AEW Dark Elevation Results (11/21) - Orange Cassidy And Best Friends Vs. The Factory, Kip Sabian Vs. Alex Reynolds, Mercedes Martinez In Action

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Dark: Elevation" on November 21, 2022!

A huge trios match is set for tonight, as All-Atlantic Champion Orange Cassidy will team up with Best Friends to square off with The Factory's Lee Johnson, Cole Karter and Aaron Solo. The six men faced off at the Full Gear Zero Hour Pre-Show this past Saturday in a ten man tag team match, which ultimately saw Cassidy and Best Friends, along with their teammates Rocky Romero and Danhausen come out on top. Will they be able to overcome The Factory once again?


Three other trio matches are set for tonight, as The Firm's Matt Hardy and Private Party will take on The Trustbuster's Ari Daivari, Sonny Kiss and Encore. Hardy and Private Party have been under the watchful eye of Stokely Hathaway and Ethan Page since Kassidy lost to Page several weeks ago and failed to get out of their contract with the group. Jericho Appreciation Society's Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, and ROH Pure Champion Daniel Garcia will also be facing Leon Ruffin, Tony Deppen and Hot Sauce while The Butcher, The Blade, and Rush will go head-to-head with Brett Gosselin, Channing Thomas and Doug Love.

Wheeler Yuta of Blackpool Combat Club will be going one-on-one with "The Reality" Zack Clayton. Kip Sabian also looks to continue to rack up wins as he takes on Dark Order's Alex Reynolds as The Embassy's Brian Cage looks to the same when he comes face-to-face with Brandon Cutler.


In addition, recent AEW signee Willow Nightingale and former AEW Women's Champion Hikaru Shida will be teaming up to face veteran Emi Sakura and "The Librarian" Leva Bates. ROH Women's Champion Mercedes Martinez will be in action for the first time since returning on "Rampage" this past Friday as she takes on JC. "The Fallen Goddess" Athena will also be squaring off with Victoria Andreola.

We are live! Ian Riccaboni, Matt Menard, and Paul Wight greet audiences at home as The Butcher, The Blade and Rush make their way to the ring. Brett Gosselin, Channing Thomas and Doug Love already wait inside the ring.

The Butcher, The Blade and Rush vs. Brett Gosselin, Channing Thomas and Doug Love

Thomas and Blade begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Blade delivers a chop, followed by a snapmare and a kick to his spine. Gosselin and Butcher tag in. He delivers a back elbow, then tags in Rush. Love tags in and Rush delivers a vicious right hand. He follows it up with a chop and several rapid stomps. Rush whips him into the corner, then delivers Bull's Horns for the win.


Winners: The Butcher, The Blade and Rush

Emi Sakura and Leva Bates head to the ring, followed by Willow Nightingale and Hikaru Shida.

Willow Nightingale and Hikaru Shida vs. Emi Sakura and Leva Bates

Shida and Bates begin the action. The bell rings and Shida fires off right hands on Bates in the corner. Shida runs the ropes, but Sakura delivers a cheap shot, allowing Bates to attack her. Sakura tags in and delivers a right hand to Shida. She has some tea, then delivers her signature chops. Shida fires back with a hurricanrana and a forearm, then tags in Nightingale. Nightingale delivers a hip attack, then follows it up with a big boot. Shida tags back in and delivers a back breaker. Sakura returns the favor, then ascends to the top rope. Shida meets her there and gets her up on her shoulders. Bates hands Sakura a book and she hits Shida with it. Bates tags in and delivers the double knees to Shida. Shida hits a back breaker before hitting the Katana for the win.


Winners: Willow Nightingale and Hikaru Shida

Brandon Cutler heads to the ring, followed by Brian Cage and Prince Nana.

Brian Cage (w/ Prince Nana) vs. Brandon Cutler

The bell rings and Cage delivers a shoulder block to Cutler. Cutler looks for a chop, but Cage no-sells it. Cutler taunts Cage, leading Cage to deliver a massive chop that knocks him to a mat. He delivers a clothesline in the corner, but Cutler fires back with an enziguri. Cage delivers a spin slam, then holds Cutler in place while Prince Nana grabs Cutler's cooling spray. Cutler ducks, and Nana accidentally sprays Cage. Cutler grabs the spray bottle and sprays the mist into Prince Nana's eyes, then rolls up Cage. Cage kicks out and delivers a discus lariat, followed by a powerbomb for the win.


