AEW Collision 9/14/24: Yuka Sakazaki Makes Her Long-Awaited Return To AEW

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage of AEW "Collision" from the Nutter Center in Dayton, Ohio!

Yuka Sakazaki will be making her return to AEW for the first time since April. Her last match on "Collision" was a victory over Trish Adora. In her return, she will be facing Serena Deeb. Deeb is looking to get back on track after losing last week in a four way match to become the Number One contender for the TBS Championship. Queen Aminata wrestled Marian May on "Dynamite", Harley Cameron on ROH, and tonight, she'll face Robyn Renegade. Renegade picked up a win against Angelica Risk on ROH and a loss to Kamille last night on "Rampage".


There will be three Trios matches tonight. The Bang Bang Gang will take on Cage of Agony. Recently on "Collision", Kyle Fletcher teamed up with Hologram and Orange Cassidy (who proved that Hologram is a real boy). This time it will be Mark Briscoe on the team. They will face The Beast Mortos and Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari of the Premier Athletes. Also in action are Private Party and Komander.

Wheeler Yuta will be in action for the first time since he watched Bryan Danielson get suffocated with a plastic bag at the hands of BCC brethren, Jon Moxley that was instigated by his Trios partner Claudio Castagnoli and held back by this other Trios partner, PAC. Earlier in the night at "ALL IN", Yuta and Castagnoli faced the Young Bucks for the tag titles. After accompanying his cousin (by marriage), BEEF, on his first TV match on "Rampage", Anthony Henry makes his return to TV for the first time since June.


Last night on "Rampage", Christopher Daniels said that as an interim EVP, he has worked against The Elite abusing their power. He's still a wrestler at heart and he is answering Jack Perry's open challenge for the TNT Championship.

Since arriving in AEW, Grizzled Young Veterans have had it out for FTR. During the tag team tournament on "Dynamite" this week, the two fought their way to the back and completely left the match. They finally go one-on-one tonight in the main event.

Jack Perry vs. Christopher Daniels

Perry drove Daniels into the corner, but Daniels chopped him and Irish whipped him into the corner. Perry took Daniels down with a lariat and punched him a few times. Perry suplexed Daniels for a one count. Perry followed with a neckbreaker and then stood on his neck. Perry kicked the ropes to make it hit Daniels in the face. Perry with a missile dropkick off the apron. Daniels with jabs to the jaw and took him down with a flatliner. Daniels was going for a vertical suplex, but Perry blocked it and took him down. He hit Daniels with a running knee for the win.


Winner: Jack Perry

After the match, Perry left the arena.

The Conglomeration & Hologram vs. The Beast Mortos & Premier Athletes (w/ Smart Mark Sterling)

O'Reilly and Nese start us off. Nese took KOR to the mat quickly, but he was quickly up with a front chancery. They exchanged wrist control. Briscoe tagged in and worked Nese's arm. Nese backed him into his corner and Daivari tagged in. Davairi chopped him against the ropes and Briscoe responded with Redneck Kung Fu and took him down. O'Reilly tagged in and took Daivari down with a big boot.


KOR focused on his arm. Mortos tagged in and KOR got in a few chops before he returned the favor. They exchanged a few more blows before Hologram tagged in. Mortos knocked him out of the air. Hologram with an enzuiguri before climbing up the top rope. Mortos caught Hologram's crossbody. Hologram bounced off the ropes and did an armdrag. Hologram with a thrust kick. Nese tagged in and Hologram hit a Spanish Fly.

KOR tagged in and went to kick Nese, but Nese grabbed his leg and forearmed KOR. Daivari pulled KOR out of the ring. KOR took out Mortos and Daivari before Nese took him down. Nese, Mortos, Woods, and Sterling all kicked the crap out of O'Reilly.

After the break, KOR is in the corner and getting beat up by his opponents. KOR fights his way out of the corner, but is caught. He made it to Briscoe, who took on Premier Athletes. Briscoe with a Fisherman Bomb to Nese. He tried to get Nese up for Jay Driller, but couldn't. Mortos headbutted Briscoe, but Briscoe tossed him to the outside. Hologram tagged in, but Briscoe dove on Mortos.


Nese did a running uppercut to Hologram while he was still on the turnbuckle. Nese sent him crashing to the mat. Hologram with a Code Red. Davairi broke up the pin. KOR sent Davairi outside and then hit a running knee from the apron. Nese did a leg sweep to take KOR down on the apron. Nese with a dive on him to the outside. Hologram with a tope suicida. Mortos with a tornillo. Briscoe got his trusty chair, but Sterling shoved it away. He got hit with Redneck Kung Fu and Briscoe used Sterling as a launching pad to dive on the outside. He even hugged a fan. Hologram with a DDT to Nese and a rollup for the win.

