AEW Dynamite Results (9/7): MJF Returns, New ROH Pure Champion, AEW World Title Tournament Begins

This is Wrestling INC.'s results coverage of "Dynamite" for September 7, 2022!

Tonight will be the post-show from AEW's All Out PPV at the weekend which became a newsworthy event, especially due to the media scrum. Because of CM Punk's comments during that and the alleged fight that took place, neither him or the new AEW World Trios Champions (The Elite) are expected to be part of tonight's show.


However, Tony Khan is set to address the futures of both sets of titles, and the entire situation surrounding those involved during the show.

One name that will be making their return to the show tonight is MJF, who appeared as the joker in the AEW All Out casino ladder match. MJF ended up winning that thanks to the help of Stokely Hathaway and his crew, and tonight the three-time Dynamite Diamond ring winner will be addressing the crowd. Another wrestler that is promising to address the fans is Chris Jericho, who is heading into tonight's show on the back of defeating Bryan Danielson on Sunday.

When it comes to in-ring action, a six-man tag team match has been confirmed for "AEW Dynamite" as Death Triangle PAC, Rey Fénix, and Penta El Zero Miedo) will face the Best Friends (Chuck Taylor and Trent Beretta) and Orange Cassidy.


In the women's division the new AEW Women's World Champion will be competing against Penelope Ford in an eliminator match, where the latter can earn a title bout with a victory. On top of that, the Ring Of Honor Pure Championship is going to be on the line as Wheeler Yuta will be defending his title against Jericho Appreciation Society member Daniel Garcia. 

Tony Khan Makes His Announcement

Tony Khan is shown backstage, and he reveals that the AEW World Championship and AEW World Trios Championships have been vacated. New Trios Champions will be crowned tonight between Best Friends and Death Triangle. When it comes to the AEW World Championship, that is going to be crowned at AEW Grand Slam after a tournament of champions takes place. 


Darby Allin will face Sammy Guevara, while "Hangman" Adam Page competes against Bryan Danielson, Chris Jericho and Jon Moxley will meet the winners in the semi-final matches, and then things will continue to AEW Grand Slam. No comment is given about the future of The Elite or CM Punk. 

Let's Hear From MJF

MJF is out next, and he says last time we saw him he might have been offensive, but we can all agree that he didn't mean any of it and he was just kidding. He claims he loves AEW, and he will never leave as he leads an "AEW" chant, and he claims he didn't mean it when he called the fans "stupid marks." MJF recaps the fact there will be a tournament for the World Title, and he knows one guy that deserves the championship. 


He's all about working smart, not hard, so he's not working in that tournament as he has a chip that guarantees him a title shot whenever he wants, and Khan is paying him a boatload of money. MJF says he will win the World Title because he's MJF, and he's better than you, and you know it!

Jon Moxley then makes his way to the ring and says MJF is full of crap, and he then turns on the crowd by trashing their football team – normal service is resumed with him. MJF says maybe he doesn't care about AEW, and the World Title is nothing more than a bargaining chip for the bidding war of 2024, maybe he takes the title to a real wrestling company, with real wrestlers like Cody Rhodes.

He says he might work for the only Khan worth a damn, jolly old saint Nick. He then quotes his personal hero, 'The Game,' claiming that is what's best for business. Moxley says this isn't the time or place, and he's not in the mood, so MJF needs to leave the ring or he will make him, and MJF retreats to the back. Moxley then says his music sucks. He then says he is p*ssed off about many things, none more than the fact he has no title. He then passionately talks about what the title means to him, and he says it's his fault he lost, and he's supposed to be on vacation right now, but he has another shot with the tournament, and it's time to be a legend.


Backstage The Dark Order are shown, but Jose appears and wants 10 to sign a contract to work with Andrade. They fight him off until Andrade and Rush appears, and the tension continues between them all.

Death Triangle vs. Best Friends (AEW World Trios Championship Match)

Penta starts out with his usual taunt, and before Orange Cassidy puts his hands into his pockets the Death Triangle star takes a shot, but he then gets sent flying with a hurricanrana, only to eat a big boot from PAC. Every member of the teams ends up being in as Best Friends gets sent out, but as their opponents try to dive out, Best Friends gets back and throws them out instead. Cassidy follows that up with the Rocket Launch to the outside. 


The two teams brawl all the way up the stage, and Chuck Taylor then launches himself off, taking out everyone below down near the fans. Back inside the ring, Penta begins to fight his way back with a kick to Trent, and PAC then tags in and starts stomping down on his opponent. Rey Fenix then enters and picks up the pace, hitting a low dropkick to Trent, as Death Triangle continues making frequent tags. 

