WWE Clash At The Castle 6/15/24 Live Results: Five Titles On The Line

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage of the "Clash at the Castle" PLE at the OVO Hydro!

This is the second "Clash at the Castle" PLE. The first show was in 2022 and held in Cardiff, Wales. Last night's "SmackDown" emanated from the OVO Hydro.


Several Scottish wrestlers will be in action tonight. Piper Niven and Drew McIntyre are both looking to win singles gold. Niven is facing Bayley for the WWE Women's Championship. McIntyre will try to defeat Damian Priest to become World Heavyweight Champion. McIntyre will have a better chance at becoming champion with Judgment Day banned from ringside. Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn are on the hunt to bring home tag team gold. They are in a triple threat match against champions Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill and Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark.

Chad Gable turned on Sami Zayn shortly after Zayn won the Intercontinental Championship at "WrestleMania 40". The two have been feuding ever since. Gable has become more and more vindictive, often taking it out on members of the Alpha Academy. In order to receive this title match, Gable told Zayn his treatment of his students would continue unless he got the match.


A couple weeks ago on "SmackDown", AJ Styles recreated Mark Henry's faux retirement ceremony. The part of John Cena was played by Cody Rhodes. The whole thing was an elaborate setup for Styles to get a rematch. Rhodes defeated Styles at "Backlash" last month. Rhodes told Styles that he would have to make him quit. Thus, the Undisputed WWE Championship will be contested in an "I Quit" match. The two met on Friday night with Styles pointing out all the times that Rhodes has quit every promotion he's ever been in. Rhodes said he took a chance on himself every time and it led him to becoming the champion now.

Cody Rhodes (c) vs. AJ Styles

We're greeted on commentary by Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and Wade Barrett.

The show is starting off hot with the "I, Quit" match between Cody Rhodes and AJ Styles for the Undisputed WWE Championship. This is Rhodes' first "I Quit" match, while Styles is 4-0 in the stipulation match.


Styles came to the ring without The OC. Mama Rhodes is ringside. Rhodes with a right hand immediately. He threw Styles face first into the turnbuckle. He took Styles down with a Spanish Fly. Styles blocked a kick and took him to the turnbuckle. Styles took him around the ring and got in shots. Rhodes with a Bionic Elbow. Rhodes bounced off the ropes and kicked Styles off the apron. He does not quit.

Rhodes got two tables. He ran Styles knees first into steel steps on the other side of the ring. He then threw him over the barricade. Rhodes leapt off the barricade to brawl in the crowd. Rhodes threw a beverage in Styles' face. Styles threw Rhodes through the door and they fought in a small hallway and into the production room. Styles choked Rhodes with the wire of headphones. The fight spilled back into the crowd.


Rhodes punched Styles in the face multiple times against the barricades.Back in the ring, Rhodes put Styles in the Figure Four. Styles refuses to quit and makes his way to the ropes. Both men tumbled out of the ring. Styles with a brainbuster on the announce table. After brawling more, Styles went to talk trash to Mama Rhodes. Rhodes is sporting a crimson mask.

Back in the ring, Rhodes gets in a couple of right hands before Styles stomps on his back. Styles with a neckbreaker. When asked if he wants to quit, the champ yelled "absolutely not!" Rhodes with several body shots and Styles responds with a dropkick to the face.

Styles drove Rhodes's face into the steps. Rhodes reversed a Styles Clash on the steps with a back body drop. Back in the ring, they exchange forearms. Rhodes with a flying forearm. Styles responded with a DDT and spiked him right on his head. Styles puts Rhodes in a fishhook after he refused to quit. Styles got a chair and put it on the champ's throat. He stomped the chair and Rhodes still won't say the words. Styles has a kendo stick now. After several hits, Rhodes reply about quitting is "hell no!"

Styles removed his own belt and whipped Rhodes repeatedly across the stomach and back. Styles tried holding Rhodes's head with it, but his forehead is too bloody and sweaty. Styles reverts to a crossface. Rhodes appears to have passed out, but can't say anything. Styles grabbed water, but Rhodes is getting up. Styles got a black bag, but it's handcufffs. He handcuffed Rhodes' arms behind him and returns to hitting him with a kendo stick. Rhodes refuses to quit. Styles returns to talking trash to Mama Rhodes, who slapped him three times. Styles hits Rhodes on his back with a chair. Styles wrapped a chain around his forearms. Styles went to the rope for a Phenomonal Forearm, but Rhodes threw a chair in his face, causing Styles to fall through a table. Rhodes found the key and unlocked the handcuffs while fans chanted "this is awesome!"


Rhodes had one handcuff on and hit Styles in the face with it. Styles is now bleeding. Rhodes with a Cody Cutter and two Cross Rhodes. He got a chair to do a third Cross Rhodes. Rhodes slapped the handcuffs on Styles and cuffed him to the second rope. Rhodes got him in multiple shots. Styles refuses to quit, so Rhodes threw steel steps into the ring. Just as Rhodes was going to drop it, Styles shouted "I Quit!"

