AEW Rampage Results (10/7) - AEW World Trios Championship Match, Blackpool Combat Club Vs. RUSH And Private Party

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Rampage" on October 7, 2022!

AEW World Trios Champions Death Triangle (PAC, Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero Miedo) will be putting their titles on the line against Preston "10" Vance, Alex Reynolds and John Silver of Dark Order. 10 was originally scheduled to participate in a Career vs. Mask Match against Andrade El Idolo, but the match was scrapped after Andrade was reportedly sent home for his involvement in a physical altercation with Sammy Guecara backstage during this past Wednesday's "Dynamite".


AEW World Champion Jon Moxley, former ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli and former ROH Pure Champion Wheeler Yuta of Blackpool Combat Club will be squaring off with La Faccion Ingobernable's RUSH and Private Party. Tensions between Private Party and RUSH have been on the rise ever since the duo have expressed that they want out of their contracts with LFI. Their former mentor, Matt Hardy, has been keeping a close eye on them as the company continues to tease the reunion of the trio. Will their issues affect the outcome of the match?

Jericho Appreciation Society members Anna Jay A.S. and Tay Melo will be taking on AEW's newest coach, Madison Rayne and fan favorite, Skye Blue. The four women came face to face backstage this past Wednesday on "Dynamite" in a heated confrontation. In other tag team news, Josh Woods and Tony Nese look to continue their dominant streak as they face Brian Pillman Jr. and Griff Garrison of the Varsity Blonds.


We are live! Jim Ross, Chris Jericho and Excalibur greet audiences at home as Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli head to the ring. RUSH and Private Party wait inside.

Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli) vs. RUSH and Private Party

Castagnoli and Quen begin the action. The bell rings and Quen delivers a moonsault. Castagnoli delivers an uppercut, then tags in Yuta. Yuta delivers a big boot, then goes for a pin but Quen kicks out. Kassidy tags in and hits an arm drag on Yuta. He hits an enziguri on Yuta, but Yuta then manages to lock in an octopus. Kassidy escapes and tags in RUSH.


Mox tags in and faces off with RUSH. He beats RUSH down with forearms, followed by a high boot. RUSH fires back with one of his own before Mox hits a German suplex.

Back from the break, RUSH delivers a chop to Mox. Quen tags in as the trio argue amongst themselves. Castagnoli tags in and he hits three running uppercuts. He follows it up with a big boot, then looks for The Swing, but Kassidy blocks it. He then gets both members of Private Party up and hits a Double Swing. Private Party hit a double kick on Castagnoli, but Castagnoli fired back with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Yuta tags in and goes flying off the top. He goes for a pin, but RUSH breaks it up. Yuta then locks in a double arm submission on Quen for the win.


Winners: Blackpool Combat Club

Josh Woods and Tony Nese vs. Varsity Blonds

Back from the break, Varsity Blonds, Josh Woods and Tony Nese wait in the ring.

Pillman and Nese begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Pillman gets the upper hand and delivers a chop. Pillman fires back with one of his own, then tags in Garrison. Woods tags in and hits Garrison with a knee. He then delivers his finisher to Garrison for the win.


Winners: Josh Woods and Tony Nese

We see Arn Anderson watching backstage, looking displeased with the Blonds. "Smart" Mark Sterling then grabs a mic and says he has trademarked the term 'varsity'. He then announces that Nese and Woods will now be called Varsity Athletes and that if Garrison and Pillman use it, they will be sued. He says his groin has been on fire since National Scissoring Day.

The Acclaimed's music hits and they head to the ring as Max Caster raps. Varsity Athletes then roll out of the ring as Anthony Bowens says The Acclaimed have arrived. The trio then scissor one another.

TayJay then makes their way to the ring, followed by Skye Blue and Madison Rayne.

TayJay vs. Skye Blue and Madison Rayne

Back from the break, Rayne tags in and delivers several left hands to Jay. She hits a Northern Lights suplex, then goes for a pin but Jay kicks out. Blue tags back in and hits a diving crossbody off the top. She delivers a super kick, then goes for another pin but Melo breaks it up. Jay looks for the Queen Slayer, but Blue escapes. Melo delivers a knee, allowing Jay to lock in the Queen Slayer for the win.


Winners: TayJay

Dark Order then head to the ring, followed by Death Triangle

Death Triangle (c) vs. Dark Order (Preston 10 Vance, Alex Reynolds and John Silver) for the AEW World Trios Championships

The bell rings and the six men begin brawling with one another. Silver and Reynolds double team on Fenix before 10 hits his signature delayed vertical suplex. Reynolds and Penta tag in. Penta fires off several right hands before Reynolds fires back with a thrust kick. Silver tags back in.


Back from the break, Penta hits a backstabber on Reynolds. He goes for a pin, but Reynolds kicks out. PAC tags in and delivers a knee to Reynolds. He hits a snap German suplex, then goes for a pin but Reynolds kicks out. He delivers a running uppercut, then goes for a pin but Reynolds kicks out. Fenix tags in and sends Reynolds to the mat. Penta tags in and delivers a vicious chop to Reynolds. PAC tags back in and hits a knee on Reynolds' neck. The two men spill to the outside before PAC hits a suplex on the floor.

Back from another break, Reynolds hits PAC with a forearm. PAC looks for a back body drop, but Reynolds counters and tags in 10. Fenix tags in and 10 hits him with a clothesline, followed by a spinebuster. PAC hits a double sledgehammer on 10. The three men then triple team on 10 before Fenix goes for a pin and 10 kicks out. Fenix looks for a suplex, but 10 reverses it into one of his own. Silver tags in before him and PAC begin to exchange forearms. PAC hits Silver with a pump kick, but Silver returns the favor and fires off several rapid kicks. He hits a Deadlift Brainbuster, then goes for a pin but PAC kicks out. Fenix tags in and Dark Order looks for the Pendulum Bomb, but Fenix escapes and looks for a double cutter. The trio then manage to hit the Pendulum Bomb before Silver goes for the pin and Reynolds kicks out. Penta tags in and hits a slingblade. He hits a backstabber, then looks for the Fear Factor, but Reynolds and Silver hit their signature rapid fire offence. 10 hits the discus lariat, then Reynolds goes for a pin but PAC and Fenix break it up. Jose the Assistant comes to the ring with a contract in hand. This allows RUSH to give PAC the ring hammer. PAC hits Reynolds with it before tagging in and locking in the Rings of Saturn for the win.


Winners: Death Triangle

