexter Lumis and Johnny Gargano walk in. Lumis places his bag of money on one of the tables, but JBL tells him they weren't invited because they don't have the $50,000 needed for the buy-in. Lumis dumps out all the money and JBL welcomes him into the game.


Becky Lynch and Bayley Come Face To Face

Back at ringside, Bayley heads down. Becky Lynch appears in the crowd and interrupts her. She says she was just up at the merch stand thinking about how fun it was beating up Damage CTRL last week, then joins Bayley in the ring. She says it's been three years since they faced one another in single's action, but they haven't even scratched the surface yet. She says Bayley carried the company on her back during the Thunderdome/Pandemic Era, but after that, their paths hadn't cross because of injuries both of them sustained. Bayley tells Lynch she knows their history and she doesn't need a reminder. She says Lynch doesn't care about anyone but herself, and says she's been the one looking out for fans all along. Lynch says while that's true, only two-thirds of Damage CTRL has been successful because she has no gold while IYO SKY and Dakota Kai are the Women's Tag Team Champions. She says she hopes they will face off next week and tells her to come find her when she's woman enough to face "The Man".


Rhea Ripley's music hits and she heads to the ring, but not before she and Lynch stare one another down.

Back from the break, Asuka then heads to the ring. 

Rhea Ripley vs. Bayley vs. Asuka in a Triple Threat Number One Contender's Match

The bell rings and Asuka delivers a drop kick to Bayley. The three women roll one another up before Ripley tosses Bayley out of the ring. She then goes after Asuka and delivers a suplex. She delivers several shoulders to Asuka in the corner, then goes to work on Bayley. She hits a forearm across her back, then whips her into the corner. She delivers a big boot to Asuka's midsection, then delivers a snapmare. Asuka delivers a series of kicks to Ripley before Bayley delivers a sliding lariat and Asuka hits a kick. The pair throw Ripley into the ring post, then go at it. Bayley knocks Asuka down, but Asuka fires back with a shoulder tackle. Bayley pulls Asuka to the outside and throws her into the barricade, but Ripley takes them both out with a cannonball off the apron.


Back from the break, Ripley and Bayley beat down Asuka. Asuka fires back with several strikes, then delivers a back kick to Ripley's midsection and levels Bayley. She hits a knee across Ripley's jaw, then delivers a series of kicks across both women's chest. Bayley looks for a kick, but Asuka counters it into an Ankle Lock. Ripley delivers a headbutt to Bayley to break the hold before Asuka hits a German suplex on her. Ripley delivers a kick to Asuka's face and Bayley sends her out of the ring. Bayley looks to team up with Ripley, but Ripley tells her no. The two exchange forearms and body shots before Asuka delivers a crossbody off the top to take them down. She pins both women, but they both kick out. Asuka locks in the Asuka Lock on Bayley, but Ripley breaks the hold with a drop kick to Asuka. Bayley rolls to the apron as Ripley pins Asuka. Asuka kicks out before Ripley hits her with a pair of lariats.


Asuka manages to lock in the Arm Bar on Ripley, but Bayley delivers an elbow drop to break the maneuver. She knocks Asuka to the mat, then rains down right hands and delivers the Bayley-to-Belly. She goes for a pin, but Ripley breaks it up. Ripley hits three headbutts on Bayley, then knocks her to the outside. She looks for a cannonball, but Bayley ducks out of the way and gets back in the ring. Asuka delivers a series of backfists and looks for a drop kick off the middle rope, but Bayley counters with Rose Plant for the win.

Winner: Bayley

After the match, Ripley beats down Asuka in the center of the ring and delivers Riptide to her.

Back from the break, Seth "Freakin" Rollins heads to the ring.

We Hear From Seth Freakin Rollins

Rollins welcomes fans to Monday Night Rollins, then introduces himself. He addresses his number one contender's match for the United States Championship with Bobby Lashley next week and says he will be the new number one contender. He says he has plenty to say to Lashley, but since he's not in the arena, fans should instead have some fun and sing his song.


Bobby Lashley's music hits and he heads to the ring. Lashley asks Rollins what he wants to tell him and warns him to be careful. Rollins says he hasn't been the same since losing to Brock Lesnar at Crown Jewel and asks what his obsession with Lesnar is. He asks him if he's scared of Lesnar, and Lashley says Rollins is just trying to get under his skin. Rollins says if he's not scared, then he's jealous because Lesnar is a bigger star and has won more championships than him. Lashley grabs him and says this is not about Lesnar, but him and the United States Championship.

Rollins tells him to relax and says winning the United States Championship won't fill the void in him. He says beating him next will be easier and Lashley launches at him. The two begin brawling before Lashley tosses Rollins out of the ring. He throws him into the barricade and gets him on his shoulders, but officials head down and pull the two men apart. The two men break free several times, with Lashley even Spearing a producer while aiming for Rollins at one point. 