Winner: Cody Rhodes

Rhodes asked his mom if she should. She said yes and Rhodes threw the steps at Styles. He stood on the steps to celebrate. As Rhodes was walking up the ramp and had his back turned, he was greeted by Solo Sikoa. Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa tried to sneak attack him, but Rhodes was ready. Randy Orton and Kevin Owens came to help Rhodes. 

The Unholy Union vs. Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler vs. Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair (c)

Belair has spikes in her braid. The match started off with Baszler, Belair, and Dawn. Belair isolates Baszler in the corner and gets in a few punches before Dawn gets back in. Belair with a back suplex on Baszler. Dawn breaks up the pin attempt.


Fyre, Cargill, and Stark all tagged in. They gang up on Cargill. Cargill outpowered them, but they drive her back down, but she gets out and hits double clotheslines. Cargill with splashes between them in the corners. Fyre got a boot in Cargill's face. Cargill had both women and did a Samoan Drop and a throwaway slam and a kip up.

Belair and Cargill team up on Fyre. The champs did vertical suplexes on Baszler and Stark. Belair stayed in the ring. The others huddle on the outside. Baszler and Fyre go after Belair and then take out Cargill. They double teamed Cargill. Dawn with a Meteora off the apron onto Cargill.

Stark and Dawn team up on Belair. Stark took down Dawn. Baszler with a flying knee kick on Dawn. Stark and Baszler take control of the match. Baszler kicks and forearms Dawn. Stark with a missile drop kick on Dawn for two. Baszler tags in, but Dawn takes care of both of them before tagging in Fyre. Fyre with a DDT on Stark. Fyre did a suicide dive onto Baszler and Stark. Fyre with a dropkick on Baszler from up top. Belair breaks up the pin.


Fyre threw Belair out of the ring. Dawn tagged in and tried to double team Baszler, but she pushed Dawn into the turnbuckle. Stark and Baszler corner Fyre as she's on the top turnbuckle. They superplxed her. Belair and Stark on the ropes. Belair with her own superplex.

Cargill suplexed Baszler and a brainbuster on Stark. Cargill had Fyre in the air and kicked Baszler and slammed Fyre down. Baszler had Cargill in a Kurifuda Clutch. Belair broke it up with a knee to the spine from the top rope. Belair intercepted Baszler and they double teamed her. Fyre pulled Belair off Baszler and pinned her herself. And new. The Unholy Union get the upset win.

Winner: Unholy Union

Sami Zayn (c) vs. Chad Gable

Gable is accompanied to the ring by Otis and Maxxine Dupri, who is in a boot.

The match starts with a lockup. Zayn finally gets Gable into the corner. The fans sing "Sami! Sami Zayn!" and Gable brings him back to their match when he forces Zayn to the corner. Gable put Zayn in a waistlock, but Zayn gets wrist control. Side headlock takeover by Gable. They size each other up again. Gable with another side headlock. Zayn with an armdrag takedown. They reverse holds. Gable chopped Zayn against the ropes. Zayn takes Gable up and over the top rope. Zayn teased a dive, but bounced off the rope back into the ring.


Gable talks with his pupils. Zayn goes over to them while Gable is in the ring. Zayn says something to Otis before getting in the ring. Gable slapped Zayn and got a receipt immediately. Gable with an ankle lock, but Zayn grabs the rope. Gable kicked his arm off the rope and attacked Zayn's arm. Gable stared down Otis before chopping Zayn in the corner.

Gable with a German Suplex, but only gets a two count. Gable held Zayn's arms over his head with his wrists locked behind his head. Gable dropped Zayn's arm over the rope and yanked it. He then told Otis to keep his eyes on him. Gable with forearms in the corner and the champ collapses. Zayn with an elbow drop from the top rope. Zayn chopped and punched Gable against the rope.


Zayn leapfrogged Gable over the rope and then forearmed him over the rope. Zayn bounced himself off the top rope onto Gable. Zayn put Gable in the ring and went up top. Gable dropkicked him in the gut and covered him for two. Gable went for a suplex, but Zayn reversed. Gable elbowed out, but took a Michinoku Driver.

Zayn goes for a Blue Thunder Bomb, but Gable countered. Gable with a powerbomb. Gable followed with a flying headbutt. Gable with two German Suplexes. Zayn with two German Suplexes. Multiple stand and switches until Zayn suplexes Gable. From their knees, they exchanged blows. They continue as they get to their feets. Gable with a crossface. Zayn takes him down and does his own. Gable puts him in an ankle lock and dragged him to the middle of the ring. Gable keeps telling Zayn it's over. Gable pulls him again, but Zayn reverses into a roll up.

Gable rains down blows on Zayn in the center of the ring. Gable nodded at Otis. He got out of the ring and took the title. The ref fussed at him, so he gave it to Dupri. Zayn is hanging over the rope while Gable distracts the ref. She starts to swing the belt, but stops. Gable makes her get on the apron and admonishes her. Zayn nearly hit her with a Helluva Kick. Zayn kicked out of the Chaos Theory. Dupri keeps apologizing to Gable and Otis steps in front of Gable. Gable pushed Otis into Zayn's path for a suicide dive. Zayn with an exploder in the corner. Gable rolled out of the ring.