Trent stomps down on PAC in the corner, and Cassidy takes in to send the Lucha Bros flying, but the distraction works as PAC then elbows him in the face. Danhausen then steps up to the apron, but Alexander Abrahantes pulls him down only to get cursed and hit with a low blow. PAC then heads out and begins arguing with him, but he gets taken out by Cassidy with a suicide dive. 


Back inside the ring both teams make tags, and Penta hits a backstabber to Taylor before he gets dropped down on him after a double team, but Taylor kicks out. He fights back and Best Friends hug it out as Trent hits a slingshot DDT, only to then eat a cutter from Fenix. Each member of the match then takes each other out one by one, leading to Fenix and Trent, but double thrust kicks from the other Death Triangle members into the Code Red almost steals it for the team.

With the Lucha Bros focusing on the other members, Cassidy hits an Orange Punch, leading to the Awful Waffle, but PAC breaks it up. Death Triangle fight back with triple Canadian Destroyers, and then Fenix stomps Taylor down to the mat from the top rope. He then takes the rest out while PAC nails the Black Arrow. 

Winns (and new AEW World Trios Champions): Death Triangle

Toni Storm vs. Penelope Ford w/ Kip Sabian

Before the match, a clip is shown from backstage at AEW's All Out where Jamie Hayter argues and walks away from Britt Baker after their match.

Penelope Ford then starts out in control of the match, bringing Toni Storm down, but she does a handstand to get out of the situation and drops Ford with a shoulder tackle. The women shake hands but it is just Ford goading her in, yet Storm fires back with shoulder tackles and a dropkick into the corner. She looks for the hip attack but Ford avoids it, but she then spends too much time talking to the camera and that allows Storm to dive out of the ring with a kick.


Ford instantly gets back on track by sending the champion into the steel stairs, and she follows that by staying in control inside the ring. Ford continues to remain in control with a dropkick to the back of Storm before using a sweeping leg to take the former WWE Superstar down. Ford continues working the back, and she then nails Storm with a clubbing blow to the back of the neck. 

The champion responds with an uppercut, and that allows her to hit the Hip Attack in the corner, and when Ford attempts to hit a Northern Lights Suplex the champion counters and gets the pin. 

Winner: Toni Storm

A video package is then shown with 2.0 and Action Bronson and HOOK talking about what happened at AEW All Out. Bronson tells them to come and see him at AEW Grand Slam.


Chris Jericho Talks To The AEW Galaxy

The Acclaimed then make their way out, but before Max Caster can hit his rap, Swerve Strickland makes his way out. He asks Buffalo if they wanted to hear more corny rap jokes, and he says he has a joke for them, which is The Acclaimed as champions. Billy Gunn cuts him off and says this isn't his house no more, it's Daddy Asse's house, as Anthony Bowens then says at AEW Grand Slam the rematch is happening, and they're taking the gold home. 


Let's Hear From Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho is backstage and he says Sunday was a gigantic win, and he claims he has found the fountain of youth, which is why he could beat Bryan Danielson. He says he's the best wrestler, the best sports entertainer ever. That is why he will beat Danielson again next, and then he will win the AEW World Championship because this is his company, and his f'in locker room. 

Jericho then says he has two little brothers, and one is Sammy Guevara who is in the tournament of champions, and the Spanish God claims that he will beat Darby Allin. Jericho's other brother is Daniel Garcia, and he says he will win tonight, but they're going to leave him alone tonight to do it alone. Guevara then brands about how sexy he is.


Wardlow (c) vs. Tony Nese (TNT Championship Match)

Tony Nese goes up to the champion and starts messing with his pecs, and he eats a headbutt for his efforts. Wardlow then levels the challenger with a clothesline, the straps come down and he nails his first Powerbomb. Wardlow then hits another two for good measure, and it's all over.


Winner (and still TNT Champion): Wardlow

After the match, he looks to hit another but Mark Sterling tries to stop him, only to get thrown into the ring himself. However, before he can Powerbomb him as well, Josh Woods pulls him out. Wardlow then gets on the microphone and says he has heard a lot on the internet that he has lost momentum. He's the TNT Champion, and it's time to remind everyone in the locker room and his fans that this is Wardlow's world.

A video package is then shown hyping up the upcoming match between Sammy Guevara and Darby Allin, the latter says the one thing neither man has done is become the AEW World Champion. He won't have Sting with him on Friday, and he suggests the Jericho Appreciation Society member does the same thing and comes alone.


Bryan Danielson vs. Hangman Adam Page (AEW World Title Wildcard Tournament Match)

The two men start out exchanging holds until they get to the corner, where Bryan Danielson just slaps the chest of his opponent. The two men then get down to business, exchanging chops, with Danielson then laying in with his kicks in the corner. "Hangman" Adam Page eats a boot to the face, but he then knocks Danielson off the turnbuckles as he hits a springboard lariat to send Danielson to the floor. 