Winner: Hologram & The Conglomeration

After the match, Mortos attacked Hologram. Briscoe hit him in the back of the head with the ROH World Championship. KOR declared he wanted Mortos one-on-one.

Wheeler Yuta vs. Anthony Henry (w/BEEF)

Backstage Renee Paquette congratulated Orange Cassidy on his CML debut. After his own match, he helped Mistico against Chris Jericho. Before he could answer her, Big Bill hit him with a big boot and threw him into the metal door. Bryan Keith put his backpack on Cassidy's head and Jericho broke a picture of Best Friends over Cassidy's head.


Also backstage, Sakazaki told Mariah May she wanted her AEW Women's Championship. 

Henry took Yuta down. Yuta seems to be going through the motions and Henry takes him down again. They exchange submissions. Henry kicked Yuta in the back several times. Henry blocked a Sunset Flip and double stomped him. Yuta slammed Henry. He went for another, but Henry moved. Yuta couldn't hoist himself from the outside. Henry with a running baseball slide. Henry threw him into the barricade by the ramp.

After the break, Henry had Yuta by his beard. Yuta hit Henry in his sides until he let go. Henry forearmed Yuta. He went to the ropes, caught himself and suplexed Henry. He was slow to get up. Henry kicked his leg out from under Yuta and kneed him in the face and nearly beat him. Yuta rolled out of the ring and sat in a chair. Henry ran at him full speed ahead. Henry with a double stomp from the turnbuckle and nearly got another victory.


Henry mocked Yuta and slapped him several times. Yuta got angry and kicked Henry in the corner. He shoved the ref and went back to kicking Henry's head in. Yuta with a tope suicida. He sent Henry crashing into the barricades. He took him into the opposite side. He kicked BEEF to the ground and hit Henry with a missile drop kick from the top. He hit Henry with elbows to the neck and put him in Cattle Mutilation for the win.

Winner: Wheeler Yuta

After the match, Yuta grabbed Posey by the collar in the corner before backing off.

Private Party & Komander vs. Jon Cruz, Lord Crewe, & Ren Jones

Kassidy started us off against Jones. Jones with a side headlock. Zay jumped over him and took him down with a hurricanrana. Crewe stepped in to help Jones, but was sent to the outside. Quen hit Crewe. Komander dove onto him from the top rope. Private Party double teamed Cruz. Komander walked the ropes and flipped onto Cruz. Jones was on the turnbuckle when Komander hit him with a running knee. He assisted Quen so Private Party could double team Jones for the win.


Winner: Private Party and Komander

Serena Deeb vs. Yuka Sakazaki

Before the bell rang, Mariah May joined commentary. Sakazaki and Deeb watched her make her way to the table before focusing on their match. They took turns working on the arms. Deeb took her down and Sakazaki took wrist control. Deeb took her to the mat and put her in the Paradise Lock. Sakazaki hit her in the gut, rolled her up and then rolled her around the ring. She rolled her up for two. Sakazaki ran to the corner, but Deeb kicked her. Sakazaki with a guillotine neckbreaker over the rope.


After the break, Deeb was in control until Sakazaki locked her legs around Deeb while she hung over the ropes. She followed with a missile dropkick and a vertical suplex. Sakazaki had Deeb over her shoulder, when Deeb reversed out and suplexed her. Sakazaki with a back body drop and a sliding lariat. Sakazaki with forearms. Deeb took her to the mat and powerbombed her. She locked Sakazaki's leg over her neck, but she made it to the ropes. Deeb uppercut her and Sakazaki with a forearm. They exchanged forearms. Sakazaki with a lariat. Deeb with a suplex, but Sakazaki with a forearm. Sakazaki with a back body drop. She hit the Magical Girl Drop for the win.

Winner: Yuka Sakazaki

After the match, May attacked Sakazaki from behind. She went for Storm Zero, but Sakazaki laid her out. Sakazaki picked up the title and handed it to her.


Bang Bang Gang vs. Cage of Agony

Juice and Liona start us off. Liona backed him into the corner and took a couple shots. He caught Juice's crossbody. Juice dodged a headbutt and tagged in Colten. Liona took him down and tagged in Kaun. Kaun with an Irish Whip. Colten with an armdrag. He tagged in his brother and they double teamed him.


Austin and Kaun ran the ropes before Austin took him down with a swinging neckbreaker. Austin was in the corner when Liona hit him. Kaun ran to the corner, but Austin moved. Kaun took him down with a lariat. Kaun threw Austin between the rope and barricade three times before Liona shoulder tackled him. Cage picked Austin up over the ropes and suplexed him into the ring.

