AEW Rampage Results (11/25) - ROH World Tag Team Titles Match, Hikaru Shida In Action, We Hear From Chris Jericho

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Rampage" at a special start time of 4 PM ET/3PM CT on November 25, 2022!

Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions FTR will be putting their titles on the line against Dante and Darius Martin of Top Flight. The two teams came face-to-face this past Wednesday on "Dynamite" after Top Fight called for the on-air time to show their respect to FTR and make the challenge. Will FTR be able to prove that they're fighting champions once again, or will new tag team champions be crowned?


Dark Order's Preston "10" Vance, John Silver, and Alex Reynolds will be squaring off with Rush, The Butcher, and The Blade in trios action. Rush and his assistant, Jose, have made several appeals to 10 over the past few weeks in an effort to get him to join LFI, but have been unsuccessful in their attempts thus far. What will happen when the six men collide?

In addition, Darby Allin will be going one-on-one with Anthony Henry of The Workhorsemen. Former AEW Women's World Champion Hikaru Shida will also be in action this afternoon. Shida most recently teamed with recent AEW signee, Willow Nightingale, to defeat Emi Sakura and Leva Bates on "Dark: Elevation" this past Monday. Ring of Honor World Champion Chris Jericho will also be addressing AEW fans coming off his successful title defense against Tomohiro Ishii Wednesday night. With Final Battle quickly approaching on December 10, will Jericho's challenger for the show be revealed?


We are live! Jim Ross, Ian Riccaboni, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone greet audiences at home as FTR and Top Flight wait in the ring.

FTR (c) vs. Top Flight for the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championships

Harwood and Darius begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Harwood delivers a bodyslam, but Darius fires back with a shoulder tackle. Harwood delivers an elbow, then tags in Wheeler. Wheeler delivers a stomp in the corner, then follows it up with a chop. Darius fires back with an arm drag, then tags in Dante. Wheeler hits a shoulder block before Darius makes the blind tag and delivers a DDT. He goes for a pin, but Wheeler kicks out. Harwood tags in and delivers a chop. He follows it up with an uppercut, then delivers a chop and a forearm. Wheeler tags back in and Darius looks for a sunset flip. Wheeler blocks it and Darius hits a hurricanrana. He delivers a DDT, then tags in Dante. Dante ascends to the top rope, but Wheeler rolls out of the ring.


Back from the break, Dante delivers a missile drop kick off the top rope to Harwood. He delivers a high crossbody, then goes for a pin, but Harwood kicks out. Harwood delivers a few chops before Wheeler makes the blind tag. Dante and Wheeler teeter on the middle rope before Harwood pulls him down and Wheeler delivers a splash off the top. Harwood tags back in and Dante delivers a sunset flip. He follows it up with a splash off the top, then goes for a pin but Harwood pushes Darius into the two men to break the pinfall. Wheeler delivers an uppercut and a Spanish Fly to take out Darius as Harwood hits a Brainbuster on Dante. Dante rolls up Harwood, but Harwood kicks out. Wheeler tags in, leading to FTR delivering Big Rig for the win.


Winners (and still): FTR

After the match, The Gunns come to the ring to "congratulate" FTR.

We then head to a video showing the journey of Powerhouse Hobbs.

Back from the break, the Jericho Appreciation Society heads to the ring.

We Hear From Chris Jericho

Angelo Parker grabs a mic and tells fans to honor "The Ocho". Jericho then grabs the mic and asks if there's any doubt that he's the greatest Ring of Honor champion of all time. He calls his match with Ishii "one of the greatest of all time", then says he has bled for his title and earned it. He says no one will slow him down and asks who will dethrone the king of ROH.


Claudio Castagnoli's music hits and he heads to the ring. He tells Jericho that he is not the greatest ROH champion and says he knows he can beat him. He says he started doubting himself when he couldn't beat him when it counts. He says he wants to be the best pro wrestler he can be and he can achieve that when he has no doubt. Jericho tells Castagnoli he should be more worried about the Blackpool Combat Club. Castagnoli tells him that he hasn't been himself since losing to him at Full Gear and tells him he needs another shot at his title. Jericho asks fans if he should give Castagnoli another shot, then tells them to forget it because he has nothing to offer him. Menard says maybe there is, and says he has an idea: since he was a fantastic sports entertainer at one point, so he can get another shot but if he loses then he has to join the JAS. Jericho likes his idea and officially throws out the challenge to Castagnoli.


