Why Ash By Elegance, Formerly Dana Brooke In WWE, Calls TNA The 'Land Of Opportunity'

Former WWE star Dana Brooke has transformed herself into Ash by Elegance in TNA, a woman who enjoys the finer things in life, while also being able to throw virtually any woman around a wrestling ring with relative ease. Ash has been enjoying herself in her new surroundings, even showing up at "NXT" Battleground to make sure Roxanne Perez and Jordynne Grace know she has gold on her mind. Appearing on "Battleground Podcast," Ash praised her current employers for giving her the confidence to build this fresh character.


"TNA is a land of opportunity," Ash said. "WWE and "NXT" gave me an amazing platform for 12 years to spread my wings and fly and go elsewhere, and landing in TNA, that was definitely a plus, and every reason why I had went with TNA because when I had the conversation, they're like 'we want you to explore what you believe in and what you think is going to work for your character.' Everything that I've loved in life, fashion, nice things, jewelry, accessories, the latest trends, everything I have kind of embraced and put it into this character, and been able to express it in the ring as far as wrestling goes as well."

Ash explained that tapping into a more heelish character has been challenging at times, as she hadn't done that in a long time. The TNA star also noted that WWE gave her a lot of great opportunities, but she always felt as if someone else was writing her destiny for her, whereas her destiny in TNA is being written by her. However, Ash did mention that she does get help from people backstage, stating that everyone in TNA is very approachable, friendly, and willing to help anyone, as they all want what's best for the company.


Please credit "Battleground Podcast" when using quotes from this article, and give a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

