AEW Rampage Results (09/30) - Tag Team Championship Match, Jamie Hayter Vs. Willow Nightingale, Rush Vs. John Silver

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Rampage" on September 30, 2022!

Newly crowned AEW World Tag Team Champions The Acclaimed will be putting their titles on the line against Private Party and The Butcher and The Blade in a triple threat match. The Acclaimed won the championships from Swerve Strickland and Keith Lee at Grand Slam, making Anthony Bowens the first openly gay title holder within the company. Then, this past Wednesday on "Dynamite", The Acclaimed revealed that they have an "open contract" for anyone who wishes for a chance at their titles, which LFI's Private Party and The Butcher and The Blade both answered the challenge.


In other LFI news, Rush will be squaring off with John Silver of the Dark Order. Rush officially signed a contract with AEW as announced earlier today, as a result of racking up several wins over the last few weeks.

The Firm's Lee Moriarty looks to score a win over Fuego Del Sol. The faction was formed after Stokely Hathaway recruited various members of the AEW roster including Moriarty, Ethan Page, The Gunn Club, and W. Morrisey as a means to protect All Out Casino Ladder Match winner MJF. Current FTW Champion HOOK is also expected to appear on tonight's show, though it is currently unknown in what capacity.

In the women's division, Jamie Hayter will go head to head with Willow Nightingale. The pair got into a brawl whilst both serving as Lumberjacks in a match that saw AEW Interim Women's Championship Toni Storm put her title on the line against Serena Deeb.


We are live! Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone and Jim Ross greet audiences at home as Private Party, The Butcher and The Blade wait in the ring. The Acclaimed then head down to the ring as Max Caster raps.

The Acclaimed (c) vs. Private Party vs. The Butcher and The Blade for the AEW World Tag Team Championships

Kassidy and Bowens begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Bowens delivers a snapmare before Kassidy hits a hurricanrana. Caster tags in and delivers a kick. Bowens tags in and delivers a neck breaker, followed by a leg drop. Blade tags in and Bowens delivers several forearms. Blade hits a back elbow, followed by several kicks in the corner.


Back from the break, The Blade delivers a powerslam to Bowens. Butcher tags in and hits a leg drop. He goes for a pin, but Bowens kicks out. The Blade tags back in and Bowens hits a back elbow, a chop and a thrust kick. Quen tags in and hits a crossbody. Kassidy tags in and delivers a senton. He goes for a pin, but Caster breaks it up. The Blade delivers a gut wrench into a Doctor Bomb, then goes for a pin but Bowens breaks it up. Bowens makes the blind tag as Kassidy hits a springboard. Bowens then hits The Arrival before Caster delivers the Mic Drop for the win.

Winners: The Acclaimed

We then head to Lexy Nair and The Firm. She asks The Gunn Club about what they said about FTR before they rag on them and make fun of their titles. They say they have yet to make moves and will leapfrog them to get straight to the AEW World Tag Team Titles.


Lee Moriarty vs. Fuego Del Sol

The bell rings and the two lock up. Fuego delivers a kick, but Moriarty returns the favor with several of his own in the ropes. He hits a running knee, followed by an arm capture into a back suplex. Moriarty slams Fuego into the mat, then locks in the Border City Stretch for the win.


Winner: Lee Moriarty

After the match, Morrisey locks in a claw before delivering a chokeslam.

We then head to Lexy Nair, "Hangman" Adam Page and the Dark Order. Page says he's been looking forward to the match with Jon Moxley for a long time. Andrade El Idolo and Jose the Assistant walk in. Jose shows a video of Page eliminating Preston "10" Vance last week. Andrade then challenges him to a match for his match and 10 ups the ante by saying that if he wins, then Andrade leaves AEW.

Willow Nightingale then heads to the ring, followed by Jamie Hayter, Britt Baker and Rebel.

Jamie Hayter vs. Willow Nightingale

The bell rings and Nightingale wastes no time. She rains down right hands on Hayter, followed by several headbutts. Hayter looks for a couple of shoulder tackles, but Nightingale blocks them and fires back with one of her own. She hits a senton, followed by a low crossbody and a Fisherman's Suplex. Nightingale hits a chop, but Hayter fires back with a high boot. She delivers the double running knees, followed by a suplex.


Back from the break, Hayter delivers a back breaker. She goes for a pin but Nightingale kicks out. Nightingale sends Hayter out of the ring with a Pounce, then delivers a Death Valley Driver. She goes for a pin, but Hayter kicks out. Hayter hits a German Suplex, followed by the short-arm lariat for the win.

Winner: Jamie Hayter

We then head to a video hyping up WarJoe. 

Ryan Nemeth then stands in the ring. He rags on Philadelphia before HOOK's music hits and he heads to the ring. He hits Nemeth with a clothesline before whipping him into the corner and delivering an overhand throw. He locks in the Redrum and chokes Nemeth out. The Trustbusters then head to the ring and drop a contract in front of HOOK.


Back from the break, commentary then run down the card for next week's "Dynamite" and "Rampage".

Rush, Andrade El Idolo and Jose The Assistant head to the ring, followed by John Silver and Alex Reynolds.

Rush vs. John Silver

The bell rings and Rush delivers a shoulder tackle. Silver delivers a running uppercut before Rush rolls out of the ring. Silver mocks Rush by doing his pose before Rush fires back by hitting a forearm. Rush hits a splash in the corner, followed by a drop kick. The two men spill to the outside before Rush tosses Silver into the barricade, then delivers a right hand. He tosses Silver back into the ring, then hits a vicious elbow. He hits several stomps on Silver, then kicks Silver and hits his signature pose. Rush tosses Silver out of the ring and the two begin to brawl on the outside. They end up in the timekeeper's area before Rush clocks SIlver and sends him to the ground.


Rush tosses Silver back in the ring. Silver hits a splash, followed by a German Suplex. He hits another one, followed by a powerbomb. He goes for a pin, but Rush kicks out. Silver hits a couple of kicks across Rush's midsection before Rush fires back with a thrust kick and a Northern Lights suplex. He goes for a pin, but SIlver kicks out. The pair exchange forearms and chops before Rush hits a right hand that sends Silver careening to the mat. Silver hits several kicks to Rush's chest, followed by a Brian buster. He goes for a pin, but Rush kicks out. Andrade and Jose cause a distraction, allowing Rush to hit a flying forearm and The Bull's Horns for the win.

Winner: Rush

After the match, Andrade, Jose and Rush attack Silver and Reynolds. Evil Uno and 10 run down to make the save, but The Butcher and The Blade head down to level them. "HAngman" Adam Page's music hits and he runs down to make the save. He looks for a Buckshot Lariat on Rush, but Rush rolls out of the way. He instead hits one on Jose as he and Dark Order stand tall while the show goes off the air.

