AEW Rampage Results (11/11) - All-Atlantic Title Match, World Title Eliminator Tournament Matches, Nyla Rose Holds Open Challenge

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "AEW Rampage" on November 11, 2022!

"Freshly Squeezed" Orange Cassidy will be putting his All-Atlantic Championship on the line against The Factory's Lee Johnson. Cassidy looks to seek revenge on Johnson after Johnson betrayed his ally, Danhausen, during a match he had with QT Marshall on "Dark: Elevation" a couple of weeks ago. Will a new champion be crowned tonight?


Two first round matches in the AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament are also set to take place tonight. Bandido will go head to head with La Faccion Ingobernable's Rush while The Embassy's Brian Cage will also be taking on Dante Martin. The winner of the tournament will become the new number one contender for Jon Moxley's AEW World Championship and earn themselves a future title shot. Which two men will become one step closer to doing so tonight?

Self-declared TBS Champion Nyla Rose will be holding an open challenge for anyone who wants to face off with her. Rose stole the TBS Championship from titleholder Jade Cargill during Battle of the Belts IV last month following her successful defense against Willow Nightingale. Cargill has made her feelings about the theft known, becoming increasingly irate over the past several weeks. Who will answer the call?


In addition, Jungle Boy will come face to face with longtime rivals Christian Cage and Luchasaurus. Cage blindsided Jungle Boy  with an attack at Road Rager back in June after he and Luchasaurus lost the AEW World Tag Team Championships to The Young Bucks. Luchasaurus later sided with Cage and the duo have since played mind games, as well as launched several surprise attacks on Jungle Boy. What will happen when the three men clash?

We are live! Excalibur, Jim Ross, and Tony Schiavone greet audiences at home as Christian Cage and Luchasaurus head to the ring.

Jungle Boy Comes Face To Face With Christian Cage and Luchasaurus

Cage says that Jungle Boy has a challenge for him, but he only makes them face to face. He says they're standing there waiting for him to tell him what the challenge is.

Jungle Boy's music hits and he heads to the ring.


Cage reminds him of their previous encounters and tells him they had their sights set on gold until he cost them big. Jungle Boy says that the two of them have cost him everything while he's complaining about one encounter. He tells Luchasaurus that he wasted three years of his life and says they have continued to stack the odds against him. He says that he will now stack the odds against himself, then challenges Luchasaurus to one last match in a steel cage.

Cage says that maybe he finally realized that it wasn't as good as everyone says he was and his success his due to him. He says that they'll have to put him down for good and accepts his challenge. He taunts Jungle Boy's mom and tells him that he at least has his father's Hollywood good looks.


Jungle Boy looks to attack Cage, but Luchasaurus takes him down. Cage throws a chair in the ring and Luchasaurus chokeslams him through it.

We head backstage to Lexy Nair and Death Triangle. Nair asks Penta about his recent All-Atlantic Championship. PAC says he tried telling him this before, but there's a reason that they aren't the All-Atlantic or World Champions. He says they have to seize every opportunity they can get and say they need to defend their Trios Championships by any means necessary.

Back at ringside, Brian Cage and Prince Nana head down, followed by Dante Martin.

Brian Cage vs. Dante Martin In A First Round Match For The AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament

The bell rings and Martin goes straight after Cage. He delivers a series of right hands, followed by a drop kick that sends Cage out of the ring. He looks for a tope suicida, but Cage catches him and plants him with a vertical suplex.


Back from the break, Cage plants Martin. He sets Martin up on his shoulders, but Martin reverses with a DDT. He delivers several forearms, then follows it up with a diving crossbody. He sends Cage to the outside, then goes flying. He tosses him back in the ring, then delivers a splash off the top rope. Martin hits an enziguri, but Cage fires back with a discus lariat. He follows it up with Weapon X for the win.

Winner: Brian Cage

We head backstage to Lexy Nair and Lee Moriarty. Moriarty says that though he didn't beat Jon Moxley, it's time for him to collect some gold. HOOK walks in and stares him down before walking off.

Back from the break, we head to a video hyping up the House of Black.

Back at ringside, Rush and Jose the Assistant head down, followed by Bandido.


Bandido vs. Rush In A First Round Match For The AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament

Rush goes flying over the top rope and levels Bandido. He delivers a series of chops, then grabs a cable from under the ring and whips him with it. He chokes him, then tosses him in the ring.

The bell rings and Rush delivers a splash in the corner. He follows it up with several stomps and a kick to Bandido's jaw.


Back from the break, Bandido delivers a splash to Rush. He looks for the Three Amigos, but Rush counters it and hits a chop. He follows it up with a superkick and a discus elbow. He goes for a pin, but Bandido kicks out. Rush delivers a single leg drop kick off the top rope, then goes for a pin but Bandido kicks out. Bandido gets Rush up and delivers a Military Press Slam. He goes for a pin, but Rush kicks out. Bandido delivers a triage of German suplexes, but Rush fires back with a leg lariat. Bandido hits his signature chop before Rush delivers a pile driver.

Jose tosses a chair in the ring, but the referee catches him and tells him to get rid of it. Jose attacks Bandido to take advantage, but John Silver heads to the ring and takes him out. Inside the ring, Bandido rolls up Rush for the win.


Winner: Bandido

We then head to a backstage confrontation between Jake Hager and Claudio Castagnoli. Hager says they go way back and says he could be a great sports entertainer. He tells him to think about it, then walks off.

The Vicious Vixens head to the ring, with Kayla Sparks already waiting in the ring.

Nyla Rose vs. Kayla Sparks

The bell rings and Rose delivers a series of kicks to Sparks. She delivers a back elbow, then hits Jaded for the win.

Winner: Nyla Rose

Jade Cargill and The Baddies head to the ring. Cargill goes straight for Rose and hits her with a pump kick while Leila Grey and Kiera Hogan go after Marina Shafir and Vickie Guerrero.


Back from the break, The Factory heads to the ring, followed by Orange Cassidy, Best Friends and Danhausen.

Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Lee Johnson for the All-Atlantic Championship

The bell rings and the two lock up. Cassidy sends Johnson to the mat, then hits a shoulder tackle. Johnson returns the favor before Cassidy puts his hands in his pockets and hits his signature kicks. Johnson delivers a drop kick.


Back from the break, Cassidy sends Johnson to the outside, then goes flying. He tosses him back into the ring, then hits a diving crossbody. He looks for a DDT, but Johnson fires back with the Blue Thunderbomb. Cassidy hits a Tornado DDT, then looks for the Orange Punch. Johnson rolls him up, but Cassidy kicks out. Johnson hits a pair of thrust kicks, but Cassidy fires back with Beach Break for the win.

Winner (and still): Orange Cassidy

After the match, Cole Karter looks to attack Cassidy. Cassidy levels him with the Orange Punch before him and Best Friends hug in the ring. They then hug one another with Karter in the center. Karter celebrates getting hugged by them, but Trent Beretta and Chuck Taylor take him down with a double chokeslam.

