AEW Dark Results (10/11) - Brandon Cutler Vs. Kip Sabian, AEW Interim Women's Title Eliminator Match, Dante Martin And Matt Sydal Vs. The Factory

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Dark" on October 11, 2022!

AEW Interim Women's World Champion Toni Storm will be facing Emi Sakura in an Eliminator Match. If Sakura wins, she secures a future match with Storm for her title. Storm defeated Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter and Hikaru Shida in a Fatal Four Way Match at All Out to win the championship.


Elsewhere in the women's division, "The Problem" Marina Shafir (with teammate Nyla Rose and manager Vickie Guerrero in her corner) looks to continue on her dominant streak as she takes on Shida. Hayter will be teaming up with Penelope Ford and Serena Deeb to square off with Trish Adora, Jordan Blade and Brittany Blake in trios action while Athena will be facing Gia Scott.

Brandon Cutler looks to score a win over Kip Sabian (with his wife Penelope Ford at ringside) following his win against Serpentico last night in his first match back in the company. Prior to that, he had been suspended in September for his involvement in the infamous brawl at All Out. Three members of The Factory will also be in action as leader QT Marshall will go head-to-head with Action Andretti in singles action and Aaron Solo and Cole Karter team up to face the teacher-student team of Matt Sydal and Dante Martin respectively.


The Embassy's Brian Cage (with Prince Nana in his corner) looks to continue to rack up wins as he takes on Papadon. "The Murderhawk Monster" Lance Archer looks to do the same as he faces Alec Odin. ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champions Dalton Castle and The Boys will also be squaring off with Josh Fuller, Joe Keys and BK Klein in a non-title match.

We are live! Excalibur and Taz greet audiences at home as Lance Archer makes his way to the ring. Alec Odin waits inside.

Lance Archer vs. Alec Odin

The bell rings and Archer attacks Odin from behind. He sends him face first into the top turnbuckle, but Odin fires back with a back elbow and an uppercut. Archer delivers a lariat, then sets Odin up on the top rope and hits another lariat to his back. He delivers a vicious chop before Odin fires back with a few of his own. Archer sends him into the corner, then hits a chokeslam. Odin manages to hit a belly to back suplex on Archer, then ascends to the middle rope. Archer meets him there with a step-up knee, then hits The Blackout for the win.


Winner: Lance Archer

Jamie Hayter, Penelope Ford and Serena Deeb head to the ring, with Jordan Blade, Trish Adora and Brittany Blake already waiting inside.

Jamie Hayter, Penelope Ford and Serena Deeb (w/ Kip Sabian) vs. Jordan Blade, Trish Adora and Brittany Blake

Deeb and Blake begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Deeb hits a series of overhand chops, then sends Blake face first into the top turnbuckle. Deeb trips Blake before Blake tags in Blade and Deeb tags in Hayter. Hayter hits Blade with a pair of shoulder tackles, then follows it up with a snap suplex and a running back elbow. Ford tags in and delivers several stomps to Blade's midsection. The two women then exchange forearms before Hayter distracts the referee and Ford gouges Blade's eyes. Adora tags in and Ford sends her into the corner. She hits an uppercut, followed by a back handspring elbow. She bites Adora and hits a high boot before Deeb tags in. Deeb catapults Adora into the bottom rope, then hits a snap swinging neck breaker. She looks for the Serenity Lock, but Blake breaks up the hold. Hayter takes her down as Ford takes out Blade. Deeb locks in the Serenity Lock for the win.


Winner: Jamie Hayter, Penelope Ford and Serena Deeb

Marina Shafir, Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero head to the ring, followed by Hikaru Shida.

Marina Shafir (w/ Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero) vs. Hikaru Shida

The bell rings and the two lock up. Shafir mocks Shida before Shida delivers a hurricanrana. Shida hits a knee, but Rose causes a distraction, allowing Shafir to choke Shida. She delivers a hip toss, followed by a German suplex. Shida fires back with several elbows before the pair exchange forearms. Shida gets the upper hand and hits a shoulder tackle, then follows it up with ten right hands in the corner to Shafir's head. Shida hits a missile drop kick, then goes for a pin but Shafir kicks out. Shafir hits a thrust kick, then hits a back elbow. She looks for Greedy, but Shida escapes. Shafir locks in a Rear Chokehold, but Shida escapes and hits a knee to the back of her head. Shafir looks for a boot, but gets caught up in the ropes. This allows Shida to hit the Falcon Arrow, followed by the Katana for the win.


