WWE NXT Star Je'Von Evans Names Wrestlers He Loved To Watch Growing Up

WWE star Je'Von Evans debuted in "WWE NXT" earlier this year at the age of 20, and has already landed himself an NXT Championship opportunity at Heatwave against Trick Williams, Ethan Page and Shawn Spears in Toronto, Canada. However, Evans actually began his wrestling career in 2018, and fell in love with the business as a teenager, growing up watching many WWE stars that are still in-ring competitors today. Speaking with "Under the Ring," Evans named three WWE stars that inspired him when he first became interested in wrestling, two of which he gravitated to because of their high-flying ability. 


"I love Jeff Hardy because of his charisma, everything he did, the move set it was just so entertaining, and then CM Punk, his character the way he was talking, and Kofi Kingston he was doing the same thing just like in the air doing a lot of stuff you know it's just I really love the high-flyers because you kind of be at the edge of your seat ... those are the main three that really caught my eye and made me really want to be like I want to do this." 

Evans earned his opportunity to challenge for the NXT Championship after winning a Number 1 Contenders Battle Royal that saw the "NXT" debuts of TNA stars Joe Hendry and Frankie Kazarian. 

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Under the Ring" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