Castagnoli says he is still a great sports entertainer and he would be a great asset to the JAS. He says he's an even better pro wrestler, then tells Jericho to look in his eyes. He says he will throw him around at Final Battle before adding he will bring honor back to the title and accepts the challenge.

We then head backstage to Toni Storm and Renee Paquette. Paquette asks Storm about the finisher of her match with Jamie Hayter at Full Gear. Storm says deep down, she's proud of Hayter, but she still hasn't beaten her without Britt Baker and Rebel by her side. Paquette asks Storm to her reaction as being officially recognized as the AEW Women's Champion and Storm says she never saw her reign as being 'interim'.

Back at ringside, Darby Allin and Sting then head down, with Anthony Henry already waiting inside and JD Drake waiting on the outside.

Darby Allin vs. Anthony Henry

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Henry delivers a pair of kicks to Allin, then looks for a vertical suplex, but Allin escapes and hits a tope suicida to Drake. Henry delivers a back heel trip.


Back from the break, Allin fires off several kicks on Henry. Henry fires back with a neck breaker, then goes for a pin but Allin kicks out. Henry ascends to the top and looks for the double knees, but Allin rolls out of the way and manages to deliver a Code Red. Drake takes a cheap shot on Allin while the referee is distracted before Sting levels him and sends him into the barricade.

Back in the ring, Henry sits Allin on the top rope. He hits a superplex, then holds on and looks for a vertical suplex. Allin reverses it and hits the Scorpion Death Drop. He climbs to the top and hits the Coffin Drop for the win.

Winner: Darby Allin

We head backstage to Athena and Lexy Nair. Athena asks why there's no footage on the television behind them, then asks what AEW needs from her. Nair says she owes Aubrey Edwards a public apology, but Athena gets in her face and dismisses her. She then addresses Mercedes Martinez and says she's been waiting for her to return from injury so she can get a shot at the ROH Women's Championship.


Back at ringside, Hikaru Shida heads down with Queen Aminata already waiting inside. Before the match starts, Penelope Ford and The Bunny head to the ring to watch on.

Hikaru Shida vs. Queen Aminata

The bell rings and Aminata attacks Shida from behind. She looks for an Air Raid Crash, but Shida manages to roll her up. Aminata kicks out and Shida delivers an elbow strike. She follows it up with the Falcon Arrow, then hits the Katana for the win.


Winner: Hikaru Shida

After the match, Shida stares down The Bunny and Ford.

Back from the break, we head backstage to FTR. Harwood challenges Bryan Danielson to a singles match on "Dynamite" and commentary announces it has been made official.

Back at ringside, Rush, The Butcher and The Blade head down, followed by Alex Reynolds and John Silver, but 10 is nowhere to be found.

Dark Order vs. Rush, The Butcher, and The Blade

The bell rings and the five men waste no time going after one another. Rush sends Silver into the barricade on the outside as Reynolds delivers a back elbow to Blade in the ring. Blade hits an ax handle to Reynolds, then tags in Butcher. Butcher delivers a head butt, then follows it up with a chop. Blade and Silver tag in. Silver sends Blade face first into the top turnbuckle, then plants him.


Back from the break, Silver delivers a superkick to Butcher. He plants Blade, but is unable to make the tag to Reynolds as Rush tags in and knocks him off the apron. Evil Uno and -1 appear on the ramp before 10 runs down and faces off with Rush. Silver appears behind him and 10 clocks Silver. This allows Rush to deliver Bull's Horns for the win.

Winners: Rush, The Butcher and The Blade

Butcher and Blade send Uno into the ring steps as Rush levels Reynols and 10 hits Silver with the Discus Lariat. 10 then hits Uno with the same move before he and Rush tear his mask off. 10, Butcher, Blade and Rush set up a table on the outside. Rush and 10 then deliver a double spinebuster to him. 10 then walks over to -1 and removes his mask. He hands it to him as -1 sobs.