We head backstage to Byron Saxton and Austin Theory. Saxton asks Theory what he thinks about what just happened with Rollins and Lashley, and Theory says he sees the past when he looks at them. He says everyone runs on his time because the forever is just beginning. Theory runs into Ali and Ali says Theory keeps "writing checks he can't cash in." Theory says he keeps whining and tells him to quit already. Ali says he has to fight for everything he gets unlike him and says he will get back in his face to become the United States Championship. Theory tells him to go get ready because he will face him tonight.

Back from the break, we head backstage to the Invitational Poker Game. Chad Gable folds and says it's a game of strategy. He says you have to know when to fold and Luke Gallows calls him a nerd. This leaves Dexter Lumis and Baron Corbin. Corbin says Lumis is crazy and calls him. Lumis puts down his card and ends up beating Corbin. Corbin calls him a cheater and says he should come over there and beat him up. Lumis places an ax on the table. At the other table, Dominik Mysterio looks to grab the chips in the center of the table. Tozawa stops him (as he didn't win the round) and Mysterio tells him that since "Raw" is his show, he can do what he wants. The two men stand up and Mysterio tells Tozawa "he's as short as his deadbeat dad." JBL tells the two men to take it outside.


Back at ringside, Austin Theory heads to the ring followed by Mustafa Ali.

Austin Theory (c) vs. Mustafa Ali for the United States Championship

The bell rings and the two lock up. Theory pushes Ali to the mat, then delivers a shoulder block. Ali delivers a right hand to Theory's chest, but Theory knocks him to the mat and whips him into the corner. Ali hits a hurricanrana, then delivers a kick to his head that knocks him off the apron. He knocks him to the outside and follows it up with a tope suicida. Theory sends Ali face first into the ring post, then tosses him into the barricade.


Back from the break, Ali delivers several chops to Theory in the corner. He delivers a kick to his face, then hits a neckbreaker and a backstabber. He goes for a pin, but Theory kicks out. Theory delivers a back elbow before the two men teeter on the top. Ali hits a hurricanrana and a Satellite DDT, then goes for a pin but Theory kicks out. Theory delivers several kicks to Ali's midsection while he hangs off the top rope, then delivers several right hands to his head. Dolph Ziggler appears out of nowhere and kicks Theory in the head, causing a disqualification.

Winner (and still): Austin Theory

Ali yells at Ziggler for ruining his opportunity and the two men get in one another's face. Theory clocks Ziggler from behind, then sends Ali shoulder first into the ring post. He focuses back on Ziggler and delivers A-Town Down.


We head backstage to JBL on the phone. The Miz approaches him and asks why he wasn't invited to his poker tournament. He says he's more than welcome, but it's a $50,000 buy-in. Miz says he doesn't have the money at the moment, but he can pay him late. JBL says he needs the money now. Miz offers him his Rolex watch, but JBL tells him that it's a fake.

Back from the break, we head back to the invitational poker game. Baron Corbin wins a hand, but he's caught cheating by AJ Styles. Styles pushes him and the two become physical. JBL yells at them to stop because they're ruining his game. Styles the challenges Corbin and Alpha Academy to a six man tag team match against him, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson, and they accept. Dexter Lumis and Johnny Gargano are the only ones left at the tables, and they collect their money.

We head backstage to Cathy Kelley and Bianca Belair. Kelley asks Belair how she feels about potentially facing Bayley once again and says she's confident because knows how she thinks. She adds she would've been proud to face any of the women, including Rhea Ripley. Kelley then asks who she thinks will win the second triple threat match and she says Becky Lynch, Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross are all great. She lists off what she loves about each woman, then says she's ready for any of them because she always stays ready.


The O.C. head to the ring, followed by Alpha Academy, JBL and Baron Corbin.

The O.C. vs. Alpha Academy and Baron Corbin

Styles and Corbin begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Corbin delivers a right hand across Styles' spine, but Styles fires back with a DDT. Anderson and Gable tag in. Gable delivers a snapmare, then delivers a shoulder tackle. Anderson fires back with an arm drag. Gallows tags in before Gable shooshes him. Gallows calls him a nerd and the two go back and forth. Gallows eventually hits him with a right hand. Otis and Anderson then tag in. Otis delivers a series of shoulders to Anderson in the corner, then beats him down. Corbin tags in and whips Anderson into the corner. He delivers several elbows to Anderson's head, then looks for a side suplex. Anderson escapes and tags Styles in. Styles delivers a series of elbows and kicks, then delivers a lariat. He looks to run the ropes, but Gable low bridges him to the outside.


Back from the break, Otis delivers a back elbow to Styles' head. He delivers a snapmare, then hits a splash. Corbin tags in and delivers a right hand to Styles' head. He tosses Styles on the apron and Styles looks to get back in the ring, but Corbin catches him with a right hand. Gable tags in and goes to work on Styles' arm. Styles fires back with a back body drop, then tags in Gallows. The referee misses the tag and forces him back on to the apron, allowing Corbin to hit Deep Six. Gable goes for a pin, but Styles kicks out.

