AEW Dark: Elevation Results (09/12) - The Butcher And The Blade Vs. The Factory, John Silver Vs. Ryan Nemeth, Athena Vs. Emi Sakura

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Dark: Elevation" on September 12, 2022!

Ryan Nemeth of The Wingmen will be taking on Dark Order's John Silver. Silver recently competed in the AEW World Trios Tag Team Championship tournament along with Dark Order teammate Alex Reynolds and "Hangman" Adam Page, but the trio ultimately lost in the finals to The Elite during All Out. Nemeth looks to bring home a win for The Wingmen as part of their efforts to get more time on AEW programming. Who will come out on top?


In the tag team division, The Butcher and The Blade look to score a win over Nick Comoroto and Aaron Solo of The Factory. The teacher and student team of Matt Sydal and Dante Martin will be facing the new partnership of Zack Clayton and Serpentico. The House of Black also look to take home a win against Isaiah Prince and Kubes following the reported loss of their leader, Malakai Black (after allegedly being granted his release from his contract).

Speaking of the House of Black, Julia Hart looks to continue the dominant streak she has built up as she takes on Tiara James. The Fallen Goddess Athena will be facing Emi Sakura. Athena faced Jade Cargill at All Out for her TBS Championship, but ultimately came up short. Meanwhile, Sakura has been racking up wins on "Dark: Elevation" and "Dark" both in singles and tag team action. Nyla Rose and Marina Shafir will also face JC Storm and Joelle Clift as Hikaru Shida looks to score a win over Christina Marie.


We are live! Matt Menard and Excalibur greet audiences at home as Nyla Rose and Marina Shafir head to the ring. JC Storm and Joelle Clift already wait inside. 

Nyla Rose and Marina Shafir (w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs. JC Storm and Joelle Clift

Clift and Shafir begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Shafir sends Clift to the mat and Rose tags in. Storm tags in and Rose delivers a splash to her, followed by a kick. Shafir tags back in and the two deliver their finisher for the win.


Winners: Nyla Rose and Marina Shafir

Julia Hart heads to the ring, with Tiara James already waiting inside.

Julia Hart vs. Tiara James

The bell rings and Hart stares James down. Hart then sends James' head into the top turnbuckle and the mat. James fires back with a couple of forearms, but Hart fires back with a thrust kick and a moonsault. She hits the hair whip, followed by the blindside clothesline. She locks in Hartless for the win.


Winner: Julia Hart

Zack Clayton and Serpentico head to the ring, followed by Dante Martin and Matt Sydal.

Dante Martin and Matt Sydal vs. Zack Clayton and Serpentico (w/ Luther)

The bell rings and Sydal and Martin deliver a double drop kick to Clayton. Serpentico rolls out of the ring, but Clayton tosses him back in. Martin sends him back out and goes flying over the top. Sydal delivers a kick to Serpentico's head before Martin delivers the Nose Dive for the win.


Winner: Matt Sydal and Dante Martin

Emi Sakura heads to the ring, with Athena following.

Athena vs. Emi Sakura

The bell rings and Athena offers her hand to Sakura. Sakura shakes her off before slapping Athena. Athena pushes her in response and the two lock up. Athena delivers a hip attack, followed by a front handspring elbow. Sakura fires back with a corkscrew DDT, then delivers her signature chops. She delivers a diving crossbody to Athena's midsection, followed by a back breaker. Sakura hits a kick to her midsection, followed by one to her head. Athena delivers a chop, followed by a knee to Sakura's face. She hits a roundhouse kick, then delivers a drop kick. Athena delivers a backdrop, but Sakura fires back with several chops. She delivers a powerbomb to Sakura, followed by a thrust kick and the Eclipse for the win.


Winner: Athena

House of Black heads to the ring, with Isaiah Prince and Kubes already waiting inside.

House of Black vs. Isaiah Prince and Kubes

Prince and Matthews begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Matthews sends Prince into the corner before Kubes and King tag in. King delivers a clothesline to Kubes, followed by a lariat in the corner. King follows it up with a splash before delivering a cannonball. Matthews tags in and delivers a knee. He follows it up with the Pump Handle Driver for the win.


Winner: House of Black

Hikaru Shida heads to the ring, with Christina Marie already waiting inside.

Hikaru Shida vs. Christina Marie

The bell rings and Shida slaps Marie. She hits a forearm, followed by a sliding elbow. She goes for a pin, but Marie kicks out. Marie locks in a sleeper, but Shida escapes. She delivers several boots before Shida hits a delayed vertical suplex. Shida fires down several right hands, followed by a meteora. She hits the Katana for the win.


Winner: Hikaru Shida

Ryan Nemeth heads to the ring, followed by John Silver.

Ryan Nemeth vs. John Silver

The bell rings and the two lock up. Nemeth trips Silver, then sends him to the mat. Silver hits an uppercut, followed by a back body drop. Nemeth rolls out of the ring before Silver tosses him back in. He sends Nemeth's head into the top turnbuckle before Nemeth steps on him. He goes for a pin, but Silver kicks out. Nemeth delivers a knee to Silver, then goes for another pin but Silver kicks out. Nemeth hits several right hands to his head, but Silver gets fired up and delivers a clothesline. He hits a German Suplex, followed by a running elbow. He hits a kick to the back of Nemeth's head, followed by the Spin Doctor for the win.


Winner: John Silver

The Factory heads to the ring. Marshall rags on Buffalo before The Butcher, The Blade and The Bunny head down to a huge response from the hometown crowd.

The Butcher and The Blade (w/ The Bunny) vs. The Factory (w/ QT Marshall and Cole Karter)

Blade and Solo begin the action. The bell rings and Solo delivers a boot to Blade's midsection. He fires off several forearms before Blade fires back with some chops. Blade delivers a powerslam, then goes for a pin but Solo kicks out. Comoroto and Butcher both tag in. Butcher looks for a shoulder tackle, but Comoroto blocks it. The two men get in one another's faces before Butcher hits a back body drop. Butcher delivers a shoulder tackle, then tags in Blade. Blade hits a forearm, but Comoroto fires back with one of his own and tags in Solo. Solo delivers a boot to Blade before Marshall delivers a cheap shot from the outside.


Butcher tags in and delivers a couple of back elbows. He hits a short arm lariat, followed by a pump handle supex. Blade tags back in as Karter distracts the referee. Marshall looks to hit Blade with his watch, but the referee ejects him from ringside. Butcher and Blade deliver Drag The Lake for the win.

Winners: The Butcher and The Blade

