** SPOILERS ** AEW Rampage Results For Friday: Sting, Andrade Vs. Pac, Ruby Soho In Action

Thanks to Wrestling Inc. reader Ryan Hasselbach (@r_hasselb) for sending in these results for Friday's episode of AEW Rampage, which was taped after Wednesday's Dynamite:

* Andrade beat PAC via pinfall in a great, long back and forth match.

* Sting and Darby Allin came out and cut a promo on Shawn Spears. Tully Blanchard came out on the ramp cutting a promo and distracted Sting and Darby. Darby was standing at the back of the ring, Spears came from the crowd and tripped Darby. Spears pulled Darby out of the ring and beat him up at ringside until Sting turned around and chased Spears away.

* Ruby Soho, Riho & Kris Statlander defeated Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter & Rebel after Ruby pinned Rebel. The crowd loved Ruby.

* Brian Pillman Jr. pinned Platinum Max Caster after Pillman used his dad's clothesline from the top rope.

After the match and Rampage went off the air, Anthony Bowens attacked Pillman and was going to hit him with the boom box until Jon Moxley came out and made the save. Pillman and Moxley beat up the Acclaimed and shared a beer together in the ring. Moxley cut a promo praising Pillman and said it's great to be back in Cincinnati and that he's gonna make sure AEW returned to Cincinnati as soon as possible. To end the night, Pillman and Moxley sang the the Skyline Chili jingle.