Winner: Brian Cage

Jericho Appreciation Society heads to the ring, with Leon Ruffin, Tony Deppen and Hot Sauce already waiting inside.

Jericho Appreciation Society vs. Leon Ruffin, Tony Deppen and Hot Sauce

Hot Sauce and Parker begin the action. The bell rings and Parker delivers a chop. Hot Sauce returns the favor, then delivers a back elbow. Parker delivers a series of kicks, but Hot Sauce delivers a lariat. Menard and Deppen tag in. Deppen hits a few kicks and knees on Menard, but Menard fires back with a lariat. Parker tags back in and delivers a stomp to Deppen. Ruffin and Garcia tag in. Parker and Menard deliver a double DDT before Garcia locks in the Dragon Sleeper for the win.


Winners: Jericho Appreciation Society

Mercedes Martinez heads to the ring, with JC already waiting inside.

Mercedes Martinez vs. JC

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before JC delivers a kick. Martinez hits a shoulder tackle, followed by a delayed vertical suplex. She follows it up with a series of chops, but JC fires back with a right hand, a jaw breaker, and a few kicks. Martinez delivers a spinebuster, then locks in the Brass City Sleeper for the win.


Winner: Mercedes Martinez

Zack Clayton heads to the ring, followed by Wheeler Yuta.

Wheeler Yuta vs. Zack Clayton

The bell rings and Clayton delivers a right hand, followed by an uppercut. He delivers a lariat, but Yuta fires back with an enziguri and a leaping lariat. He plants Clayton, then fires off several elbows and pins Clayton for the win.


Winner: Wheeler Yuta

Ari Daivari, Sonny Kiss and Encore are in the ring. Daivari says Encore will earn $50,000 if he helps him and Kiss win the match. Matt Hardy and Private Party interrupt him and make their way to the ring.

Private Party and Matt Hardy vs. Ari Daivari, Sonny Kiss and Encore

Kassidy and Encore begin the action. The bell rings and Encore clocks Kassidy. He plants Kassidy, then tags in Kiss. Kiss delivers a suplex, then hits a leg drop and goes for a pin. Kassidy kicks out before Daivari tags in. Daivari beats him down, then tags in Encore. Quen tags in and delivers a crossbody off the top to Encore. He tosses him back in the ring, then ascends to the top rope and delivers a Shooting Star Press. He goes for a pin, but Kiss breaks it up. They deliver a Military Press to Quen. Hardy tags in and delivers the Side Effect. Kassidy tags back in and delivers the Swanton Bomb for the win.


Winners: Matt Hardy and Private Party

Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford head to the ring, followed by Dark Order.

Kip Sabian vs. Alex Reynolds

Sabian clocks Reynolds from behind while he's posing on the apron. The bell rings and Sabian delivers a kick to Reynolds' midsection. Reynolds fires back with an elbow, followed by a big boot. Sabian hits a senton, followed by the Anarchist Suplex and the double stomp. He goes for a pin, but Reynolds counters the pin for the win.


Winner: Alex Reynolds

After the match, Sabian delivers several kicks to Reynolds and beats him down out of frustration.

Orange Cassidy and Best Friends head to the ring. The Factory appears out of nowhere and attacks them from behind.

Best Friends and Orange Cassidy vs. The Factory

The bell rings and Johnson delivers several stomps to Beretta. He delivers a forearm, then tags in Karter. Karter delivers a splash in the corner, then mocks Best Friends and Cassidy by doing their signature hug. Best Friends hit the Half-and-Half Sole Food Combination before Solo and Cassidy tag in. Cassidy delivers a Tornado DDT, followed by the Orange Punch. He drives Solo into the mat with a piledriver for the win.


Winners: Orange Cassidy and Best Friends