Winner: Hikaru Shida

Brian Cage and Prince Nana head to the ring, with Papadon already waiting inside.

Brian Cage (w/ Prince Nana) vs. Papadon

The bell rings and the two lock up. Cage delivers a chop, but Papadon fires back with a pair of kicks. Papadon sends Cage to the outside, then looks to follow him but Cage intercepts him with a kick. The pair get back in the ring before Cage hits a Death Valley Driver. He goes for a pin, but Papadon kicks out. Cage hits a forearm, followed by a rising knee. He delivers a bodyslam and a leg drop, then goes for a pin but Papadon kicks out. Cage hits a kick to Papadon's face, but Papadon fires back with some kicks to his thigh and some uppercuts. He kicks Cage in the chest and back, then sends him into the middle turnbuckle face first. He delivers a leaping uppercut, but Cage fires back with a Water Wheel Drop and a Fireman's Carry. He hits the Drill Clae for the win.


Winner: Brian Cage

We then head to a video of Zack Clayton, who says he has officially signed with AEW and issues an open challenge to anyone in the AEW locker room.

Athena heads to the ring, with Gia Scott already waiting inside.

Athena vs. Gia Scott

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Scott spikes Athena. She goes for a pin, but Athena kicks out. Athena delivers a series of forearms, then looks for an enziguri. Scott ducks it and hits a modified spinebuster. She goes for a pin, but Athena kicks out. Scott hits a pair of kicks to Athena's back before Athena fires back with an elbow and a thrust kick. She delivers a high boot, then sends Scott to the mat and out of the ring. Athena follows her and hits a drop kick that sends her through the barricade. She ascends to the top and delivers the O-Face for the win.


Winner: Athena

QT Marshall heads to the ring, with Action Andretti already waiting inside.

QT Marshall (w/ The Factory) vs. Action Andretti

Marshall grabs a mic and tells Andretti to come towards him. Marshall introduces himself before asking Andretti what his name is. Andretti tells him his name and Marshall says this is probably the biggest opportunity of his career. He calls for fans to chant his name, then says he's feeling so generous that he doesn't need The Factory at ringside. The Factory does as they're told.


The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Andretti hits a teharis and a knee off the bottom rope. He goes for a pin, but Marshall kicks out. Andretti delivers a chop to his chest, but MArshall fires back with a knee and a right hand. Andretti delivers a drop kick, but Marshall fires back with a pop-up right hand.

Andrett delivers several chops before Marshall hits a back elbow. He goes for a pin, but Andretti kicks out. Andretti takes a couple of shots to Marshall's midsection, then hits an elbow and a clothesline. He hits a Tornado DDT, followed by a running shooting star press. He goes for a pin, but Andretti kicks out. Marshall hits a DDT, then looks for the Diamond Cutter but Andretti rolls him out. Marshall kicks out before Andretti sends him to the outside and hits an Arabian Moonsault. He tosses him back in the ring and hits a split legged moonsault. Andretti goes for another pin, but Marshall kicks out. Marshall hits a right hand, then rolls up Andretti with his feet on the ropes. The referee catches him and stops the count. Andretti hits an enziguri, then goes flying off the ropes. Marshall counters it into the Diamond Cutter for the win.


Winner: QT Marshall

Dalton Castle and The Boys head to the ring, with Josh Fuller, Joe Keys and BK Klein already waiting inside.

Dalton Castle and The Boys (Brandon and Brent Tate) vs. Josh Fuller, Joe Keys and BK Klein

Castle and Keys begin the action. The bell rings and Castle hits Keys with a back elbow. Brent tags in and hits an elbow. He tags in Brandon and the pair hit a double Japanese Arm Drag. Keys hits a back breaker on him, then follows it up with an uppercut. Fuller tags in and Brandon sends him to the mat before tagging in Castle. Castle sends Fuller, Keys and Klien to the outside before tossing The Boys onto them. The Boys toss Fuller back into the ring and Castle hits the Bang-A-Rang for the win.


Winner: Dalton Castle and The Boys

Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford head to the ring, followed by Brandon Cutler.

