Drew McIntyre Reflects On WWE Feud With CM Punk

The feud between Drew McIntyre and CM Punk has quickly become one of the most personal rivalries in the promotion today. McIntyre has grown increasingly vindictive against Punk, and during an appearance on "Notsam Wrestling," he looked back at the feud and criticized fan perceptions of his rival.


"F**k CM Punk," McIntyre proclaimed, noting that a lot of the fans he interacted with at the Fanatics Fest honestly told him that "The Second City Saint" isn't a nice person. "I was like, 'It's almost like I've been telling the truth this whole freaking time?' It takes a little longer to get through to the ones at the back of the line, but eventually, the truth comes out." 

McIntyre then opined that nostalgia is a large factor in the fan perception of Punk today, which he believes grew because of how long his rival was away from WWE and wrestling. McIntyre also boldly claimed that Punk is nothing but an attraction today, and not a wrestler. "He brings some eyeballs and sadly he went against the most dangerous on the mic, the most dangerous in the ring, and I'm exposing him."


Despite saying that Punk is an attraction, McIntyre understands why he keeps lacing up his boots. However, the Scotsman doesn't agree with Punk's assessment of himself.

Drew McIntyre offered his explanation for why CM Punk still seems so resilient

Some fans online have praised the WWE SummerSlam match between CM Punk and Drew McIntyre, with many claiming that Punk didn't miss a step. McIntyre disagreed with that sentiment during his interview with "Notsam Wrestling," but offered an alternate explanation. 


"When he said the biggest thing he's got going for him is his heart, it's true, and it not necessarily his heart. He's one of the most stubborn pieces of crap on planet Earth," he opined. McIntyre admitted that he was caught off guard by Punk's resiliency and claimed his rival ranks high on his list of former foes.

McIntyre then claimed he was happy with the match against Punk, but that he was genuinely concerned that "The Second City Saint" would suffer yet another injury. "Personally, I don't if he gets hurt or not, but that's a big investment right there," he said. 

McIntyre then explained that fans were invested in the story, even with Seth Rollins' inclusion, and for that reason he wanted the match to go smoothly. McIntyre also claimed that he personally found the back-and-forth with the stolen bracelet an exciting moment across the match, and noted that it's very important to the story.


Drew McIntyre believes that the bracelet has become more important than a World Championship

Since the bracelet has become a center piece in Drew McIntyre's feud with CM Punk, both men have gone lengths to take it from the other. According to McIntyre, it plays into the story's emotional connection, and that to the fans invested in the ongoing saga, it's superseded a World Championship at this point. Despite this, he still believes that Punk is still physically and mentally weak, but pointed out that perhaps he's matured just a bit to restrain himself to an extent.


McIntyre then claimed that prior to November, he would've never believed that Punk would be back in WWE or that he'd have such a lengthy feud with him. He then once again alluded to Punk disrespecting him early in his career, which seemingly led to the Scotsman holding a long-term grudge.

"It's well documented he was a piece of crap — is a piece of crap — especially back then," he claimed. He also said that he knew the feud would become very physical, and invited him to continue it. "So, we're gonna go until one of us is not in the company anymore; at least not on the same brand."

"I hate that he's poisoned people's minds to believe he's this Messiah, said nostalgia's a hell of a thing. We're still living in the Punk nostalgia era," McIntyre added, adding that Punk was once the "anti-Superstar" and has since devolved into a corporate man. This is why McIntyre has lost his admiration for his rival.


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Notsam Wrestling" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

