WWE Hall Of Famer Mark Henry Says Chris Benoit Incident 'Definitely F***ed With' Him

Mark Henry, a dominant force in WWE during one of its most tumultuous periods, recently opened up about the profound impact the Chris Benoit tragedy had on him and the wrestling community. As a contemporary of Benoit and a respected figure in the locker room, Henry's perspective offered a raw, unfiltered look at the aftermath of an event that shook professional wrestling to its core.


Speaking on "Busted Open Radio," Henry delved into his initial reactions and the complex emotions that followed the shocking news. 

"What he did was atrocious. But it took for us to find out after he was dead, that he had brain damage. That he wasn't in his right mind. And anybody that knows Chris, that loved Chris, would tell you that they could sense him starting to slip. But we didn't do nothing about it," Henry recalled. "How do you say, 'Man, brother is slipping a little bit. He seems a little off, you know?'"

Henry's reflections didn't stop at personal observations. He touched on the broader context of Benoit's deterioration, citing compounding factors and the stark medical realities revealed post-mortem.


"I think compounding Eddie [Guerrero] dying and different things, his brain just couldn't take it. He had the brain of an 80-year-old. Like when they did the autopsy on his brain, he had so much scarring and dark spots," Henry said. "I'm not giving him an excuse [just] because he did something for me. I'm just saying I have compassion for him. And I know he did wrong."

The Hall of Famer, who was recently a subject of the A&E docu-series, "WWE Legends," previously vowed to donate his brain for CTE research

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Busted Open Radio" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for transcription.