Following the break, Liona sent Austin into the corner and then blocked him from tagging anyone in. Liona send him to the corner again and Colten tagged in. Juice and Austin were wiped out. They exchanged blows before Austin hit him with a missile dropkick. He then took down Cage and Kaun. Austin with a slam to Cage. He ran between the corners and hit a neckbreaker on Kaun. He clubbed Liona on top of the head. Colten went up top, but Kaun picked him up. Colten with a vertical suplex. He suplexed Cage. He tried to do it to Liona. Cage and Kaun distracted the ref while Colten rolled up Liona.


Liona pounced Colten and tagged in Kaun. Juice finally made his way to the apron when Liona knocked him off again. Cage of Agony triple teamed Colten. Cage with a sitdown powerbomb, but Austin breaks up the pin. Liona sent him flying over the top rope. Gates of Agony picked up Colten and Austin took Cage off the apron. Liona runs at Colten, who ducks. Juice back on the apron and gets tagged in. Juice with a crossbody on Cage followed by right hands. Cage with a discus lariat. Cage with a flatliner to Colten and a powerbomb to Austin. Gates of Agony set Austin up for Cage, but Juice breaks it up. 3:10 to Yuma on Cage and Juice follows with a front chancery for the win.

Winner: Bang Bang Gang

Queen Aminata vs. Robyn Renegade

Aminata with a waistlock into a rollup. She followed with a crossface. Renegade got her in a hold, but Aminata with a judo toss and a crossface. Renegade hit Aminata and Aminata sent her to the mat. Aminata with a front face bulldog for two. Aminata ran at her, but Renegade stopped her and sent her to the mat and kicked her into the corner. Renegade with punches and a dropkick. Renegade spiked her on the head with a DDT. Aminata with a swinging neckbreaker. Renegade with a right head. Aminata with a double chop and a headbutt to pin her.


Winner: Queen Aminata

After the match, Deeb attacked Aminata and the refs had to break it up.

Grizzled Young Veterans vs. FTR

Harwood and Gibson start us off. Gibson backs Harwood into the rope, Harwood backed him up and ended up in GYV's corner. Drake tagged in and all four men are in the ring. Stephon Smith sent the others out. Harwood with a shoulder tackle, but Drake powered out twice. They held each other's wrists and exchanged headbutts. Harwood with several chops. Wheeler tagged in and slammed Drake to the mat.


Wheeler with a shoulder tackle. They bounced off the ropes before Wheeler took Drake down with a leg sweep and an armdrag. Wheeler chopped him into the corner for Harwood to tag in. Drake backed him to GYV's corner and tagged in Gibson. Gibson with an uppercut that sent him to the mat. They exchanged uppercuts and forearms. GYV double teamed Harwood. Gibson acted as a launching pad for Drake, who sent Wheeler flying off the apron.

Drake was inside the ring and Harwood was on the apron. Drake took him to the corner, but Harwood got a leg up and sent Drake into the turnbuckle. He kicked Gibson and hit Drake with a shot to the gut. He tried to take Drake down, but Gibson held onto Drake. Wheeler with a lariat on Gibson on the apron. Harwood rolled up Drake. He put Drake on the turnbuckle and slapped him in the back. Harwood with a superplex.


After the break, Harwood with a back body drop on Gibson. Drake jumped in the ring and grabbed his wrist to keep him from tagging in Wheeler. Gibson came in and grabbed his other arm and GYV sent Harwood to their corner. They doubled teamed him. Drake punched Harwood twice and then forearmed him into the corner. They double teamed him again. Harwood sent Gibson to the outside and took down Drake.

Wheeler missed the tag because Gibson distracted the ref. While Wheeler complained, GYV double teamed Harwood in the corner. Harwood escaped to his corner and made the tag again. Wheeler with a double clothesline. He goes on the offense against both. Wheeler with a powerslam on Gibson and side headlock to Drake. Both men bounce off the ropes and he powerslammed Drake, but Drake rolled him up. Wheeler locked his legs around Drake and flipped him over for the pin. Drake with a rollup. Gibson tagged in and they double team him. They set up for a finisher, when Harwood pulled Drake away. Harwood used the ropes for a backslide and put Gibson in an inside cradle. Harwood with another rollup. Gibson does the same.

Harwood tagged in and they tried to double Gibson, but Drake knocked Wheeler down. Gibson with a keylock driver and sent him shoulder first into the turnbuckle. GYV set up for another double team, but Wheeler broke it up. Harwood put Drake in the sharpshooter for the win.


Winner: FTR

After the match, they continued to fight. GYV took them out. The Outrunners exchanged blows with GYV and sent them over the ropes. FTR are surprised to see The Outrunners in the ring. FTR walked away from their outstretched hands before turning around to grab hands and have a flex off.

