WWE Hall Of Famer The Undertaker Looks Back On Infamous Early 90s Feud

In 1993, The Undertaker was embroiled in a months-long feud with the physically limited Giant González. Billed as being 8-feet tall, the Argentinian former basketball player was not the most capable in the ring, and 'Taker has gone on record in the past about how he felt their matches "took years off his career." Most fans know of their encounter at WrestleMania 9 and their follow-up at SummerSlam 1993. But on "Six Feet Under," 'Taker went into further detail about what it was like to tour the house show loop with González.


"Giant González made [Great] Khali look like Lou Thesz," 'Taker said. "I was killing myself because he was so limited in what he could do ... I was just like, maybe if he just kicks the s*** out of me for five or six minutes here, and then we'll figure out some way to get out of this." 'Taker recalled an instance where he snapped on González in the ring after he continued to ignore "The Deadman's" instructions.

"I'd been telling Jorge, 'I don't care how hard you hit me, like with a forearm smash, just hit me in the shoulder blades' ... Every time, he would grab me by the back of my head, pull me down, and I'm expecting that shot across the shoulder blades, and he'd hit me in the back of the neck. And I was patient as long as I could be ... 5 seconds in, here we go, he pulls me down, cracks me right across the back of the neck. And once I got the feeling back in my little fingers, because now I'm getting stingers that are shooting down, I flipped. I turned around and just started wailing on him. He had no clue. I hit him so fast, so many times, he couldn't defend himself ... I was p***ed."


If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Six Feet Under" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

