Update On Eddie Kingston's Injury, New Timetable For His AEW Return

Just a few weeks ago, Eddie Kingston seemed poised to defend AEW's honor in Anarchy in the Arena, teaming with former rival Bryan Danielson and FTR to face The Elite at Double or Nothing. Now, Kingston is at home recovering from a knee injury he suffered while wrestling Gabe Kidd at New Japan Resurgence, when his leg wacked the guardrail while taking a suplex through a table. While it was originally thought Kingston could return in late 2024 or early 2025, it unfortunately looks like he'll have to wait a bit longer than expected.


Speaking to PWInsider, Kingston revealed that, after consulting further with his doctors, Kingston will not undergo surgery immediately as originally planned. Instead, the former Ring of Honor World Champion and AEW Continental Champion will be waiting till July, at least, in order to give his tibular fracture time to properly heal. As such, Kingston is currently limited to physical therapy, after which doctors will determine whether he is ready to go under the knife.

Kingston's timetable for his return will now be pushed back as a result, as doctors informed him it would take at least ten months following surgery before Kingston could resume in-ring activities. This would mean Kingston would be unable to return to AEW or New Japan until approximately May 2025, keeping him out of action for a little over a year. As crushing as the lost time will be, however, Kingston holds no ill will towards Kidd or anyone else for his misfortune.


"[I'm] not mad," Kingston said. I don't give a f***. It's what happens when you wrestle. Just gotta get f*****g better."

