WWE NXT Results (10/25) - Two Tag Team Championship Matches, Shotzi Vs. Lash Legend, Schism Reveals Their Newest Member

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "WWE NXT" on October 25, 2022!

"NXT" Tag Team Champions Pretty Deadly will be putting their titles on the line as they take on number one contenders Edris Enofè and Malik Blade. The two underdogs conquered Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen and The Dyad in a Triple Threat Match a couple of weeks ago (with a little help from Cameron Grimes) and have been a cohesive unit since banding together late last year. They have quite the challenge ahead of them as Pretty Deadly have kept hold of their titles on multiple occasions since capturing them at Worlds Collide. Will Pretty Deadly be able to scurry away with their titles once again, or will new champions be crowned tonight?


Another pair of titles is also set to be defended on tonight's show, as Nikkita Lyons and Zoey Stark get their shot at "NXT" Women's Tag Team Champions Kayden Carter and Katana Chance. Stark and Lyons have been eyeing up the titles since Chance and Carter won them in a Fatal Four-Way Match on the August 2 edition of the show. Which team will come out on top?

Joe Gacy, Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid of Schism will be revealing the identity of their newest recruit: the person in the red hoodie. The mysterious figure officially became part of the group on the October 4 episode of the show after helping Gacy execute his plan to blindside Cameron Grimes with a surprise attack after months of sticking by them. Who will it be?


"SmackDown" Superstar Shotzi will also be back in action on "NXT" programming as she goes one on one with Lash Legend. The pair encountered one another this past Saturday at Halloween Havoc, which ended in a physical altercation. Which woman will take home the win?

We are live! The show begins with a recap of Halloween Havoc. We then head to the ring, where Kayden Carter, Katana Chance, Nikkita Lyons and Zoey Stark wait inside.

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance (c) vs. Nikkita Lyons and Zoey Stark for the NXT Women's Tag Team Championships

Carter and Lyons begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Stark tags in and hits a DDT. Carter fires back with a kick, then tags in Chance. Chance delivers a drop kick, but Stark knocks her down to the mat. Chance hits a tijeras, then tags in Lyons. Lyons whips Carter into the corner, then delivers a right hand. Carter tags back in and looks for a kick to Lyons' thigh. Lyons manages to counter it into an ankle lock, but Carter escapes and tags in Chance. Chance rolls up Lyons, but Lyons kicks out. Carter tags back in and the pair hit a double drop kick.


Back from the break, Chance tags in. Lyons delivers a Tornado DDT, then goes for a pin but Chance kicks out. Carter tags in and delivers a clothesline to Lyons' back. She hits a drop kick, followed by a kick to her jaw. Chance tags in and the pair deliver a double team maneuver. She goes for a pin, but Stark breaks it up. Stark tags in and sends Chance into the top turnbuckle face first. She looks for The Knockout, but Chance counters it. Carter tags in and enters the ring, but Stark knocks her to the outside. She rolls up Chance (thinking she's legal) for the win.

Winners: Nikkita Lyons and Zoey Stark

The referee whispers something to the ring announcer, who says that due to an unseen tag, the match will now restart.


The bell rings and the four women go right after one another. They begin to brawl with one another before Chance delivers a Spanish Fly to Stark. She goes for a pin, but Stark kicks out at the last second. Carter tags in and Stark hits a German Suplex. Lyons tags in and knocks Chance off the apron. She delivers a kick, followed by the split legged leg drop. She goes for a pin, but chance breaks it up. Carter delivers a series of kicks to Lyons before hitting an assisted 450 Splash for the win.

Winner: Kayden Carter and Katana Chance

We then head to a video of Ilja Dragunov discussing the Halloween Havoc main event. 

Back from the break, we head to a video teasing the return of Dominik Dijakovic to "NXT". 

Back at ringside, Wes Lee heads down.

We Hear From Wes Lee

Lee says he wanted to come out to thank fans for their support. He says he never thought he would make it to WWE, let alone be a champion, but everyone's faith in him inspired him. He says winning the title gave him a sense of validation and a feeling of belonging. He says he is forever grateful and when he stood on top of the ladder while fans chanted, the feeling was indescribable. He says he will be sure to exceed expectations, but before he can continue, Grayson Waller's music hits and he cuts him off.


Waller says he hates Halloween and says he "technically won". He says he is still one up on Apollo Crews.