He then tries to follow up by diving to the outside, but the veteran scouts it and sends Page into the ring post shoulder first. Danielson continues working the arm inside the ring, and then they head back out with Page being sat on a chair as Bryan nails more kicks and then hits a huge dropkick. Danielson continues to target the arm, stomping down on it, but Page then catches him and connects with the fallaway slam, as he then launches himself over the top rope with a crossbody.

Inside the ring, Page connects with a Death Valley Driver, but Danielson manages to kick out of it. Danielson then trips Page into the second turnbuckle, and that allows him to come in with several running boots in the corner, and then another round kick to the head which Page kicks out of.


Danielson then gets cut off on the top rope and Page launches the former WWE Superstar down to the ring, but somehow he is able to kick out! Page heads straight out of the ring for the Buckshot Lariat, but Danielson rolls out of the ring instead. Page then sends Danielson to the chair on the outside, and he runs in with a big boot to give a receipt from earlier on. 

Both men then get back into the ring and once again unload chops on each other, but Page comes out on top with a powerbomb, yet Danielson kicks out. Page then sets Danielson onto the top turnbuckle, but he then sneaks under the legs and sets the tree of woe to hammer more kicks in. Then he takes him back up to deliver a barrage of elbow shots, but Page lands on his feet from the top rope attempt, and Page then hits a rolling elbow!

Bryan kicks out, and smartly transitions straight into the LeBell Lock, but he escapes and then sends him into the ropes only for Danielson to skin the cat. He then immediately brings the LeBell Lock back again, but Page rolls out and connects with some knee strikes to the head to break it up. They hit several big forearms again, only for Page to hit Deadeye, and still, Bryan kicks out of the pinfall! Danielson then nails his Busaiku Knee finisher, but Page rolls out of the ropes, Bryan aims for a suicide dive but gets caught into a powerbomb onto the ring apron. 


Page hits the moonsault from the top rope to the outside, and then aims for the Buckshot Lariat, but Danielson reverses into the roll-up, and he bridges to stop Page kicking out to get the win. He now faces Chris Jericho in the semifinal match. 

Winner: Bryan Danielson

Wheeler Yuta (c) vs. Daniel Garcia (ROH Pure Title Match)

Jungle Boy is shown backstage, he says he will take years off Christian Cage's career when he comes back. He also says that while he went to the ring on the shoulders of Luchasaurus, he carried his entire career on his back, and he says sometimes to move on from the past you must destroy it.


Stokely Hathaway and his group then appear, and he says All Out was the greatest moment of his career. A staff member then tells him time is up, but Hathaway then drops him with a shot from the microphone and he then gets attacked by his group. 

It's main event time, and Wheeler Yuta instantly goes for the ankle of his opponent, and the two then begin grappling, refusing to let go as they fall out of the ring. The grappling continues inside the ring, and a rope break is forced by Daniel Garcia, and he then launches the champion out of the ring to the floor. When he gets back in the JAS star begins stomping down on Yuta.

The two men then go back and forth with chops, and Yuta then delivers a snap suplex, which gains a near fall. Garcia fights back with a splash in the corner, and then a big lariat, and it is then his turn to get a near fall. Garcia then connects with a series of suplexes, but Yuta reverses and hits some of his own, but he then gets caught on the second turnbuckle as he is German suplexed back to the ring!


Yuta then exposes the steel cable that puts together the turnbuckle, and he pushes Garcia's head down into it, but the challenger reverses and does the same thing. The two men then brawl on the turnbuckles as Garcia hits the superplex. The two men then begin slapping each other in the face, but it is Garcia who wins the exchange, dropping Yuta to his feet, but he just makes the 10 count. 

Garcia comes straight in and locks in the Dragon Tamer, and that leads to Yuta having to utilize a rope break. Straight after Yuta uses his one closed punch out of frustration, but as he shows anger after, Garcia locks in the Dragon Tamer again, only for Yuta to reverse out with a Crossface, which he transitions into the seatbelt pin, but Garcia kicks out. Yuta then tries to use Garcia's finisher, but he reverses and sets in the Dragon Tamer again, and while Yuta tries to get out, he ends up submitting. 

Winner (and new ROH Pure Wrestling Champion): Daniel Garcia

After the match, Bryan Danielson makes his way to the ring, and he gets shoved by Yuta, who then shakes hands with Garcia. Danielson then snatches the title away from Garcia, and he wraps it around Garcia to congratulate him, he puts his hand out and Garcia shakes it as a shocked Chris Jericho looks on. 