Otis tags in and delivers a splash in the corner, followed by a Pele Kick. He makes the hot tag to Anderson as Gable tags in. Anderson delivers a pair of lariats, followed by a bodyslam and a senton. He hits a cutter off the middle rope, then goes for a pin. Gable kicks out and Anderson gets him up on his shoulders. Anderson escapes and Gable rolls through to lock in the Ankle Lock. Anderson escapes and delivers a spinebuster. He goes for a pin, but Corbin breaks it up. Styles and Gallows try to take him out, but Corbin levels both men. Gallows eventually hits a big boot, but Otis levels him before Styles takes him down.


Gable and Anderson exchange elbow shots before Anderson delivers an uppercut. Gallows makes the blind tag and hits Magic Killer with Anderson for the win.

Winners: The O.C.

Back from the break, we head backstage to Candice LeRae and Byron Saxton. Saxton says she will be facing IYO SKY next week and LeRae says while she's new to "Raw", she knows Damage CTRL very well. She says now that she's a mom, she has so much more to fight for. Johnny Gargano and Dexter Lumis walk in and LeRae asks how they did at poker. Lumis gives her a thumbs up and shows her the money. LeRae is shocked and the trio walk off.

Back at ringside, Judgment Day heads to the ring as Akira Tozawa waits in the ring.

Dominik Mysterio vs. Akira Tozawa

The bell rings and Tozawa delivers a series of kicks. He hits a right hand and a hurricanrana, but Mysterio fires off several kicks in the corner. He delivers the Three Amigos, then goes for a pin. Tozawa kicks out at one and delivers another hurricanrana. He hits a running knee, then goes for a pin but Mysterio kicks out. Tozawa delivers a kick to his head, followed by a drop kick. He ascends to the top rope and looks for a senton, but Mysterio rolls out of the way. He climbs to the top and delivers a Frog Splash for the win.


Winner: Dominik Mysterio

After the match, Mysterio looks to continue to beat Tozawa down, but Street Profits run to the ring to make the save.

Back from the break, Adam Pearce approaches Bobby Lashley and says they have to talk about what happened earlier. Pearce says he's not saying he did it on purpose or is taking his number one contender's match, but there will be consequences if it happens again. Lashley tells him to make sure no one gets in his way again and walks off.

Back at ringside, Alexa Bliss heads down, followed by Nikki Cross and Becky Lynch.

Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss vs. Nikki Cross in a Triple Threat Number One Contender's Match

The bell rings and Lynch delivers a right hand to Cross. Bliss follows it up with a drop kick to Cross that sends her out of the ring. Bliss and Lynch then lock up and pin one another. Lynch delivers a kick to Bliss' head, but Bliss rolls her up. She delivers a modified Side Russian Leg Sweep, but Cross pushes Bliss into Lynch and sends them into opposite corners. She hits several splashes on both of them before Lynch delivers several stomps and kicks to her. She delivers the Bex-ploder, but Bliss catches her with a few knees and a drop kick. Lynch sends Bliss into the top turnbuckle, but Cross pulls her out of the ring and sends her into the apron and the ring steps. Bliss follows them out there, but Cross catches her with a swinging neckbreaker. Cross then clears the announce desk.


Back from the break, Cross sends Bliss to the mat. She delivers a kick and a cutter before Lynch hits her with a series of right hands, uppercuts, and kicks. She trips Cross, then delivers a bulldog and a kick to her spine. She hits a Hammerlock DDT, then ascends to the middle rope and delivers a leg drop. She goes for a pin, but Cross kicks out. Lynch hits Cross with a suplex, but Bliss sends her into the ring post. She delivers a cannonball to both Lynch and Cross, then tosses Cross back in the ring and goes for a pin. Cross kicks out and Bliss climbs to the top rope. Cross meets her there, but Lynch pulls both women down. She pins Cross, but Cross kicks out.

Lynch and Cross exchange right hands before Cross ascends to the top and delivers a splash. She goes for a pin, but Bliss breaks it up. Cross delivers several shoulders to Bliss' midsection, followed by a splash and a bulldog. Bliss tosses her out of the ring and looks for a baseball slide kick, but Cross catches her and delivers a splash. She throws her in the ring, then looks for a DDT, but Lynch delivers a double leg drop off the top rope. Cross rolls to the apron, and Lynch follows her there. Lynch delivers a chokeslam, then goes to pin her but Cross rolls out of the way. Dakota Kai and IYO SKY run down to the ring and attack Lynch. They send her into the ring apron, then deliver a double powerbomb to her through the table. Inside the ring, Bliss delivers Twisted Bliss to Cross for the win.


Winner: Alexa Bliss