R-Truth's music hits and he raps his way to the ring in a Joker costume. Truth tells Orlando to make some noise before welcoming fans to Halloween Havoc. Waller asks what he's doing and Truth says he likes Waller's "British accent". He mocks Waller in a British accent before Waller says he's Australian and says he hates Halloween Havoc. He informs Truth that Halloween Havoc already happened and Lee corroborates it. Truth congratulates Lee on winning the North American Title, then asks how Waller did. Lee tells him that he lost. Waller says that he wants nothing more than to beat Truth in his own house, but says that since his mind isn't in it right now, he will give him an extra week. Truth says that wasn't good hospitality.


Waller looks to take a shot at Truth, but Truth ducks it and dumps him out of the ring. He accepts Waller's challenge.

We head backstage to Edris Enofè and Malik Blade getting ready for their match. Blade says he's nervous and Enofè says that what they have is more than a shot. He says it's their night and asks him if he would take the chance to seize everything he ever wanted. Blade gets fired up and the two continue warming up.

We head back to the ring, where Quincy Elliott waits inside. He introduces Shotzi and she heads to the ring.

Back from the break, we head to Apollo Crews and McKenzie Mitchell. Crews says Waller is in his rear view and he's setting his sights on the "NXT" Championship.

Back at ringside, Lash Legend heads down.

Shotzi vs. Lash Legend

The bell rings and the two lock up. Legend sends Shotzi to the mat, but Shotzi fires back with a kick and a drop kick to Legend's knee. Legend tosses Shotzi out of the ring, then follows her out. The two begin to brawl before Shotzi tosses her back into the ring and Legend manages to deliver a bodyslam. Legend delivers a kick, then goes for a pin but Shotzi kicks out. Legend locks in a modified stretch muffler, but Shotzi escapes and plants her on the mat. She hits a big boot, but Legend whips her into the corner. Shotzi slaps her, then hits Never Wake Up for the win.


Winner: Shotzi

Brutus Creed Wants Five Minutes In The Ring With Damon Kemp

Back from the break, The Creed Brothers head to the ring. Julius says fans are going to have to bear with him because he was in a lot of pain. He says it was nothing that he would've felt if he cost Brutus his career. He throws it over to Brutus and thanks him. He says it's his turn and says Kemp promised him five minutes.


Kemp appears on the Titan Tron and asks if they're still angry. He says he's not medically cleared to be in the arena, but he still has five minutes of hell for him. Brutus says that the longer Kemp makes him wait, the worse his ass whooping will be.

Sanga and Veer Mahaan come out of nowhere and attack the brothers from behind. They level Julius before hitting a chokeslam on Brutus. Ivy Nile heads to the ring and asks them why they just did that.

We head backstage to Pretty Deadly discussing their match. They say Enofè and Blade are the most athletic men on the brands and are loved by everyone they meet, but they have nothing to worry about.

Back from the break, we head to a video of Toxic Attraction on a video call discussing Mandy Rose's match against Alba Fyre and how they're going to celebrate her one year anniversary as champion in the ring next week.


Back at ringside, Edris Enofè and Malik Blade head to the ring, followed by Pretty Deadly.

Pretty Deadly (c) vs. Edris Enofè and Malik Balde for the NXT Tag Team Championships

The bell rings and Blade wastes no time, delivering a drop kick to Wilson. Enofè tags in and delivers an elbow drop, then goes for a pin but Wilson kicks out. Blade tags back in and knocks Wilson to the outside. He tosses Wilson back in the ring before Prince tags in and levels him. Prince beats him down, then tags Wilson back in. Blade trips Wilson, then tags Enofè back in and he beats down Wilson. Prince tags in and goes flying. Enofè blocks him and tags Blade back in. Prince plants Blade, then goes for a pin but Blade kicks out. Wilson tags in and delivers several stomps to Blade in the corner. Enofè tags back in and delivers a drop kick to Wilson. He clotheslines him to the outside.


Back from the break, Prince and Enofè exchange forearms. He delivers a clothesline, then delivers several stomps to Enofè. Wilson tags in and Enofè delivers a shoulder to his midsection. Prince and Blade tag in. Blade delivers a series of back elbows, followed by a crossbody. He ascends to the top, but Prince rolls to the outside. Blade takes him out, then tosses him back in the ring and delivers a high crossbody. He goes for a pin, but Prince kicks out. Wilson tags in and hits a gutbuster. He goes for a pin, but Blade kicks out.

