AEW Rampage Live Results 6/14/24: The Forbidden Door Is Open

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage of AEW "Rampage" on 6/14/24 from the Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines, Iowa.

It's Forbidden Door season, which means anyone can show up. NJPW's Shota Umino is doing just that when he takes on Rocky Romero. Romero has ties to AEW, NJPW, ROH, and CMLL.


"Timeless" Toni Storm will be facing off against Alex Windsor. Windsor has been making a name for herself in the UK, Europe, and Japan. She had her first AEW match last month when she teamed up with Anna Jay against Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander. She also wrestled on ROH at the end of May.

Cage of Agony looks to continue their dominance and will be in action. Satnam Singh scored a victory on "Rampage" two weeks ago over "Pretty" Peter Avalon. He'll be trying to keep his winning streak going.

Timeless Toni Storm vs. Alex Windsor

Storm was accompanied by Luther and Mariah May. Windsor's entrance was posted on social media.

Windsor attacked the champion before the bell rang. She slammed Storm's face into the turnbuckle and then slammed her into the corner. Storm knocked her down and hit her with right hands and multiple hip attacks. She ran and attacked her off the apron. On the outside, they exchanged right hands. Windsor drove Storm's face into the apron and then slammed her down on the apron. Windsor continued her assault.


May checked on Storm on the outside. Windsor stepped to Luther before kicking Storm in the back. She threw Storm into the ringpost. She continued to hit her. Storm drove her into the barricade. Windsor drove Storm's legs into the ringpost repeatedly.

May continued to check on Storm while Windsor broke up the ref's count. She pushed Luther into May. Windsor stomped on her back.

After the break, Storm regained control. Storm with another hip attack in the corner. She followed with Fisherman's Suplex. They traded headbutts. Windsor with a back body drop and pin for two. Storm in an inside cradle. Windsor with a Shining Wizard. Storm ducked a lariat and hit a Storm Zero for the win.

Winner: "Timeless" Toni Storm


Cage of Agony vs. Solomon Tupu, Jay Marston, and Kevin Gutierrez

Cage of Agony was in action against Solomon Tupu, Jay Marston, and Kevin Gutierrez. Marston is a former rugby player according to Tony Schiavone. Kaun started of with Tupu. Kaun dropkicked him and hit him with elbow strikes in two corners. Kaun took him down. Tupu tagged in Gutierrez. Gutierrez ducked Kaun twice, but ate a kick and Toa Liona hit him from behind.


Liona picked him up by the hair and hit him with three body shots. He picked him up and did it again. He dragged him into the corner and tagged in Cage. Marston tagged in. Liona slammed him down and Cage followed with a back body drop. Cage powerbombed him and tagged in Kaun. Cage of Agony in the ring with Marston and Tupu. All three tossed Marston in the air and Kaun pinned him for the win.

Winner: Cage of Agony

Rocky Romero vs. Shota Umino

Umino and Romero shake hands and lock up. Romero with a side headlock. Umino took Romero to the mat. They exchanged wrist holds. Romero with border city stretch. Umino focused on Romero's ankle. Romero put Umino in the rope and chopped him. Umino chopped Romero and he staggered. Umino got in a few forearms. Romero went for a lariat and Umino ducked. Umino picked him and dropped him down and baseball slid into his face. Umino did Mercedes Moné's CEO dance.


Umino stomped Romero and then hit him in the back. He uppercut Romero in the corner and stomped him. He continued to assault Romero. Romero pulled the rope down and sent Umino to the outside. Romero did a tope suicida, causing Shooter to hit his head on the announce table.

Following the break, Romero did forever clotheslines. Umino dropkicked Romero in the face. Romero was laid out over the middle rope when Umino did a DDT on the apron. Umino with a dropkick from the top rope and an exploder for two. Romero with a backslide and a kick. Romero went to the corner, but Umino moved. Romero hit an uppercut and a DDT. Romero with a running sliced bread, but Umino kicked out.

Romero pulled Shooter up and hit him with forearms. Umino yelled at him and Romero with more forearms. Umino yelled again and took an uppercut. He went for sliced bread no. 2 again, but Umino with a knee strike and a neck breaker for two.


Umino with an uppercut to the back. He followed with a Hidden Blade and a Paradigm Shift for the win.

Winner: Shota Umino

Jay Lethal vs. PAC

Satnam Singh vs. Rosario Grillo

Singh was accompanied by Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal to face Roasrio Grillo.

Singh offered his hand. Grillo shook it, but Singh wouldn't let go. Grillo hit several chops and kicks in an attempt to make Singh let go. Singh picked him up with chokeslam into a bear hug for the win.


Winner: Satnam Singh

After the match, Lethal said he was inspired by his win, that he was going to win too. He called for his opponent and was greeted by PAC.

PAC immediately went for Lethal with a flying mare to take him down. Lethal kicked PAC down to the mat in the corner. Lethal threw PAC over the ropes, but PAC landed on the apron. PAC rammed his shoulder through the ropes into Lethal before using the ropes to go up and over Lethal's back.

Lethal with an arm drag. PAC took Lethal down with a thrust kick. PAC did a dive over the top rope. PAC threw him back into the ring and went up top. Dutt distracted the ref while Singh pulled PAC out by his ankles. Bryce Remsburg threw out Singh. Lethal rained down right hands on PAC and threw him into the barricade and backed him into the ringpost. He kicked PAC in the face while Dutt yelled in his face.


PAC got in a few body shots and Lethal threw him out. Lethal bounced of the ropes and strutted. Lethal went to the outside and picked up PAC and ran him into the steps.

After the break, Lethal went for the Figure Four. PAC rolled him up. Lethal went for the Lethal Injection and PAC drop kicked him in the chest. Both men were down and got up at the three count. PAC with forearms and kicks. PAC with a running kick. PAC went up top for a missile dropkick for two.

PAC put Lethal in a waistlock. Lethal got out and went for a Figure Four. Lethal kicked PAC in the leg, followed by a dragon screw and an enzuiguri. Lethal locked in the Figure Four. PAC got out and Lethal got in a few punches. Lethal went up top, but PAC grabbed his leg. PAC joined him and hit a back body drop. PAC went for a Black Arrow, but was distracted by Dutt across the ring.

PAC kicked him off the apron. Lethal with a German suplex. Lethal went for a Lethal Injection, but PAC bounced off the ropes. Lethal intercepted and hit a cutter. Lethal went for another Lethal Injection, but PAC moved and hit a lariat and put him in the Brutalizer for the win.

Winner: PAC

