AEW Dark Elevation Results (10/24) - Claudio Castagnoli Vs. QT Marshall, Matt Hardy And Serena Deeb In Action

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Dark: Elevation" on October 24, 2022!

Blackpool Combat Club's Claudio Castagnoli will go head to head with QT Marshall of The Factory. Castagnoli is a former Ring of Honor World Champion and a multi-time tag team champion while Marshall has spent close to two decades in the business and picked up a vast amount of knowledge. Who will come out on top?


The Workhorsemen's Anthony Henry and JD Drake will take on Griff Garrison and Brian Pillman Jr. of The Blonds. Pillman and Garrison were known as "The Varsity Blonds", but were forced to drop "Varsity" from their name after "Smart" Mark Sterling trademarked the term for his clients, The Varsity Athletes. Elsewhere in the tag team division, Eddie Kingston and Ortiz will be facing T-Money and Russ Myers. Kingston and Ortiz have a long history with one another and have been a force to be reckoned with over the past few weeks. Will they be able to keep up their streak tonight?

Matt Hardy of The Firm will also be squaring off with Lord Crewe in singles action. Hardy was forced to become part of the group after his protege, Isiah Kassidy, lost to Ethan Page a couple of weeks ago on "Rampage". In addition, Dark Order's Preston "10" Vance will be facing Baron Black.


Mei Suruga will be making her return to AEW as she teams up with Emi Sakura to take on Jaylee and Nikki Victory. Suruga had previously participated in the Women's World Championship Eliminator Tournament back in February of 2021 and later served as Sakura's valet. "The Professor of Professional Wrestling" Serena Deeb also looks to continue to rack up wins as she takes on Haley J.

We are live! Matt Menard, Ian Riccaboni and Jose The Assistant greet audiences at home as Preston "10" Vance and Evil Uno head to the ring. Baron Black waits inside.

Preston 10 Vance (w/ Evil Uno) vs. Baron Black

The bell rings and Black wastes no time attacking 10 from behind. He delivers several right hands, followed by a series of uppercuts and chops. Black looks for The Octopus submission, but 10 escapes and hits a spinebuster. He delivers the Discus Lariat for the win.


Winner: Preston "10" Vance

Eddie Kingston and Ortiz head to the ring, with Russ Myers and T-Money already waiting inside.

Eddie Kingston and Ortiz vs. Russ Myers and T-Money

The bell rings and Myers and T-Money go straight for the attack. T-Money hits an Airplane Spin on Ortiz, then delivers a splash to his back. He goes for a pin, but Ortiz kicks out. T-Money tags in Myers and the pair deliver a double chokeslam to Ortiz. Kingston and T-Money tag in. Kingston knocks T-Money to the mat and hits several rapid fire chops. Ortiz tags in and hits a drop kick, followed by a brainbuster for the win.


Winners: Eddie Kingston and Ortiz

After the match, Kingston hits Myers with the Spinning Backfist before firing off several right hands. Ortiz pulls him off.

Serena Deeb heads to the ring, with Haley J already waiting inside.

Serena Deeb vs. Haley J

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Deeb delivers a back elbow. Deeb follows it up with a swinging neck breaker, then locks in the Serenity Lock for the win.

Winner: Serena Deeb


The Workhorsemen head to the ring, followed by The Blonds.

The Workhorsemen vs. The Blonds

Garrison and Drake begin the action. The bell rings and Drake shoves Garrison. Henry knocks Pillman off the apron before Drake delivers a backfist to Garrison. Garrison hits a corkscrew, but Drake fires back with a rebound forearm. Henry tags in and delivers a drop kick. He goes for a pin, but Garrison kicks out. Drake tags back in and delivers a chop to Garrison, then follows it up with a bodyslam and an elbow. Henry tags back in and delivers a right hand to Garrison. Drake tags in and sends Garrison face first into the mat. He goes for a pin, but Garrison kicks out.


Garrison hits a forearm on Drake before Henry tags in. He delivers a powerslam and makes the hot tag to Pillman. Pillman hits a forearm, followed by a clothesline. Henry rolls to the outside and Pillman goes flying to take him down. He tosses Henry back into the ring, then looks to go flying but Drake pulls him down. Henry takes him down before hitting a powerbomb. He goes for a pin, but Pillman kicks out. Drake tags back in and hits his signature moonsault. Pillman rolls out of the way before delivering a superkick and hitting their finisher for the win.

Winners: The Blonds

Emi Sakura and Mei Suruga head to the ring, with Nikki Victory and Jaylee already waiting inside.

Emi Sakura and Mei Suruga vs. Jaylee and Nikki Victory

Sakura and Jaylee begin the action. The bell rings and Sakura sends Jaylee to the mat with a snapmare. Sakura has some tea before delivering a stomp to Jaylee's back and tagging in Suruga. Suruga delivers a leaping leg drop, then locks in her signature submission maneuver. Jaylee escapes and delivers a forearm. Suruga hits a jaw breaker before Sakura and Victory tag in. Victory hits a suplex before Sakura fires back with a swinging neckbreaker and her signature chops. She hits a crossbody, then hits the Butterfly Backbreaker. She goes for a pin, but Victory kicks out. Sakura and Suruga deliver the Transformer before Sakura delivers a moonsault for the win.


Winners: Emi Sakura and Mei Suruga

Matt Hardy, Ethan Page and Stokely Hathaway head to the ring, with Lord Crewe already waiting inside.

Matt Hardy vs. Lord Crewe

The bell rings and the two lock up. Page reminds Hardy he can't use the Twist of Fate, which allows Crewe to attack him from behind and get the upper hand. Hardy sends Crewe's head bouncing off the turnbuckles before delivering the Side Effect. He hits the Twist of Fate for the win.


Winners: Matt Hardy

Hathaway cuts off Hardy's music before Page tells fans to give it up for Hardy's win. Hathaway says the Twist of Fate is no longer his move and it instead he tells it to Page. He says they are re-naming the move "The Page Turner" before Page informs Hardy he'll be fined $50,000 for using the move as stipulated in his contract. Hardy slaps Page, leading to Page fining him another $50,000 and suspending him.

QT Marshall heads to the ring, followed by Claudio Castagnoli. William Regal joins commentary.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. QT Marshall

The bell rings and Marshall hops out of the ring. The crowd boos him before he gets back in the ring and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Castagnoli hits a backbreaker. He goes for a pin, but Marshall kicks out. Marshall sends Castagnoli into the corner, then hits a forearm and a chop. He gloats before hitting a suplex, then mocks Castagnoli and delivers a leg drop. He goes for a pin, but Castagnoli kicks out. Castagnoli hits an uppercut, but Marshall fires back with a drop kick. Castagnoli delivers a vertical suplex, but Marshall delivers several right hands. Castagnoli returns the favour and hits a series of running uppercuts. He delivers a lariat, then looks for The Swing. Marshall rolls out of the ring and Castagnoli follows suit, hitting him with a running uppercut. Marshall delivers a handspring enziguri, followed by a modified neckbreaker. He goes for a pin, but Castagnoli kicks out.


Castagnoli hits a double stomp, then sweeps his legs and delivers The Swing. He goes for a pin, but Marshall kicks out. Marshall rolls up Castagnoli, but the referee catches him with his feet on the ropes. He delivers an uppercut, followed by an enziguri and a Tornado DDT. He goes for a pin, but Castagnoli kicks out. Marshall looks for the Diamond Cutter, but Castagnoli manages to hit his signature uppercut and several hammer elbows. He delivers a powerbomb for the win.

Winners: Claudio Castagnoli