Zayn pushed Gable's head into the commentary table. Zayn stood on the barricade, but Gable took his leg out from under him and put him in an Ankle Lock. Gable knocked into Dupri causing her to fall. Otis is enraged at Gable, so Gable escapes to the ring. Gable distracts the ref to get Otis to hit Zayn. Dupri stood up to stop him and she fell. Otis picked her up to take her to the back. Zayn nails a Helluva Kick to retain.

Otis stops on the ramp and considers going back to the ring.

Winner: Sami Zayn

Piper Niven vs. Bayley (c)

Bayley shoved Niven and the went at it. Niven overpowered Bayley. Niven stops Bayley and slams her down. Bayley rolled out of the ring and Green slapped her. Niven and Bayler fight on the outside. Niven headbutted Bayley.


Back in the ring, Niven misses a running splash. Bayley hits Niven with forearms and hits Green. Green yells at Charles Robinson, who throws her out. Niven questions Robinson. Bayley rolled up Niven and kicked her. Niven picked Bayley up, but Bayley gets on the apron. Niven gets in some body shots and Bayley falls from the apron. Niven with a cannonball from the apron.

Niven puts Bayley in the ring and kicks her in the ribs. Niven with a running senton for two. Bayley gets in several body shots, but Niven headbutts her. Niven with an Irish Whip in the corner. Bayley gets in her own headbutts in the opposite corner. Bayley is on the apron when Niven suplexes her into the ring. Niven covers for two.


Niven held Bayley by the hair and kicked her. Bayley countered Niven into a suplex. Bayley with a suicide dive. Niven rams Bayley spine first into the apron. Niven put Bayley back in the ring. Bayley driven into the corner while Niven forearms Bayley. Bayley draped her over the second rope and elbow dropped her and a rolling senton. Bayley with an elbow drop for two.

Bayley ran at Niven, but was caught. The champ hit with another running senton. Niven goes up top, but Bayley follows. Niven knocked Bayley down, but Bayley with a Bayley to Belly. Green returns with a luchador mask. Robinson is distracted and missed Bayley covering Niven. Bayley baseball slid into Green and threw her into the barricade. Niven nearly wins with the Piper Driver.

Niven goes back to the top, but Bayley got her knees up. Niven with a sidewalk slam on the floor. Niven put Bayley back in the ring. Niven headbutts Bayley and she went for a back body drop, but Bayley countered into a crucifix driver for the win.

Winner: Bayley

Damian Priest (c) vs. Drew McIntyre

McIntyre walked in front of Priest after Samantha Irvin announced him. They started with a lockup and McIntyre got Priest into the corner before pushing him down and flexing. McIntyre with a big boot and pushed him over the top rope for a suicide dive. McIntyre chopped him and Priest shoved him into the ringpost. Priest threw him into the barricade.


Back in the ring, Priest punched McIntyre. Priest jumped on McIntyre in the corner. McIntyre with a spinebuster. He follows with a couple of chops. Priest sent him face first into the mat. He sends him to the corner and then plants him. They exchanged blows. McIntyre goes up top, Priest ran to the corner and McIntyre jumped over him. He slammed Priest down. Priest rolled out and McIntyre sent him into the announce table and the PRIME station. McIntyre punched Priest several times from the apron. Priest kicked McIntyre. He went for a suicide dive, but Priest's ankle got caught in the top rope, leaving him hanging upside down. Priest got to the apron and McIntyre helped free him and chopped him to the apron.


McIntyre chopped Priest again. Priest clotheslined McIntyre and tried to put him in South of Heaven. McIntyre with a Future Shock DDT for two. McIntyre chopped Priest in the corner. Priest with a big boot in the opposite corner. Priest keeps limping, but still goes up top. McIntyre lays in chops. McIntyre lifts Priest, but Priest reverses into the Razor's Edge.

Priest and McIntyre exchanged blows from their knees. Back on their feet, the blows continue. Priest staggers his opponent with a right hand. McIntyre with a Skull's Kiss. Neither men will go down. McIntyre finally takes him down with a neckbreaker. McIntyre sets up for the Claymore, but Priest rolls out. McIntyre with a Claymore through the barricade.

McIntyre dragged Priest to the ring. Priest intercepted the Claymore with South of Heaven. Priest put McIntyre on the top turnbuckle and chopped him twice. Priest joined him and McIntyre chopped him off. Priest with a kick to McIntyre's head. Priest with a hurricanrana. McIntyre with a running kick to the face, but Priest kicks out. McIntyre back to his feet first. McIntyre suplexed Priest. McIntyre chopped Priest, who struggles to stand. McIntyre pushed Priest into the ref, who fell off the apron. McIntyre blocks South of Heave and hits a Claymore. A new ref runs out and counts to two. The ref is CM Punk. McIntyre choked Punk and Punk kicked him in the yam bags. Punk left the ring and watched Priest hit him with another South of Heaven for the win.


Winner: Damian Priest