Kip Sabian (w/ Penelope Ford) vs. Brandon Cutler

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Sabian delivers a back elbow. Cutler mocks Sabian behind his back. Sabian catches him and hits him with a kick to his midsection. Cutler rolls to the outside and Sabian follows. He hits a knee off the apron before tossing Cutler back into the ring and hitting another knee. He goes for a pin, but Cutler kicks out. Sabian hits several kicks on Cutler in the corner, then follows it up with a senton. He goes for a pin, but Cutler kicks out.


The two men exchange Fireman's Carries before Cutler gains the advantage and looks for the Airplane Spin. Both men get dizzy and Sabian falls on Cutler to pin him. Cutler kicks out and the pair exchange forearms. Cutler gains the upper hand and fires off several right hands on Cutler. Sabian grabs Cutler's cooling spray, then tosses it in the and hits a headbutt. He then hits his finisher for the win.

Winner: Kip Sabian

We then head to a video of Action Andretti, who says he will be back for more.

Emi Sakura heads to the ring, followed by Toni Storm.

Toni Storm vs. Emi Sakura in an AEW Interim Women's Championship Eliminator Match

The bell rings and Storm offers her hand to Sakura. Sakura slaps her hand away and delivers a hair whip. She sits on Storm and enjoys a spot of tea. Sakura pushes Strom, but Storm returns the favor and mocks her. She dumps a cup of tea on her head before hitting a suplex. She goes for a pin, but Sakura kicks out. Storm hits a shoulder tackle, then follows it up with a drop kick. She sends Sakura to the outside and hits a kick through the bottom rope. Sakura hits a Mongolian Chop, followed by a back breaker off the apron.


The two women get back in the ring before Sakura sends her into the top turnbuckle face first. Sakura hits her signature chops before Storm fires back with a sunset flip. Sakura locks in a back submission, but Storm escapes and hits Sakura with a forearm. Sakura hits a shot across Storm's jaw. Storm mocks her by performing her signature chops. Sakura kicks Storm in the head several times before the two women exchange chops and forearms. Sakura hits a chop-lariat combo, then goes for a pin but Storm kicks out. Storm hits a German suplex, then hits a running uppercut in the corner. She delivers a high boot, then goes for a pin but Sakura kicks out.

Sakura hits a swinging neck breaker, but Storm fires back with several elbows. Sakura hits a tilt-a-whirl back breaker, followed by a diving crossbody and a splash to Storm's back. She hits a back breaker, then goes for a pin but Storm kicks out. Storm hits a Tornado DDT, then follows it up with the hip attack and Storm Zero for the win.


Winner: Toni Storm

The Factory heads to the ring, followed by Dante Martin and Matt Sydal.

The Factory (Aaron Solo and Cole Karter) (w/ Nick Comoroto) vs. Dante Martin and Matt Sydal

The Factory tries to launch a surprise attack on Martin and Sydal, but Sydal and Martin get the upper hand and take them down. The bell rings and Sydal sends Karter to the mat. Martin tags in and hits a flip. He goes for a pin, but Karter kicks out. Sydal tags back in and locks in the Bow and Arrow. Karter escapes and Martin tags in. He hits a kick before Sydal tags back in. Sydal sends Karter to the mat, then goes for a pin but Karter kicks out. Sydal goes off the ropes, but Solo trips him. Karter makes the tag and Solo hits several shoulders to Sydal's midsection. He hits a back breaker on Sydal, then goes for a pin but he kicks out. KArter tags in and Sydal hits a few kicks on his thigh. He delivers a drop kick, then sends Sydal into Solo's boot. Solo tags in and hits Sydal with a right hand and a suplex. He goes for a pin, but Sydal kicks out.


Sydal delivers an enziguri, but Solo hits a lariat and a stomp. Sydal hits a hurricanrana and makes the hot tag to Martin. Martin hits an enziguri, followed by a diving crossbody. He delivers a shotgun drop kick off the top rope, then sends him into the mat. He goes for a pin, but Karter breaks it up. Comoroto distracts Martin, allowing Karter to hit a knee and Solo to hit a corkscrew kick. Solo goes for a pin, but Martin kicks out. Martin looks to hit Martin with his cane, but the referee catches him and ejects him from ringside. Karter hits a Falcon Arrow before Solo goes flying. Sydal intercepts Solo, allowing Martin to hit the Nose Dive on him for the win.

Winner: Matt Sydal and Dante Martin