The two men slug it out in the ring with several forearms before Enofè tags back in. Wilson kicks him, but Enofè fires back with a knee and goes for a pin. Wilson kicks out before Enofè tags in Blade. He sends Blade into the ringpost shoulder first, then tags in Prince. Blade manages to roll up Prince, but Prince kicks out at the last second. Wilson tags in and the pair hit Spilled Milk for the win.


Winners: Pretty Deadly

Schism Reveals The Identity Of The Person In The Red Hoodie

Back from the break, we head backstage to Zoey Stark and McKenzie Mitchell. Mitchell asks Stark how she's feeling. She says she had the tag team titles in the palm of her hand, but it slipped away. Nikkita Lyons walks in and apologizes to Stark. Stark says it's not her fault and says they will take away the championships from Kayden Carter and Katana Chance in their rematch.


We then head to ringside, where Schism make their way down. Gacy says pride and arrogance are commonplace in "NXT". He says that their mission statement is clear: remove your mask and join Schism, or be torn down. Rip Fowler says "NXT" is full of selfishness and greed because talent and fans put themselves first. He says that the comments everyone has are a reflection of themselves. Jagger Reid says wrath is a manipulative state and says personal and social wellbeing is affected by it. He says that one needs to learn to control it correctly and states Schism grows stronger as a unit. Gacy says that there are people in this world who think they can have everything they want, but are empty and depleted on the inside. He then addresses the person in the red hoodie and says the time has come for them to take the next step by revealing themself. He says there is no going back.


The person unzips their hoodie and we see it's a girl. She grabs a mic and takes off her mask to reveal herself as...Ava Raine! Raine says that the love and acceptance Schism has given her has defied any preconceived notions she had. She says the three men complete her before they all hug.

We head backstage to Sol Ruca and McKenzie Mitchell. Mitchell asks Ruca about her upcoming match against Indi Hartwell. Ruca says she's nervous, but excited. She says Hartwell is a badass. Hartwell walks in and says tricks will only take her so far, as "NXT" is all about winning.

Hartwell then heads to the ring.

Back from the break, we head to a video showing a voicemail sent to the Performance Center. A deep, distored male voice says "Let go of all of your pain, washing away your deepest fears. Listen with your eyes, speaking with your ears. Awaken from the pits you call the dark, opening up to my soliloquy is just the start. Watch as I come and leave my mark. Sincerely, SCRYPTS."

Back at ringside, Sol Ruca heads down.

Indi Hartwell vs. Sol Ruca

The bell rings and Hartwell delivers two bodyslams. Ruca sends Hartwell to the mat, then delivers a bodyslam of her own. Hartwell fires back with a clothesline, then knocks Ruca to the mat with a forearm to her back for the win.


Winner: Indi Hartwell

After the match, Elektra Lopez attacks Hartwell and sends her into the ringpost. She then sets her sights on Roca and takes her out. She tells the women's locker room she's coming for them.

We head to a video of Chase U. Andre Chase asks where Bodhi Hayward is before Duke Hudson walks in. Chase says he's disappointed with Hayward, then tells Hudson to sit down. Chase says that November is a historic month and says that he's going to run through everything happening in the month. He gives his pen to Thea Hail, then steals a pen off another student's desk.

Ilja Dragunov heads to the ring, followed by JD McDonagh.

Back from the break, we head to a logo promoting the upcoming Deadline event. We then head to a video of Roxanne Perez discussing her feud with Cora Jade.


Ilja Dragunov vs. JD McDonagh

Back from the break, Dragunov delivers a triage of German suplexes to McDonagh. He delivers a pair of chops in the corner before McDonagh returns the favor. Dragunov hits a knee, but McDonagh fires back with several shots to Dragunov's ribs. Dragunov delivers a bodyslam before McDonagh sends Dragunov's face bouncing off the top rope. He takes another shot at his ribs and knocks him to the outside. The referee calls on medical personnel to check on Dragunov.


Back from another break, McDonagh plants Dragunov. Dragunov fires back with several elbows to McDonagh's head and back before the two men exchange forearms. Dragunov gets the upper hand with a kick, then delivers a knee off the top rope. He looks for a senton off the top, but McDonagh gets his knees up.

The two men ascend to the top before Dragunov hits a superplex. He hits a vicious right hand on McDonagh, then looks for the Torpedo. McDonagh catches him and locks in a full body submission. Dragunov fades as he begins bleeding from his mouth and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: JD McDonagh (via referee stoppage)

Dragunov is taken from ringside on a stretcher as the show goes off the air.

