Kevin Nash Rates Who Killed WCW? Series, Reacts To 'Bitter' Takes

For years, claims about WCW's downfall have been littered amongst the industry, but with the four-part VICE docuseries "Who Killed WCW?," many more veterans have stepped up to give their unfiltered accounts of what happened. Some of the feedback has annoyed Kevin Nash, and on "Kliq This," he gave the series a harsh rating and hit back at the criticisms about WCW.


"I'm giving it a f***ing two and a half stars right now," Nash declared. He then went on to express just how disgusted he is by the bitter comments some of his former colleagues made during the filming of the docuseries. "I didn't realize like everybody would be — would come back with, like, and I'll just have to — the only reference I can to is like [they] must have been blowing some robots, they got a bitter metallic taste in their mouths."

Nash didn't stop there, describing some of the men as "bitter f**king b***hes." "Man, like, I just keep making reference the fact that f***ing I got paid my check, pal. 'Cause like, I recall it being a job — am I the only one?" Despite going into a bit of a tirade, Nash didn't mention anyone specifically. Notably, Bret Hart had quite a lot to say about WCW during an episode, so much so that VICE released a heavily edited clip of him calling all those involved variations of "stupid."


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Kliq This" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

